
I Became an Evolving Space Monster - Chapter 29

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[Translator – Jjescus]

[Proofreader – Demon God]


Chapter 29

On a black canvas, blood-red plum blossoms bloom. Si-hyun Yujin, with a hole in her head, scatters blood as she attempts to fly into outer space.

‘I can’t afford to miss this.’

After putting in so much effort to eliminate a formidable adversary, it would be truly disheartening if there were no rewards. I reached out my upper arm towards her. The serrated tentacle extended like a departing arrow and wrapped around her waist.

There was a bone-breaking sound as her waist bent halfway, but she was already a lifeless body. I didn’t care and retrieved her corpse.

「Help me, Baby!」

‘Oh no.’

It seemed like Number 26 couldn’t hold on any longer and was about to fly away. I quickly grabbed it with my other arm. On its body, there was a thin tentacle that I hadn’t seen before.

I knew what that tentacle was, and I also knew what the ‘true’ race of Number 26 was.

‘I’ll think about that later.’

For now, I had to get out of this place.

[Don’t let go.]

The research ship had blast doors in each section, and I was currently in the Nest, the area densely packed with facilities related to the ship’s reactor. The blast door that sealed off this section was not far from where I stood.

I carried the corpse in one arm and Number 26 in the other, making my way to the blast door. Upon manipulating the terminal next to the door, there was a hissing sound as the blast door closed. From the other side of the door, I faintly heard the alarm from the environmental control system.

‘This ship is finished now.’

A hole the size of a human had appeared in the ship’s structure. The environmental control system had its limits in maintaining the ship’s environment when there was such a breach. If there were people on board, they would seal off the breached section to stabilize it, but aside from the pirates, there were very few remaining crew members on the ship. Furthermore, they were likely hiding and unaware of the situation.

「Baby, What’s wrong with your arm?」


Upon hearing Number 26’s words, I looked at my lower arm and noticed that the bone spike launcher was changing. Four fingers protruded from the muzzle, and the length had decreased to match the size of my other arms. Besides that, the sensation of pressure that had been compressing my entire body was gradually diminishing.

The Salonium effect had ended.

‘It’s a shame.’

Still, I was relieved that it wasn’t painful when it was released. Considering my injuries from the battle with Si-hyun, I wondered if I would have fainted if the pain of evolution had overlapped.

‘Nevertheless, I obtained something more important.’

The result of high risk and high return was right in front of me.

In the game, MegaCorp Rankers possessed over 100 different genes on average. It might not seem like a large number, but these genes were all from rare creatures that were nearly impossible to encounter by conventional means. Even if the number was small, their value was by no means insignificant.

Of course, Si-hyun Yujin was at the level of upper-tier players who couldn’t enter the ranks of Rankers, but still, her body likely contained a considerable number of genes.

‘It’s not much different from sampling, so I should get around three this time.’

The difference was that no matter which one I extracted, it was highly unlikely to be a dud. Frankly, even getting just one would be great. I hope I can extract Gallagon’s claw.

‘Then I’ll enjoy this.’

I needed to eat quickly and then go clean up the cyborgs in the command center. Just as I was about to think that way and bring it to my mouth…

[I was eating a corpse.]

[When only the lower half remained, a massive energy explosion swept me away.]

[I died.]

‘Ah! A bomb!’

Abruptly activated Predator’s Sense made me recall the forgotten fact. Although I had been focused on fighting Si-hyun, the timer on the bomb installed by the boss at the reactor was still ticking.

‘How much time is left?’

In the future that Predator’s Sense showed me, the bomb had detonated while Si-hyun’s corpse was reduced to only her lower body. It took about 10 to 15 minutes at most for me to completely devour an adult male corpse. Since Si-hyun was a woman and smaller than a man, she would be consumed even faster.

So, there should be approximately 5 minutes left.

I had two options: rush to the reactor to defuse the bomb or quickly leave this ship.

I pondered over the two choices.

‘I don’t have enough time to defuse the bomb.’

While playing Amorph, I had disarmed bombs several times, but if it was a bomb with an unfamiliar design, it would take time to disarm. I had finally caught Si-hyun, and I had no intention of risking my life for another adventure.

I didn’t have any more time to waste. Even now, the clock embedded in the bomb was ticking relentlessly towards destruction.

I made my decision.

‘Let’s abandon the ship.’

As much as I regretted leaving behind the cyborgs in the command center and the genes of the boss that I hadn’t eaten, I wasn’t willing to risk my life. After all, Si-hyun Yujin’s genes, right here, were overwhelmingly superior, and there would be plenty of opportunities to eat the cyborgs later.

The escape pod was docked on the runway. The runway was located directly opposite the reactor, and it would take about 5 minutes to reach it through the complex corridors.

It was late to activate the escape pod from the runway, but I knew a way to get there quickly.

‘I’ll have to use this.’

I cradled Number 26 in my arms and rushed to the ship’s cooling room.

Once inside, I grabbed the plasma launcher that was standing in the corner.


[ZZZ ZZZZ ZZZ ZZZZZ (yes, it did flash)].

Number 26 adjusted the color of its body to match the energy projectile’s color from the plasma launcher, turning it green. Although it didn’t quite grasp the concept of a plasma launcher, it seemed to remember that people would explode whenever the green light flashed.

The plasma launcher looked somewhat similar to the ultimate weapon from classic FPS games. It was over a meter long and weighed more than 50 kg. It had a stand, but I didn’t need it, so I had removed it for easier use.

‘Of course, I don’t have any intention of shooting it at a person right now.’

I walked out into the corridor with the launcher, aiming it at the closest section of the outer wall.

[Charging 10… 20… 50… 80… 100%.]

As I manipulated the terminal on the launcher, it began to charge energy. Number 26, who had been watching, climbed onto my shoulder.

In just a few seconds, the launcher finished charging. I pulled the trigger.

The immense recoil transmitted through my arm as a green beam shot out from the launcher’s barrel. An energy beam capable of destroying everything pierced through the corridor walls and even the outer hull of the ship.

Like a vacuum cleaner sucking in air, the massive hole that appeared on the ship sucked us out along with the air. I let my body go with the flow, and we escaped the spaceship along with the air.

Before the ship’s distance grew too far, I shot a tentacle to anchor us to the ship’s exterior.

I knew exactly where the cargo container was located, even from outside the ship.

Pulling myself toward the ship, I landed on the target.

「Woah! This is fun!」

Number 26, who had witnessed the endless night, exclaimed in excitement. There we were, on a ship that resembled a white paper floating in a black sea, where there was no oxygen or gravity.

A six-legged monster was running on a ship with a woman’s corpse and a plasma launcher on its belt, and a pink balloon on its shoulder.

In this surreal journey, resembling something out of a drug-induced fantasy, there wasn’t much distance to cover.

Less than two minutes later, I arrived at the cargo container and activated the plasma launcher. The green beam easily melted through the thick outer wall as if melting ice with a torch.

Before being bounced back by the recoil, I shot both of my tentacles to anchor myself to the outer wall. In the meantime, the plasma launcher, having completed its mission, flew off into the depths of space.

‘Good job.’

It was a powerful weapon, but I didn’t feel too attached to it. There would be plenty of opportunities to acquire more in the future. I crawled into the hole created by the launcher.

Inside the cargo container, I could see both a shuttle and an escape pod.

「It’s fun.」

With Number 26, who seemed to enjoy the sensation of floating in space, in tow, I approached the escape pod. The door to the escape pod was open, as if someone had intended to board it.

‘Well, it’s more convenient this way.’

[ZZZZ ZZ ZZZ (Just grab whatever you can)]

「Yeah, yeah.」

Whether it was a high-ranking officer’s escape pod or intended for the command staff, the interior was luxurious. While Number 26 marveled at the ornate decorations, I took the pilot’s seat.

‘Let’s see.’

I had piloted a few MegaCorp small spacecraft before. Fortunately, the control system for the escape pod was straightforward.

‘Except for this uncomfortable seat because of the tail.’

I broke the uncomfortable chair and adjusted the switches on the dashboard for navigation. As I did, the cargo container door opened, and the glow of the runway spilled in.

‘Let’s go then.’

I pulled the control lever, and the escape pod shot forward like an arrow. The view through the reinforced glass changed from the cold metal walls to a colorful space filled with stars, resembling a canvas painted with a rainbow.

This was where I first set foot in this world, the place where my journey of growth and evolution had begun.



[Translator – Jjescus]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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‘Fuck, I thought I was a goner.’

Elchen shuddered as he recalled what had happened at the reactor just a moment ago.

When he had finally arrived at the reactor, struggling with his partially paralyzed body, the timer had been counting down precisely two minutes. He had barely managed to disarm the bomb with five seconds to spare. Any later, and he would have been blown to smithereens by his own bomb.

‘Those damn monsters…’

During his journey to this point, Elchen had never once thought of himself as weak. But those two were the exceptions.

So, Elchen had given up on personally killing them. Of course, even among the ruthless space pirates, they were notorious for their cruelty. He had no intention of leaving them be.

‘Heh heh, fuck you guys, die together.’

He had set the bomb to auto-detonate and reset the timer to ten minutes. By the time he had escaped in the escape pod, those monsters would have turned the ship into a ghost in the vastness of space.

That’s what he had thought just five minutes ago.

He was almost in the cargo container now.

‘Damn it… My legs are starting to regain feeling, but my eyes…’

As an enhanced Hulk mutant, Elchen had already detoxified himself, but his damaged heart remained a problem. The destruction of his auxiliary heart had affected his senses, causing significant damage to his vision, hearing, and other senses. His vision, in particular, had been severely impaired, leaving him with extreme farsightedness.

Navigating simple tasks, like pressing a few buttons, became challenging when he couldn’t see, and he almost accidentally triggered the bomb moments ago. Nonetheless, time was running out, so he continued walking diligently. The enemies who had been fighting so loudly just moments ago were now eerily silent, indicating that one of them had clearly been defeated.

‘Whoever loses, the remaining one won’t get away unscathed’, Elchen thought.

His mind seemed preoccupied with the rustling sound of the space wind, but he dismissed it as his imagination. As he continued to walk, he suddenly heard footsteps echoing in the corridor.


He wondered if it might be his subordinates, but the person who appeared at the end of the corridor was someone he hadn’t expected at all.

“H-huh! A Pirate?!”

‘Wait, isn’t that the captain?’

Surprisingly, the person in front of him was none other than Samuel, the captain of this ship. Elchen had thought he had escaped long ago, so his sudden appearance caught him off guard.

Samuel’s appearance was quite different from the description Elchen had received from Garlic. His hair was disheveled, dark circles hung beneath his eyes, and his body emitted the scent of alcohol.

Elchen’s eyes narrowed as he observed Samuel’s pitiful appearance.

‘Originally, he planned to escape using an escape pod, but he must be hiding because he didn’t want to abandon the ship.’

There was no lack of greed among the upper echelons of MegaCorp. The closer they were to Noble Capital, the more pronounced this tendency became. The Samuel family, being the Third Capital, valued money over life.

‘He must have come out to check when the ship became quiet.’

Samuel had no idea that Elchen was reading his thoughts like an open book. Confronted by Elchen’s imposing presence, Samuel was trembling and reached into his pocket, pulling out a small object.

Elchen scoffed when he saw that it was a gun.

“Ha! You’re going to shoot me with that?”

“Sta-stay away! This is a plasma pistol!”

“What? Plasma or not, you should take the safety off first, right?”

“Uh, safety?”

Samuel, flustered, tried to turn the barrel to check the safety pin. Elchen took advantage of the opportunity and lunged at him. Samuel, colliding with his body, lost his grip on the pistol.

“Ha, you made me feel scared for no reason, You idiot. Plasma pistols don’t have safeties.”

Elchen picked up the gun that had fallen to the ground. The impact had made the gold markings on it even more distinct, but Elchen didn’t notice due to his primitive condition.

“If I had more time, I’d skin you alive, but I don’t have time now.”

Elchen taunted Samuel while picking up the pistol. Samuel’s face filled with despair.

“Hiik, spare me, if you ask me to be your servant, I’ll be your servant!”

“No need, then goodbye.”

Elchen pulled the trigger, and the plasma pistol emitted a green glow.

If Elchen hadn’t had his heart destroyed, he would have realized something was wrong with the pistol. If he hadn’t tried to kill Samuel and just walked to the cargo container, he would have been safe. Arrogance and cruelty led him to make two consecutive wrong choices due to his fatal flaw.

The plasma pistol was an extremely lightweight version of the powerful plasma weapon, and as such, it was not very durable. It had already been knocked to the ground once by the monster and cracked, and when it took an additional hit there, the pistol was already past its limits.

As a result, the barrel shattered before the plasma energy charged into it could even pass through the muzzle. The energy had nowhere to go and exploded on the spot.

Elchen’s entire upper body was blown off, and he fell to the ground in a heap.


As Samuel stared at the lifeless body of the pirate, his face contorted with a mixture of emotions. Then, he began to laugh, seemingly losing his sanity.

“Huh? Ha-ha-ha-ha!”

He thought to himself that his judgment had been correct all along. Samuel had never abandoned the ship. He had contemplated leaving through an escape pod when he found himself alone, but upon boarding it, he was filled with regret.

This research vessel was far from cheap. While it was cheaper than his life, Samuel thought that maybe he could wait a little longer and things would turn out alright.

‘Maybe the soldiers will succeed in killing the monster. Or maybe another passing ship will come to their aid.’, he thought.

However, a miracle had occurred. The screams and vibrations from inside the ship had stopped. Uncertain whether he should leave or stay, he finally ventured outside. And thus, Samuel survived.

Through both the assault of the monster and the attack of the pirates, he had managed to stay alive. He, the eldest son of the Samuel lineage, felt his chest swell with emotion.

“I am invincible!”

With these words, a bright light emanated from the nuclear reactor.



「Awww, baby!」

[ZZZZ (calm down)]

The reactor finally exploded, and a massive shockwave shook the escape pod. I adjusted the controls as the escape pod beeped.

As if to confirm that my work had paid off, the beeping subsided and the ship stabilized.

[ZZZZZZ (are you okay?)]

I turned around and saw that Number 26 had hit the wall and was knocked out. It wasn’t life-threatening, so I put it on a bed inside the escape pod.

‘What the hell, has someone been drinking here?’

I cleared away a rolling liquor bottle from the floor and began to tidy up the escape pod. I needed to clean up the surroundings if I wanted to have a proper meal, which I had postponed until now.

The lifeless body of Si-hyun Yujin was tucked away in a corner. Finally, it was time to have a meal.

I set the escape pod to autopilot and retrieved her corpse. Then, I started by tearing off her tantalizing legs and took a big bite.


‘Until now, I’ve eaten more than a few hundred creatures. So, I roughly know what kind of creatures taste good.’

Among the creatures I’ve eaten so far, the most delicious was Keisaragi Yujin. She had a refined and well-calculated taste, like a high-end course meal.

Perhaps she had her genes modified to taste that way. So, I thought that this Yujin here would be similar.

But I was mistaken.

Undoubtedly, the taste of Si-hyun Yujin was excellent, to the extent that it didn’t fall behind among the creatures I’ve eaten and would eat in the future.

‘…Maybe I should visit Earth sometime.’

Originally, I had no plans to go to the MegaCorp capital anytime soon, but after eating Si-hyun Yujin’s meat, my determination wavered.

I shook my head and took another bite.

It was fascinating. Usually, the first bite is the most delicious, but it was the opposite in her case. The more I ate, the more I chewed, the richer the flavor became.

Here, it was just me and the unconscious Number 26. Nobody would disturb my meal. I leisurely enjoyed her meat as if savoring a high-end French course meal.

As the seemingly eternal happiness came to an end, a semi-transparent text box announced the end of the feast.

[Predation effect activated! Successfully obtained ‘Gallagon’s Claw’ genetic essence]

[Extracted the ‘Gallagon’s Claw’ from the biological characteristics of ‘Si-hyun’.]

[Do you want to apply ‘Gallagon’s Claw’?]

[Predation Effect Activated! Successfully obtained ‘Camouflage Skin’ genetic essence.]

[Extracted the ‘Camouflage Skin’ from the biological characteristics of ‘Si-hyun’.]

[Do you want to apply ‘Camouflage Skin’?]

[Predation Effect Activated! Successfully obtained ‘clairvoyance’ genetic essence.]

[Extracted ‘clairvoyance’ from the biological characteristics of ‘Si-hyun’.]

[Do you want to apply ‘clairvoyance’?]



[Translator – Jjescus]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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Chapter 0
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