
I Became an Evolving Space Monster - Chapter 234

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[Translator – Seraph]

[Proofreader – Draxx]

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Chapter 234

The forest is moving. Amid the sound of wind rustling through the trees, an artificial metallic noise can be heard.

Hundreds of Screamers are approaching.

「Big One」 「Kin」 「Will it be okay?」

Adhai, who was hiding behind me using my body as cover, asked with concern.

'Not all of them could have died.'

We are currently in the forest on the opposite side of the cliff where the nest is located, along with the Screamers.

If we leave the forest and reach the steep cliff, a massive river flows between us. It’s the same path that the Mother of the Sky and Ham Ort used to escape.

On the cliff across that river, countless caves are carved into the rock. These caves are the entrance to the dragon’s nest.

The terrain itself is a natural fortress, clearly difficult to breach. For Screamers without flight capability, breaking through there would come with considerable casualties.

'It’s likely that the Gallagons are in a defensive position.'

It’s probable that many Gallagons in the nest have already perished. Initially, they must have fought the Screamers outside, but as the damage grew severe, they likely changed their strategy to defend from within the nest.

If the Gallagons had been completely wiped out, the enemies would have ambushed us from the nest rather than here.

[ZZZ ZZ ZZZZZ ZZZ ZZZZ (Don't worry. We'll find an opportunity to head to the nest.)]


Given that Gallagons are sensitive to psychic power, Adhai’s arrival would surely have been noticed. The fact that they haven't come out suggests the situation inside the nest isn’t good. Perhaps something unfortunate has happened to Nel Germa, who was in charge of the nest.

'We need to join up with the nest soon.'

The distance from here to the nest isn’t far. We’ll need to fight and move when the opportunity arises.

Even while I’m lost in thought, the enemies keep advancing. The movements detected by the auxiliary organs under my chin increase exponentially.

As I’m contemplating the best moment to strike, Number 26, who was nestled in my chest, lightly tapped me.

「Big Baby.」

[ZZZ (What is it?)]

「I feel something similar to a friend over there.」

[ZZZ ZZZ ZZZ ZZ ZZZZ (They are not friends but dangerous enemies.)]

PS-111 and other commander-class mutant Screamers contain Sea Demon genes. Because of this, Number 26 perceives PS-111 as a being similar to its kin.

'It should be fine since I scolded it last time, but…'

I was about to warn it again, worried that it might hesitate, but Number 26 spoke first.

「The bad ones are talking to each other.」

[ZZ ZZZZ (Talking to each other?)]

「Yes. They’re using difficult words, so I don’t understand what they mean.」

I focused on the auxiliary organs again, but apart from faint electromagnetic waves coming from a special machine, I couldn’t sense any psychic signals.

'Is it a wavelength that only Bubble Amoebas or Sea Demons can detect?'

[ZZZZ ZZ ZZZ ZZZZZ ZZZ(Number 26 has detected their conversation. Can you hear anything?)]

I asked, and a voice came from above. It was PS-111, perfectly camouflaged among the branches.

“The independent line has been reconstructed according to the new main controller, so it is impossible to use or detect the PS model's exclusive line.”


If we could eavesdrop on their communications, we could effectively counter their plans. But since PS-111 said it’s impossible, there’s nothing we can do. I asked Number 26 if it could relay what it had heard.

「Myonyong Uwaeng? Uwaeng Tayong?」

[ZZ ZZZZZ ZZ ZZZ (It sounds like something about a flanking attack.)]

「What’s a flanking attack?」

Unfortunately, although Number 26 could eavesdrop, it didn’t understand the meaning of the conversation. If we had more time to slowly decipher the information it overheard, that would be ideal, but it’s not possible.

'Wait, hold on.'

Just as I was feeling frustrated, an idea struck me.

Number 26 can spread its psychic power widely, creating an effect similar to an EMP. This power is strong enough to stop a spaceship in its tracks.

'If that’s the case, couldn’t it interfere with their communications?'

When I asked if it was possible, it responded that it could and began to glow.

「I can silence them. Should I do it now?」

[ZZ ZZ ZZZ ZZ (No, wait for my signal.)]

Using it right away might not be a bad idea, but I decided to wait a bit longer.

As seen with PS-111, mutant Screamers are bioweapons that learn through combat. Even if we block their communications, if one or two manage to slip away, it would be like throwing away a valuable card.

'We need to wait for the perfect moment to wipe them out.'

And here, there are far too many opportunities for them to escape.

At that moment, the figures of the enemies came into view through the trees.

Though their heads bore the pale faces of humans, beneath them were mechanical parts, tubes, and hard metallic skeletons intertwined.

Their biomechanical bodies had eight elongated legs. These legs, with exposed red muscle intertwined with metal tubes, ended in three alloy claws.

The creatures, resembling mechanical spiders with human heads, glowed with red eyes.

From those red eyes, there was no emotion except a single-minded intent to tear apart their enemies.

I opened my jaw wide and activated my acidic mycotic glands. An oval-shaped green mass shot from my mouth, striking the base of a tree far away.

The tree’s roots quickly dissolved, and it toppled in the direction the Screamers were coming from. Some of the advancing Screamers leaped into the air.

And then, I unleashed a psychic breath toward those airborne. It was like the breath of a dragon from a movie, pouring out toward them.

“Bl, Black metal defense, un… unable…”

The airborne Screamers were reduced to dust before they could finish their sentence. The Screamers following behind them chattered as they witnessed this.

“Special Target A confirmed using high-risk psychic breath.”


As expected, they were recording their battle with me. That information would likely be transmitted immediately to their leader, 'Pyra Eleven.'

'It doesn’t matter.'

The number of abilities I possess isn’t just one or two. And some of them, I can alter at will.

'Sometimes, knowing too much can be worse than knowing nothing.'

I deliberately allowed the enemies to gather information as I continued to unleash my psychic breath. The purple flames engulfed the densely packed trees, but the Screamers deftly dodged them.

“Confirmed that modified cluster munitions are ineffective. Switching to high-velocity shock rounds.”

“Switch order confirmed.”

Meanwhile, more Screamers approached our position. As they got close enough to be identified by the naked eye, they began preparing to fire. Their legs twisted, transforming into shapes resembling the barrel of an RPG-7.

The muzzles of their guns pointed directly at my head.

In the dark forest, a flash of light sparked like lightning, and I felt a sharp pain in my head.

‘High-velocity shock rounds.’

Just as Megacorp would deploy plasma launchers against heavily armored enemies, Star Union has a similar weapon.

HSB (Heavy Shock Blaster), commonly known as the ‘Shocker’, is the equipment’s nickname. It was developed to counter heavily armored bioweapons like Megacorp's Hulk mutants and boasts significant lethality.

The reason is that the Shocker’s rounds, instead of penetrating the target, create a super-vibration upon impact, causing damage within the armor. For example, if a creature like a Mountain Crawler, clad in thick armor, is hit by a high-velocity shock round, the exterior may remain intact, but the interior is utterly destroyed.

That’s why, even though there wasn’t a scratch on the area I was hit, I felt a sharp pain.

'They responded cleverly, but...'

Unless they have thousands of high-velocity shock rounds stored inside them, killing me will be difficult. Even if my insides are shaken up, I have plenty of ways to quickly recover, including my regenerative abilities.

'Besides, the Shocker has a weakness.'

The Screamers fired another volley of high-velocity shock rounds. With thick smoke, alloy projectiles flew from all directions, aiming to shatter my head.

However, none of the high-velocity shock rounds reached my head.

“An incomprehensible situation has occurred.”

“It is presumed that the massive psychic power has caused a distortion of physical laws. Analysis required.”

The bullets were suspended in mid-air as if time had stopped. Those sensitive to psychic power would realize that the bullets were caught in an invisible web made of psychic threads.

「I really hate it when they try to hurt Big Baby!」

The owner of the invisible web shook its tendrils vigorously.

The high-velocity shock rounds changed direction and flew back toward their owners, exploding on impact. The Screamers, caught off guard, couldn’t evade and were blown apart.

Meanwhile, I prepared two cards to further disrupt the enemies.

'It’s time to work. Everyone, come out.'

The nest of Tooth Fairies, located just before the carapace on my tail, and the host of the Face Worms, who nest on my back when not in hunting mode, were both activated.

Large fleas with sharp teeth tore out of the nests on my body and fell to the ground. From my back, Face Worms, with the faces of intelligent beings and the bodies of insects, tore through the membranes resembling human faces and emerged.

'Tooth Fairies, create chaos among them. Face Worms, target the commander-class entities.'

The swarm of insects moved in response to my orders.

“Enemy entities are proliferating.”

“Small size detected. High-velocity shock rounds ineffective.”

The Tooth Fairies scuttled across the shallowly snow-covered battlefield, clinging to the Screamers' legs. Their powerful teeth, capable of destroying even carrier-based aircraft, gnawed through the metal skeletons.

“Disregard small entities. Engage in close combat instead—K-Kigik?!”

The commander-class PS models stationed in the rear flinched as they were ambushed by Face Worms. The sonic waves emitted by the Face Worms had paralyzed their entire bodies.

‘If they were purely machines, it wouldn’t have worked, but they aren’t.’

Mutant Screamers are hybrids of organic and mechanical components. While they are controlled by machines, they still have auditory systems, making them susceptible to the paralyzing sonic waves.

“Suspected attack targeting auditory functions. Deactivating auditory systems—Kigik!”

[ZZZ ZZZ ZZZ ZZZ ZZ (Target the paralyzed and fallen ones)]

The Mutant Screamers have the ability to self-destruct when necessary. If their systems remain functional, they could explode at any moment, causing us significant damage.

Hearing my signal, Adhai swiftly unleashed another psychic breath. Specializing in rapid-fire, she quickly dispatched the incapacitated Screamers.

“Special Target B confirmed to possess a unique barrier.”

“Unable to deactivate with current equipment. Must target areas without the barrier.”

The Screamers attempted to target Adhai when she exposed her head to unleash her breath, but it was in vain.

Adhai’s head was protected by Red Armor. No weapon could shatter her head.

Naturally, some Screamers tried to target her body or wings, but each time, I extended my wing arms to shield her.

In other words, unless the Screamers could kill all of us at once, their chances of victory were slim.

‘The same goes for us, though.’

When attacked from the sky, I expected around a few hundred of them, and as I suspected, their numbers were overwhelming.

Moreover, their responses were becoming more efficient as time passed.

While they were currently struggling to respond to our continuous barrage of unconventional attacks, that would only last for so long. Once they figured out a strategy, we would suffer significant losses.

‘If they decide to self-destruct en masse, we won’t be able to stop it.’

It was time to move to the nest.

I slowly manoeuvred while engaging the enemies. Some of the Screamers abandoned their guns and approached me.

Each time, I countered with my invasive tendrils. The serpent-like tendrils shot out from my back, striking the approaching enemies. One Screamer, however, managed to dodge the tendrils and got in close.

As it aimed a cluster round at Number 26, a navy-blue energy round shot from the trees above, severing the Screamer’s head. It collapsed on the spot.

“Interfering with the Main Controller is unforgivable.”

“Enemy in the trees, suppression required.”

“Identified as a decommissioned PS model. Estimated series in the 100s. Weakness confirmed.”

The Screamers, seemingly shifting their target to PS-111, began unloading their ammunition into the trees. In that moment, I seized the opportunity to grab Adhai with my tail and made a dash toward the nest.

“Predicting the enemy’s route—likely heading to the Gallagon’s nest.”

“They must be stopped before—Kigik.”

The Screamers, realizing my intention, attempted to intercept us. But they were hindered by the Tooth Fairies, Face Worms, and our allies’ relentless attacks.

“Main Controller Pyra Eleven has issued a revised command. Retreat and regroup. Additional countermeasures are being devised.”


Receiving the directive from their leader, the Screamers ceased their pursuit.

Taking advantage of the respite, PS-111 and I escaped toward the cliff where the nest was located.

As soon as we emerged from the forest and saw the cliff above, I unfurled my wings without hesitation. The Face Worms, their work done, clung to my back and returned to their respective nests.

“Thank you.”

I gently grasped the trailing PS-111 with the pincer on my tail and glided into one of the nest’s entrances.

Not long after we set foot inside the cave, a Gallagon emerged from the depths. It was Sha Velmag, the emaciated White Gallagon who had first rebelled during the battle against Odd Grad.

「Sha Velmag」 「Great Adhai」 「Welcome」

His condition was far from good. His wings were torn in several places, and all his hind legs were gone, forcing him to drag himself forward with his forelegs.

Seeing this, Adhai emitted a wave of psychic energy filled with dismay.

「What happened?」

「Smelly enemies」 「attacked」 「White kin」 「united strength」 「barely repelled」 「many kin」 「dead」

「What about Nel Germa?」

「Nel Germa」 「severely injured」 「unable to fight」

The Gallagons are crucial combatants. We can't afford to lose them all.

I grabbed Sha Velmag with my combat arm.

[ZZZ (Lead the way)]

「This way」 「follow」

Following his guidance, we entered deeper into the dragon's nest.

The entire cliff seemed to be the dragon's lair. The cave was extensive, with many branching paths. The corridors were wide enough for me to move comfortably, and the walls were studded with minerals that absorbed psychic power, providing ample light.

Honestly, if it weren’t for the urgency of the situation, I would have liked to take my time to observe the beauty of this place.

After navigating the long and complex natural maze, we arrived at a vast chamber. The shimmering light of the minerals, like starlight, illuminated the countless Gallagons lying wounded on the ground.

「Everyone」 「badly injured!」

Adhai was right.

In the center of the chamber was a shallow lake, but it had turned into a lake of blood due to the Gallagons’ wounds.

‘This isn’t good.’

With so many Gallagons to heal, there’s only one way to do it. I gently set down Sha Velmag and crawled into the lake.

Soon, black, viscous fluid began pouring out of my body.



[Translator – Seraph]

[Proofreader – Draxx]

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