
The Crazy Mage Reincarnated into a Fallen Family - Chapter 22 - Hector's Disciple

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[Translator – Hestia]

[Proofreader – Prøks]


Chapter 22: Hector’s Disciple

The Samael House Hall was filled with sighs.

Senior elders, including Kazen and Head Elder Norman, were gathered around a table, their faces pale and filled with deep worry.

“How could this happen…”

“I can’t believe the Hamad Merchant Guild really collapsed…”

What they had feared had finally become a reality.

Urgon had taken over the Hamad Merchant Guild, and Bayern had been entrusted with debt collection.

This was a bolt from the blue for Samael.

A massive reef they had encountered while trying to rebuild the foundation of their house.


The meeting had been going on for a week, but they hadn’t reached any conclusions.

However, everyone here had a hunch.

Urgon wouldn’t have taken over the Hamad Merchant Guild for no reason.

It was clear that they had been targeting Samael from the start.

“…No matter how I think about it, the only option seems to be asking the Red Magic Tower for help.”

Elder Isaac’s words broke the silence, but Head Elder Norman shook his head firmly.

“That won’t do, Isaac. The Red Magic Tower can’t intervene. Urgon deliberately used Hamad to trap us.”

“I know that, Head Elder. But what other choice do we have?”

“We need to find a way to raise money from somewhere else.”

Elder Isaac bit his lip for a moment, then changed his tone as if he had made up his mind.

“No nearby company will lend money to Samael. The rumor that Urgon has taken over Hamad has already spread throughout the Merchant Alliance. A stable company disappeared overnight without a trace, so everyone is on edge. They probably already know about the relationship between Hamad and Samael.”

Head Elder Norman, who had been listening, sighed.

“…Even so, isn’t it worth trying?”

“You need to face reality. No one will lend such a large sum to Samael, risking retaliation from Urgon.”

“The Red Magic Tower is no different. They won’t intervene.”

“…Don’t you know there is one way.”

All eyes turned to Kazen, who was sitting at the head of the table. Head Elder Norman shook his head again.

“That’s out of the question. We need to prepare for the future.”

“There is no future if we can’t overcome the present. Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten what Urgon did to us.”

“Enough! Isaac. Don’t cross the line.”

With Head Elder Norman’s cold response,

A chilling silence fell upon the House Hall.

Samael’s sore spot.

About 20 years ago, Samael had suffered near destruction from Urgon’s attack.

Why they were invaded, the reason behind it…

It was still unclear.

The official reason was that Samael had tarnished Urgon’s honor, but that was obviously nonsense.

Urgon might be powerful now, but back then, they were just another insignificant house in the east.

Of course, the reason didn’t matter anymore.

Most of the remaining Samael mages had died in the war with Urgon.

The Samael that had been rebuilt since then was barely holding on to a thread.

Urgon was a dagger lodged deep in the hearts of everyone here, a source of immense pain.


After a long silence, Isaac spoke again.

“You must make a decision, House Head. Bring in Hector.”

Norman glared at Isaac with wide eyes.


At that moment,

Kazen Samael, who had been silent until now, finally spoke.

“Both of you elders, please stop.”

Kazen met the eyes of the elders, his gaze weary.

‘This is difficult.’

He knew it all too well.

Head Elder Norman and Isaac might be constantly at odds, but they both genuinely cared for Samael.

Who among the remaining members of Samael didn’t?

But this time, even Kazen found it hard to make a decision.

Ordering Hector wasn’t ideal. It wasn’t just a matter of borrowing money from the Red Magic Tower.

Their safety had to be guaranteed afterward. There might even be humiliating situations.

‘It would be fortunate if we could resolve it even then…’

He couldn’t be sure. But there wasn’t enough time to find another solution.

Even though they had promised a three-month deadline, there was no telling when they might change their minds.

‘Is there no other choice?’

Strangely, at this moment, Kazen suddenly thought of Ruin.

Ruin had mastered the mana circle on his own, making Kazen’s last order to Hector somewhat ambiguous.

‘Is this an opportunity created by Ruin…? Huh, indeed.’

Kazen felt a pang of sorrow in his chest.

* * *


ㅇ Ruin Samael – Captain Anchovy

ㅇ Talents: Weapon Skills [Swordsmanship (S), Archery (S), Spearmanship (S)], Elemental Affinity [Fire (SSS), Wind (SSS), Water (SS), Others (S)]

ㅇ Traits: Stamina [A], Mental Strength [S], Mana Resonance [SSS]

ㅇ Tendancies: [Strong Will], [Pleasure-Seeking], [Madness], [Venom], [Mad Dog], [Decisiveness]

ㅇ Overall Grade: Magic [SS]


I finished my bath and looked at myself in the full-length mirror for the first time in a while.

Thanks to repeated training, I finally had a somewhat human-like body. My face had filled out a bit, making me look somewhat presentable.

‘Still, I haven’t escaped the anchovy look yet.’

I stretched and went outside, where I found more than ten loaves of rye bread, a pile of chicken breast patties, and various vegetables carelessly placed on the table.

As usual, I cleaned up the food and went outside, where I heard the trainees training.


Leaning on the railing and looking down at the training ground, all ten of them were voluntarily training early in the morning.

I couldn’t help but smile.

Of course, I had threatened them with hell if they came out later than me, but what did that matter? The important thing was that they were doing it.

On the other side of the training ground were the Red Magic Tower mages.

My eyes naturally drifted towards their leader.

‘His name was Doke, right?’

I thought he would pick a fight within a day or two, but it had been more than ten days with no sign of him.

He was unexpectedly patient.

But his expression grew sterner with each passing day, as if he was about to explode.


He didn’t have a great personality.

People who suppress their anger like that tend to unleash everything when they finally explode.

I immediately jumped into the middle of the trainees and started running with them.

“I’m here, my subordinates!”

As I ran, I closely observed the trainees’ bodies.

Thanks to the intense training, their bodies were quickly becoming balanced.

Even Iron, the weakest of them, was now in good enough shape to cast spells while running.

“Shaking earth, Earth Shock.”

A 2-circle earth attribute spell.

I felt a slight tremor beneath my feet.

The spell cast by Makan, who was far away, was reaching me.

As expected of a descendant of the Gento Tycoon.

Makan was clearly more attuned to the earth element than fire or wind, even with spells of the same level.

‘Yes, keep going like that.’

Then you’ll discover the essence of circle magic on your own.

I slowly warmed up and started training as well.


Three circles were now firmly established in my heart.

Even when I circulated an abundance of atmospheric mana in the three circles, I didn’t feel any instability.

* * *

As I continued training tirelessly until the sun reached its peak, I suddenly felt an unfamiliar gaze.

Kazen and Hector were standing in front of the house hall, looking down at the training ground.

As I thought it was an unpleasant gaze, one of the trainees nudged me.



“Look over there.”

The Red Magic Tower mages were slowly approaching us.

The eyes of everyone training turned to me at once.

‘They planned this.’

They must have deliberately waited for Hector to appear. Doke, who had stopped right in front of me, finally spoke.

“I am Doke, a member of the Red Magic Order and a disciple of Hector.”

It sounded like he was saying, “Know your place and step aside,” but it wouldn’t work on me. I met Doke’s eyes and asked,


“Ruin, was it? I’d like you to step aside with your trainees.”

“You’re mistaken. I clearly told you. If you want to train, you need permission. This is Samael’s training ground.”

Doke’s brow twitched intensely.

“You don’t understand the situation. I was trying to be patient, but you’re interfering too much with our training. I’ll be teaching the trainees myself from next month, so please refrain from doing anything unnecessary until then.”

I tilted my head.

“I don’t understand. Who are you to say that?”


“I asked what gives you the right to tell me what to do in my own home. Who do you think you are?”

“…You’re the type who doesn’t understand when I’m being nice.”

Doke’s forehead veins bulged as his face contorted.

It was the expression of someone whose kindness had been rudely rejected.

At that moment, Lokan, who was standing next to him, shouted,

“I’ve had enough of this. Are you crazy?”


I didn’t respond for a moment because he was right, but Lokan seemed to think I was scared.

“Hey, why are you acting so tough? Just shut up and stay still. Do you even know who Doke is?”

I nodded and replied,

“I heard he’s quite the big shot in the Red Magic Tower.”

“And you’re talking like that knowing that?”

“So what?”

The atmosphere quickly turned cold.

I stared directly at Doke and said,

“Being a big shot, are you confident enough to put your neck on the line for Samael? If you are, then step aside.”

I then glared at Hector in the distance.

“The elitist attitude, really. The great mage of the Red Magic Tower will personally teach you, so bow down and worship him, is that what you’re saying?”

“This crazy bastard…”

“I’ve been watching, and the Red Magic Tower is very fair and neutral. It’s quite impressive how they just watch silently even when Samael gets into trouble with insignificant houses.”

I looked around and said,

“Listen carefully. If you’re not confident enough to face the enemies on behalf of Samael, mind your own business. Don’t pretend to be doing us a favor.”

Lokan’s eyes changed completely, and he started drawing a magic seal towards me.

“There’s a limit to being clueless. Doke, don’t stop me!”

I laughed and beckoned Lokan with my hand.

“Come at me, then.”

At that moment, Zion quickly stepped out from behind and flipped Lokan off.

“You disrespectful little shit, acting all high and mighty. Do you want to die?”


What was this now?



[Translator – Hestia]

[Proofreader – Prøks]

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