
The Crazy Mage Reincarnated into a Fallen Family - Chapter 30 - The White Magic Tower

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[Translator - Hestia]

[Proofreader - Prøks]


Chapter 30 - The White Magic Tower

"I thought the bet was over."

I didn't need to turn around to know who it was. My body reacted instinctively to the presence behind me.

"Don't tell me you can't accept defeat this time either."


But the moment I turned and saw his face, my eyes narrowed involuntarily. Hector looked completely different from usual.

He had dark circles under his eyes as if he hadn't slept for days, and his entire face was flushed red.

'No way?'

I knew what it meant.

It was a precursor to the inner demons experienced by those madmen who hunted down demons in the expedition.

'What is this unlucky bastard...'

As I carefully observed Hector's expression, I realized the full picture of the situation.

Generally, as one's level of cultivation increases, so does their mental barrier. However, if the truth they believed in collapses, it's natural to fall into inner turmoil.

Perhaps the shock was greater for Hector because of the level he had reached.

Lost in thought for a moment, Hector slowly approached. I instinctively took a step back and said,

"What? Does the esteemed Vice-Tower Master of the Red Magic Tower have other business with me?"

Up close, I could see the bloodshot whites of his eyes. As an ominous feeling washed over me, Hector quietly opened his mouth.

"I will ask you."


"What is your relationship with the White Magic Tower?"


It was an unexpected question. For a moment, I wondered if Hector had figured out my personality and was trying to engage in meaningless chatter, but that wasn't the case.

The White Magic Tower was a tower that existed in the past.

It wasn't a place I particularly liked, as it was filled with old-fashioned mages who preferred research over combat. The only thing of note was the White Magic Tower's library.

But what does that have to do with me?

"Did you think I wouldn't know?"

Before I could react, there was a flash of light. Hector vanished and reappeared in an instant, grabbing my shoulder with crushing force.


"...What are you doing, Hector?"

"Then try denying this as well."

I tried to wriggle free as Hector opened his mouth, but...

His next words made my whole body freeze.

"Have you ever been to the Land of Death?"

* * *

The White Magic Tower.

The pinnacle of all magic towers.

Although it didn't train battle mages like other towers, its contribution to humanity through its scholars and their magical research was a level above the rest.

The White Magic Library of the ancient White Magic Tower.

The artifacts created by its scholars.

Of course, that wasn't all.

It took Hector three days and nights without sleep after fighting Ruin to realize this.

'Samael isn't the only mage who uses incantations.'

White Magic Tower scholars.

They also use incantations.

However, the reason I couldn't recall this earlier was that these scholars were more akin to academics than mages.

They were extremely reclusive and had virtually no combat ability. It was obvious that even a high-ranking scholar wouldn't be able to handle a single ordinary Red Magic soldier.

But Hector knew.

That a completely different outcome would arise when these scholars gathered together.

『Magic Barrier』

Long ago, in the battle where he beheaded the Giant Emperor nicknamed "Red Flame."

After slaying the Emperor, hundreds of giant warriors pursued him.

That immense wave, which seemed impossible to withstand...

He vividly remembered the sight of it instantly vanishing upon contact with the barrier.

In the northernmost part of the continent, the "Land of Death."

The magnificent barrier, [Ragnaros], created by numerous scholars over a long period of time.

'Yes, it was definitely a similar feeling to that time.'

The moment Ruin used that strange incantation.

Hector felt a sensation similar to when he faced [Ragnaros].

Although the mana fluctuations were incomparable, the momentary pressure that squeezed his heart brought back memories of that time.

After that day, he couldn't sleep at all.

At first, he denied it, but his suspicions grew stronger. There was no way a mere youngster could unleash such power on their own.

'Did they receive a divine relic or something?'

If Ruin was truly connected to the White Magic Tower...

Then it would explain why Ruin used an undisclosed spell. The White Magic Tower's library would contain a comprehensive collection of ancient magic books.

So he had to ask. He had to confirm.

If Ruin had lied.

No, if Samael had deceived him...

Then why?




Ruin's demeanor changed.

"You've been to the Land of Death?"


Hector stared intently at Ruin, then flinched involuntarily.

"I'm asking you, right now. Why are you bringing up the Land of Death? Do you know about the expedition?"

Eyes. Ruin's eyes.

He couldn't understand why, but it was difficult to continue meeting Ruin's gaze. Hector stopped what he was about to say and went straight to the point.

"The barrier of the White Magic Tower in the Land of Death. Ragnaros, which blocked the giants. Are you saying your magic is unrelated to it?"


Silence lingered for a moment.


As he met Ruin's eyes again after the sigh, Hector felt something was amiss.

"Yes, I knew it. So you mentioned the Land of Death just to ask about that."



Hector's heart skipped a beat as he let go of Ruin's shoulder. Not only that, but he even took a step back.


He looked down at his arm, goosebumps rising on his skin.

'Did I, did I just get nervous again?'

Hector raised his head to look at Ruin once more.

Nothing had changed. He was just Ruin.

But for some reason, his instincts kept sounding the alarm.


Then, at some point, Hector realized it was Ruin's inherent aura.

Suddenly, the refreshing scent of the mountains filled his nostrils, and sunlight filtering through the lush trees caught his eye.


Hector finally took a deep breath.

'It was an inner demon.'

It was a nonsensical story from the start.

The White Magic Tower. The Land of Death.

There was no way Ruin could know about those things.

Even if he did, what difference would it make? A scholar's artifact? A divine relic?

Hector shook his head.

'It must have been my own denial.'

He simply couldn't comprehend it, so he wanted to deny the magic that Ruin manifested.


He couldn't ask Ruin anything more.

"Looks like you've come to your senses."

"Yes. I concede defeat..."

"No need to worry about it."

Ruin cut off Hector's words with an indifferent expression.

"It was a bet that couldn't be kept anyway. Just don't get in Samael's way. That's enough."

Ruin passed by him and went down.

Hector had something to say but didn't stop Ruin. Instead, he raised his head and looked up at the sky.

The sun shone on Hector as if it had been there all along.

Hector's shadow gradually lengthened and then disappeared completely.

* * *

I squatted on a platform overlooking the training grounds, watching the sunset.

The sunset looked blood red today.

I wasn't expecting anything in particular.

When Hector mentioned the Land of Death, I didn't think he would bring up stories from my time. He didn't even know about the last expedition.

The White Magic Tower's barrier? The giants?

So what?

I wasn't curious, nor did I want to know.

Seeing Hector talking nonsense, it seemed he was indeed deeply trapped in his inner demons.

― Have you ever been to the Land of Death?

But his question...

It only made me think of those times.

As I gazed endlessly at the sunset, old memories grew stronger. There, the sky was always blood red whenever I looked up.

Why did I forget? Why?

There was no one to talk to since no one understood.

'What an unlucky bastard.'

The more I saw him, the more I disliked him. It wasn't just because of what happened earlier.

There was no Samael in Hector's heart. Only pity and sympathy, like looking at a beggar.

The hypocritical act of giving to Samael like a handout, using his status as the Vice-Tower Master of the Red Magic Tower, was utterly disgusting.

'It would be better to cut ties.'

Suddenly, I heard footsteps and looked to the left to see the crabs gathered in the training ground scuttling up to the dormitory.

"Is it dinner time already? The crabs must be hungry."

I wasn't particularly hungry, so I looked around and saw a man passing through the main gate.

The man, who had been walking leisurely, made eye contact with me and suddenly started running towards me.

"Young Master!"

It was Lihan.

"Yes. Did you find out anything?"

"Yes, of course. What should I tell you first?"

I had asked Lihan to gather information about the situation outside.

Whether Bayern and the Dark Soul guys had a fight.

Which businesses were attacked.

Who suffered more damage.

I deliberately looked at Lihan, who was breathing heavily, and asked,

"Why are you so late? I asked you a while ago. Did you slack off?"

Seeing Lihan waving his hands with a wronged expression, I held out my hand.

"Give it to me."


"The remaining money."

Just in case, I had given Lihan 10 gold from the money I received from Whiskers, so there should be change.

Lihan's eyes wavered, and he slowly took out three gold coins from his pouch.

"Lihan. Are you crazy?"

As I glared at him, Lihan pulled out two more gold coins with a tearful face.

"Wow, you have sticky fingers. Hurry up and take it all out."

Lihan turned his empty pouch inside out and showed it to me. I searched his pockets myself, but nothing came out, so I immediately smacked the back of his head.



There seems to be no normal person in Samael. I thought highly of him, but of all things, he has a spending problem.

"You spent 5 gold? 5 gold?"

The average cost of a night at an inn was around 20 silver, so if he spent 5 gold, it meant he ate everything, played everything, slept in a good place, and splurged.

"Wow, that's why you were late. Our Lihan, you didn't even listen to what I asked and just focused on having fun."

"...No, Young Master, that's..."

"Well, it's understandable. It's understandable."

I had never scolded Lihan like I did with the apprentices, so it was inevitable. He must have heard and seen things, but it didn't really hit home.

It seemed he didn't even know I would ask for change.

I should teach him. Yes, I should teach him.

"Lihan. Look over there."

I pointed to the crabs coming out after eating.

"Do you want to walk like a crab too?"

Lihan's face paled, and he suddenly dropped to his knees with a thud.

"I apologize, Young Master! The truth is, I was asking around and buying drinks for people, so it took longer. I don't have many close friends outside, so I was trying to make some connections. I'll be more careful next time."

"Be careful, Lihan. I'll only overlook this once. If words don't work, I have no choice but to turn you into a crab. Now, tell me what you found out."

"Yes, sir!"

Lihan began his explanation with a respectful expression.

As I listened, I realized that Lihan hadn't just been playing around. He had a knack for gathering information.

From tavern owners and innkeepers to even the trivial gossip of street thugs, he had gathered information from various sources and was able to objectively assess it.


However, the more I listened to his explanation, the more puzzled I became.

In summary, there was no all-out war between Bayern and Dark Soul.

To be precise, nothing had happened except for one Dark Soul thug being killed by someone from Bayern.

'Only one guy died?'

"I eavesdropped on the Dark Soul thugs talking at a tavern, and there was nothing particularly strange or unusual. Well, it's not that weird for a thug or two to die."

I tilted my head, recalling the recent events.

I dealt with the Dark Soul thugs at the [Red Sunset Tavern].

I pierced the arm of a Bayern brute with a spear at the [Night Dew Pub].

And to top it off, I knocked out a Bayern bloodline member at [Vanilla Sky].

Both groups believed they were being attacked by the other.

Considering the nature of thugs, even if it wasn't an all-out war, there should have been at least a couple of major fights...

After pondering for a while, I couldn't find an answer, so I thought of one place.


"Yes, Young Master."

"I'm going out for a bit, so guard the house. Oh, and there are a few books stacked in my room, please distribute them to the apprentices."


"If the head of the family or the elders come looking for me, make up a good excuse."

"But where are you going?"

"I'm going to follow the scent of money."

Lihan tilted his head and replied,

"What are you talking about? If there's such a good place, can't I come with you?"

"I suddenly have a craving for crab."

Lihan jumped in surprise and disappeared somewhere.



[Translator - Hestia]

[Proofreader - Prøks]

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