
I Became an Evolving Space Monster - Chapter 42

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[Translator – Jjescus]

[Proofreader – Demon God]


Chapter 42

The Harbor Zone Security Team, under the command of Detective William, has now arrived in the residential zone. Despite sending messages, his friend has not responded for over a week, prompting him to visit his friend’s home in person.

‘No matter how busy he is, he always kept in touch.’

Someone who goes silent for over a week signifies there might be a safety concern. William knocked on his friend’s door. With no response after waiting for a while, he pulled out a concealed device from his pocket. This device was a hacking tool that he had secretly acquired with his authority as the team leader from equipment confiscated from criminals by the security team.

After connecting the device and manipulating it, there was a clicking sound from the door. William unlocked the door and entered.

William’s friend, being a former soldier, had kept everything neat and tidy. However, the corners of the house had a musty smell, probably because the place hadn’t been ventilated for a while.

Upon closer inspection, it seemed like no one had been walking around for a considerable amount of time. The only sounds breaking the silence in the house were the virtual TV noise from the next-door neighbor and William’s footsteps.

His attention was drawn to a coffee cup left on the table.

‘Some leftover coffee.’

The cup had marks from dried, evaporated coffee. It was evidence that it had been sitting there untouched in the dry room for an extended period.

‘Something must have happened.’

With this conviction, William began his search. He thoroughly inspected every place where his friend could have hidden weapons and equipment, such as inside closets, under the bed, and so on.

The result: he confirmed that some weapons and equipment were missing.

‘Armed and gone, either missing or deceased.’

He had already checked all reports of violence in the Harbor Zone before coming here. None of them involved firearms higher than laser rifles.

In other words, his friend had been eliminated discreetly.

‘That man in his pajamas, is he a part of the organization?.’

According to recent reports, the individual who met Broker S was replaced by someone else. It was clear they were trying to avoid police surveillance and make efforts to escape the situation.

William contacted his team through the communication device and then sat down, opening the laptop he had brought with him.

“It’s me. After sending the surveillance team, how did things turn out?”

The police had diligently tracked Broker S and the mysterious man, but they failed to capture them on camera. The man was exceptionally elusive, as William’s team member had mentioned during the meeting. As a result, the surveillance team could only provide a composite image based on the police officers’ recollection. This meant the surveillance team had to painstakingly compare these faces with those recorded by city cameras.

[The newly appeared individual is still under analysis.]

“What about the guy in pajamas from the initial encounter?”

[That case is already completed. We’ve compared faces from citywide cameras with those appearing in the vicinity of the Special Trade Hub. We’ve identified 20 similar individuals. Their profiles are being sent to you.]

A message soon arrived on William’s laptop, indicating the file’s arrival. While examining the 20 profiles, he furrowed his brows.

“Commercial Zone laborer? This guy doesn’t have any priors?”

[No criminal record to speak of.]

“He looks exactly like that guy. What about his workplace?”

[We tried contacting them, but he hasn’t shown up for quite some time. Since he’s a casual laborer, it seems they don’t pay much attention to his absence.]

William wanted to press for more information, but he held back. In the T&C Special Trade Hub, the low-capital workers were practically treated as parts rather than humans. With the constant influx of people into the city, employees were not closely monitored.

He also knew that it wouldn’t change anything. This diseased city wouldn’t change, no matter how much he questioned.

‘It’s a sick and decaying city.’

Not everyone in MegaCorp approved of the oppressive system. There were those who had had enough of the society infiltrated by inhumane principles, and they sought refuge in StarUnions or Space Dogs.

William, being a military veteran, wasn’t fond of the fact that more people died in the Entertainment Zone than on the battlefield. However, he firmly believed that his duty was to serve MegaCorp by apprehending criminals who harmed society.

He shook his head, dispelling these pointless thoughts.

Over the communication device, he gave instructions to his subordinates waiting for a response.

“For now, send a team to the man’s workplace for further investigation. Re-investigate the other 19 individuals: their workplaces, residences, and relationships.”

[Yes sir!]

“Since I’m in the residential zone, I’ll check it out myself.”

[Yes? Wasn’t today your day off…]

“We don’t get any days off in our line of work. Anyway, good job.”

William ended the call and closed his laptop. Before leaving the house, he quietly bowed his head in the direction of his friend, who was most likely already deceased.

‘Your vengeance, I’ll take care of it.’

According to the records, the man in pajamas resided in an apartment near this location. Just like his friend’s place, the apartments in the residential zone were far from luxurious. They were built with cheap materials to reduce costs, which led to various issues. Among these problems, soundproofing was the worst.

‘It’s so quiet.’

Even considering it was daytime, this level of silence was a clear sign that something was amiss. It was as if no one lived on the entire third floor.


Tense, William drew his laser pistol. He took a deep breath and then knocked on the door of his destination.

There was no response. He knocked a few more times, but there was no sound from within.

‘Out for a walk?’

Normally, he should have waited for a search warrant, but William didn’t. Waiting for a warrant and then having the guy escape would only complicate things.

Determined, he pulled out his hacking device again. With a quick crack, he opened the door. Upon entering, he sensed a familiar smell.

‘The smell of blood!’

As a veteran and a detective, William had no trouble recognizing the sickening and repulsive smell. Unlike the smell, there was nothing unusual in the house. It was not as tidy as his friend’s place, but it was reasonably well-organized.

However, William felt as though this neatly arranged home was a model, artificially constructed by a murderer to hide evidence.

‘Is there nothing here?’

The smell persisted, but there was no concrete evidence to be found. William considered getting a search warrant and returning, but then he thought about the possibility of the suspect escaping.

With resolve, he pulled out his hacking equipment again. He opened the door quickly, and as he did, William caught a whiff of the familiar scent.

‘Nobody here!’

In its place, dried bloodstains were the only things that stood out.

William hastily left the house.

“It’s me! I found the person collaborating with Broker S! The location is…”

His urgent communication finally spurred the Harbor District Security Team into action.



[Translator – Jjescus]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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[‘Pre-saint > Quasi-saint’ evolution conditions partly have been met].

[Conditions: Transformable species 2/20 (Incomplete), Humanoid species 12/20 (Incomplete), Psychic Power-Using species 0/20 (Incomplete)]

[Predation effect activated! Successfully obtained ‘Predator’s Claw’ genetic essence.]

[Extracted the ‘Predator’s Claw’ from the biological characteristics of ‘wolf.’]

[Would you like to apply ‘Predator’s Claw’?]


Except for when I met Sanders, I had been feasting on the residents living in the apartment.

I had just finished a meal in the last apartment on the third floor, and for the first time in a while, the predation effect appeared.

At this point, acquiring a trait felt like a celebration, as if a text box had sent me a cake.

‘Predator’s Claw.’

As the name suggests, it strengthens the claws to be helpful in close combat. There aren’t any special additional effects, but traits of this kind usually don’t receive negative evaluations.

‘It’s fortunate, considering the lack of physical-related traits.’

‘Currently, I have a total of 10 physical-related traits, as the Contamination organ became a material for the Parasitic Colony, but I need 13 to utilize the Transcendence System. So, I just need 2 more from now on.’

‘I accept.’

Upon accepting, my combat arm transformed with a noisy collision of bones.

The fingernails, like razor blades, attached to the four fingers became thicker and longer, now resembling a giant hand axe. However, their sharpness hadn’t diminished, and they seemed capable of slicing through a person’s body like cutting fruit.

As I completed the mutation, a text box appeared before me as if to report something.

[Race: Unidentified Aggressive Space Morph
Status: Pre-saint
Objective: Survive (2nd Evolution Successful)
Possessed Traits – Physical-Related (Applied Type): Wings, Chitinous Exoskeleton, Regeneration (Fusion), Neurotoxin Glands (Fusion), Reinforced Exoskeleton, Acidic Blood, Enhanced Reflexes, Mimicry, Serrated Tentacles, Contamination Organ, Spine Projectile Organ, Predator’s Claw.
– Psychic-Related: Predator Sense (fusion), Human Nature, Monster’s Tentacles, and Clairvoyance, Psychic Resistance.
– Infection-Related: Parasitic Colony (Fusion).
Type: Physical Enhancement Type]


Evolution was progressing smoothly. The evolution conditions were slow but steadily filling up.

‘Lloyd, Lloyd’s boyfriend, 9 bodyguards, excluding the leader and Kate, and including the three humans I’ve eaten from the 3rd floor in the last few days, that makes a total of 12.’

The man from the neighboring apartment and the head of the security guards were killed by me, but they didn’t count towards the evolution conditions because I shared their corpses with Number 26. So, the humanoid race was counted as a total of 12.

‘Wolfs, I’ve eaten two, including today’s.’

There are many playable intelligent species that can transform besides wolves, but I’m not sure if you can find them in this cosmic city. Since wolves are the most common, they will probably fulfill the evolution conditions when I eat all of mine.

‘Once I eat all of my Wolfs, I’ll fill more than half, and dealing with humans will be enough to complete the conditions.’

Once other conditions are completed, I’ll need to prepare to eat the Cult next. As both the acquisition of psychic powers and the evolution conditions are intertwined, hunting the Cult is currently the most important element for me.

‘Still, it’s fortunate that I have psychic-related traits, like the monster’s tentacles.’

According to the setting, the Cult believes that their kind has been chosen by a higher will to freely wield psychic powers. So, species that can’t use psychic powers are considered as mere monkeys by these arrogant folks.

Of course, it’s not entirely unjustified given that psychic powers are incredibly potent abilities, especially in a fight against someone other than me.

‘When I fight them, it’s best if they remain complacent.’

Their arrogance is an advantage for me. They underestimate the threat, even when I attack them.

‘Hunting the Cult isn’t an issue, but the location is problematic.’

The Cult is most densely concentrated in the Administrative Zone, but launching an assault there without proper preparation is not easy. While secret passages are connected, there are many cameras around manholes, making it impossible to move stealthily as if traveling to another zone.

‘I should target other places before tackling the Administrative Zone, as it’s too burdensome to assault them before they become even stronger.’

The attack on the administrative district will probably take place after acquiring the psychic enhancement type. Until then, the commercial district is the place I consider an alternative.

Cults don’t like the entertainment offered by MegaCorp, but they go to the commercial district frequently because they go crazy for artifacts and valuable equipment. Especially with the recent influx of cults due to the council, fulfilling the evolution conditions there shouldn’t be a problem.

‘Even if the surveillance is strict, it’s still much better than the entertainment and administrative districts.’

Of course, the likelihood of getting caught will increase, but there’s no other choice.

‘Once the residential district is cleaned up, I’ll nest in the secret passages before the contamination devices disappear.’

The spores I planted in the secret passages have grown significantly. Additionally, if I install nests in the area near the port district and the residential district where I frequently visit, I should be able to monitor the movements of the enemies without any problems.

I’m planning out what to do next, but my auxiliary system has picked up a faint footstep sound.


The third floor was completely empty, so there shouldn’t be any footsteps.

As I left Wolf’s apartment, I saw a man disappearing down the corridor on the other side. Instead of immediately chasing after him, I focused my auxiliary sensors on him.

“The location is Apartment C3 in Block C! This perpetrator is related to Broker S, and he’s a heinous criminal who also killed armed security guards, so hurry and provide support….”

Thanks to my super-senses, I could faintly hear what he was shouting into his communication device.

‘Is that a police officer?’

From what he was saying, it seemed like he was a police officer who had been tracking Sanders. I’m not sure how he found out, but he also knew that I had killed the security guards.

‘I got caught earlier than expected.’

I was planning to fulfill the humanoid species condition here, but it seems like it’ll be difficult now.

‘What do I do?’

I had two options, Escape or confront them.

‘No, escaping now would be difficult.’

Since he had already requested backup, leaving the apartment would not be easy.

Even if I managed to get out, if I were caught in the secret passage during the escape, it would be an even bigger loss. The secret passage is my last line of defense, so I must avoid being caught there at all costs.

So, there’s only one way forward.

‘Fight them.’

I need to take down the people who entered this place and seize the opportunity to escape. They are overwhelmingly superior in numbers, firepower, and all aspects, but being strong doesn’t guarantee victory.

Seeing the people I cruelly murdered might make them hesitate, and when the enemies are in confusion, that will be my only chance to escape.

I woke up Number 26 and Adhai who were taking a nap.

「Big Baby, what’s going on?」

「I’m」, 「tired」.

[ZZ ZZZ ZZ ZZZ (Enemy is coming).]

They might think they’ve already captured me, but there’s one thing they don’t know: Amorph is a hunter. Chasing and hunting are what Amorph excels at.


How the apartments that provide comfort and shelter to the residents transform under Amorph’s influence. What happens when humans enter Amorph’s territory without knowing. They’ll find out soon.



[Translator – Jjescus]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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