
I Became an Evolving Space Monster - Chapter 86

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[Translator – Jjescus]

[Proofreader – Demon God’s Disciple]


Chapter 86

‘Number 26?’

The pink jellyfish that emerged through the asphalt on the road was number 26.

‘How did it change so much while I was away?’

For a moment, its appearance was drastically different from before.

Firstly, the subtle, flowing hues on the pink body were something entirely new. A myriad of colors shimmered gently, which hadn’t been present previously.

An aura of constantly shifting energies, radiating in all sorts of colors, seemed to survey its surroundings, resembling numerous eyes.

This effect was a result of one of Sea Demon’s unique traits, ‘Abyssal Dread.’ Due to this trait, individuals lacking resistance to psychic attacks would either lose their minds or fall into a state of panic when approaching the Sea Demon.

‘Plus, it can weaken the auxiliary psychic powers used by nearby adversaries.’

In the lore, Sea Demons possess immensely potent psychic energy, causing it to occasionally seep outwards. This released psychic energy negatively affects nearby organisms, a phenomenon specifically shaped into the Abyssal Dread trait.

Hence, when psychic power users attempt remote auxiliary techniques like Soul Link or Entity Harmonization near the Sea Demon, they fail to activate properly.

‘Not to mention its eerie appearance that’s well-known.’

Imagine a monster over 20 meters tall from the depths, being scrutinized by hundreds of eyes.

It’s so terrifying that overseas communities used the activated Abyssal Dread Sea Demon’s appearance as a meme-worthy horror.

Of course, number 26 didn’t appear as menacing as the original due to the energies it exuded being less malevolent.

Perhaps it intentionally regulated them in front of me.

‘Come to think of it, the exterior has changed a lot too.’

While the Abyssal Dread trait was notably impressive, other aspects had changed considerably too.

Below its body were 20 long, slender tentacle clusters, interspersed with thick fin-like appendages serving as legs.

The tentacle arrangement was reminiscent of the circular saw-like tentacles I used to have.

The tentacles, though thinner than mine, had sharp saw-like blades densely covering their entire length, making them quite threatening. The creature fully revealed itself on the road and emitted a ripple toward me.

「Hey there, big baby!」

Number 26 extended its tentacles toward me as if in greeting. Thanks to the effects of the ‘Symbol of the Hunt,’ I had grown in size, but number 26 was formidable as well.

If it straightened out, it would be around 7 to 8 meters tall, and its tentacles, each more than 10 meters long.

[Zzz (How?)]

‘I did as you taught me! Ate a lot and grew diligently!’

Strange. I distinctly remember telling it to hide.

Could this be due to evolution? Number 26 seemed much more intelligent than I had anticipated.

「It’s not just me who’s grown. The little one have grown a lot too.」

[Zzz (What?)]

From behind number 26, a green object surged into the air from a pit. It gracefully navigated the atmosphere of the cosmic city and landed smoothly in front of me.

「Master.」 「Greetings.」

Adhai greeted me, bowing its head.

‘Has it grown up too?’

Number 26 had changed significantly, but Adhai’s transformation was truly a radical change. Most of its scales had turned green, with occasional blue ones interspersed. Its body had grown well over 1 meter in length, and its wings were much larger than before.

Not just in color and body, but even in appearance, there had been significant changes. Previously resembling a stout-bodied creature with stubby legs akin to a skink, it had transformed into an entirely different form.

Its four elongated, sturdy legs evoked an image of a deer, exuding an elegant and graceful aura. However, its tail, unlike its slender body, felt relatively thick and plump.

Regarding its head, although it still had clusters of tentacles instead of a mouth, it had elongated compared to before. Additionally, the four horns on its head had increased in number.

‘Compared to Green Gallagon, the resemblance in appearance is striking.’

Furthermore, considering the thickened tail due to growth, Adhai was undoubtedly a female. Gallagons, by design, exhibited sexual dimorphism; males and females looked different.

[Note:- Will be using the pronouns ‘She/Her’ for Adhai now that it has been revealed.]

Males had thicker, more flamboyant horns while females, though were thick-tailed, had simpler horns.

‘Males having flamboyant horn patterns were deemed handsome, while females were considered beautiful with plump tails.’

Observing her sturdy tail, Adhai was likely among the more attractive Gallagons in terms of physique.

‘What did she eat to grow so quickly?’

There were some speculations. There were plenty of corpses of knights and soldiers I had slain in the sewers, along with deceased employees whose signal chips had stopped functioning, all left behind.

Moreover, when the commercial district collapsed, there would have been quite a few who fell into the sewers and died.

‘But did she consume all of that?’

Moreover, without being caught by the soldiers patrolling the sewers.

‘If so, that’s tremendous growth.’

‘If my expectations are correct, not only has the creature physically grown, but its combat abilities have also improved significantly.’

Number 26 seemed to gesture for praise. Urgent as the situation was, I couldn’t help but stroke its body. It shivered, perhaps in contentment.

The energy flowing on its surface changed color, reflecting its emotions, appearing much more disturbed than imagined under the influence of the Abyssal Dread.

「I」 「Growth」 「I」 「Impressive」 「Adult」 「Praise」

Adhai also pushed forward for praise, so I indulged the creature with a petting. Observing Adhai’s swaying tail, I thought,

‘They’ve learned my hunting methods.’

Given the short time they’d been with me, number 26 must have taken the lead in hunting. It was quick in learning and might have adapted to my frequent hunting techniques of digging traps, hiding, and ambushing.

‘Anyway, that’s something to think about later. Code Black will be here soon.’

Normally, I’d have hidden the creatures somewhere and fought, but the circumstances had changed.

‘I’ll have to fight alongside them.’

[ZZZZZ ZZZ ZZZ ZZ (I have something to say for a moment.)]



[ZZZ ZZZ ZZZZ ZZ (We must fight a formidable enemy. Help me.)]

As I spoke, their gazes fixated on the scars on my missing arm and side. Despite number 26 lacking eyes, the emotional reflection on its surface allowed me to easily discern its focus.

「The ones who hurt Big Baby? Unforgivable!」

「Master」 「Attackers」 「Enemies」

Enraged, number 26 slammed its tentacles on the ground. The asphalt cracked, and the surrounding road split with a loud sound. Adhai, too, kicked the ground with its hind legs, displaying discomfort.

‘Fighting won’t be an issue.’

It seemed number 26 not only grew in size but also in strength. A Sea Demon was considered a formidable sub-boss. In terms of danger alone, it was well over half as threatening as a Black Gallagon.

‘But it seems its growth isn’t complete yet.’

However, it should suffice as support for me. Adhai still had some blue scales left, but with most of its body covered in green scales, it was safe to assume it had acquired the power of a Green Gallagon.

‘If my assumptions are correct, with the power of a Green Gallagon, we can intercept the enemy.’

The Green Gallagon is merely at the fluid stage, thus doesn’t display overwhelming destructive power like the White or Black Gallagons. Instead, its combat abilities have evolved differently.

‘With number 26’s ability to utilize Abyssal Dread, if I can effectively utilize both of them…’

‘The Green Gallagon, the Sea Demon, and Amorph.’

All three present here are still inexperienced and not fully grown. However, if they collaborate, even formidable adversaries can be easily hunted.

‘I pacified them and explained the plan.’

Code Black was a war orphan. In MegaCorp, orphans were the bottom of the unrescuable pit, representing the society’s darkest side. Almost all orphans ended up as corporate employees, and the luckiest ones entered the Space Dogs.

‘In that sense, Code Black was a unique case. She entered the Yujin family as an employee and became a material for their shadow.’

Like countless other test subjects, she was supposed to fade away. However, she survived. She possessed significantly higher psychic powers compared to ordinary humans. It made her the first successful experiment in the Yujin family’s cult genetic transplantation.

‘Prototypes usually fell short compared to mass-produced models, but she existed beyond the normal spectrum even among hybrids of the cult and humans.’

When the modification into the shadow ended, Akira Yujin bestowed a name upon her—Code Black. It was a title given to the most superior entity among the shadows.

[Code Red. Where is the target?]

‘In Residential District 32. Please be cautious.’

[Cautious? Why?]

‘The psychic power flow is unstable. An unknown entity has infiltrated the psychic control web independently.’

[Can the target use Psychic Breath? Is it responsible?]

‘Unknown. The unknown entity constructed an autonomous psychic control web.’

[Understood for now. Keep monitoring.]


Having finished her mental conversation with Code Red, she headed towards the designated location.

Most shadows were like dim machines, their consciousness shattered by horrifying experiments. Among the shadows, only Code Black and the deceased Code White could freely converse.

“Now, I’m the only one.”

Code White met her demise during a mission, making her the most revered among the shadows. This fact exhilarated her.

In truth, she herself is unaware, but all the shadows possess some psychological instability. Code Black fixates on the idea of being the most superior and perfect existence.

Her tendency to speak a lot during battles isn’t for conversation but to showcase her uniqueness.

‘If I could obtain that monster’s genes…!’

She believed that successfully transplanting its genes would elevate her to a higher dimensional existence than her current state. After a long time, she felt a sense of exhilaration.

In her eyes appeared the target—a sizable hole drilled right in the middle of the road. Despite the meticulously dug hole, the target didn’t escape but lay prostrate on the ground, all four large arms attached.

“You’re not trying to escape?”

“No, There’s no need…”

“…You can speak?”

Code Black was surprised by the entity speaking. It sounded odd, almost as if a woman’s voice was recorded and distorted through a machine, but it was undoubtedly human speech.


She had assumed that a creature needing strict surveillance outside must possess intelligence high enough to evade monitoring. However, she hadn’t expected it to communicate with humans.

Her mission was to capture the entity. If it could communicate, it would sufficiently understand the situation. She spoke,

“If you’re intelligent, you’ll understand. Surrender.”

‘Hmm, what will happen…’

Sensing nonchalance in its words, she frowned.

‘So audacious.’

“I’ll take only the head and torso.”

She drew two psychic whips from her hand. As she swung them, the ground beneath her cracked open, and tentacles shot out.

‘An ambush!’

Was that why it remained in contact with the ground?

She quickly elevated herself into the air.

The failed ambush made the tentacles retreat underground.

From the air, she swung the whip forcefully.

Her target was not the tentacle but the monster’s main body. Since the tentacles were connected to its arms, it was currently immobilized. As expected, the creature couldn’t move.

As a purple serpent lunged to bite into the monster’s body, it twisted its head, blocking the whip’s trajectory with its thick head armor.

The pure psychic-powered whip collided with the thick head armor, generating intense sparks.

‘As expected.’

She realized that the armor-like shields on the head and wrists of the monster’s body were the toughest parts.

‘I need to aim elsewhere.’

Upon landing, the serpent in her left hand lunged, hissing, toward the monster.
However, the monster, having already retracted its tentacles, retreated considerably.

The whip she threw only scratched the asphalt of the road. But that wasn’t the end. While retreating, the monster hurled sizable road fragments toward her.


An intangible barrier materialized in front of her, deflecting all the fragments. Yet, she couldn’t relax. The fragments and fine timing allowed thorned barbs to fly in.

The attack took advantage of a moment when her Reflection, which could perfectly defend against all physical attacks, briefly deactivated. It was a cunning maneuver.


She hastily swung her whip, clearing the path of the barbs.

‘Was it aiming for the moment when Reflection was disabled?’

While Reflection could perfectly defend against all physical attacks, it required concentrated focus and couldn’t be constantly active.

Therefore, during movement or other actions, it had to be deactivated. There was a very short cooldown after deactivation before reusing it.

‘It’s familiar with fighting against the cult.’

She wasn’t sure of its identity, but that monster precisely targeted Reflection’s weakness.

‘I need to change tactics.’

Originally planning to tidy up with Psychic Whips, it seemed challenging.

‘I’ll clean up with Psychic Breaths.’

Code Black raised both hands, palms facing forward, and opened them wide. A black sphere appeared in front of her, transforming into long, black threads that cut through the air.

Judging it impossible to defend against, the monster crouched its body. The black threads, resembling a crown, scorched its head armor and the arms on its back, shattering distant buildings into pieces.

While the monster moved with three arms and legs affixed to the ground, it swiftly dodged the threads. The threads burnt the roads and houses, sending debris flying from the ground to the air.

Amidst its movements, the monster stepped on the debris, shooting thorned barbs in between. While firing Psychic Breaths, she simultaneously cast Reflection, blocking the barbs.

“Stop! Enough of this!”

While firing a Psychic Breath with her right hand, she pulled out a Psychic Whip with her left hand.

The whip soared, coiling around the monster’s legs in mid-air, followed by the black threads scorching its tail.


The monster screamed in agony. One of its primary weapons, the tail, was now incapacitated.

With a smirk, Code Black forcefully pulled the monster down to the ground. Intent on finishing it off with the threads, the monster, despite its incapacitated state, lunged towards her.

However, she had already cast Reflection. Its elongated arms moved backward, and she struck the disoriented monster’s neck with a Psychic Whip.

“It’s over. Surrender…”

While she spoke, the monster’s mouth opened wide, releasing scorching flames towards her face.


Although Reflection prevented injury, the intense heat couldn’t be stopped. The tremendous heat burned her face, causing significant damage to her eyes.

“That cursed monster…!”

Even in her disoriented state, she fired a Psychic Breath. The threads severed one of the monster’s arms, yet it remained intact.

The arm resembling a sickle, located on the monster’s back.

A vicious biological weapon struck her shoulder.

‘This can’t go on!’

She urgently signaled Code Red. Violet light emitted from her now disheveled body, rapidly disintegrating.

The monster’s swinging arm grazed her body, then stuck into the ground. As she phased out, she quickly reassembled behind the monster, unscathed.

Re-materializing, she immediately struck the monster with a Psychic Whip. Unable to evade her attack, the monster staggered helplessly.

“You’re the first to cause such significant damage to me.”

Her tone remained calm, but she was partly losing her composure. Fighting against something weaker and nearly losing her life once had rattled her.

‘Just extracting the brain should suffice for Akira to understand.’

As she extended both hands, the black spheres reappeared. At that moment of intending to finish off the struggling monster…


She spat out blood as intense pain surged from her abdomen. Unknowingly, she knelt down, feeling something rigid inside her despite the unscathed exterior.

“In…corporeal…ization, there’s a vulnerability.”

Above her bewildered head, a voice echoed. It was the murmuring of the monster that had suddenly approached her.


“If there’s an object during re-materialization, it’s detrimental.”

When returning from a phased state to a solid form, no objects should be present in that space, or they would embed into her body, much like what she experienced.

Of course, she was well aware of the limitations of phase manipulation technology.

What she couldn’t comprehend was how the metal shard had suddenly appeared, evading her and Code Red’s detection.

“No. Right now, I need to phase…”

She quickly signaled Code Red again, requesting to re-phase and create distance from the monster. However, the response deviated from her expectations.

[Under attack by an unknown enemy. Currently focusing on defense. Unable to phase.]


An unknown enemy? Her gaze darted back to the hole that had been dug on the road earlier.

A few strands of violet-glowing tentacles extended from the hole, gently swaying outside.

‘Psychic powers!’

It dawned on her. Code Red had mentioned someone infiltrating their surveillance network using psychic powers. They had constructed an independent psychic control web, making it impossible to determine their precise state.

Back then, she thought the target used psychic powers to evade surveillance. But it wasn’t just one adversary.


Before she could fully process, the monster’s arm swung, targeting her neck.



[Translator – Jjescus]

[Proofreader – Demon God’s Disciple]

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