
I Became an Evolving Space Monster - Chapter 15

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[Translator – Jjescus]

[Proofreader – Demon God]


Chapter 15

“Darn it! Wake up!”


[Shock detected in A3! Administer the antidote!]

“I’ll administer it!”

A2 operated the terminal on A3’s wrist. As he did, a sound of air escaping from A3’s reinforced suit accompanied the injection of the antidote into the wearer. A3, who had been frothing at the mouth moments ago, showed some signs of improvement, but it was merely first aid. The antidote within the reinforced suit provided minimal life support and pain relief but lacked detoxification capabilities.

They needed to complete the mission as quickly as possible and get A3 to a medical facility.

A1 and A2, sharing the same thought, exchanged glances.

“A1. The antidote has been administered to A3. Proceeding with the mission.”

[This is the command center. Permission granted.]

Having reported to the command center above, they left A3 lying on the ground. Three comrades had died because of that damn monster. They couldn’t properly rest until they captured it and tore it apart.

“A1. I request permission to administer enhancement serum for more efficient suppression.”

[…Permission granted.]

As soon as permission was granted, A1 and A2 pressed the buttons on their terminals. The enhancement serum was injected, and veins popped on their faces and necks.

One of the advantages of reinforced suits was the special solution they contained, which enhanced a soldier’s combat abilities. Lower-tier reinforced suits carried painkillers, while mid-tier ones had two chemical solutions. These solutions included a treatment serum that healed injuries and boosted natural recovery and an enhancement serum that temporarily enhanced muscles and senses.

When administered to an ordinary person, the enhancement serum greatly improved physical abilities, to the extent that they could punch holes in concrete walls with their fists. As for soldiers wearing reinforced suits, the effects were even more significant. However, there was a lethal drawback: permanent muscle loss and up to a week of debilitation once the enhancement effects wore off. Nevertheless, those who had already gone mad had no concerns about such side effects.

“That damn creature, I’ll kill it.”

“I’m going first.”

The orders they received were to capture the enigmatic hazardous creature alive. However, the heads of the two soldiers, who had lost their comrades, were filled with thoughts of tearing it apart with their bare hands.

With determination, they walked along the corridor. Along the path where the creature had disappeared, they noticed unusual traces. There were sporadic marks of something having melted the floor.

“It seems like the creature got injured as well.”

“Insane… Acidic Blood… I have no idea what kind of monster this is.”

They realized that the enemy wasn’t your typical savage being. Tensions rose as they continued to follow the melted marks. Before long, they understood that they needed to mentally prepare themselves.

The narrow, low corridor required an adult male to stoop to move through. It posed an obstacle that they couldn’t avoid.

“…It’s narrow.”

“What should we do?”

“We’re going in.”

They had already administered the enhancement serum. There was no retreat for them. The two soldiers squeezed their bodies into the narrow corridor.


‘They’re coming.’

My auxiliary organs detected subtle vibrations in the air, much like prey caught in a spider’s web. An intruder had entered my domain. Their heartbeats were rougher and faster than those of regular individuals. They exhaled a harsh breath, similar to a beast, which dispersed into the air.

‘They’ve used enhancement serum.’

It seemed like they were quite enraged if they were wearing mid-tier reinforced suits, known for severe side effects. It didn’t matter to me. Enhanced physical abilities from the serum wouldn’t be of much use in this damp, maze-like space.

‘Let’s get started.’

Having successfully lured the prey, it was time to set the trap. I deliberately widened my wounds, allowing blood to pour onto the floor. As the acidic blood pooled, toxic gas billowed up.

Beyond the gas-filled corridor, I could see the shape of the hallway. Not content with merely melting the ventilation duct, the corrosive blood had eaten through the corridor ceiling.

‘This should do.’

I patched up my wounds and patiently waited in the darkness until they arrived.

Before long, they revealed themselves. They wore special helmets attached to their reinforced suits.

Thanks to the helmets’ gas masks, they moved effortlessly through the gas-filled corridor.
They seemed momentarily startled by the sudden gas but, behaving like experienced soldiers, they kept their composure. Cautiously walking while staying on high alert, they eventually found the source of the gas.

A1 concentrated on communication, while another soldier examined the corridor beneath the floor. Everyone was preoccupied, making this the perfect opportunity.

Hunched in a corner of the corridor, I sprang forward like a leopard targeting a gazelle. With my six legs, the cramped space posed no hindrance.



[Translator – Jjescus]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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A2, with heightened senses thanks to the enhancement serum, reacted instantly. His gun barrel swiftly aimed at my head, emitting a burst of light.

An energy projectile whizzed past just inches behind my head. A2 appeared bewildered at missing the shot.I couldn’t blame him.

Why did I choose this cramped and uncomfortable place for a battleground?

The tight quarters had subtly altered the angle of his aim. Conversely, my dark chitinous exoskeleton performed admirably as camouflage in this lightless space. It disadvantaged the enemy while favoring my allies.

That was precisely why I had chosen this place as my hunting ground.


He adjusted his posture and aimed at me again. His reaction was swift, but I had already closed the gap. Before he could pull the trigger, both my hands were around his head.

Perhaps he sensed his impending demise. Through the transparent visor of his helmet, I saw his dilated pupils.

The reinforced suit, designed to grant them superhuman strength, couldn’t provide protection to delicate and flexible areas like the throat. When I applied pressure to A2’s throat, it snapped as easily as a twig.


A1, a step too late in realizing my presence, screamed and aimed his laser weapon at me. I used the partially limp A2 as a shield to protect myself.

The scent of searing flesh, born from the burning meat, gently tickled my auxiliary system. Amidst the tension of battle and my hunger, I hurled A2’s charred remains at A1.

“Damn it all!”

A1, having lost his composure, wildly fired his laser rifle. Given the close range, some shots found their mark on my body.

Perhaps due to the substantial pain or for some other reason, I felt a surge of primal instincts. The sharp blade at the tip of my tail shot out, narrowly missing A1’s shoulder as he adeptly parried it with his enhanced left arm.

My tail missed its target and collided with the corridor, after which A1 leaped at me, delivering a powerful punch.

I considered using my combat arm to block it, but A1 was clad in a reinforced suit, and he had also been injected with an enhancer that significantly boosted his combat prowess. There was no need for unnecessary risks.

I evaded A1’s punch by taking a few steps back. His solid alloy fist crumpled a bit upon striking the corridor.

‘Stronger than I expected.’

It hadn’t been this intense in the game. Continuing this fight might result in unnecessary losses.

‘It’s time to change strategy.’

I swung my tail widely to force A1 to step back and then made my escape. Laser shots from behind me missed their mark entirely.

‘Only one enemy left.’

I had already exhausted most of my tricks. Deception wouldn’t be effective against A1 now.
In the distance, I could hear A1’s enraged cries. Given my venomous state, I doubted a surprise attack would be very effective.

‘Oh… is there still one thing left?’ As I pondered, a brilliant idea suddenly crossed my mind.

I could sense two life forms currently.

A1, who was rampaging, and A3, who was paralyzed.

While A1 was distracted, firing lasers in the wrong direction, I stealthily crept toward A3’s location.

Exiting the narrow corridor, I noticed that the ceiling had risen significantly. Standing on two legs, I spotted A3 lying in the middle of the corridor.

“Uh… ugh….”

A3, who had received emergency treatment, had narrowly avoided death but didn’t look to be in great shape. He couldn’t speak due to lingering paralysis, only emitting feeble groans.

I approached from a direction that wouldn’t trigger his camera. When I was about a few meters away from him, he sensed my presence.

The fearful groans of agony were easily discernible.

“Uh, uh-oh!”

He tried desperately to communicate the situation to the command center, but his arms and legs were already paralyzed. He writhed in a futile attempt to convey his distress. I approached the terrified creature and gently nudged his back with my foot.


“Uh! Uh-oh! Uh-oh!”

I could see something fluffy standing upright on A3’s nape. His hair was already soaked with sweat. Like a frightened animal, he exhaled ragged breaths, trembling without any sense of direction.

Coincidentally, A3 had been attacked exclusively from behind until now. Perhaps that’s why he was more terrified – because he didn’t know what I looked like. After all, the greatest fear often comes from the unknown.

‘Doesn’t really matter since he’s going to die anyway.’

I used my four combat arms to pierce his side. This area was unprotected, and my hands easily penetrated his body. As I pressed my claws into his back, I felt him release his final breath.

Having swiftly killed A3, I exerted force on the hand that had been inserted into his side. I grasped his elongated intestines with my four hands and pulled them out roughly.

I quickly shoved his entrails into my mouth without savoring the taste and hastily chewed, then returned my hands into his body.

Time was running out. To use A3’s body as a shield, I needed to empty his insides. I continued to extract his organs.

‘This should do.’

When A3’s weight had decreased by about half, I flipped his body over.

The camera lens on his body emitted a red light, as if greeting me. I proceeded to smash the cameras and communication devices attached to A3’s body.

With this, they would realize that A3 had been attacked from the other side.

I thrust my head into A3’s side. Sticky blood and the lingering warmth of the corpse enveloped my entire being. Inside the shell of A3, now just a husk, there were no organs for sustaining life; instead, it was filled with a predator from the outside.

I coiled my tail, which hadn’t managed to enter, tightly around the lower part of the corpse to conceal it.

A moment later, I heard A1’s footsteps from outside.

“A3! Are you okay? Answer me!”

Dead men tell no tales. A3, already a mummy, remained silent.

I could sense him reaching out his hand to check his pulse. He was completely off guard. He probably didn’t even consider whether A3 was dead or what might be lurking behind that skin.

As he got close enough, my arm pierced through A3’s abdomen and jutted out. A1, who had been bending down to check the pulse, just allowed my attack to happen. My sharp talons slashed across his thigh.


He belatedly tried to stand, but it was futile. The paralyzing neurotoxin had already advanced upwards, rendering his lower body completely useless. His body crumpled to the floor like a felled tree. He struggled to get up with all his might, but it had been a long time since even his central nervous system had been rendered useless. Like Troy collapsing under the Trojan horse, A1 was perishing from within the fortress.

“Uh, uh-oh, oh-oh!”

A1’s body trembled. Was it because of the shock or the impending doom? Regardless, his future was predetermined. There was only one thing he could do, like prey ensnared in a spider’s web: wait for death.

After tearing myself out of the corpse, I licked the blood off my hands. The primitive sweetness was like condensed sugar syrup penetrating my mind.

I would have enjoyed it more, but there was still work to be done. I approached the trembling A1.

I grabbed his shoulders near his ribs with my lower pair of arms and removed his helmet with my upper pair of arms. His exposed face looked younger than I had anticipated. However, the scars around his eyes revealed that he was a warrior who had emerged from many battlefields.
Even such a valiant hero seemed to fear death. His face was a mess of tears and snot.

The two arms above him enveloped his head. Sensing the impending events, he tightly shut his eyes. I increased the pressure in my hands, fulfilling his expectations. With a sound like trees being uprooted in a storm, his neck was slowly torn apart.

There was no scream. The neurotoxin allowed him neither screams nor any movement. His pupils shook violently as he endured the pain of his throat being slowly torn apart while still alive.

By the time the white bones of his neck were exposed, A1 was dead.

I held his head, his tongue hanging out, and gazed into the camera. There was no sound from the communication device, but I could tell.

They were afraid.

This should be enough to convey my message.

With that judgment, I crushed the camera.

The spider’s web was not only spread throughout the ventilation shaft.

Next, it would be their turn.



[Translator – Jjescus]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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