
I Became an Evolving Space Monster - Chapter 37

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[Translator – Jjescus]

[Proofreader – Demon God]


Chapter 37

‘Broker S. He’s quite a cautious person.’

His immediate call upon any suspicion indicates a prudent individual. If he had any doubts during our conversation, he would have canceled the deal right away. Fortunately, he didn’t find anything amiss.

‘Indeed, being cautious is essential.’

Using the USB Lloyd provided, I could roughly guess who he was.

‘A confiscation item manager from the Material Storage Team or a security officer from the Port Security Team.’

These are the only two people who could legally load seized animals onto a ship.

The Material Storage team manages all materials that arrive at the port, making document manipulation straightforward.

Port security officers can tamper with surveillance cameras. Of course, given the current situation, they might not manipulate all cameras but disable some when moving animals.

‘Perhaps, it might even be both.’

There’s a possibility that someone from the Material Storage Team bought off a security officer.

Whichever side he’s on, he’s undoubtedly not in a high position, but he’s not at the bottom either; he’s firmly in a middle management role. And he’s smart enough to avoid getting caught in smuggling for an extended period.

In short, he’s not an easy target for me to eliminate. The problem with dealing with someone influential is that if I were to kill him without reason, it would cause problems.

People like Lloyd and Ras are quite different from those on a casual basis. If S is in a middle management role, there are many people connected to him, so if he were to suddenly disappear, it would raise suspicion in his surroundings. Moreover, there are likely more than two teams involved, and perhaps more teams related to the situation.

Criminals have strong relationships, so if he were to vanish, they would undoubtedly make efforts to find him. Even if I were to impersonate S and attempt to resign formally, if he holds a significant role within the team, it wouldn’t be easy to resign as I please. Being called to the workplace would complicate matters.

‘So, using S to smuggle confiscated animals also has its limitations.’

I told S that I found a customer, but that’s obviously a lie. The commission I can offer him is limited, and I don’t have that many credits earned from the ones I’ve consumed.

Like most residents in this residential zone, they’re mostly day laborers or those who spend their daily credits in the entertainment zone. The neighbor next door has a fair amount of credits, but Ras is nearly penniless.

‘He’s the type to call just because I mentioned changing the time. If he knew I had no money, he’d cut ties right away.’

How can I use him without causing any problems in the long term? There’s actually a way, but it requires a fair amount of luck.

‘The genetic essence of the Outspacer.’

Among the characteristics of the Outspacer, there’s one that can solve this problem. If I can obtain that characteristic through a predatory effect, then the problem with Broker S will be easily resolved.

‘Once this deal is done, I can consume the Outspacer. After that, I’ll decide based on the results.’

The deal with the broker is already halfway done. Unless something goes wrong when we meet, obtaining the Outspacer is a done deal. There are many variables at the moment, so it’s better to plan for what comes after consuming the Outspacer.

‘There’s still a lot to do before I leave.’

Apart from the broker-related matters, there are other tasks that remain. Just like Ras, I need to arrange for Lloyd’s resignation.

After killing Lloyd, I used the communicator I had saved to send a resignation email to the Smuggling Animal Surveillance Team. It seems they didn’t contact me separately, likely because everyone had already gone home.

I finished Lloyd’s resignation process, and when I checked the time, it had already passed midnight.

The meeting time is approaching.

I left the house, leaving Number 26 behind, who was still asleep.


This isn’t the Entertainment Zone, so there weren’t many residents out and about. The streets were patrolled by tired-looking police officers and androids.

I cautiously slipped into the underground secret passage to avoid their watchful eyes.

‘The container handling yard, huh?’

The path was lined with numerous cameras. Likely, some of these cameras had been intentionally disabled from the other side due to illegal deals, but I had to do my best to avoid them.

‘I can detect electromagnetic waves with my auxiliary organs.’

Emerging from the manhole, I focused my senses on the auxiliary organs. Since evolving, the two larger tentacles beneath my jaw wriggled with even greater length and thickness, following my will.

The scent of the dawn, carrying the tang of asphalt, the forest of containers emanating the smell of iron and aluminum. The faint vibrations of the subway felt from the ground, the pulse of the vast city that operated day and night.

The Harbor Zone was still teeming with stimuli for all the senses.

My auxiliary organs extracted the thin electronic waves resembling fine threads emitted by the cameras.

‘There are three cameras ahead.’

I moved cautiously, avoiding the locations where the cameras were, finding my way through the gaps between stacks of containers. As I had anticipated, some of the cameras were disabled.

‘Seems like they have connections with the security personnel as well.’

With the cameras that were off, I didn’t need to worry, so I passed by without any trouble.

As I continued moving, I sensed the movements of living animals in the distance.

There were a total of ten individuals. All but one were armed.


Their heightened alertness suggested they brought backup.

‘I thought it would be easier to deal with.’

I activated my mimicry organ and revealed myself to them.

Ten people, standing beneath the red light of the container crane’s lamps, all turned to look at me.

In the middle, a stout, closely shaved man, Broker S, greeted me.

“Oh, you are here.”

“Who are they?”

“Oh, don’t worry about them. They’re here for insurance.”

Despite the reassurance not to worry, their demeanor wasn’t what one would describe as friendly. They had laser barrels aimed at me.

‘A nonviolent demonstration.’

Most of them were humans wearing powered armor, cyborgs, but there was one individual who stood out.

‘There’s a Wolf too.’

Wolves are a shape-shifting humanoid species with animal heads as we commonly know them. They possess physical abilities far superior to humans, and their senses are exceptionally keen.

The female Wolf brought by S was already glaring at me.

‘My mimicry organ works through pheromones. Even with wolf, I can deceive, but they are more sensitive than other species.’

‘I better get this over with as quickly as possible.’

I cut to the chase.

“Where’s the merchandise?”

“The trade items are in that refrigerated container over there. I’ll give you the password once the deposit is confirmed.”


“Since you’ve done this before, you know what to do, right? Enter your account here.”

He handed me a laptop, and there was a program running. It seemed that once you entered your personal credit account, the credits would be automatically transferred to him.

I had no trouble with it, having previously checked the credit account on the man next door’s personal computer.

‘The balance was cutting it close, to be honest.’

The deposit went smoothly. S closed the laptop with a satisfied expression.

“Well, one headache is gone with this.”

“A headache?”

“The Outspacer, that’s what I call it. I don’t know what kind of weirdo buys such a dangerous creature. Cults are a breed I can never understand.”

“That’s true.”

I played along with S as he talked about an imaginary being that didn’t exist.

In reality, I didn’t know how it was, but in the game, Cults and Outspacers were in an antagonistic relationship. It was true in the storyline and by game design.

The ultimate goal of the Outspacer was to return to their destroyed homeworld, the Vortex One. To do that, they needed such powerful psychic abilities that they could bend galaxies to their will. They achieved this by consuming Cults to accumulate psychic power.

One might suggest acquiring the genetic essence related to psychic power and applying it to the cluster, but the Outspacer had limitations on the use of certain traits.

‘The Outspacer can’t use psychic powers.’

Due to the setting that the entire species had its psychic power abilities taken away by the Vortex One, the Outspacer couldn’t use any traits related to superhuman abilities, except for one immunity to superhuman attacks.

Thanks to their innate immunity, they could fend off weaker superhuman attacks. But they were vulnerable to powerful psychic power techniques. In other words, the Outspacer only had basic defenses against superhuman abilities and struggled to counter various superhuman attacks.

‘So, Cults are Outspacers’ counter.’

Cults were truly the experts in psychic power. They were the most versatile among the playable species, being able to use various psychic power techniques.

Even if the Outspacers had innate resistance to superhuman abilities, they had ample means to attack beyond that.

Physically frail but capable of various forms of superhuman attacks, Cults could generate countless legions. However, the Outspacers were susceptible to superhuman abilities. The community debates never ceased about who had the upper hand.

‘Judging by their conversation, it seems like they aren’t necessarily hostile to each other in reality.’

To know the details, I might have to meet Cults in person. Anyway, my business with the Broker is finished, so I should withdraw from here.

“The deal is done, so I’m going.”



“The one who broke through the Cults, he’s the team leader, right?”

“Yes? Oh, yes.”

“He’s not ordinary either. Maybe, could you teach me as well?”

“What do you mean?”



[Translator – Jjescus]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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“Cult connections. Make sure to keep me informed whenever a deal is made with them in the future. Of course, I’m only talking to you, L.”

Certainly, being an influential Broker, he’s trying to negotiate with me as well. The more we talk, the less comfortable it is for someone as difficult to deceive as me.

“I’m sorry, but I’ll have to decline.”

“Eh, too bad.”


After bidding farewell once more, I attempted to leave, but this time, another individual stopped me.

“Wait. Stop right there.”

“Kate? What’s going on?”

The one who halted me was none other than a Wolf. Kate, the Wolf with a distinctive wolf-like head, approached me, sniffing the air.

“Something’s suspicious.”

“Suspicious? I’ve done several transactions with L.”

“I don’t know for sure, but she seems to be hiding something.”


Upon hearing this, S’s expression turned cold.

“Hey. What does this mean?”


“Kate has a keener sense of smell than other Wolves. The security team is on edge, and there’s something odd about her. Are you trying to pull a fast one? Detain her, everyone.”

The security guards guarding S slowly approached me, guns aimed at me.

‘It’s come to this after all.’

To the best of my knowledge, in the game, Wolves couldn’t entirely detect the effects of the mimic device. I wasn’t sure if Kate was unique or if the Wolves’ senses had become more acute with the advent of reality.

‘I’ll ponder that later. First, let’s eliminate everyone except S.’

I hoped for a peaceful resolution, but there was no other choice.

From here on, it was their own doing. I flicked my tail and jabbed Kate, who was next to me.


In her characteristic wolfish manner, she let out a strange cry as she collapsed, a hole in her thigh.

She was wearing low-level powered armor, but armor of that level didn’t offer strong defense. Unless it was advanced powered armor with built-in shields, it was difficult to block my attacks.


“You damn wench!”

Leaving her unable to move due to the nerve poison, I ignored her and rushed towards the security guards.

In the middle of the barrage of lasers fired from 8 barrels, my body was unharmed. My body was enhanced with physical enhancements and various abilities. Naturally, I suffered no injuries.

I swung my combat-armored arm at the closest human.


‘That’s two.’

After crushing the opponent’s jaw to incapacitate them, I launched bone spines at another cyborg nearby.

The sharp projectiles pierced through the cyborg’s head like darts, and even the head of another human standing behind it.

‘That’s four.’

“That wench is using camouflage!”

“Lower your head!”

“Hee, heeek!”

Before the two corpses hit the ground, I leaped into the air. My target was the tallest cyborg among the enemies. As I soared towards him, his face turned ashen in an instant.


I pounced on him and knocked him down. Using my four combat arms, I relentlessly clawed at him. His thin powered armor was shredded to pieces by my razor-sharp claws.

“Aaaaah! Help!”

“Darn it!”

In their eyes, it would seem like I was tearing them apart with just my two arms, thanks to something invisible to them. Broker S, who witnessed the spectacle of mechanical components and internals shattering into the air inside the cyborg’s body, let out a desperate cry.

“Damn it! We can’t handle this!”

“I’ll hold them off. Get the VIP to safety!”

The human with scars on his face gave orders to the other security guards. Excluding him, three security guards grabbed S and began their escape.


He backed away and started firing his laser rifle at me. The red beams of light rained upon my body, but what he had hoped for did not happen.

Currently, my body is akin to a living tank. Unless armed with plasma weapons or at least gauss weaponry, causing me harm is impossible.

Realizing that his laser attacks were futile, he soon ceased firing.

“Damn it…!”

He dropped his rifle and retrieved a small rod from his pocket. It was the same model as the sonic blade used by the pirates who infiltrated the research vessel last time.

‘The pirates last time, and now this guy… Could they be part of the same organization?’

Space docks often attract retired soldiers and mercenaries. Their behavior and weaponry are similar, and considering the resemblance, they might have been in the same organization before retiring and going their separate ways.

‘Both of them are going to die the same way, but…’

“Even if I die, you won’t get through here.”

Impressive professional spirit, but I wasn’t going to cut them any slack. I swung my tail heavily against the ground.

The scarred man saw through my attack and leaped backward, but my attack didn’t end there.

Bone spines soared toward his abdomen. His pupils dilated as he hastily raised the sonic blade to block them.

His reflexes were decent, but his condition wasn’t great. Along with the jarring metallic noise, the sonic blade vibrated in both hands as it blocked the bone spines.

“Damn it!”

I made a short charge and thrust my head into his side. The thick horn on my head pierced through his flimsy armor and wreaked havoc on the man’s organs.

“Mon… monster…”

I shook my head vigorously to dislodge him from my horn and tossed him away. With half of his side ripped open, he convulsed on the ground before his breath ceased.

“Ugh… ugh…”

Alone and paralyzed, Kate trembled as she looked at me.

‘A Wolf, huh? Convenient timing.’

Wolves were a playable race capable of shape-shifting, which meant they counted as an evolutionary condition.

I approached her.

‘I don’t need to transform into Lloyd now.’

The resignation had concluded, and the plan to meet the broker in the future had fallen apart.

Whether by killing the broker or eating an Outspacer to gain their traits, Lloyd’s necessity had ceased to exist.

With no need to transform into Lloyd, there shouldn’t be any issue with consuming the Wolf’s genes.

I deactivated the mimicry organ. A membrane covered the small hole on my skin, and the pheromones that had permeated the surroundings gradually dissipated.

“Ugh, uuuuh!”

Kate’s eyes widened significantly upon seeing me return to my monstrous form. She struggled to escape in any way she could, but her resistance was futile. The neurotoxin had ensnared her body like a net.

I firmly grasped her body with my four arms and opened my mouth wide.

“Uuuh, uuugh!”

‘Well then, bon appétit.’

My snake-like, gaping mouth devoured her head whole. Her muscles shivered for a moment, as if taking the place of a death rattle, and then relaxed.


The Wolf’s head was surprisingly palatable, except for the thick fur. It was almost as tasty as a juicy hamburger. Certainly not as exhilarating as when I ate a cat for the first time; it didn’t bring that level of joy.

‘I’ll savor the rest later.’

Unfortunately, S and the security personnel had escaped. It would be best to deal with them before indulging.

I gathered the scattered corpses and placed them in a location beyond the reach of the cameras.

‘All right.’

The auxiliary organs informed me that they hadn’t gone far.

The hunt was far from over.



[Translator – Jjescus]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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