
I Became an Evolving Space Monster - Chapter 88

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[Translator – Jjescus]

[Proofreader – Demon God’s Disciple]


Chapter 88

“I’m special, ssss, special, sss, special, sssss, about to die? Am I going to die…”

Code Black, transformed into a gruesome form.

Despite her altered appearance, she continued to scream incessantly.

“I’ve never seen anyone change this oddly because of a Necrospecter.”

Summing up her appearance briefly, she looked like a mutated corpse monster from a classic horror game set in space.

The yak horns protruding from her throat were grotesquely twisted. In the place where her hair had completely fallen out, two new eyes had taken the place. Her right arm had transformed into a spear-like shape, seemingly melded with summoned Pain Spheres. On her left arm, mouths had emerged sporadically, tongues lashing out.

Thanks to the fusion of the Black Shroud and flesh, her body was practically naked, yet it emanated more discomfort than beauty. Despite my fondness for aliens and monsters, I couldn’t find any liking in her appearance.


Code Black, or rather the Necrospecter, pounded the ground and leaped forward. As she swung her left arm in mid-air, purple whips emerged from the mouths on her arm, lashing towards my direction.

The whips seemed to target my vulnerabilities as if they had a mind of their own. Instead of dodging the whips, I leaped into their midst. I blocked the ones aimed at my head with my arm and deflected those targeting my side using wrist guards.

Some lashes, however, aimed for my back and legs, which I couldn’t entirely fend off. Nonetheless, I wasn’t worried.

「Those who torment the Big Baby won’t be forgiven!」

The flying whips seemed nailed in mid-air for a moment as if stopped by an invisible force. This was due to the significantly enhanced ‘restraint’ ability of number 26 compared to before.

The haphazardly thrown psychic whips were neutralized, providing me with an opportunity to approach the Necrospecter closely.

「Back off! Go away, away, go away! Die!」

She snarled and swung the arm fused with the Pain Sphere towards me.

I couldn’t afford to take that blow directly. Not only because it would hinder my regeneration ability, but also because the Necrospecter would drain my life force. As per its design, by offering life to the Black Shroud, it would revert to its original form before death, gradually reducing negative effects while keeping the enhancements intact.

Hence, stalling during a fight with Code Black was not a wise move.
I twisted my body sideways, narrowly avoiding its swung Pain Sphere. Expecting my evasion, it transformed the Pain Sphere into a hook-like shape.

‘No chance.’

I too was reading its attack. Just before its hook could pierce my thigh, a blood-sucking tentacle sprang from the end of my combat arm, lashing at its side.

“Ugh! Die!”

Upon being struck by my attack and while flying away, Code Black’s left arm gleamed.

“Watch out!”

I quickly bowed my head, raising the crown-like carapace extending from the back of my head. A thin black beam shot from the mouth on Necrospecter’s left arm, striking my head.


I took a few steps back and swiftly dodged the incoming beam. Five black beams relentlessly chased me, aiming to tear me apart.

‘Thanks to my dragonification trait, there’s no energy consumption limit.’

Though the destructive power was significantly lower than when I was in a sane state, simultaneously firing several shots didn’t really pose a disadvantage due to the decreased force.

The beams destructively razed everything around me—houses, trees, roads, cars—stubbornly following the tip of my tail.

「Die! Die! Die!」

The one maniacally firing the beams suddenly shut its mouth. When I turned around, I saw a purple mesh encasing its entire body.

The one who threw the mesh was number 26. As number 26’s tentacles flickered, blood spurted from the figure.


Letting out a scream, the figure exerted force on their arm, slowly loosening number 26’s restraints. Witnessing this, number 26 immediately shifted to another attack. Its long tentacles shattered the ground, digging in.

“I’ll kill you, I’ll… Argh!”

The figure tried to aim the beams at number 26 but failed as thick tentacles emerged from the ground, targeting their arm.

Hastily retracting the left arm and leaping backward, the figure swung the right arm. However, the tentacles shrunk instantly, leaving the figure’s attack slashing through thin air.

‘It has grown a lot.’

The Sea Demon can freely adjust the size of its tentacles while using them. Even after growing, number 26 effortlessly utilized them in combat.

Amid their battle, I swiftly closed the distance with the Necrospecter. As the figure landed on the ground, I took a deep breath.

With the exhalation, a long jet of flame engulfed the figure’s face.


Although Code Black only received half damage from all attack types, she didn’t nullify the pain. Writhing in flames, she grabbed its head.

‘That scorching pain must be intense.’

Amidst the agony, all four of the figure’s eyes focused on the flames. Reflex activated, reflecting the fire, spreading it around both of us.

Taking advantage of its focus on the fire, I attempted to stab the figure’s shoulder with the bone blade attached to my back. Or rather, I tried.

One of its four eyes spotted my bone blade. Reflex activated again in mid-air, deflecting my attack.

While my body swayed from the attack on my back, the figure’s spear pierced through the black smoke and crimson flames.

The target of the spear was my hand. With my tail still unrecovered, my remaining weapons were three combat arms and bone blade arms attached to my back. My plan was to neutralize the combat hand I used most frequently.

But there was something the figure didn’t know. Just before the tip of the spear pierced my palm, my hand glowed purple. The spear passed through my hand like piercing an empty palm.


Despite being in an altered state of mind, the figure seemed surprised by the current situation as they widened their eyes.

I raised my healthy hand’s nails sharply and slashed upward at the figure. Unfortunately, it failed again. The figure stepped back, using reflection, causing my attack to deflect in the wrong direction.

A whip emerged from the figure’s left arm, aiming to strike my arm, but number 26 intercepted it. While the restraints held the figure’s arm, number 26’s tentacles targeted its back simultaneously.

“Y-you! Damn, little, little, little…!”

Code Black screamed in rage, trying to fire beams from her left arm. I vigorously shook my head, knocking down her left arm with my horn. With a gruesome sound, the figure’s arm twisted in an unnatural direction.

As the blocked figure kicked me, perhaps due to its inherent trait, her balance remained strong. My abdomen caved in, and my body was forcefully pushed backward.

Following that, the figure’s Pain Sphere flew to stab me. From a crumbled stance, I barely blocked the attack using my combat arm.

‘I’ve allowed two attacks already.’

Code Black’s strength had significantly increased. This attack resulted in my arm’s shield carapace being partially severed.

“W-what’s this…?”

For a moment, a spark returned to Code Black’s eyes, perhaps indicating a partial recovery of consciousness.

“Uh, s-s-s, I-I’m special, ssss special, sss special…”

As she hadn’t absorbed enough life force to stabilize the effects, the figure’s eyes returned to a murky state.

‘A close-range battle won’t be easy.’

In close combat, avoiding the enemy’s attacks becomes challenging. Moreover, the figure rapidly becomes stronger.

‘However, fully relying on number 26 is not feasible.’

It lacks effective means to strike Code Black. The method of breaking necks in a human fight doesn’t apply here. Unless number 26 has fully matured, it’s currently lacking in strength.

The serrated tentacles are a double-edged sword. They can injure the Necrospecter, but if used against it, it could cause significant damage to number 26. Additionally, number 26 lacks the durable exterior I possess, making it vulnerable to Code Black’s light attacks.

‘I need to change tactics.’

Initially, my plan was to neutralize the most threatening weapon—the left arm. But considering the situation, it didn’t seem easy. Even without rationality, the figure was keenly aware of its weaknesses.

I don’t have any more time. Let’s stake everything on this attack.

“Now die! Die!”

The figure rushed at me, baring its teeth like a rabid dog. Its swung spear aimed to strike me down with a hooked motion.

Due to its increased speed, I narrowly evaded the figure’s attack. As I kicked the anchored spear, destabilizing the figure, I glanced at number 26, who emitted a brief flash upon feeling my gaze.

It meant it would follow any plan.


I rolled backwards, and as Code Black’s anchored spear failed to connect, she clicked its tongue in frustration. Even though she seemed more rational than before, I remained unperturbed.

She raised its left arm to fire beams at me from a distance. Simultaneously, the ground behind the figure split open, and tentacles emerged.

Number 26’s tentacles entwined around Code Black’s left arm. Despite her attempt to repel the tentacles with reflection, at that moment, shards of rebar beneath the destroyed road flew into her eyes.


Originally intended to penetrate, the attack was limited to stabbing the Code Black’s eyes due to its resistance.


Struck in a vulnerable spot, she made an indiscernible sound and tore off the tentacles with its right arm. The pain resonated through number 26 as if even felt by its tentacles.

「It’s fine! Doesn’t hurt at all!”」

The creature exclaimed and, giving force to its tentacles, threw me high into the sky.

The direction number 26 hurled me towards was above the figure’s head. While flying towards the destination, I adjusted my aim to target the figure’s forehead.

And then, I unleashed the prepared Psychic Breath from above the figure.


Judging the danger, the figure hastily tried to move backward.

“No way!”

With all its might, number 26’s restraints hindered the figure’s movement. It was a very short period, yet enough time for the Psychic Breath to reach the figure.

The figure looked at number 26 with disbelief, but it was already too late. The dragon’s flames ruthlessly engulfed the Necrospecter’s body.


“Faster than expected!”

Code Red, engaged in anti-aircraft shooting against airborne enemies, involuntarily sweated.

She fired tungsten-tipped plasma shots from her coilgun. In this darkness, these shots were undoubtedly substantial compared to regular bullets, although it wasn’t easy to see them clearly.

Thanks to her Psychokinesis Control Web, she could detect and manipulate bullets fired from the coilgun, but her enemies couldn’t.

The night in the cosmic city, although artificially illuminated, was relatively bright compared to the greenish Gallagon, making it not at all easy to dodge each bullet.

Code Red had experience fighting Gallagon alongside other shadows. However, there was no existence as swift and fearsome as the green demon she faced now.

“Support needed!”

She had already attempted multiple spiritual harmonizations to forcibly summon Black. But all attempts failed. There was only one truth indicated – Black had entered Necrospecter mode.


The coilgun flashed red, indicating the remaining ammunition was low, a situation apparent even to an ordinary person without abilities.

The unfavorable circumstance stirred emotions within her – fear of defeat.

“Urgent retreat!”

She tossed the useless coilgun away and focused her mind.

It was to release the spiritual harmonization with Black and summon her comrade, Code Blue. Originally an absolute no-go action, but currently, she wasn’t in her right mind due to the fear of death, something she hadn’t experienced in a long time.

A green meteor rapidly approached the violet halo glowing from her head.

“Still time.”

Just a while ago, she calculated the moving speed of the Green Gallergon during their fight.

At the figure’s speed, Code Blue couldn’t reach her before the Green Gallergon did. She thought so, but there was one thing she overlooked.

The Green Gallergon hadn’t yet exerted its full speed.


The figure’s wings glowed intensely green, significantly accelerating its speed.

With the increased speed, a shockwave erupted behind the accelerating figure. A deafening roar tore through the air, causing all windows on the Monument’s outer wall to tremble.

The figure, narrowing the distance at a rapid pace, suddenly snapped its wings backward. As the speed dramatically decreased, the figure’s velocity resembled that of a comet.

Windows on the 50th floor where the observation deck was situated shattered due to the shockwave, and chairs inside the observation deck tumbled chaotically.

“I miscalculated.”

Code Red closed her eyes as she glimpsed the violet irises of the figure, which had reached dangerously close.

Even after devastating her body to pieces in the observation deck and passing through the entire floor, the Green Gallergon, coincidentally or not, spread its wings again in the monument’s airspace.

At a distance, another blaze of dragonfire blazed fiercely.



[Translator – Jjescus]

[Proofreader – Demon God’s Disciple]

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