
The Crazy Mage Reincarnated into a Fallen Family - Chapter 55: Manager Daisy? (2)

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[Translator - Hestia]

[Proofreader - Prøks]


Chapter 55: Manager Daisy? (2)

Daisy immediately kicked off the ground and ran like mad.

Since there was no sign of pursuit, she glanced back and saw the boy staring blankly at her from the same spot.

'It's him.'

He was no ordinary madman.

After running for a long time on the straight forest path, she looked back again, and the boy was still standing in the same place in the distance.

'Why isn't he chasing me?'

As soon as the question arose, another one followed.

'How did he catch up to me in the first place?'

She had run using all of her 2-star mana. She hadn't felt anyone chasing her from Khaoto. So how could he have appeared in front of her?

The thought of the man who could change his appearance at will made her whole body tremble. Just as goosebumps were about to rise all over her body...

'Wait a minute.'

Daisy's eyes narrowed as a thought struck her.

'Could he have been waiting there already?'

Bravo Khan might have tricked her. He could have pretended to release her while that lunatic was already lying in wait further down the path.

For some reason, the more she thought about it, the more likely it seemed. There was no other way he could have suddenly appeared in front of her.


Thinking that, Daisy's anxiety subsided a bit.

But she didn't slow down, continuing to run forward at full speed. She wanted to get back to headquarters as soon as possible.

After running for a while, she saw a group of people walking towards her from the opposite direction.

For a moment, Daisy's heart sank, but then she recognized their familiar attire and let out a sigh of relief.

'I was too tense.'

It was the attire of one of the merchant groups operating in Leon. The leader of the four men spotted Daisy and gave an awkward greeting.

"Ah, Lady Daisy?"

"Did you see a strange guy on your way here?"

The leader replied with a puzzled look.

"No? We haven't seen anyone. Who are you looking for?"

Daisy shook her head and asked,

"Never mind. By the way, where are you guys going?"

"We have some business in Khaoto."

"You've got guts. With just this many people? And without even hiring mercenaries? You don't know what will happen if you run into the Guild Leader's men."

It was a strange statement, but the man immediately nodded and said,

"It's okay. We're not part of the merchant alliance. We've paid our dues, so we shouldn't have any trouble."

"That's good then. I'm off."

Daisy passed by the group in the opposite direction, walking in a single file.

As she passed the four men and the last remaining one, Daisy tilted her head.

'His head is shiny.'

Was there a bald guy in that merchant group?

Suddenly, Daisy stared at the receding figure of the bald man as if possessed, and she realized that only his clothes were completely different.


The bald man very slowly turned his head towards Daisy.

A sallow complexion, age spots on his face.

Then, three strands of white hair, contrasting with his baldness, fluttered above his head...

As the whole scene unfolded before Daisy's eyes in slow motion, like a clockwork being wound...

The bald man opened his mouth wide and shouted in a booming voice.

"Manager Daisyyyy!"

"Sh- Shit!"


Daisy hiccuped and instinctively threw herself into the pathless forest.

She ran, swinging her arms wildly. She couldn't see clearly and got scratched by branches, and pebbles hit her shins, but she kept running.

'I'm scared, so scared.'

Fear gripped her. She had never imagined she would experience such a crazy thing in her life. Bravo Khan's last words suddenly flashed through her mind.

— Maybe the boss is magnanimous. I was also allowed to live twice. If I had defied the boss a third time...

She couldn't tell if this was the second or third time.

It was clear he was toying with her, but rather than feeling angry, she only felt scared.

'I have to run. I have to escape somehow.'

She couldn't shake him off by running on the forest path. She had to break through where there was no path at all.

Even in the dense forest, Daisy instinctively found her direction and headed west.

Sweat poured down her forehead like rain. Her legs trembled. But she couldn't stop.

'J-just a little further.'

She would probably reach Leon soon. Once she got there, she was confident she could somehow get rid of him.

It was then, in the enclosed forest, that she heard someone's presence.


Daisy immediately changed direction. As soon as she moved in the opposite direction of the presence, she tripped over a rock in her haste.

As she grabbed her shin and got up, a rustling sound accompanied a rabbit jumping out.

"Oh, it was a rabbit."

As Daisy quickly ran off again, another rustling sound accompanied a pig emerging.

"Oh, it was a pig."

... But why was there a pig in the forest?

Looking closely, it was a person in the shape of a pig. Daisy was so out of her mind that she couldn't distinguish between a pig and a person.

The pig-person took a strange stance towards a tree.

"Burning flames! Fireball-neung."

Suddenly, magic shot out from the pig-person's fingertips and instantly set the base of the tree on fire.

Daisy's face trembled. It wasn't just because she had seen magic in front of her.

'... Neung?'

The words of the lunatic suddenly came to mind.

— ... There's a very serious side effect. You end up using 'neung' at the end of every sentence...


Daisy lost her mind.

Screaming like a madwoman, she ran out of the forest path.

"Help me. Help me."

Daisy swung her arms and ran like crazy. She was even faster without her sanity than with it.

Thud thud thud thud

Dust rose. Daisy, having escaped the forest path, caught up with the merchant procession and quickly passed them.

...When she regained consciousness, Daisy was back in Khaoto.

* * *

People were walking around in the alley.

Daisy looked around nervously at the passersby. Whenever she made eye contact with someone, she flinched and stepped back.

While standing still, unsure of what to do, a boy looked at her and quickly approached.

Daisy stepped back and cautiously spoke.

"Crazy bastard-nim?"


"Oh, it's nothing."

Daisy walked carefully, hiccuping and dodging whenever she bumped into people.

As she walked, a yellow mutt blocked her path.

Their eyes met for a moment...

"Woof woof!"


Daisy's legs gave out, and she collapsed on the spot. Fortunately, the yellow mutt seemed to be just a dog, as it barked and disappeared somewhere.

As a tear rolled down her cheek in frustration, a sweet smell suddenly tickled her nose.

She looked across the street without thinking, and it was the smell coming from the restaurant where she had eaten recently.

'I'm hungry.'

She hadn't noticed while running, but as soon as she smelled the delicious food, hunger washed over her.

She carefully entered the restaurant and looked around. One man was eating stew, and the rest of the tables were empty.

The chef poked his head out and greeted her.

"Oh, you're back."

Daisy was too exhausted to answer and just nodded, taking a seat.

"You're late. What can I get you?"

"The same thing I had last time."

At that moment, someone mumbled from the side.

"You should try the spicy one."

Surprised, she looked over and saw a familiar man. She had seen him here the last time she ate stew.

"This place is known for its spicy stew. If you haven't tried it, I recommend the spicy one."

Daisy suddenly felt like crying.

'Why am I like this?'

She wiped her eyes and nodded.

"Thank you. I'll try the spicy one then."

While the chef went back to the kitchen to cook, Daisy stared at the man. He had stopped eating his stew and was looking outside in a strange posture.

'He's not bad looking, now that I see him.'

Soon, the steaming hot stew arrived, and the spicy aroma filled the air.

Daisy took a spoonful of the thick broth and was immediately surprised. It was more delicious than any other soup she had ever tasted.

"Wow, this is delicious."

"Haha, many people say that."

The chef replied with a satisfied expression, then took off his sanitary cap and sat next to the man.

"Want some moonshine?"

"Not right now. Let's have some after I come back from somewhere."

"What's the occasion? There are times when you refuse moonshine."

Daisy unconsciously eavesdropped on the chef and the man's conversation.

'They must be regulars.'

Even as she slowly ate her stew, the voices continued.

"My wrist is sore today."

"It's no wonder, with so many customers."

"Maybe I chopped too much chicken."

"Is it because the knife isn't good?"

"The blade has gotten a bit dull."

"A swordsman and a chef both need a good knife. I happen to have a decent one, take a look."

"... Wow, the blade is really sharp. But it's a bit too much for me to use."

Daisy turned her head to look at the man. A small dagger was lying on the table, its sharp blade pitch black.

"... Huh?"

It was a familiar dagger.

Daisy unconsciously reached for her waist, but the dagger she had received from the boy was still there.

Then that dagger...

The man's head slowly turned towards her.

The moment their eyes met.

"Manager Daisy?"

Daisy plunged her face into the stew bowl and fainted.

* * *

Donkey nudged Daisy and said,

"What's wrong? She seems to have fainted."

"This knife was originally hers. I guess she got upset when I tried to give it to someone else."

"Does that make her faint?"

I nodded.

"Daisy's been a bit out of it lately."

"So you know each other. No wonder she seemed a bit strange."

Donkey carefully examined the back of Daisy's head, which was buried in the bowl, and said,

"The back of her head looks fine. Who is she?"

I thought for a moment and said,

"She said she's in charge of something at the Dark Soul headquarters."

Donkey was startled and replied,

"Headquarters means Leon? Why is she here from there?"

"I changed Dark Soul to Dark Sojungi Mercenary Groups, so she came to confront me about it."

"What's Dark Sojungi Mercenary Groups?"

After I briefly explained the main point, Donkey nodded without any suspicion.

"Ah, so Ruin wiped out the Dark Soul branch. No wonder those guys haven't been seen lately."

"We don't have to pay tribute anymore, so sell it at a reasonable price."

Donkey chuckled and went into the kitchen, and I looked at Daisy, whose face was still buried in the stew bowl.

Daisy probably didn't know it herself, but...

I already knew all of Daisy's habits when she was flustered.

For example, like now, how her right leg was trembling slightly.

"I know you're awake."


"Are you doing that because it's delicious?"


"Manager Daisy?"

The stew splashed out of the bowl, and Daisy immediately lifted her face and said,

"C-crazy bastard-nim."

Suddenly, Donkey poked his head out from the kitchen, chuckling.

"That's a good one."

I also found myself laughing, but Daisy remained serious, not even bothering to wipe the stew off her face.

"Please spare me."

"No one said anything about killing you. But let's change how you address me."

"Bulrai... Boss?"

"Not Boss yet."

"... Oppa?"

"That's a bit weird too."

"... Hyungnim?"

I couldn't think of any suitable title, so I just answered casually.

"Just call me whatever for now."

I told Daisy to go wash up, then grabbed a broom and mop to clean up the messy table.

Donkey came out of the kitchen, looked at my face for a moment, and asked,

"Are you going?"

"I have to. Let's have that moonshine when I get back."

"Okay, be careful."

When Daisy came back after washing up, I gestured for her to follow me and left the restaurant.

* * *

Throughout the walk, Daisy had a rather carefree expression.

As soon as I arrived at the headquarters, I called my subordinates. They didn't question me even though I showed up with Daisy again.

When the executives and subordinates were gathered, I looked around and said,

"I'm going to Leon for a bit. Take good care of the house while I'm gone."

Bravo Khan replied with a slightly surprised expression.

"Are you going alone?"

"I'm going with Daisy."

Before I even finished speaking, Daisy reflexively nodded and replied,

"I'll follow you, Hyungnim Bulrai."

The executives all looked surprised at how Daisy addressed me.

Bravo Khan asked again,

"Wouldn't it be better if we all went together?"

"It's just a matter of killing Shepiro. There's no need for a bunch of us to go."

Bravo Khan looked so worried that I asked,

"Why do you want to come with me, Gunsah? Should the three of us go?"

"Ah... I'll stay and guard the house."

"Then cheer up."

Bravo Khan's expression instantly brightened.

I looked around with a serious face and said,

"The Bayern guys might make a move while I'm gone. I'd say the chances are about fifty-fifty. If they do move, they'll come with everything they've got."

The executives' expressions hardened, and One-Eye said resolutely,

"We'll do our best to stop them."

"Yeah, do your best to stop them and then die gloriously."


"Damn. Look at these guys getting all serious just because I made a joke."

I composed my expression again and met the eyes of the executives.

"If they come with full force, you guys won't be able to handle it. Keep a close eye on their movements, and if it looks like a large group is coming, send one of your fastest guys to me. The rest of you, don't even think about fighting them. No matter how important the house is, it's not more important than your heads."


"I'm telling you to run. Hide well until I get back. Their goal is to drive us out of here anyway, so if you run with all your might, they won't chase you to the death."

The executives nodded with determined faces.


I looked at the mercenaries for a moment, then went to the one with the biggest sword and said,

"Lend me your sword."

The subordinate handed me the sword without a word. It was a bit smaller than the one Bulldog used, but it was close enough in size.

"I'll buy you a better one later."


I slung the sword over my shoulder and turned to look at Daisy.

"Lead the way, Manager Daisy."

Daisy was startled and replied,

"Where to?"

"We're going to catch that Shepiro bastard."

"Are we really going just the two of us?"

"We were going to go as three, but Gunsah didn't want to."


"Hurry up and lead the way, Manager Daisy."

Daisy was startled again and replied,

"Alright. But please, can you stop calling me Manager?"

"Let's go."

I spun the sword on my shoulder and walked out the front gate.

Daisy, clutching her temples as if she had a headache, stood there blankly. Then, as I gradually moved out of sight, she suddenly chased after me with a panicked expression.

"Wait for me, Hyungnim Bulrai!"



[Translator - Hestia]

[Proofreader - Prøks]

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