
I Became an Evolving Space Monster - Chapter 92

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[Translator – Jjescus]

[Proofreader – Demon God’s Disciple]


Chapter 92

When the Monument was attacked by unidentified enemies, Denver Eden also evacuated with his people.

Amidst the general dismay, he saw this as a golden opportunity.

‘Even if the monster’s corpse is looted now, nobody would know.’

The Monument’s leadership, including the general manager, would be too busy dealing with the enemy. By the time they realize something is wrong, Eden’s battleship would have left the space city.

With a resolved mind, Denver summoned the newly appointed Vice Commander Jacob and a few members.

“Are you saying they want us to retrieve that body?”

“Yes, we must find it by any means necessary. Otherwise, it won’t sit well with the balance.”

With the council now in shambles, the chances of Samdam Chemblin becoming the CEO is far-fetched. Consequently, Denver’s stance supporting T&C within the family has become awkward.

‘With him alone, the project progress would increase several notches.’

If successful in developing the new Hulk Mutant, there would be no more dependence on T&C. That would solidify their position within the region.

Thus, after leaving Jacob and the team behind, Denver stepped onto the transport ship. Arriving at the port zone, the docks were filled with ships preparing to set sail.

Among those who came to greet the council were the Zhao family’s spacecraft and several administrators from the administrative zone, trying to flee.

“Your majesty, the elders have decided to leave first.”

“I have matters to attend to, so go ahead.”

Soon after, the warship carrying the elders departed beyond the city’s shielding gate.

Denver sat in the commander’s chamber, awaiting news from Vice Commander Jacob. As he nearly finished the wine brought by his servant, the awaited communication arrived.

“Have you found it?”

“There is nobody in the monument, sir.”

“What? Have you checked places other than the lab?”


Denver was astonished at the news of it not being in the lab.

‘Have they removed the body?’

In his view, the city had collapsed into chaos. Would anyone bother about a monster’s corpse when all the officials supposed to safeguard the city were fleeing?

Instead, Denver suddenly considered another possibility.

‘The Monument’s assault… could it be?’

The creature might still be alive. Just thinking about that possibility made him shiver.

‘They didn’t kill it; they captured it!’

Something seemed suspicious. Not only did they massacre the elite ground forces of Eden but also killed a veteran as seasoned as the former Vice commander, Vickus.

He knew well that the ground forces’ armament within the defense fleet wasn’t powerful enough. Their Gauss rifles wouldn’t be sufficient to kill the creature. ‘Especially if it can withstand plasma bolters.’

It’s likely that the defense forces subdued the creature with launcher shots and then took it to the Monument’s scientific research lab. There, scientists would have studied it and extracted enough findings to present during the council session.

“Then something went wrong, leading to this chaos.”

“Since the creature isn’t here, we now know who’s responsible for this chaos.”

“Yes, the instigator of this situation is probably…”

Having grasped the full extent of the situation, Denver asked the most crucial question,

“Have you found any trace of the creature?”

“Using the gene tracker, we confirmed the creature escaped the building. However, after that, any traces were eradicated, making it untraceable.”

Even though Jacob mentioned it was impossible to pinpoint the whereabouts, Denver wasn’t particularly concerned. The fact that the creature had escaped the Monument was evident.

“It could be a decoy. Continue tracking inside the building as far as possible.”


“And immediately transmit the genetic data of the creature.”


After ending the communication, Denver called a subordinate.

“The Vice Commander will soon send the genetic data. Insert it into the bioscanner to survey the city.”

“Your majesty, T&C will definitely protest if we do that.”

“I don’t care. Proceed immediately.”

The bioscanner is a device that, upon inputting genetic data, identifies the whereabouts of a specific organism within a certain range. To use it in another family’s territory, permission is strictly regulated by the MegaCorp law. Despite objections from the subordinate, Denver persisted.

“The monster in my hands would be T&C’s regretful loss. If Eden gets hold of the creature, we’ll be able to complete the new Hulk Mutant development within a month. Then T&C will desperately plead us to sell it to them, unlike before.”

Soon after, the bioscanner, receiving genetic data sent by Jacob, began its operation. The results of scanning the entire city were displayed on a large holographic monitor placed in the command center.

“The target is approaching the port zone.”

“As expected.”

Denver nodded his head. He had anticipated this.

The creature possessed demonic intelligence—a terrifying monster that knew its own power and limitations well.

“It’s likely it plans to escape aboard a spacecraft.”

“Inform the knights onboard. Prepare for combat.”

Rising from his seat, Denver commanded his subordinate

“Allow everyone to equip assault packs.”

“Assault packs, sir?”

Currently, there are a total of 50 knights remaining aboard the flagship. Granting all of them permission to use the high-value equipment, the assault packs, left the subordinate astonished.

“The creature is no easy prey. This time, we won’t capture it alive; be prepared with launchers.”

“Understood, Your majesty.”

“And this time, have my reinforced armor prepared as well.”

Denver gazed at the signal of the creature moving on the monitor in the command center.

“The creature will be mine.”

He firmly believed in his victory, never doubting it. He had always felt this way until now.


I hid within the sewage to evade the raining plasma shots. Upon a check with the auxiliary organ, the number of enemies targeting me increased dramatically in an instant.

‘They were lying in an ambush.’

Fifty detected enemies alone. Sensing a powerful electric surge on their body surface, they were all wearing superior-grade reinforced armor and assault packs.

‘They must have been waiting far away, hidden from my detection, using the jetpack feature in the assault packs to swiftly approach.’

‘How did they know?’

It was unexpected that the Eden knights were lying in an ambush. They must have thought I was already dead. Considering the current situation, I could roughly guess how they found out.

For the past few days, the head of the dissection team presented my genetic data at the council. It’s not hard to imagine how intrigued the Edens present there would have been.

Contrary to the game’s settings, the Eden family in reality seemed very interested in genetic manipulation.

‘Monument’s chaos provided them with an opportunity to steal my body.’

All the families in the MegaCorp were greedy by nature, and it’s highly probable they saw this as their chance and acted on it.

However, I had escaped from the Monument’s research lab long ago. Hence, the lab was currently empty. Since my body had cleanly disappeared, they must have realized I was alive.

‘Then perhaps they used the bioscanner next.’

MegaCorp warships are equipped with bioscanners that detect biological signals. Inputting genetic data helps locate the position of the organism within a certain range.

‘Normally, using a bioscanner in another family’s territory is forbidden.’

However, the bioscanner can read real-time signals of individuals if it has genetic data, making it useful for espionage activities.

Using such a tool in another family’s territory openly implies monitoring their territory. Hence, the MegaCorp families have a pact not to use bioscanners in each other’s territories.

Eden violated this crucial rule.

‘They seem to be in a rush on their side as well.’

After the council presentation, it seems they are hurrying out for some reason.

‘Did you think I would let you slip away?’

Outside, the cries of someone presumed to be the commander echoed in. The voice was modulated by the reinforced armor, sounding mechanical, yet the obsession and madness within were unmistakable.

‘He’s no pushover.’

To engage 50 knights, each equipped with assault packs, and engage in a pitched battle – a challenging situation indeed. The true potential of assault packs is realized in an open field. Last time, fighting in the narrow confines of the sewage meant the enemies couldn’t fully showcase their skills, but not now.

‘Without the ‘Symbol of Hunt’, my chances of winning are low.’

However, luring them into the sewers wasn’t ideal either.

“Knights! Prepare the launchers!”

Five knights responded to the commander’s order, wielding plasma launchers and advancing.

The knight commander seemed uninterested in capturing me alive. Given what they had faced in the sewers, this might be a prudent approach.

If it were just me, it would be one thing, but number 26 and Adhai are here too. While number 26 might fare better, Adhai is still recovering from injuries. If I don’t intend to abandon them, I must protect them.

‘What to do?’

The terrain I’m in isn’t favorable for fighting enemies. Even if I attempt an ambush, it’s pointless unless they come in from the other side.

‘Moreover, going outside is also problematic. The exit is restricted.’

The enemies have set up a defensive formation concentrating firepower around the wrecked manhole. The moment I step out, I’ll be trapped.

‘Even if I attempt to take a different route, I’ll be caught by the bioscanner in the warship.’

…There’s only one way left.

“I might need to take a risk.”

[ZZZ ZZZ ZZZZ (Everyone back off)]

「Big baby?」


I signaled number 26 and Adhai to retreat before I lay flat on the ground, using my head carapace as a shield to minimize the target area.

Submerged in the flowing water of the passage, I concentrated all my senses through the auxiliary systems and waited.

What I was about to attempt, I’ve done a few times in the game. The issue is, even if it’s me, it’s not a 100% foolproof method.

In a game, if I fail and die, I respawn. But this is reality. Even the slightest mistake is unforgivable.

‘Enough of useless thoughts. Let’s focus.’

A knight carrying a launcher jumps into the sewage. The ripples they created propagated through the surface and were transmitted to my auxiliary systems. One by one, they entered this area.

The moment they entered, they prepared to attack.

“Launcher ready. Commence protective fire!”

“Charging 10…30%.”

While the launcher user activated it, others fired volters at me.

Purified plasma energy poured onto my head carapace. Some parts of the thick carapace fell off upon being hit by plasma rounds, and my body was pushed back due to the impact.

‘Pain mitigation activated!’


I planted combat arms into the sewage floor, anchoring myself in place.

“Charging 60…80%.”


I sensed number 26’s concern about me enduring the volter shots. I didn’t respond and maintained my focus.

“Charging 90%…”

Just as the energy of the plasma launcher reached its peak…

The plates on my back moved.

The plates within me connected in two branches, generating ripples extending through the sewer’s passage. The target: the foremost knight. Specifically, not the knight’s body but the armor he was wearing.

The waves controlling advanced devices overlapped with the knight’s reinforced suit. The armor, meant to protect the wearer, broke free from the owner’s control and responded to my will. Although the suit’s mechanisms were complex and difficult to fully control, I didn’t require intricate movements at this moment.

All I demanded was a simple move: to turn the torso holding the gun backward.


His body, aiming the launcher at me, swiftly turned backward. The launcher’s muzzle now pointed towards the knight’s comrades, not me.


Another knight behind attempted to stop the launcher’s fire directed at his comrade, but my unseen assault wasn’t over yet.

‘The Dreadful Gazer.’

The eye-like patterns on my head carapace emitted a ghastly glow, focusing on the foremost knight.

Momentarily gripped by fear, the knight lowered his reaching hand and, just like the foremost knight, rotated his body. The direction of the launcher he held also shifted backward in sync with the owner’s movement.

Of the five, two knights, holding the launchers, aimed them not at me but in the opposite direction toward their comrades.

“Everyone back…!”

“Charging 100%”

One knight from behind shouted upon witnessing this, but the launcher had already completed charging. Energy capable of toppling even a warship surged from the launchers held by the two knights who betrayed their comrades.

The plasma beams fired by the foremost pair were aimed at the launchers held by their fellow knights. The moment the green energy touched the still-charging launchers, a blinding flash covered my vision.

A massive vibration, unlike anything I’d ever felt before, shook my body. Yet, amidst it, there wasn’t a considerable pain.

My plan to cause a chain reaction using the plasma launchers the enemies held had succeeded. The auxiliary organ informed me that the five knights targeting me no longer existed in this world.

Upon swiftly recovering my vision, I didn’t behold the dark sewers but the panoramic view of the port city. There was no longer anything resembling a sewer passage before me, only a vast area of extensive destruction spreading out like a fan.

[ZZZ ZZZZZ ZZZ(Now’s the time. Let’s go, everyone.)]



I rose above ground with the others. Not many knights were left standing on the collapsed concrete ground. A significant number had vanished without a trace due to the plasma chain explosion or were buried when the ground collapsed.

“This… this is impossible!”

A man among the silver knights, the sole one clad in black armor, shouted in disbelief.

Listening to the voice, it was undeniable that the author was the commander.

‘Looks like he is the highest rank here.’

Seeing the man who was uniquely standing out in a black reinforced suit, one could assume he was an elder of the Eden family.

‘I have to see him.’

[ZZZ ZZZ ZZZ (Take care of the others.)]

「I’ll take care of the one who tormented Big Baby!」


Leaving the handling of the remaining knights to number 26 and Adhai, I dashed towards the knight in black armor.

“Protect His Majesty… Gasp!”

One of the knights tried to shout at me but was suddenly choked by something invisible.

From a distance, number 26 extended tentacles, casting ‘restraint’. Above, Adhai soared through the air, shooting purple lightning at the knights.

It was a newly acquired skill she acquired upon transforming into a Green Gallagon: the Purple Lightning. Its penetrating and destructive power was devastating, but its forte lay in being an area attack and, most importantly, in causing electrical shock.

As most present were enveloped in alloy from head to toe, the damage could only be significant. Many knights fell victim to Adhai’s purple lightning while those outside the range utilized jetpacks to ascend into the sky.

“I’ll… deal with that monster first… Gasp!”

“Hic… h-help! It’s a monster!”

Knights who attempted to strike Adhai from above began to scream in unison, starting to plummet.

The creepy sensation I felt indicated who was behind this.

Number 26, twisting the knights’ necks with restraints, now had over half a dozen pupils visible on its body, observing the knights.

In this cosmic city devoid of even a lake, the terror of the abyss was consuming them.

「Heh! hehe! Die! Die!」

“Get a grip!”


Amidst the confusion caused by the coordinated attack of number 26 and Adhai, I swiftly approached the black knight.

“Your Majesty! Requesting support from the flagship!”

“We’ll handle it here!”

Two other knights stepped in to protect the black knight.

‘Get out of the way, you’re interfering.’

I lashed out with a tentacle at one and hijacked the other.

“Gah?! What is this?!”

I forcibly moved the arm holding the volter, striking the downed comrade’s head with the tentacle. His head, struck by the plasma bolt, exploded like an egg in a microwave.


I manipulated the cursing knight’s body again, directing it to aim at the black knight.

The knight tried to resist, but couldn’t overcome the power of the reinforced suit. The fingers enclosed in the suit pulled the trigger of the volter as per my will.

The plasma bolt fired from the volter struck the black knight’s back.


Perhaps due to his high rank, despite being hit by the volter, his armor wasn’t significantly damaged. However, he collapsed from the impact that wasn’t fully absorbed.

I brought him down and grabbed the head of the hijacked knight with my combat arm. Despite his attempts to resist, it was futile. The reinforced suit, always meant to protect its wearer, had become a prison working against him.

“You…Your Majesty, quickly escape… Aargh!”

Using the ghost claw, I rummaged through the knight’s helmet, causing his body to tremble. Subsequently, blood trickled through the gaps in the reinforced suit.

As I released my grip, the knight’s lifeless body fell.

“Grr, grrrr!”

The black knight struggled, unable to fully control his body after the impact from the volter. I approached him.

“Don’t, don’t come any closer!”

There was no one here to protect him.

I tore off his helmet. The person inside had dark skin. He looked up at me, fear filling his eyes. As my sharp teeth drew closer, he began to tremble.

“You… are… the… commander..?”

“You can speak?!”

His two pupils widened in shock at my unexpected speech.

He seemed quite taken aback that I, a non-human entity, could communicate in his language.

“Hulk mutant… hit… is this kind of tech possible?!”

I’m not such a vile being, but I don’t need to explain that to my enemy.

As I revealed this, he urgently shouted,

“W-Wait! I am Denver Eden! If you spare me…”

Definitely a different reaction due to his high status. There haven’t been many who have tried to negotiate with me.

‘After so many battles, he still doesn’t seem to know much about me.’

After tearing off his pauldron with my combat arm, I sank my sharp teeth into his shoulder.


The neurotoxin from my bite spread through his veins, entering his bloodstream. At the same time, Denver’s blood flowed into my throat.

“Not… needed…”


Due to the mimicry effect of my organic systems, a voice almost identical to his flowed out of my mouth, widening his pupils in surprise.

Since he seemed unaware, I think I should enlighten him:

‘An Amorph doesn’t negotiate.’



[Translator – Jjescus]

[Proofreader – Demon God’s Disciple]

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