
I Became an Evolving Space Monster - Chapter 132

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Chapter 132


I compiled the information gathered while chewing the head of the MCAE pilot.

‘…I wondered how the Sea Demon was killed, but it turned out that way.’

Strictly speaking, they didn’t kill the Sea Demon. Instead, the research base I’m currently stepping on, this massive structure, dealt a fatal blow to the creature.

‘A base with space navigation capabilities. I couldn’t have imagined.’

According to the pilot, apart from the elevator that rose above the base, the remaining sections, the central Zone, and the ring-shaped Zones function as the spacecraft. After landing on a planet, additional facilities are constructed using resources stored in MCAE and the spacecraft.

‘That’s why there were MCAEs dedicated to space exploration.’

Aside from that, the submarine, which I thought had a unique design similar to an escape pod, turned out to be just that. It was converted from components of small spacecraft for use as a submarine.

Anyway, the PH-101 research base arrived here through faster-than-light travel and landed beneath the sea to study deep-sea life.

‘And during the landing, it collided with the Sea Demon.’

Neither the central computer of the research base nor the Sea Demon under the sea could have anticipated the collision.

The central computer had chosen a stable terrain, a giant ring-shaped spacecraft several kilometers long, for the Sea Demon to land. Unfortunately, the Sea Demon was resting there, exhausted after a battle with the Pale Mask.

The entire outer wall of the base is made of black-silver alloy, making it undetectable by psychically sensitive beings. Moreover, weapons made of black-silver can pose a significant threat to powerful entities like the Sea Demon, just as Fishrians had severely injured Adhai with black-silver weaponry.

Given the size of this spacecraft, it likely caused damage to the Sea Demon comparable to orbital bombardment. Of course, if the Sea Demon were in good condition, it would have tried to minimize damage from the collision, but the situation was not favorable. Having fought with the Pale Mask and being already very old, the Sea Demon was in a weakened state.

‘Coincidentally, the Sea Demon suffered injuries so severe that natural healing was impossible. And…’

The Fishrian village that witnessed this incident took a friendly stance towards the humans who attacked the Sea Demon because they worshiped the Pale Mask instead.

The humans at the research base received food and protection in exchange for providing the Fishrians with black-silver weapons. Normally, such a deal would not have been accepted, even if the Fishrians were friendly, but the situation changed.

‘PH-101 is a planet under the surveillance of the Cult. The research base entered clandestinely during a weakened surveillance period, but for some reason, the surveillance was significantly reinforced.’

Probably because of Muriel. At first glance, she appeared to be a deer-horned cultist, and one of the two players supporting her seemed to be a high-ranking cultist.

In any case, with the reinforced surveillance, the humans at the research base found themselves isolated. Critical supplies, including food, kept depleting, and they had no idea when they could leave. They had no choice but to seek help from the Fishrian village.

While the humans at the research base awaited rescue, the injured Sea Demon died.

The researchers, with the cooperation of the Fishrians, tried to collect the Sea Demon’s corpse when Number 26 and Adhai appeared.

‘They signaled Number 26 before the Sea Demon died.’

Whether it was a call for help or a warning to stay away from danger remains unknown.

The crucial point is that Number 26 received the signal sent by the Sea Demon, and both ended up captured in the process. Thanks to interrogating the pilot, most of the questions I had were answered, and I obtained very important and useful information.

‘This base is essentially a spacecraft.’

That statement implies control over the ‘Horizon of Nightmares.’ Although there’s still a cooldown, the fact that a means of traveling to other planets has emerged is promising. Once the cooldown is over and the situation stabilizes, attempting domination seems like a good idea.

‘Everything would be satisfactory if it weren’t for one thing.’

The pilots left a message before they died from the interrogation.

‘Is this place not safe because Number 26 escaped?’

The nuance wasn’t pointing towards me. The humans at the research base were fearing something unclear.

How to describe their reaction?

A mix of awe and fear in the face of a colossal disaster.

‘Maybe I should catch a Fishrian and ask.’

Currently, the only remaining Zone in the research base that is not submerged is the central Zone. All humans in other parts either died or drowned while being captured by me.

‘Number 26 should have taken care of anyone coming to the central Zone.’

If there are any survivors, the only ones capable of surviving underwater for an extended period are Fishrians.

‘Let’s join Number 26 for now.’

I placed the remaining body of the pilot into my mouth and retraced my steps.

In Zone C, water had filled the corridor. Behind me, my tail swayed from side to side as I pushed my body forward, and ahead, hands with claws between the fingers stirred the water, guiding the direction.

Unlike when tormenting prey, there was no need to move slowly, so I quickly arrived at the corridor leading to the central Zone.

I lightly broke the isolation door between the central Zone and the corridor. Inside, there were Number 26 and two Fishrians.

One of them was being eaten while still alive, caught in the tentacles of Number 26, and the other was dangling helplessly from the tentacles.


[ZZZZ (Wait a moment)]


As I entered, the water in the corridor also poured into the central Zone. Flesh fragments and bloodstains scattered on the floor were washed away in an instant.

Approaching Number 26 through the water current, I observed the restrained Fishrian.

「He’s still alive.」

[ZZ ZZ ZZ ZZ (I need this one)]

「He treated the little one badly, so I’m making him suffer!」

[ZZZZZZ ZZ ZZZZZZ (Just a moment. I’ll return him soon)]

「Are you going to scold him? If you’re going to scold him, go ahead.」

[ZZ (Yes.)]

It seemed that Number 26 did not particularly like these Fishrians. As an example, the Fishrian caught by him was being consumed from the foot rather than the head.


Imagine the feeling of your sound mind while your lower half is melting from your feet. Moreover, you couldn’t even scream because Number 26’s tentacles were blocking your mouth.

‘Serves you right.’

Seeing the floating harpoons nearby, I understood what Number 26 was up to. I shifted my attention away from the Fishrian with only bones and muscles remaining in the lower half and looked at the restrained one.

Looking into his eyes, I could see intense fear. Having taken over from Number 26, I used my combat arms to break all of his arms and legs.


“There… is… something… to… ask…”

“Growl! Demon of the abyss! Those who oppose father will not be forgiven!”

Despite likely being in extreme pain, he didn’t cower and continued to shout loudly.



“If… you… keep… shouting… it… will… hurt… more.”


When I squeezed his wrist, he immediately quieted down.

Seeing his submissive attitude, it seemed like it was time to start asking questions.

“What… is… it… that… the… humans… here… fear?”

“Kruuk. Father dislikes Sea demons!”


‘Is he talking about the Pale Mask?’

The Pale Mask is a nickname used by humans. Naturally, Fishrians would have a different title for it.

Without answering my question, he continued with what he was saying.

“This nest is a prison for Sea demons. If the captured Sea demon is released, the father will be angry.”

“Captured Sea demon?”

“The pink terror! Terror!”

The Fishrian made a scared expression while pointing at Number 26. I quietly silenced him by tapping the back of his head.

「Why is he like that?」

[ZZZZ ZZZZ ZZZZ (It’s nothing)]

Honestly, even though it was empty words, it wasn’t exactly smooth communication, but I could understand what these fish zealots were saying.

‘The Pale Mask has won in the territorial competition with the Sea Demon and is currently at ease. If a new Sea Demon appears, it will naturally be angered.’

Until now, this research base made of black-silver had acted as a kind of camouflage, but as I broke part of the outer wall, the boundaries between inside and outside became blurred.

Unlike the Sea Demon, which detects prey through psychokinesis, the Pale Mask uses an incredible sense of smell and wave detection organs to search for prey.

‘Its detection ability far surpasses my auxiliary organs. By now, it probably recognizes Number 26.’

“Krukkruuk, the jailers haven’t fulfilled their duties. Father will come soon. Demons, you too will face the father’s judgment!”

The Fishrian chattered, as if affirming my thoughts. There was no more useful information to gain from him. The time until the unwelcome guest arrived was running out.

I opened my jaws wide and crushed the Fishrian’s head.

[ZZZZ ZZ ZZZZ ZZZZZZ (It’s time to go now)]

「Still, there’s time left…」

[ZZZ ZZZ ZZ ZZZ ZZ ZZZZ (The one who killed your friend is coming. We must seek revenge)]

「Friend? Friend! I’ll beat the bad guy who killed my friend!」

Understanding my vibrations, Number 26 vigorously shook its tentacles. It seemed interested in seeking retribution against the being that killed its kin.

\He will follow Number 26. There’s no need to fight here.\

Since this research base might be used as a spacecraft later, damaging the outer walls any further wasn’t advisable.

If Number 26 and I joined forces, we could gain an advantage against the Pale Mask, but winning without casualties was unlikely. Additionally, fighting here and causing significant damage to the base might ruin the opportunity to use the Horizon of Nightmares.

[ZZ ZZZ ZZ (Let’s go up, not here.)]

Combining forces with the Mother of the Sky and Adhai above would allow us to subdue the Pale Mask without major damage.

[ZZZZ ZZ ZZZZZZ (Let’s go outside)]


Number 26 responded while still holding the Fishrian in its tentacles. The limp body of the prey turned into a lump of flesh, with only the head held by Number 26, attaching itself to my back.

「Let’s go!」

[ZZ (Hmm.)]

Watching the exuberant shout while melting the fish head, I couldn’t help but wonder how others would perceive me.

‘…Let’s save unnecessary thoughts for later.’

Approaching the massive cylinder in the central Zone, I accessed the underwater elevator. The gate installed in the cylinder allowed the submarine to enter and exit.

If we went through here, we could quickly ascend.

[ZZZZZZ ZZ ZZZZZZZ (Be cautious as it might be dangerous outside)]

Alerting Number 26 first, I grabbed a gap in the combat gate and applied force. The colossal cover made of Black Silver Alloy groaned, and following that, a storm-like gust of air hit my exterior due to the pressure difference between the elevator’s interior and the entire Zone.

Then, like a rising tide, the seawater in the entire Zone surged upward. Holding onto Number 26, I entered the interior of the underwater elevator.

The wide cylinder quickly filled with water, and Number 26 and I were swiftly transported upward.

「Wow! It’s fascinating to move on its own! It’s fun!」

As a deep-sea predator, Number 26 seemed unaffected by water pressure and air pressure issues, looking perfectly fine.

During the ascent, my auxiliary sensors detected something. A large creature was approaching the vicinity of the underwater elevator at a rapid pace.

‘The Pale Mask is following us.’

In response, vibrations were felt on the outer walls of the elevator. It wasn’t due to the water; it was the shockwave created when the Pale Mask roared from outside, striking the elevator’s outer wall.

‘We’re almost there.’

During the ascent, I sharply bent and then extended my lower body’s tail. Using the fins and claws on my tail for propulsion, my body shot upwards.

Following that, my armored head collided with the closed elevator door. Breaking the exit gate with my horn, we were able to escape from the research base.

「It was fun a moment ago!」

Finally, Number 26, now truly liberated, pulled all the fins out of its body. Its body emitted a glowing, mysterious light, and fins of a pinkish-purple hue danced gracefully in the dark underwater. Number 26, expressing joy with its whole body, swam through the dark depths of the sea.

The sight resembled that of a fairy descending from the heavens, adorned with wings.

「Big one! It’s so refreshing, I love it!」

Number 26 joyfully enjoyed its newfound freedom. If there had been more time, I might have swam with it in the ocean, but there was no leisure for that now.

‘I still can’t see it, but…’

As I looked down beneath my tail, I felt the presence of the Pale Mask through my auxiliary system. An enraged monster was rapidly approaching at an incredible speed.

[ZZZ ZZ ZZZ ZZ ZZZZ ZZ (We’ll play together later. We need to go now)]

「Yeah, let’s play together later.」

I moved with Number 26 towards the direction of the island. In the water, 26 was much faster than me, so it adjusted its swimming speed to match mine.

During our journey, Number 26 sent waves towards me.

「Big baby! A bad creature is following us!」

[ZZZ ZZ ZZZ ZZZ ZZ (Don’t worry, just keep going)]

Roars were coming from behind. The closer the sound, the narrower the distance to the island with the Mother of the Sky and the Adhai.

「Go away!」

At that moment, Number 26 pulled out a tentacle and shot something towards my rear. The ‘restraint’ characteristic, along with other psychic power techniques, aimed backward, and amidst the continuous roaring, painful groans were mixed in.

Thanks to Number 26, the Pale Mask trailing us slowed down slightly, and we could safely land on the island. The Mother of the Sky and the Adhai were clearing the Fishlian village and waiting for us.

「Adult!」 「Little adult!」

「Little one! You’re safe!」

「Amorph… huh? What’s behind you, that thing?」

[ZZZ ZZZ ZZZZ ZZ ZZ (It’s the Pale Mask. Everyone, get ready for battle)]

The moment I sent out waves, a massive creature stretched its head out from behind me. The Mother of the Sky, witnessing the scene, was astonished.

「What? The Pale Mask? Damn it…!」

「Adult!」 「Enemy!」 「Fear!」

「That wicked thing killed my friend! I’m going to beat it up!」

「Me!」 「Little adult!」 「Listen!」

Everyone prepared for battle, to confront the new adversary.

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