
I Became an Evolving Space Monster - Chapter 218

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[Translator – Seraph]

[Proofreader – Draxx]

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Chapter 218

Odd Grad, having evaded the reinforced 'Watcher of Fear,' did not attack us.

He merely kept his distance, staying alert.

Before the evasion, he had shown an air of arrogance, but now, that was entirely gone. He was extremely wary of us—no, of me.

My wing movements, the angle of my head, the auxiliary organs swaying gently in the wind, and even the tentacles of the glowing monster in shades of purple and green.

‘I don't understand.’

His gaze was fixed on the monster's tentacles, as if he knew they posed a threat to him.

‘Black Gallagons don't possess reconnaissance-related abilities.’

Gallagons don't have characteristics like 'clairvoyance', which gathers surrounding information to detect entities beneath the ground or behind walls, or 'insight', which analyzes the opponent’s equipment or traits based on their appearance. Not even the Red Gallagons, which appear only in events, have such abilities.

Gallagons are perfect creatures, capable of surviving even in space with their robust physical strength, powerful psychic abilities, long lifespans, and social nature that allows them to hunt in packs with their kind. There’s no need for them to have reconnaissance-related abilities.

‘But that's uncertain.’

Even Adhai, after all, had shown a different side compared to ordinary Gallagons. Odd Grad might also not be a typical Black Gallagon.

‘Let’s try using insight.’

In truth, when we went to find the Helside Hornet, I did try using insight on Adhai once. It didn’t provide any useful information, so it wasn’t much help.

There’s a high chance that no new information will come from this one either, but there’s nothing to lose by trying. I flapped my wings, approaching it.

[ZZZ ZZZZ ZZZ (I'm going to get closer to it. Help me.)]


Though I had planned to use the coordinated attack of Abyssal Hue and Number 26 as a trump card, the situation had already escalated. Number 26, who had been moving cautiously to conceal its power, no longer needed to hold back.

I struck the air hard with my wings, propelling myself forward. As the distance between us narrowed, Odd Grad's horns began to glow a vibrant purple.

From far above my head, I heard the growling sound of a tiger. It was the sign that a psychic storm, influenced by the 'Maelstrom', was about to be unleashed.

Purple lightning bolts cascaded behind me, and a tornado over 100 meters in diameter blocked my path ahead.

The tornado sucked in the air with such force that my flight speed suddenly dropped. In that brief moment, just as the psychic lightning was about to strike me, Number 26 intervened.


Have you ever seen a lightning bolt frozen in mid-air? What you could only see in a photograph was now happening right above my back.

I could feel it through my auxiliary organs. Thousands—no, an uncountable number—of threads shot out from Number 26's body, grabbing hold of the lightning. The psychic power, now immobilized, gathered at a single point in the air, directed by his will.


Odd Grad, who had cast the Maelstrom, tried to regain control of the lightning too late. The psychic power that Number 26 had seized had already transformed into a purple arrow aimed at its life.

Like an arrow shot by a god to slay an evil dragon, the psychic power sliced through the dark clouds. Failing to maintain control, Odd Grad flapped its wings frantically, dodging out of the way. The arrow changed course to target him, but his erratic movements made him difficult to hit.

「Big one, I'm exhausted. I can't keep this up much longer.」

[ZZZ (It's okay.)]

Thanks to its efforts, I was able to close in on the creature without any hindrance.

[ZZZZ ZZZ (Help Adhai.)]


Just then, the small-bodied White Gallagon, Adhai, was fiercely attacking Odd Grad at close range. Number 26 used its psychic power to support Adhai's energy blasts.

「You wretched creatures!」

Odd Grad, with a wave of irritated psychic thoughts, began unleashing a barrage of psychic breaths. As Adhai dodged the high-speed beams with evasive manoeuvres, I activated insight.

「Name: Odd Grad

Species: Black Gallagon

Status: Enhanced (Dragon's Power, ■■■ ■■■)

Abilities: Hyper-Acceleration, Psychic Breath, Dragon’s Heart, and many more…」

‘I see…’

Confirming the information through insight, I activated my own psychic breath. Unlike the usual purple glow, a bizarre mix of green, purple, and various other colors swirled around my body.

This was a psychic breath enhanced by Abyssal Hue. The devastating bubble of unending hunger formed at the tip of my tentacle.

The bubble-like breath flew towards him, aiming to engulf him. As soon as he saw the bubble, Odd Grad, which had been targeting Adhai, swiftly retreated.

‘He noticed again…’

Odd Grad's retreat gave me a brief moment to recall the newly obtained information.

‘He has a special ability.’

This was evident from his 'status'. In addition to the 'Dragon's Power', there was another enhancement effect.

All Gallagons stronger than Black Gallagons possess the unique ability 'Dragon's Heart.' When an ordinary player has Dragon’s Heart, they gain the enhancement known as Dragonification. For Gallagons, it results in the enhancement known as Dragon's Power.

The issue lies in the enhancement effect following Dragon's Power. A typical Black Gallagon should only possess Dragon’s Power, but this one had two enhancement effects.

It’s highly likely that this additional enhancement effect is related to the mysterious ability.

Unfortunately, insight did not reveal all of his abilities. Insight randomly shows an opponent's equipment, skills, and traits rather than displaying everything.

It would be ideal to get closer and use insight again, but that doesn't seem feasible. Having narrowly evaded my attacks twice, he was now extremely wary of me. Being a clever creature, he won't allow me to approach it again.

‘Maybe it's fortunate that he’s being passive.’

I don't know how Odd Grad figured out my abilities, but because of that, his movements were restricted. If he had been more aggressive, this fight would have been much harder.

‘I need to change my strategy.’

I sent a brief wave to Adhai. Although she hesitated and seemed flustered upon receiving it, when I sent a stronger wave, she eventually agreed.

「Big One」 「Body」 「Be careful」

With those words, she flew off in the opposite direction.

Odd Grad, whether Adhai left or not, kept his focus solely on me. He knew that even if Adhai attacked, she wouldn't be able to cause any significant damage.

‘He thinks the fight will end easily if he just takes me down.’

For him, that’s a perfectly rational judgement. Of course, I expected him to think that way, which is why I acted accordingly.

Then, the battle with him resumed. Thanks to Number 26, he adjusted the Maelstrom’s range so that lightning wouldn’t strike within his domain.

Instead, he increased the number of tornadoes descending from the clouds to disrupt my movement. His intent was clear: to keep his distance and wear me down gradually.

As expected, he kept as much distance as possible while unleashing his breath attacks.

Although Number 26 had once neutralized the heat rays of Ham Ort, it couldn't control Odd Grad's breath. So, instead, it slightly altered the trajectory of the breath attacks to make them miss, assisting me in that way.

‘That alone is a huge help.’

In truth, I had one trump card up my sleeve.

If Odd Grad hadn’t been so much stronger than I anticipated, or if he had been as dumb as the Black Gallagons I knew, I would have used this strategy earlier.

There’s a trait I acquired after capturing the Mother of the Sky—a fusion physical trait that combines with the existing 'Synthetized Organs' physical trait I already possessed.

[Mimicry Organs: Inherits and enhances the effects of Synthesized Organs. When repeatedly subjected to energy-based attacks, this trait mimics the properties of the energy and reflects them onto the body.]

[Note: Originality isn't what matters in nature. What matters is how you survive.]

‘Mimicry Organs’ is similar to, yet different from, the ‘Metal Absorption’ trait, which allows one to consume metal and reflect its properties onto the body. As the description suggests, Mimicry Organs mimics the energy attacks of an enemy, providing resistance to that specific type of energy.

For example, if I were repeatedly attacked with a plasma launcher, the Mimicry Organs effect would activate, significantly increasing my defense against plasma-based attacks—to the point where even a shard of my scales couldn’t be broken by a plasma weapon.

This trait greatly enhances an Amorph’s survivability, but it comes with a drawback.

You can't gain resistance to another type of energy while already having resistance to one kind. For instance, if I’m immune to plasma, I can't simultaneously become immune to psychic power. I’d have to wait for the existing immunity to fade before acquiring resistance to psychic power.

‘That’s why Cult Players used to switch between various types of weapons.’

Of course, in my current situation, this isn’t a major drawback. Gallagons mainly attack with psychic power.

The problem is that in order to gain the resistance effect from Mimicry Organs, I need to be continuously hit by the enemy's attacks.

When facing an enemy like Odd Grad, whose attacks my body can’t withstand, it’s hard to benefit from this trait. I’d be dead before the Mimicry Organs could even activate.

‘If the plan hadn’t gone awry, I could have made proper use of it.’

Originally, I intended to gain the resistance effect of Mimicry Organs during the hunt for the White Gallagon. I could easily endure their psychic breaths.

‘I should have prepared for this in advance.’

With Adhai and Number 26 around, I could have activated Mimicry Organs, albeit slowly, but I was complacent. This situation arose because I didn’t anticipate that it would attack so quickly.

‘…Regret can wait.’

I curled my body and spun, using my winged arms to shield myself. A heat ray narrowly missed the surface of my wings by a hair's breadth.

‘As expected, this won’t work.’

I considered letting the breath hit me to activate Mimicry Organs, but that’s not going to happen. That dark purple heat ray isn’t something I can just block with my body.

‘I can’t take risks without knowing his abilities.’

Whether I use Mimicry Organs or some other method, I first need to figure out his abilities to devise an effective countermeasure.

‘It’s unlikely that he can read information.’

Upon reconsideration, it seems improbable that he could be aware of the Abyssal Hue’s effect, which even players don’t know.

‘That leaves only one possibility.’

A power to sense danger in advance.

Just like my 'Predator Sense', he might be able to analyze his surroundings and produce miracles akin to foresight.

‘This seems the most likely.’

He moved in advance, reacting to my plans without receiving any reports. Moreover, out of the twelve White Gallagons, he came to assist the exact one I was targeting. Actions like these would only be possible if he had knowledge of the future.

However, there’s a lingering doubt. To my knowledge, there’s no ability that can see the future on such a broad scale. Even my Predator Sense only warns me of imminent deadly threats.

If he could perfectly foresee the future, there would be no way for me to win.

‘No, that can’t be it.’

If he had such an ability, he would have killed me long ago. There were plenty of opportunities, like when I first arrived on this planet or when I was weakened after my battle with Jason.

The reason he didn’t act then is simple.

‘There’s a limit to his ability to see the future.’

The crucial point is figuring out what those limitations are. Only by understanding them can I find a way to defeat him.

‘I’ll have to start figuring that out now.’

And the ones who will assist me in this experiment are coming up here.

「Black kin」 「Support」

Two Gallagons, one large and one small, with white scales, were following behind me—Adhai and Nel Germa.

It seems like he thinks I’m acting as bait while Adhai escapes, but that’s not the case.

She only pretended to retreat and then circled around to assist Nel Germa. Thanks to that, the two of them were able to quickly take down the White Gallagon with broken wings and join me up here.

Odd Grad glared at us coldly.

「Nel Germa」 「Did you kill Jer Garuda?」


「Odd Grad’s mate」 「What made you betray?」

「Ham Ort」 「Told me」 「Odd Grad」 「Liar」 「Tyrant」 「Abandoned weak kin」 「Killed them」 「Agreed」 「Impossible」

Odd Grad fell silent in response to Nel Germa's rebuttal.

After a brief pause, it transmitted its thoughts.

「Unfortunate」 「A rebel who does not repent」 「Only death awaits」

「Nel Germa」 「Will not die」 「The liar Odd Grad will die」

「The great Odd Grad」 「Will not die」

After saying this, he shifted his gaze from Nel Germa to me. The wariness that had filled his eyes moments ago was replaced with a completely different emotion.


「The great Odd Grad never retreats」 「No matter how strong the enemy」

Though the situation hardly seemed one for confidence, he was clearly mocking me.

In that instant, it felt like lightning struck my mind.

As soon as I realized what was happening, Adhai and Nel Germa urgently transmitted their thoughts to me.

「Great Elder」 「Over there」 「Kin」 「I can feel them!」

「White kin」 「Approaching」

Although I couldn’t see them yet, it was clear that his group was heading this way.

‘Maelstrom! He used that to call his allies!’

There aren’t many beings on this planet capable of causing such localized weather anomalies.

With the exception of the Black Dragon Odd Grad standing before me,

It was true that he was wary of my attack, but he also had a hidden plan.

「The mighty Odd Grad」 「Formidable foe」 「Dangerous」 「I have defeated them all」

He sends out a triumphant psychic wave. Despite his words, it was clear that he intended to stall for time until his kin arrived.

'Don’t make me laugh.'

Those words about defeating all formidable foes and dangers apply to me as well.

I, too, have overcome countless formidable foes and dangers to get this far.

'Don’t think you’re the only one who can call for allies.'

This time is no different.



[Translator – Seraph]

[Proofreader – Draxx]

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