
I Became an Evolving Space Monster - Chapter 103

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[Translator – Jjescus]

[Proofreader – Demon God’s Disciple]


Chapter 103

Space Survival is a game set against the backdrop of the universe, there are various races that exist in it and each have its own unique characteristics. There are intelligent species that build civilizations and social communities like that of the humans, while there are also predatory races like the Amorph that view all living beings as prey.

However, the charm of Space Survival lies in the fact that players can enjoy a completely different gameplay depending on the race they choose. However, as mentioned earlier, Space Survival is a game set in space. Regardless of the chosen race, players must venture into space to progress in the game.

So, what is the most threatening thing when first venturing into space? The community has identified two main threats. One is the space pirates generated as NPCs. They are set as hostile NPCs that relentlessly target the player’s spaceship. Moreover, being NPCs means they regenerate infinitely no matter how many times they are killed. Therefore, for players newly venturing into space, figuring out how to protect their ships from space pirates became a crucial task.

Fortunately, the good news is that unless the space pirates belong to a higher-level cartel, they were not too difficult to defeat with a properly equipped and armed warship.

The biggest threat to the players navigating through space was not the space pirates. It’s the ‘Metallic Gremlin Swarm.’ This is a negative event that can only be faced with a fleet rather than a single ship.

Unlike space pirates, metallic gremlins are also a playable race for the player. However, the metallic gremlin swarm appearing in this event consists entirely of NPCs. The fact that a metallic gremlin swarm appears with a very low probability in sector I-97 was known. I didn’t worry too much about it, considering the probability was as low as winning the lottery.

‘Sector I-97 has an incredibly low probability for a metallic gremlin swarm to appear.’

It was so unlikely that I didn’t worry about it too much, but now it has happened.

‘This is bad.’

A white cloud, no, the metallic gremlin swarm was quickly approaching. It may look like a cloud, but those are metallic gremlins with silver skin gathered together, creating that appearance. In terms of scale, it’s at least a medium-sized or a large swarm. It’s impossible for a single ship to deal with it.

‘Should I just stay still?’

Currently, I am in control of the pirate ship Colossal Raider that I conquered. Fortunately, metallic gremlins only target metal, so if I’m lucky, they might just pass me by.


The risk of doing so is too great. Allowing them to approach me is too risky, if they suddenly attack me, it’s over. Of course, I have superior defense capabilities compared to a regular ship, but there are too many of them on the other side. Their numbers exceed thousands, and there’s a limit to what I can defend against.

‘I have to fight here.’

There’s no other way than to fight and take the opportunity to escape with warp speed navigation. Although one might think it’s better to just flee, it’s not easy. It’s because of the higher-level species mixed within that group.

‘Warp Boy.’

Among the metallic gremlin higher-level species, there’s a creature called ‘Warp Boy.’ Warp Boy has no abilities other than a unique special trait called ‘Warp Guide,’ but its effect is very powerful.

‘It’s a massive teleportation.’

In this game, all abilities related to massive teleportation, such as a spaceship’s warp navigation or the entity tuning used by Code Black, are restricted. Entity tuning, in particular, cannot be used alone, and warp navigation consumes a massive amount of energy, among other limitations. However, only two creatures have the ability to teleport a large number of individuals without any restrictions, and one of them is Warp Boy.

‘There’s even a large-scale instantaneous teleportation.’

Among the Vortex Ones, there’s another with unrestricted teleportation, but encountering that entity was only possible in the late stages of the game. Paradoxically, Warp Boy, which can be encountered early in the game, is much more threatening.

‘At least it’s of intermediate size, that’s a relief.’

In a large or greater Herd, as they were called by the players, there may be multiple Warp Boys. However, in a medium-sized herd, there’s only one Warp Boy.

If I just take down that guy, I can safely evade the swarm.

[ZZZ ZZZZZ(Help, everyone!)]

「What happened?」

[ZZZZ ZZZ ZZ(Enemy approaching.)]

There’s roughly less than 5 minutes left until the swarm reaches this place.

During that time, we need to prepare to fight them.

First, I briefly explained to Adhai and Number 26 how to deal with the enemies.

[ZZZZ ZZZZZ ZZ(Adhai, restrain them.)]


[ZZZZ ZZZZZZ ZZZ ZZZ(Quickly fly away when in danger.)]

I assigned Adhai, the only one among us capable of aerial combat in space, to directly engage the enemies.

[ZZZ ZZZZ(And Number 26, Scare them.)]

「Scare them?」

Number 26’s role was to halt or disrupt the movements of the enemies. Although metallic gremlins have extremely sturdy bodies, they are almost immune to psychic powers. While there were species among them that defend against psychic powers in, they are not present in this particular group.

[ZZZZ ZZZ ZZZZ ZZZZ ZZZ(If both of you are in danger, hide here.)]

I modified the ship’s structure to create a cover and an entrance that Adhai and Number 26 can use to hide or escape into the ship if needed. After sending them off, I moved all the storm guns previously used by pirates outside the hull.

‘It should work well with motion detection sensors.’

I replaced depleted ammunition and low battery levels using corroding tentacles. Creating a new turret, incorporating my traits, I utilized the contamination organ to make a biological weapon that fires fungus spores.

‘Since the range is short, this is for medium and close-range.’

After completing the inspection of the turrets, I checked the metallic gremlin swarm.

They are about to enter the range of the plasma turrets.

[ZZZZ ZZ ZZ ZZ(Everyone, get ready.)]


「I am ready.」

I channelled energy to all plasma turrets installed on the hull. Destructive energy, capable of tearing through the void of space, surged into the alloy turrets, enabling the ship to operate smoothly even in the harsh cosmic environment.


Numerous green beams shot towards the gremlins. It resembled a comet with a green tail piercing through the white clouds in the night sky. Although many metallic gremlins were hit by the plasma energy and oxidized, many more filled the places of their fallen comrades.


The enraged gremlin swarm swiftly approached me. I quickly scanned the swarm to locate where the Warp Boy was hiding.

‘It’s usually in the heart of the swarm.’

As if proving that my thoughts were wrong, a small blue light appeared near the extreme side of the swarm, however the creature quickly vanished inside.

‘It’s over there.’

The Warp Boy is smaller than a regular metallic gremlin, measuring only 50 cm, but it has blue stripes on its body, making it noticeable even from a distance.

‘Catching it with a plasma turret will be difficult.’

Just now, judging by its movements, the Warp Boy’s agility is much faster than I thought. Unless someone is tightly holding it back, capturing the Warp Boy doesn’t seem easy.

‘I have to wait until Number 26 can invoke the terror of the Abyss.’

Of course, I won’t leave it and give it a chance and allow it to escape. I recharged the plasma turrets once again. As the energy was building up, the metallic gremlin swarm suddenly began to glow blue.

‘Warp Guide!’

I quickly focused on the thrusters at the rear of the hull. The energy intended for the turrets diverted to the thrusters, causing the entire ship to jolt forward.

‘Reload the turrets while moving forward!’

From the darkness at the rear of our ship, the metallic gremlin swarm emerged, splashing blue light. Anticipating their pursuit, my cannons aimed at the spot where they appeared and spewed out fire.

On the black canvas that absorbed all light, green and blue paints intertwined. Although the two lights clashed, the advantage went to the blue cloud, the side of the metallic gremlins. They had achieved their goal.



The metallic gremlins relentlessly pursued my tail. As they got closer, their grotesque appearance became vivid.

Creatures with smooth silver skin, devoid of fur, with only a circular mouth for a face, bared their teeth as they rushed towards me. It wasn’t particularly pleasant to witness.

As they approached within effective range, the storm guns attached to the outer hull activated. Uranium hexafluoride stormed down upon them like a tempest.

While their skin was resistant enough to withstand laser weapons, it was a different story in front of the storm guns. It was impossible to endure hundreds of rounds the size of an adult male’s palm exploding simultaneously. The metallic gremlins targeting me burst one by one upon contact with the projectiles. Their unique silver blood adorned the darkness like the Milky Way.

“■■! ■■!”

Some metallic gremlins seemed determined not to give up. Fueled by the blood of their kind, they pursued me with even more ferocity.

‘Next is the plasma turret.’

The cannons mounted on the ship fired first. Those hit twice scattered instantly as if they wouldn’t be hit a third time. Only a few sluggish ones became ashes within the plasma beams.

While the overheated turrets took a break, the metallic gremlins rushed in again.

“It’s not over yet.”

Judging that they were close enough, I prepared the next weapon. Fungus spores shot out from the elongated turret holes on the upper part of the hull.


The metallic gremlins seemed unsure if the unfamiliar fungus spores were an attack. The spores entered the gremlin swarm without any resistance.

Like balloons filled with flour exploding, the spores burst, and the contaminated fungi clung to the gremlins. The ugly faces of the metallic gremlins infected with black fungus twisted in pain. Some couldn’t withstand the pain and attached themselves to their kin, allowing the fungus to spread.

‘Good. If it continues like this… Oh no!’

I was enjoying the success more than I expected when the Warp Boy responded. The bodies of the infected gremlins shone blue, and soon they fell into the vastness of space far away.

Even those not infected were ignored by the Warp Boy and were thrown away.

“■■! ■■■■!”

I fired the spores again, but this time the gremlins, warned by the Warp Boy, didn’t approach the trajectory of the spores at all.

‘…Smarter than in the game.’

The Warp Boy’s intelligence surpasses my expectations. Its adaptability to the situation and commanding ability to control the swarm are commendable.

‘Annoying, but…’

I still have some secret cards left. During the firing of the storm guns and plasma beams, a green entity shot out from my ship.

「Hunting」 「Commence.」

She was Green Gallagon Adhai. She swiftly flew towards the enemies, tearing through them with purple lightning faster than the bullets fired by the storm guns. Metallic gremlins, not immune to psychic powers, trembled as they were struck by the supernatural lightning. Dealing with those unable to move was left to the uranium hexafluoride rounds and plasma beams.


Warp Boy attempted to move some of the swarm near my ship. At the moment when several gremlins among them began to shine blue, what I had been waiting for arrived.

‘Here it comes.’

A fear crawled up from the depths. Hundreds of tentacles, surpassing the size of planets, emerged from the space below the hull. The overwhelmed metallic gremlins, in unison, ceased their movements.

And beyond the tentacles, a giant eye appeared in the midst of the abyss of that galaxy, beginning to observe them.



Panic erupted among the confused entities. Since they had no eyes, they would feel differently from what I was seeing. However, the fear from the depths directly affected their minds. They would feel the overwhelming size of those tentacles throughout their entire bodies.

‘It must be much scarier than seeing it directly.’


As I expected, several dozen of the frozen gremlins broke away from the swarm. Having encountered the awe-inspiring fear, their hearts had stopped beating.

It’s not that they are cowards. Even though I knew their true identity, I felt a chilling sensation in my abdomen when the tentacles rose from below my body.

Soon, the appearance of the tentacles disappeared in an instant.

Number 26 adjusted to ensure that the ‘Abyssal Fear’ did not affect me and Adhai. However, due to its still-inexperienced use of abilities, some metallic gremlins awoke from the illusion. Among them was the Warp Boy.


Warp Boy seemed to think I would fire the beams and tried to move its body inside the swarm.

‘There’s no more time to hesitate.’

I quickly fired the cannons.

Green, elongated beams pierced through the swarm. Although Warp Boy’s arm was turned to ashes by the passing beams, it was not dead yet.


Warp Boy’s body glowed with a blue light. It probably intended to escape.

‘It’s not over yet!’

The hull changed its appearance instantly according to my will. Large and thick tentacle clusters emerged from the corroded front of the ship.

The newly formed tentacles glowed purple simultaneously.

The monstrous tentacles that protruded from the ship consumed not only my mental power but also drew energy stored inside the ship.

As an immense amount of energy concentrated on the ship’s front, a purple sphere took shape. Its size was different from when I used the psychic power in its original state.

The essence of the shining psychic power was in my hands.

Adhai, who had escaped the range of the psychic breath, hastily returned to the hull.


Smart Warp Boy detected what I was planning and prepared for FTL travel.

Instead of its body shining, the bodies of the surrounding gremlins glowed blue at the same time.

At the same time, the purple sphere turned into a single line, cutting through space at faster-than-light speed.

Half of the white cloud that was in front of me disappeared without a trace, as if it had never existed.

However, I had no time to rejoice.

‘Oh no!’

Before Warp Boy died, it initiated faster-than-light travel for its kind.

Although it turned to dust due to the psychic breath, its brethren succeeded in making a spatial leap.


However, half of the metallic gremlins clung to the hull.

The battle was not over yet.



[Translator – Jjescus]

[Proofreader – Demon God’s Disciple]

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