
I Became an Evolving Space Monster - Chapter 38

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[Translator – Jjescus]

[Proofreader – Demon God]


Chapter 38

Sander always considered himself a cautious person. It might be amusing that someone engaged in the criminal enterprise of smuggling thought this way, but at least he believed it. After witnessing others start haphazardly and getting caught, becoming ’employees’ of the entertainment district, he meticulously prepared for smuggling.

He had established connections with the Smuggling Animal Surveillance Team, and even had influence with the Port Security Team and, unbelievably, the Security Team of the Administrative Zone within the city. Among the criminals in this space city, there weren’t many who moved as cautiously as him.

Of course, Sander was a practical person and didn’t believe he could commit the perfect crime. He intended to make enough profit to emigrate to another planet before the surveillance network closed in on him.

However, he had no idea that an unknown entity would trample on his dreams with his goal almost in sight.


As Sander fled under the protection of a security guard, he cursed inwardly. He had turned off the cameras and asked the Port Security Team to change their patrol route. Consequently, there was no one around here, not even androids.

Of course, there were still functioning cameras, but he was afraid to run towards them. Just the fact that they had secretly infiltrated a place filled with logistics storage containers with several people in the dead of night was already enough to raise suspicions that they were involved in smuggling.

Sander was well aware that smuggling was a serious crime in MegaCorp. It was a real taboo. He could vividly picture the suffering “employees” in the entertainment district who were subjected to such crimes.

“I think we need to go to the police station.”

“What? Going to the police means it’s over for me!”

“But we can’t handle our opponent. It’s better to request protection for now.”

“Well, that’s… damn it!”

The security guard was right. Buying time was better than an immediate death. It seemed like it was time to see just how effective the credits Sander had been funneling to the Earth Security Team would be.

One security guard stayed behind to watch their rear while the other two stuck close to Sander, moving cautiously.

The police station was not far from the freight yard. They moved stealthily between the massive walls made of containers.



A scream came from behind. Sander turned to look, trembling, but there was no one there. Only the laser rifle the security guard had dropped remained.

“We’ll run.”

With tense expressions, the security guards grabbed Sander. They practically carried his half-bent body as they hurried.

In the distance, they saw a partly open metal gate within the chain-link fence surrounding the freight yard.

‘Just have to cross that,’ Sander thought with hope. But as they were about to do so, one of the security guards stopped.



“I heard something.”

At his words, Sander listened carefully, and he indeed heard some strange noise.

Whenever the crane moved a container, there was a sound that could be likened to a hammer striking at regular intervals, but much quieter.

“Once you get out there, it’s the police station. Run!”


“I said run right now!”

At the security guard’s command, Sander sprinted. Behind him, both security guards held laser rifles and kept an eye on their surroundings.

Within a few minutes, the security guards’ earpieces crackled with sound. The noise heightened Sander’s fear several times over.

He ran like a madman, losing his shoes in the process, but he didn’t notice. The metal gate was right in front of him now. As he reached for the partially open door, he felt a slight stinging sensation in his calf.


Suddenly, his legs gave out, and he slammed his face into the chain-link fence. It should have hurt terribly; blood flowed so much that it should have been painful, but he couldn’t feel any pain at all.

‘What’s going on?’

Only then did he realize that his body was completely paralyzed. Lying on the ground like a log, ‘it’ finally revealed itself.


It drew closer to his face, drooling. Seeing the monster’s dripping mouth, Sander involuntarily wet himself.

It briefly growled and then lifted Sander’s body.

“What the… Where are you taking me?”

The place ‘it’ took Sander to was where they had first met, under the container crane. ‘It’ threw Sander to the ground.

‘What… what’s going on?’

Leaving Sander there, ‘it’ approached a refrigerated container. It was the container where the Outsider was kept frozen.

The guy standing in front of the container brought his head close to the terminal.

“What are you doing?” Sander asked, unsure. After a moment, the person operated the small device on their chest, easily opening the container door. With a thud, they entered the container.

An hour had passed since the person entered the container, and they still hadn’t come out. Sander was becoming increasingly desperate.

“Please, can someone help me!” he shouted. He knew he needed to escape while the person inside was preoccupied, but his body refused to move.

He lay there, emitting an unpleasant odor, unable to do anything but wait.


‘It smells.’

I brushed the shoulder stained with Broker S’s discharged bodily fluids. I intended to intimidate, but I didn’t expect him to be so frightened. I even deliberately stabbed gently to avoid shocking him too much.

‘I shouldn’t kill him just yet,’ Broker S is an important figure. Even if I were to devour him, it must be at the right time.

‘Before dealing with the Broker, I should handle this first.’

I was now inside the frozen container where the Outspacer is stored.

The container was packed with twenty cryogenic tubes.

Broker S was outside, and there were corpses scattered around. I needed to quickly consume the Outspacer and clean this place up.

I operated the terminal on the front cryogenic tube. As the cool air rushed out, the glass door opened.

Inside was a creature that looked like a cross between a crab and a camel spider.

About 80cm in size, with a body resembling a camel spider, and all eight legs were as long as the body, with two of the legs ending in large pincers. Its face had a long and pointed upper jaw, making it look like it was holding a sickle in its mouth.

‘I thought it was a mutant, but it’s not.’

The creature in the cryogenic tube was a type of insect. It wasn’t listed, so I naturally thought it was a mutant.

‘It’s okay. It’s just the same if it’s not a queen.’

There shouldn’t be any issues. I can acquire the desired traits from any type of Outspacer.
I tore the creature’s head off and devoured it.

‘It would be great if it wasn’t so cold.’

The creature tasted like crab meat. To be precise, it felt like eating crab meat straight from the refrigerator without thawing it.

‘Oh, should I call it crab stick flavor?’

Anyway, it had a taste that grew on me. Since the insects were less than 1 meter in size, it didn’t take too long to finish eating them.

‘The first one is a miss.’

With 19 left, I diligently consumed the remaining Outspacers.


When only 3 remained, I couldn’t help but feel anxious.

‘It’s not showing up often enough.’

I knew that the probability of the predation effect wasn’t high to begin with, but if it hadn’t shown up by now, I might have to give up and consider other options.

‘Should I just spare Broker S?’

He came here for smuggling. Smuggling was a serious crime in Megacorp, so even if I killed all of his bodyguards, he couldn’t go anywhere to complain. Moreover, it would raise suspicion if he did.

‘…But leaving a loose end would be a burden.’



[Translator – Jjescus]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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On the research vessel, everything operated under the logic of convenience because it was essentially a ship. Predicting human relationships was relatively easy. But the city was different. I didn’t know if the author had close relationships with anyone or possessed means to threaten me.

‘I need to be prepared.’

In a way, I’m not sure how I’ve managed to survive smoothly up to this point. If it were a game, I should have died countless times in the situations I’ve faced.

‘Obtaining the genetic essence from 20 creatures isn’t an easy task either.’

Even though I ate more than 100 of the same creatures in the game, there were times when I couldn’t obtain any genetic essence at all. Particularly when facing creatures like Gallagons or The Vortex Ones, if the predatory effect didn’t trigger, it would become really frustrating as it was not possible to hunt such powerful creatures in bulk, it was so challenging that I felt like giving up on the game.

‘I’ve experienced situations like this in the game before.’

I assumed that nothing would come from the Outspacer, so I picked up one of the remaining three.

I had consumed the animal, but once again, the predation effect didn’t trigger.


Now, there were only two left. I was on the verge of giving up.

‘Should I just give the last one to Number 26?’

If I ate 18 out of 20 and nothing happened, I had to consider it impossible. I bit into one of the two remaining creatures’ legs with a sense of resignation.

The crunchy texture and the juicy flesh inside pleased my palate, but my heart felt heavy.
When I had finished eating all the insects, a miracle happened.

[Predation effect activated! Successfully obtained ‘Parasite’ genetic essence from ‘Outspacer Insect.’]

[Extracted the ‘Parasite’ from the biological traits of ‘Outspacer Insect.’]

[Would you like to apply the ‘Parasite’?]

‘It’s done!’

At last, when I got what I wanted, I couldn’t help but cheer out loud.


Outspacers naturally carry various biological parasites in their bodies as a racial characteristic. Parasites are one of these pathogens and can infiltrate the host’s body to control their movements.

‘Of course, the Outspacer’s parasite only limits the target’s actions to some extent.’

In terms of lore, it was impressive, but in the game, the Outspacer’s parasite was implemented as a debuff mechanic.

Those affected by the parasite effect experienced limitations on their abilities or equipment usage.

Actually, even just this feature is powerful enough, but getting the Parasite changes the game.

‘When combined with the Contamination Organ, you can create an enhanced Parasite.’

As per the settings, it’s possible to produce a Parasite that can control other creatures. The Contamination Organ disappears, and the physical traits change completely, but I currently have a total of 11 physical-related traits. Since the type acquisition condition is having 10 or more traits, losing the Contamination Organ won’t affect my type.

Furthermore, the trait obtained by combining the Parasite and the Contamination Organ serves as the key to unlocking a new type.

The new types that open up are Infection Enhancement Types, related to physical abilities, Psychic Enhancement Types, and the newly unlocked type through the combined trait is the Infection Enhancement Type.

The Infection Enhancement Type affects debuff-related traits like crowd control devices. Its intuitive effects may be lower compared to other types, but it’s very useful for someone like me who prefers a stealth-focused strategy.

Moreover, to evolve into a Quasi-Saint, I need to gather 4 types, so gathering one more is crucial.

Therefore, my choice is clear.

I immediately felt my body undergoing a mutation.

The lower right arm, which used to house the Contamination Organ, grew thicker and bulged as if something like eggs was inside. Inside the arm, newly formed parasites wriggled and waited for their owner’s command.

[‘Parasite’ trait has been applied.]

[Can be fused with the ‘Contamination Organ’ previously possessed.]

[Fusion of ‘Parasite’ and ‘Contamination Organ’ traits. Evolves into ‘Parasitic Colony’ trait! ]

[Parasitic Colony: Allows the creation of enhanced parasites at the expense of losing the effect of the Contamination Organ. Up to 5 enhanced parasites can be operated.
*P.S.: I don’t understand your love of this disgusting trait.]

[There are currently two types that can be characterized.]
[Psychic Enhancement Type (5/6), Infection Enhancement Type (1/4).]

‘All right.’

Now that I’ve obtained the desired trait, it’s time to test its effects.

After devouring the last remaining Outsider, I exited the container. S, who had been diligently poking at the ground, looked up at me with a terrified expression. His face, now pale and almost yellow, clearly showed the fear of someone who had just experienced horror. However, he hasn’t truly experienced fear yet.

The real terror begins now.

As I activated the Parasitic Colony, my lower right arm started to squirm and bulge as if it were trying to expel something. From the hole in the palm of my hand, black, centipede-like creatures emerged.

“W-What are you trying to do? Please, stop!”

S, who mixed screams with sobs, began to cry as I approached. His formerly chubby face had become disfigured, possibly due to the mental shock he had experienced over the past few hours.

My hand got close to his swollen, half-faced visage.


“…Then, I’ll go.”

Broker S, or rather, Sander, lowered his head and left. The Parasite transplant was successful. Now, Sanders is mine.

‘Still, it’s limited to 24 hours.’

Once 24 hours pass, the Parasite will automatically die, and so will Sander. This is because the Parasite has taken control of his brain.

Before the Parasite dies, I have to replace it to keep Sander alive. Sander knows this fact. Without me, he will also die.

‘He’s a smart person, so he won’t easily resist me.’

He might try to go to a hospital for an extraction, but his thoughts are known to the Parasite. If he ever entertains malicious intentions, the Parasite will secrete a substance into his brain causing excruciating pain.

‘It’s going to be incredibly painful.’

Sander has already experienced how excruciating that pain can be. He’s unlikely to resist me too much.

Moreover, I showed Sander how I dispose of corpses right in front of him. Being a smart person, he probably knows my intentions.

‘Well, let’s head back now.’

I took the lead with the bodyguards and returned home.

Upon arriving home, Number 26, who had woken up from its sleep, was waiting for me.

「Where did you go?」

[ZZZ ZZZZ ZZZZ ZZZ ZZ(I thought you might be hungry)]


It’s a learning Amoeba. As soon as I held out the food, he calmed down. As we shared a meal, I took out the neighbor’s man’s ankle from the refrigerator.

As we enjoyed our late-night snack, the night faded away.



[Translator – Jjescus]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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