
I Became an Evolving Space Monster - Chapter 189

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Chapter 189

I narrowly escaped fatal injury, just standing properly was a challenge for me. It was impossible for me to defeat the White Gallagon. Just like there’s a significant difference between the Blue Gallagon and the Green Gallagon, the White Gallagon above them is a far superior being.

The claw sword of the Temple Guardians, and the claw characteristic used by Si-hyun Yujin, all stem from elements originating from the White Gallagon. But that’s not all. A new ability in the game, the ‘Tentacles of the Monster.’ This ability to shoot Psychic Breath using tentacles is a unique trait of the White Gallagon. And unlike me, that creature can unleash that Psychic Breath limitlessly. Even though I might be stronger in my semi-bioformed state, that creature can shoot without constraints.

‘If we fight, we’ll lose.’

I turned towards Adhai.

[ZZZZ ZZ ZZZ (We need to flee)]

Adhai’s wings were broken, so her flight speed was significantly reduced. I grabbed her tightly and dashed madly.

「Adult」 「Kin」 「Appearance」 「I」 「Tracking」

[ZZZ (What?)]

As the voice ended, two Green Gallagons appeared in front of me. Unlike the small Adhai, these creatures, boasting a size close to 10 meters, blocked my path.

As I tried to move sideways, I felt a tremendous amount of energy concentrating behind me. Subsequently, a purple heatwave burned past right in front of me.

「Ham Ort」 Speaks」 「Stop」

When I looked back, the White Gallagon was leisurely following me. The tentacles, once deeply purple, gradually turned into a faint shade of red.

The White Gallagon precisely burned only the soil in front of my feet with Psychic Breath. It was a warning.

[ZZZZ ZZ ZZZ (What do you want?)]

Adhai is peculiar, but Gallagons, in general, are extremely ferocious creatures. They hardly forgive intruders in their territory. Gallagon nests aren’t classified as one of the most challenging hunting grounds for no reason.

In fact, the Green Gallagons were tensing their muscles, ready to attack at any moment.

The only reason they were staying calm was solely because of that oddly calm White Gallagon.

「I want something.」

I quickly observed the White Gallagon. Judging from the relatively short horns and the thick tail, it’s a female.

Gallagons are sexually dimorphic creatures. Although males are slightly stronger than females, it doesn’t matter in this situation.

Her body length is more than twice that of a typical White Gallagon. Although the wings are currently folded, they would be impressive when spread out.

Up to this point, it had all the typical features of a White Gallagon, but there were two differences.

I didn’t notice at first, but upon closer inspection, there were black-scaled patches all over her body. Perhaps traces of dried blood from other creatures.

‘Compared to other Gallagons, it’s excessively thin.’

Both the Green Gallagon watching us and the White Gallagon in front of me were very skinny. Their ribs were visible.

Of course, just because they’re starving doesn’t mean I can defeat them. I’m significantly weakened.

‘Let’s start with a conversation.’

[ZZZ ZZZZ ZZ ZZZ (What do you want?)]

As the tentacles of the monster trembled, creating waves, the White Gallagon chuckled.

「It’s fascinating」 「kin」 「Speech」 「Possible?」

[ZZZ (Yes)]

「Bizarre kin」 「I」 「Introduce」 「I」 「Ham Ort」

The White Gallagon, introducing itself as ‘Ham Ort,’ continued to emit its Psychic Waves.

「Ham Ort」 「Need」

[ZZZ ZZZZ ZZ ZZZ (What do you need?)]

Instead of replying, it lifted its foreleg, indicating Adhai nestled in my arms.

「The Daughter of the Meteor」 「Special」 「Kin」 「Salvation」 「Needed」

[ZZZ ZZZZ (Adhai?)]

「The Herd of Ham Ort」 「Weak」 「The Great Herd of Odd Grad」 「Strong」 「The Daughter of the Meteor」 「Absolutely」 「Needed」

Due to the Gallagon’s peculiar way of speaking, it was difficult to understand exactly, but to summarize it briefly, it goes as follows:

The Gallagon herd led by Ham Ort is competing with other Gallagon herd and is said to be at a disadvantage compared to them.

Naturally, this is expected. Since the leader of the Gallagon herd is invariably the Black Gallagon. The only case where another Gallagon becomes the leader is in events where a Red Gallagon appears as a raid boss.

‘If it’s a White Gallagon, it’s in the lower ranks of Apex.’

Although stronger than Ice Horrors, it’s weaker than Black Gallagons. With that level of weak power, it cannot protect its kin from other monsters aiming for the dragon’s nest.

‘Then what’s even stranger?’

Since it’s a herd led by the White Gallagon, it’s only natural that it’s weaker than the Black Gallagon herd. In such a situation, would Adhai make a difference?

‘Is there anything special about Adhai?’

Despite observing him for a while, there didn’t seem to be anything special about her other than her extraordinary intelligence.

The fact that she grew from a Blue Gallagon to a Green Gallagon during the time she was separated from me could be considered unusual. Whether that’s special or not depends on understanding the Gallagon’s growth process, which I’m not familiar with.

‘…What should I do?’

If I refuse, they’ll probably try to take her by force. Gallagons are inherently such creatures. It’s almost safe to say that Gallagons never request ‘civil’ dialogues like this.

But that doesn’t mean handing Adhai over is an option either.

Because I don’t understand why the Gallagons, who usually despise the weak, suddenly need Adhai. Especially since she’s been driven away due to her physical impairment.

‘Moreover, if she’s used in the war between herds, it’ll be even more dangerous.’

Adhai is a precious companion until now. Until I understand exactly what they’re thinking, I can’t just hand her over.

Then, as if reading my mind, the timing was perfect as he emitted his Psychic waves.

「Ham Ort」 「Speaks」 「The Daughter of the Meteor」 「Preciousness」 「Life」 「Preserves」

[ZZZ ZZZZ (Preserves?)]

「Yes」 「My Child」 「I」 「Child」 「Preserve」


Among his Psychic waves, there was information that couldn’t be ignored. I looked at Adhai nestled in my arms.

[ZZZ ZZZZ ZZZ ZZ (Is what she said true?)]

Adhai hesitated for a moment before nodding her head.

「Kin」 「Parents」 「Match」

「The Great Odd Grad」 「Herd Leader」 「The Daughter of the Meteor」 「Exiled」 「I」 「Couldn’t Stop」

Ham Ort said briefly. It seemed like there was more to it, but she didn’t explain anything.

She seemed to have done his part, hoping to hand over Adhai, but I couldn’t allow that.

Because Adhai’s reaction wasn’t at all like when she met her mother.

The occasional trembling of her body wasn’t simply because of the cold.

There must have been something wrong when she was exiled.

[ZZZ ZZZZ ZZZ ZZZZ ZZ ZZZ (How can I believe that you will not abandon a child who was once abandoned?)]

「Ham Ort」 「Swears」 「The Daughter of the Meteor」 「Life」 「Protects」

[ZZZZ ZZZ ZZ (And if I say no?)]

「I」 「Bizarre Kin」 「Saved」 「Reason Exists」 「You」 「The Daughter of the Meteor」 「Guardian」 「Ham Ort」 「Thankful」 「But」

She bowed his long neck, bringing hers head close to the tip of my nose. With a distance of about one sheet of paper left, she spoke.

「Ham Ort」 「Fight」 「Do Not Shed Blood」 「Desire」 「Accomplish」

Her eyes, radiating a beautiful light like amethysts, flickered threateningly. The Green Gallagons behind us also growled loudly.

Judging by her reaction, it seems there’s no choice but to hand over Adhai to survive.
In the past, I would have acted without hesitation. I might have even used Adhai as a bargaining chip to establish a friendly relationship with the Gallagons.


An inexplicable strange emotion prevents it. My mind is filled only with the thought that I don’t want to let her go like this.

It’s incomprehensible. Emotions should never supersede survival instincts, yet here I am.

‘…This is insane.’

Whether it’s a side effect of the hunting symbol or my brain shutting down due to lack of energy, the reason remains unclear. But one thing is certain—I’m losing my mind.
Trying to divert what little energy remains towards divine intervention.

Just before negotiations broke down and we were about to charge at each other, Adhai suddenly wriggled out of my arms. Despite trembling, she stood bravely in front of Ham Ort with her broken front leg.

「I」 「Elder」 「Contract Complete」 「I」 「Mother」 「Kin」 「Return」

[ZZZZ (Adhai?)]

Adhai maintained a confident posture despite trembling.

After briefly looking down at her, Ham Ort nodded slightly.

「The Daughter of the Meteor」 「Judgment」 「Wise」

She grabbed Adhai with her forepaws. It was not a tight grip, but rather a cautious touch as if handling a treasure. With Adhai in her grasp, he spread her wings wide.

The tangled forest was bathed in a white light. With wings shining like the sun, Ham Ort, carrying Adhai, disappeared. Following suit, the Green Gallagons vanished through the opening made by Ham Ort.

Where they had been, snowflakes fell one by one.


Adhai didn’t look back until the very end.

But just before Ham Ort left,

A faint Psychic wave, as feeble as a falling snowflake, tickled my tentacles.


Her final words were nothing other than a farewell.

The contract to take him to the Gallagon’s nest was complete, so he was going back to his kin.

‘…She’s smarter than I thought, but also foolish.’

If she thought I could simply brush off her words with an “Ah, I see” she was sorely mistaken.

She acted in the way he thought was best, which was to follow the Gallagons. Otherwise, not only would I be in danger, but the others hiding in the forest as well.

I walked back the way I came, carrying the remains of the remaining Green Gallagons and the Screamer back to our temporary shelter.

「Big one! Something’s happened!」

「Adhai suddenly ran out and the Green Gallagons… huh?」

Returning to the nest, Number 26 and Mother of the Sky greeted me. PS-111 was in a dormant state, perhaps due to depleted energy.

[ZZZ ZZZZ ZZZ (Eat this first)]

「Big one, where’s the little one?」

「…Could it be?」

[ZZZ ZZZ ZZZZ (Adhai went away for a bit)]


[ZZZZ ZZZ (Her family came)]


「Then, are we not going to be together anymore?」

I shook my head firmly.

[ZZZZ ZZ ZZZ ZZZ (No. That will never happen)]

If Adhai went because she wanted to, there’s nothing more I can do. And if it was her mother who came to take her away after the contract ended, even more so.

But I remember.

She said she wanted to stay together even after the contract was over.

It doesn’t matter how the Gallagons treat Adhai. If she wants to be with us, it’s my duty to accommodate that.

‘To do that, recovery is a priority.’

I carved into the Green Gallagon’s belly with my combat claws. Then, I tore out partially cooked innards and tossed them to Mother of the Sky.

[ZZZ ZZZZ ZZ ZZZ ZZ ZZZ ZZZ (Your beak’s broken, so it might be hard for you to eat. This should help)]


Mother of the Sky glanced at me briefly before silently starting to tear into the innards. Number 26, watching cautiously from the side, carefully removed the Gallagon’s wings.

‘…Still, thanks to conversing with him, we obtained valuable information.’

The leader of the Gallagon pack holds immense authority. Usually, the oldest Gallagon in the pack takes up the leadership position, but that’s not always the case.

If a young but powerful Gallagon emerges within the pack, they can aim for and challenge the leadership position. In other words, leadership within the pack can change hands at any time.

‘When the challenger wins.’

And Ham Ort called me a “strange kin.”

If they perceive me as something akin to a Gallagon, the answer is clear.

To become their leader.

‘This time, I’ll be thoroughly prepared.’

Being powerless like today is enough for one time. Once all preparations are complete, then I’ll go to rescue Adhai.

I chewed on the Gallagon’s forelegs meticulously as I made my vow.

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