
I Became an Evolving Space Monster - Chapter 30

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[Translator – Jjescus]

[Proofreader – Demon God]


Chapter 30

In the Sci-Fi game [Space Survival], there aren’t many fantasy elements, but there are a few exceptions. One of the most prominent is the space elves, known for their elf-like appearance and magical-like powers. Then there are the psychic life forms called Vortex Ones, and the space dragon known as Gallagon, which strongly exhibits fantasy traits.

There are other creatures capable of using psychic power other than these three races, but what sets them apart is how they use psychic powers like ‘magic’.

‘You could compare them to elves, demons, and dragons, more or less.’

Gallagon, also known as the dragon of space, is extremely rare, and ordinary players find it challenging to encounter them due to their scarcity.

As rare as they are, many beginners mistake them for looking like actual dragons.

However, in reality, they are quite different. While they share some similarities with dragons, such as a massive reptilian body, wings on their backs, and horned heads, there’s a significant difference – instead of a mouth, they have a cluster of tentacles where it should be.

Gallagon feeds on blood and psychic energy, so their oral structure is unlike that of ordinary animals, consisting of tentacles.

Additionally, it’s said that a Gallagon’s colour represents its growth level, distinguishing it from dragons.

‘The ‘Gallagon Claw’ trait I got from Si-hyun represents the genes of a white Gallagon. If we compare it to a scale of power, it’s somewhere in the middle, leaning towards the higher end.’

‘It’s incredibly rare to acquire a Gallagon Claw so quickly.’

Even a mature Blue Gallagon, which is considered to be one level below, would be challenging to capture. Needless to say, a White Gallagon two levels higher is even more remarkable.

‘I have no idea where they obtained something as precious as a ‘Gallagon Claw’, but I’m grateful for it.’

The next trait I obtained after the Gallagon Claw is ‘Camouflage Skin’.

In fact, among the traits Si-hyun gave me, this ability can be called a jackpot due to its incredible power.

‘To be honest, I’m more curious about where they found a Giant Chameleon than a Gallagon.’

Since Giant Chameleons are herbivores, they are not particularly powerful in combat. They are weak enough that they can be easily hunted even in Amorph form.

The problem lies in the fact that finding them is incredibly difficult.

Giant Chameleons create a special magnetic field from the spikes on their skin.

This magnetic field makes it impossible to observe them with equipment or traits. None of my auxiliary devices, traits like camouflage, electronic devices, psychic powers, and so on can penetrate it.

You can only see the Giant Chameleon with the naked eye, making spotting it akin to finding a needle in a haystack.

You might suggest searching for them one by one, but the issue is that their habitat is unknown. In a game with thousands of planets, how would you know where to look?

I’ve only obtained Giant Chameleon Essence three times in my time playing the Amorph, so I’ve said enough. Even if I wanted to buy their genes as an Amorph, it’s not possible. To acquire the essence, you must hunt them yourself using the predation effect.

Of course, you can also achieve the predation effect by consuming a large amount of samples or even eating the already dead bodies. However, the acquisition rate is too low through these methods, making them inefficient.

So, the best method is to put in the hard work.

‘Thanks to that hard work, I’ve gained valuable information. It might even turn out to be an advantage.’

Regarding ‘Camouflage Skin’, I have some information that even rankers don’t know.

You can actually combine mimicry and Camouflage Skin to create an entirely new trait when they merge.

That fact was known to no one, so the one who possessed this merged trait in the game was none other than me. The name of the trait that combines mimicry and camouflage skin is ‘Mimicry Organ’. It’s a trait that makes others perceive me as the appearance of the prey I’ve consumed.

The operation of this trait is somewhat complex, but let me explain it briefly. First, the mimicry organ analyzes the genetic information of the prey it has consumed. Then, it emits a special pheromone created from the analyzed information throughout the entire skin to disrupt the senses of other organisms.

As long as other creatures are within the area of my pheromone, they perceive me as the prey. Furthermore, the mimicry effect remains, allowing me to mimic the voice of the prey. The pheromone’s area itself is quite generous, so the effect can be seen even when there is some distance.

It can be said that this trait is optimized for infiltration, ambush, and guerrilla warfare, among other things. But it’s not without its downsides.

First of all, the mimicry organ does not change my physical appearance. Since it deceives other organisms with pheromones, I am fully exposed to devices like cameras that don’t pick up pheromones, and my reflection remains unchanged in mirrors.

The mimicry effect itself is not perfect either. While it replicates the appearance of the prey, it cannot depict complex emotional changes like joy or sorrow, aside from simple actions. As a result, the uncanny valley phenomenon is quite severe. Even someone who is completely clueless would feel discomfort and unease when in the same space.

It also shares the downsides of mimicry, such as being unable to speak long and complicated lines during the mimicry effect, or being unable to describe the previous prey when a new one is consumed, and so on.

Despite its clear pros and cons, it has many practical uses in temporarily confusing the perspective of others.

‘Lastly, there’s ‘clairvoyance’.’

The first two traits are excellent, but clairvoyance is a somewhat subtle trait.

‘Although it’s a good trait…’

In Space Survival, clairvoyance is called that, but it’s subtly different from the concept we know in reality.

‘It’s closer to a kind of super-spatial perception ability.’

Instead of seeing what’s actually behind a wall, it’s more like ‘reconstructing’ what might be there based on the information of the surrounding environment and elements.

However, the reconstruction effect is so similar to reality that it’s called ‘clairvoyance’ just for the sake of it. In a way, it can be seen as similar to abilities in the precognition category.

Up to this point, you might feel that it’s somewhat similar to something else.

It’s similar to Amorph’s super-sense ability.

‘Sigh. It would have been a good trait if it wasn’t for Amorph’s superior sense ability.’

Because Amorph’s super-sense is so close to clairvoyance, clairvoyance becomes a hindrance.

‘But still, it counts as a psychic-type power.’

It’s not immediately useful, but it’s a valuable trait related to psychic powers. Moreover, it can be used for fusion later on, so it’s better than not having it.

The inspection of the traits is complete. The text box has been waiting for my response from the beginning.

I accepted the application of all traits.

[‘Gallagon Claw’ trait has been applied.]

[Can be merged with the existing ‘Psychic Organ’ trait.]

[‘Gallagon Claw’ and ‘Psychic Organ’ traits are merged. Evolved into ‘Monster’s Tentacle’ trait!]

[‘Monster’s Tentacle’: Inherits and enhances the existing ‘Psychic Organ’ trait. Can use psychic power.

*Note: Be careful when using the power of the dragon.]

[‘Camouflage Skin’ trait has been applied.]

[Can be merged with the existing ‘Mimicry’ trait.]

[‘Camouflage Skin’ and ‘Mimicry’ traits have merged. Evolved into ‘Mimicry Organ’ trait.]

[‘Mimicry Organ’: Can mimic the appearance of a hunted prey. Limited to once a day.

*Note: The warmest place to hide in a human’s body is inside.

[TL/N: This sentence may be a metaphorical reference.]

I was taken aback as the semi-transparent text box appeared out of nowhere.

‘Monster’s Tentacle?’

Without a chance to question it, my body began to undergo a transformation. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pull in my back, and an itching sensation washed over my entire body.

Small clusters of tentacles rapidly grew long. Due to the sudden growth, my head felt heavy, and I could feel the tips of the tentacles on my shoulders.

On my body, tiny holes were forming in the chitinous exoskeleton that covered my skin. If someone with trypophobia were to examine my skin with a magnifying glass, they would surely faint.

[PR/N: Trypophobia is characterized by a fear of clusters of tiny holes.]

Above the punctured holes, something membrane-like was emerging, and it seemed like my exoskeleton had transformed into geometric patterns.

It wasn’t a next-stage evolution, so the mutation ended quickly.

I touched the long, octopus-like tentacles. They looked exactly like the tentacles attached to Gallagon’s mouth.

As far as I know, Gallagon doesn’t have a psychic organ, and acquiring the tentacles in its mouth through a trait is impossible. It’s like trying to obtain fingers or toes as traits for a human.

‘…I don’t know the English term, but I’ve definitely acquired a better weapon.’

The ability to shoot a swordstorm composed of psychic energy is good, but the Monster’s Tentacles have a wide range of uses beyond just offense. It’s an unexpected outcome, but not a bad one.

‘I guess the Mimicry Organ is as expected.’

Lastly, clairvoyance has been applied, but I didn’t feel any significant change. Still, thanks to it, I’m only one step away from acquiring a psychic-related type.

‘Now I have four psychic-related traits.’

Predator Sense, Human Nature, Monster’s Tentacles, and Clairvoyance, making it four in total. If I evolve into a transcendent being from here, I’ll receive ‘Psychic Resistance’ as a special reward, bringing it to five.

In other words, if I can acquire just one more, I’ll secure a psychic-related type.

That made me think of something.

I looked at Number 26, who had fainted and fallen asleep.

‘Could it be that Number 26 was a Sea Demon?’

Many marine life enthusiasts have tracked the ecology of Sea Demons, but no one has ever discovered how Sea Demons are born. So, everyone accepted it as a game allowance, and I did too.

At least until today.

‘Maybe the sudden mutation of Bubble Amoebas into Sea Demons?’

Apart from size, they look similar in appearance and have similar ecologies. And while Sea Demons are such fearsome creatures that they’re called the overlords of the sea, they don’t prey on Bubble Amoebas.

Perhaps they are of the same species, which is why.

Whether Number 26 is a Sea Demon or a mutant with the potential to evolve into one is extremely important in the current situation.

‘…Sea Demons do have psychic-related traits.’

It’s a trait called ‘Abyssal Terror’ that drives people within a certain range insane. It’s similar to the illusion trait of Red Mist, but the range is incomparable, and it’s a passive trait that’s always active.

It’s a very powerful trait, but Sea Demons are such dangerous monsters that it’s not easy to acquire the trait.

‘It’s perhaps as rare as Gallagon’s claws.’

And there might be someone who possesses that trait right in front of me, albeit in a much weaker state compared to a Sea Demon.


I hesitated for a moment but shook my head firmly.

It’s not certain whether Number 26 will indeed evolve into a Sea Demon with that potential. Even if it does, there’s no guarantee that the predation effect will trigger.

‘…That’s about it.’

Hunting and evolving alone is an enjoyable task, but traveling with other beings is also a new experience.

Hunters always seek knowledge. Accepting everything with an open mind broadens your horizons and makes you stronger.

I stroked Number 26. The creature was a useful presence for me. I intend to help it as much as possible until my life is at risk.

Having cleared my thoughts about Number 26, I went to the control seat and switched the navigation from manual to automatic.

[Please set the destination.]

‘Destination, huh?’

I pressed a button on the dashboard with my small hand, and several holographic options appeared.

The default location was a planet under the jurisdiction of MegaCorp, which was the original target of the research vessel.

‘But there’s no need to go there.’

MegaCorp’s planets were heavily fortified with large-scale troops. Depending on the planet, the details might differ slightly, but it was impossible for me to confront them in my current state.

‘Where’s the nearest place from here?’

I searched my memories for places we could go. In the process, I spotted a familiar location.

[T&C Special Trade Center.]

It was a huge space colony floating in space, and I was quite familiar with it.

In the game, it was a well-known gathering place for players trading various gene essences. It was also a place where all sorts of genetic samples were gathered, so I visited it regularly.

‘Thanks to that, I got a lot of insults.’

The cowardly people called me a bastard, but Amorphs were originally that kind of race, so what could I do? If they felt so unjustly treated, they could become Amorphs themselves.

Of course, it didn’t mean that they wouldn’t eat Amorphs just because they were Amorphs.

Anyway, if it’s a colony where various races gather, it will be good nourishment for my growth.

‘I’ll reset the course to T&C Special Trade Center. Estimated time until arrival is 3 hours.’

Three hours. I decided to take a short break until we reached our destination.

I replenished my energy through a meal, but I had expended a lot of mental energy during consecutive battles.

I lay down next to Number 26, caressing the creature nestled in my arms, and slowly drifted off to sleep.


StarUnion’s capital, Kax-01.

Rain contaminated by black smog, with not a trace of light to be found, poured down.

Following the falling raindrops, one could see factories emitting continuous smoke.

No matter where you looked on the planet, there were factories, smog, and pictures attached to every building.

The pictures depicted a man with mechanical eyes and clenched fists, wearing a dignified expression. His name was Jubaka, the Lord of StarUnion and the parent of all cyborgs.

Cyborgs walking down the street would salute every time they saw a picture, but no one found it strange. Here in the StarUnion, it was perfectly normal.

Amidst the strange scenery, there was one building with no pictures.

It looked like an abandoned building, but beneath it, there was a facility unknown to the cyborgs.

Contrasting the dark atmosphere above ground, a perfectly clean medical chamber was hidden below, housing medical capsules.

A capsule, shaped like an immaculate coffin, opened slowly with mechanical sounds as soon as it unlocked.

As the capsule opened, a pale arm emerged from inside.

“Ugh! Cough, cough…”

The owner of the arm was a woman. With black hair and a slender figure, she was a beautiful lady. She coughed as she sat up.

Her name was Si-hyun Yujin.

Or to be more precise, she was her ‘clone.’

Si-hyun Yujin, as the ‘shadow’ of the Yujin family, was an incredibly strong presence to the point where her enemies couldn’t find her. However, she hadn’t been that way from the beginning.

Back when genetic modification was not yet complete, she had taken out insurance for the future. If she were to die, her cloned self would take her place.

In MegaCorp, the technology for human cloning was somewhat of a taboo, but she had hidden her own clone as an insurance policy against her enemies.

“I never thought I’d become a clone…”

Si-hyun looked at her body. Her skin was as white as a newborn’s, with smooth and flawless curves. It was a beautiful physique, but she felt unfamiliar with it.

It was inevitable because some of the genes she originally possessed hadn’t been updated in the clone. All the genetic abilities she had, like Gallagon’s claws or Red Mist’s illusion power, and countless others, were all lost.

It was unknown how long it would take to recover the genes she had lost because of those damned creatures. It had caused a significant setback to her grand plan.

“…That damn bastard. Next time I meet him, I’ll rip out his brain.”

Si-hyun Yujin’s eyes were filled with deep hatred.


As the light faded and the starlight awakened, the port zone of T&C Special Trade Center was still bustling. Workers in coveralls, businessmen in suits, tourists from various alien races, and all sorts of sentient beings were diligently going about their business under the vibrant neon signs.

Even the carpenters working at the port were doing overtime just like everyone else. During their break, Carpenter was engrossed in reading a web novel on his small terminal when his communication device beeped.


[Hey, Carpenter, are you busy?]

“Howard? What’s up?”

[The MegaCorp escape pod just arrived.]

“Where did it come from?”

[They contacted us from the control tower, but there’s no response. It seems like there might be some issues with the automated navigation.]

“Looks like some spoiled rich kid ran away again. I’ll check it out.”

[It’s in Zone 7.]

Following his colleague’s directions, Carpenter arrived at a lavishly decorated escape pod. It was undoubtedly an expensive-looking small spacecraft. Carpenter whistled when he saw it.

“Ah, one of those runaway rich brats again, I bet.”

Cases of upper-capital citizens trying to escape in escape ships occurred from time to time. Carpenter was convinced it was one of those cases. He knocked on the escape ship’s door.

“Is there anyone inside?”

He waited for a response, but there was none.

Carpenter sighed and took out his hacking device. He connected a cable to the terminal next to the door and began manipulating the device. As a result, the escape pod’s door easily opened.

“Why do they always turn off the lights and stuff?”

The inside of the escape ship was pitch black, without a single light. Carpenter, wearing a helmet with a lantern, looked around the interior.

“Where did they go?”

Despite signs of someone being here, like bottles on the floor and a broken control panel, there was no one in sight.


Something sticky on the sole of his shoe caught Carpenter’s attention. He touched it, and as he did, more of the substance fell from above. He looked up and saw ‘it’ on the ceiling.


“Hey, Carpenter, where did he go?”

“Huh? He said he’s leaving early today.”

“Really? The guy who said he needed to make money to buy a house is leaving early?”

“Yeah, he’s going that way.”

Howard turned his head in the direction his colleague pointed. He saw Carpenter walking away about 20 meters ahead.

“Hey, Carpenter!”


As Howard called out, Carpenter stopped in his tracks.

Coincidentally, he stood in a dark alley where the streetlight didn’t reach. Even though it wasn’t very dark due to the proximity, his upper body was obscured in the shadow to the point where his outline couldn’t be seen.

‘Why is he standing in a place like that?’

Howard felt an odd sensation when he looked at Carpenter. Despite seeing his gait and clothes, it felt as if he were seeing a different presence.

“Hey, aren’t you working overtime today? Just leaving like that?”

“Yeah, I’m busy.”

“What did the site manager say?”

“Yeah, he said I could go because I’m busy.”

With that response, Carpenter disappeared into the darkness of the alley. Strangely, as Carpenter vanished, the discomfort he felt also disappeared.

“…Damn, does he always have to act like that when I talk to him?”

“Leave him alone. Must be in a bad mood. Heh heh.”

Howard returned to work with his chuckling colleague.

The next day, Carpenter didn’t show up at the port zone.



[Translator – Jjescus]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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