
I Became an Evolving Space Monster - Chapter 99

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[Translator – Jjescus]

[Proofreader – Demon God’s Disciple]


Chapter 99

The Loose Rock Cartel had some aspects that set it apart from typical space dog pirates. Usually, cartel ships make a living by raiding the spacecraft of other species. If they succeed in plundering a superior ship, they often discard their old vessel and switch to the new one.

As a result, most cartels focus only on the armament of the ships they operate, neglecting other aspects. However, the Loose Rock Cartel is an exception to this norm.

Their primary source of income is the capture and smuggling of rare animals. Plundering is merely a supplementary source of revenue for them. Consequently, they have many considerations beyond the armament of their ships.

This includes facilities for safely storing captured animals, storage for feeding the animals, as well as facilities for loading reconnaissance vehicles used to capture creatures that inhabit space.

With many requirements to fulfill, Loose Rock Cartel ships are relatively large compared to the scale of other cartels. With a length of 300m and a height of 70m, their space vessels are substantial, almost rivaling the small frigates of the Megacorp in size.

The name of the Loose Rock Cartel’s ship is the Colossal raider. The name was given by Millo after he plundered a StarUnion trading vessel a long time ago.

The colossal raider was approaching a new prey.

“We have 10 minutes until we reach the signal.”

“We’re here, so why isn’t it visible?”

The gigantic display in the control room showed nothing but endless darkness.

Skywhales are creatures that emit light from their bodies, similar to creatures living in the depths of the sea. Their light is beautiful and sharp, making them easily visible from a great distance in the vast emptiness of space.

Milho commanded his subordinates,

“Double-check the signal.”

“It should be visible by now…”

At that moment, an emergency signal sounded in the control room. It was a signal sent by Calvin, the central AI computer controlling the ship.

[Collision alert! Collision alert!]

In an instant, a black ship appeared on the display. The distance between their ship and the incoming vessel was extremely close. Millo shouted in shock,

“Damn it! Initiate emergency evasive maneuvers now!”

“Everyone, be careful!”

The evasive maneuver caused the ship’s hull to sway significantly. The black ship they saw on the display passed them and disappeared beyond the screen.

The pirates in the control room screamed and tumbled to the floor. Millo, being a skilled warrior of the Wolfen race, did not lose his composure when he fell. He urgently shouted,

“You lazy kids! Check the cargo instead of lying around! Is everything intact?”

“Yes, yes!” In response to the captain’s frustrated command, the crew quickly checked the computer to ensure there was no damage inside the ship.

“Why wasn’t the ship detected right in front of us?”

“Um, I’ll check it.”

Vice-captain Starks manipulated the terminal in the control room, patting his numb buttocks. Then his expression became strange.



“Do you know that StarUnion ships can detect the electric signals?”

“Of course, I do.”

“Well, the electric signal from that ship is not being detected.”


The Vice-captain displayed the information he had checked on the terminal.

Millo was perplexed because what he said was true.

“What? So, the ship we almost collided with is already a dead ship?”

“Not only that. The life signal we detected is coming from that ship.”


In other words, the ship they just passed was a contradictory existence that emitted life signals continuously even though the machinery was not functioning at all.

“What kind of mess is this?”

While Millo and Starks were contemplating, someone in the control room muttered.

“I-it’s a ghost ship….”

Millo frowned at the statement.

“Who said that? Where in the universe are ghosts?”

“W…well, Captain, you know! D…Dbara Cartel got into trouble with a ghost ship, and it got completely wrecked….”

A few months ago, the Dbara Cartel, losers of the C-08 sector, completely collapsed due to a mysterious incident.

According to rumors, the captain and Vice-captain of the Dbara Cartel went raiding as usual and encountered a ghost ship, leading to their disappearance.

“We’re pirates, but we can’t beat ghosts!”

“We need to run away immediately!”

Millo slammed the control room floor with force. When his footprints remained on the solid metal panel, all the pirates fell silent.

“Shut up, all of you. There’s no ghost ship.”

“But…Captain! But…!”

“Think logically. If it’s C-08, it’s hundreds of light-years away from here. Would a ghost ship travel this far at faster-than-light speed?”

“W…well, it’s a ghost ship, so maybe it’s possible?”

“For fuck’s sake, it shoots plasma cannons and penetrates shields as a ghost. What nonsense.”

Seeing the pirates regain composure in Captain Millo’s calm attitude, he gave an order.

“We need to confirm what that ship is. Starks, you go in with the kids.”


“Sending scared idiots alone is more dangerous, so you take command yourself.”


“Stark, don’t worry. I’ll be watching, so you’ll be fine.”

“Sigh. Yes, Captain.”

Starks nodded with a resigned expression.

Regardless, capturing a ship was more profitable than a loss. All the cargo inside became theirs.

‘I wonder what’s inside.’

After sending the Vice-captain, Millo observed the mysterious ship displayed on the screen.


‘Here it comes.’

I opened my eyes, sensing the approaching ship. It had been a week since I arrived in the I-97 sector. During this time, I had been relentlessly checking the functions of the corroded ship.

‘The ability for faster-than-light travel is reassuring.’

The biggest advantage when corroding a ship is that I can utilize most of its functions, similar to my own body. In addition to basic navigation functions, faster-than-light travel using the warp engine was easily achievable. In this case, I could consume the residual energy in the ship instead of my own.

‘If not for this, maintaining the ship for a long time would have been difficult.’

Moreover, although it couldn’t be confirmed without a turret, this ship likely had the capability for cannon fire.

‘Since I can draw and use plasma energy, it should be possible.’

Another advantage was that I could change the structure of the ship into the form I desired.

‘It’s like a nest where my traits can be utilized.’

From the moment corrosion was complete, this ship became a living entity, almost like a nest. Additionally, the ability to change the ship’s structure allowed me to create traps using my characteristics.

‘I’ve made good use of the monster’s tentacles.’

The ship that came to me was here because I created a giant monster tentacle inside the ship, causing a disturbance. They probably mistook it for a Skywhale or a Gallagon. At first glance, it seemed only advantageous, but as in life, there were undoubtedly disadvantages.

‘It’s a shame I can’t move when controlling the ship.’

The tentacle from my dorsal armor that came out during corrosion is connected to the ship, rendering movement impossible. While I could call the kids or make slight movements, actual locomotion was out of the question. Additionally, I couldn’t use physical traits due to the golden restriction.

‘If it were possible, I could have used them freely while dominating the ship.’

If I could use physical traits while dominating the ship, the possibilities would be endless. I could attach wings to the outer wall of the ship for planetary atmosphere travel, or combine biting power with metal absorption traits to chew up other ships and reinforce the main body.

‘At least, the fortunate thing is that I can create a new corrosion tentacle even in a connected state.’

The corrosion tentacles in my body must remain connected to the ship, making them unusable. However, I can create new corrosion tentacles near my inner or outer walls.

‘But that doesn’t necessarily mean I can control a new ship while controlling another one.’

Once corrosion is complete, my mind becomes connected to the ship. While I would need to confirm when the ship gets closer, it’s likely impossible to corrode a new ship while in control of another one.

‘Well, it’s a shame, but the specs of the corrosion tentacles themselves aren’t bad.’

Even without special functions, I can use these tentacles for hunting or preying on enemies.

‘Since the corrosion tentacles have mouths, I might be able to acquire genetic material.’

Although I haven’t tried it due to a lack of experimental subjects, it seems quite feasible.

‘By the way, the ship is larger than I thought.’

As the ship approached, its size became more apparent. It was almost three times larger than the ship I dominate. Among space gangs, it’s uncommon for a ship of this size to be operated, usually reserved for top cartels or those focusing on smuggling.

‘It doesn’t seem like a top cartel, judging by the detected personnel. The numbers are too low.’

My guess is that they are smugglers, and not just ordinary ones, but at a considerable level.

‘The smuggling facilities are well-equipped. Additionally, there aren’t many, but they have recon ships.’

In appearance, it resembled a StarUnion trading ship or a Megacorp raiding frigate, but it’s not certain.

‘I’ll need to go inside that ship to confirm the details.’

If my assumptions about the ship are correct, it wouldn’t be a bad vessel to switch to.

‘If it’s a smuggling ship, there should be plenty to plunder.’

Moreover, targeting a smuggling ship would provide access to information about smuggled animals stored in the ship’s computer. This includes details about what lives on each planet and safe routes for planetary infiltration.

‘Considering the Transcendence Stage 2, I need to capture not only sentient beings but also wild creatures.’

In fact, aside from the Transcendence Stage 2, various types of genes are needed during the evolution from Pre-Saint to Quasi-Saint Stage.

‘It seems like the next destination is roughly determined.’

Of course, securing control of that ship comes first.

‘It’s a bit larger than expected.’

Coincidentally, the ship is attempting to dock toward our direction.

Before welcoming the guests, I need to check if domination is possible.

I concentrated my mind and created corrosion tentacles on the outer wall of the ship I control.

A slender docking port emerged from the enemy ship, attaching itself to the ship I dominate.

During this time, the corrosion tentacles secretly attached to the lower part of the docking port.

The translucent text box that appears when selecting a corrosion target guided me.

‘As expected. I can’t dominate it immediately.’

Since I was already in control of a ship, I couldn’t corrode a new one. Still, I could check whether it was a suitable target or not.

‘Let’s see.’

The corrosion tentacles, having completed the check, reported the results to me.

‘It’s fortunate that domination is possible.’

While it’s rare news that even a pirate ship over three times larger is a corrosion target, it comes with some accompanying issues.

‘First, the time it takes for corrosion is longer than when dominating this ship.’

‘It takes five hours to complete the corrosion.’

Moreover, the duration for maintaining control is only ten days.

‘As the size of the domination target increases, the energy required to maintain it also increases.’

In other words, after absorbing as much energy as possible, it’s necessary to corrode the pirate ship for an extended period of control.

‘I need to move carefully.’

I retrieved the corrosion tentacles protruding from the outer wall.

‘Since it’s been a week, there’s no problem moving the ship itself.’

However, since I don’t have much energy, I need to prepare once I switch to that ship.

‘I should hunt reasonably and gather energy.’

Consuming smugglers and smuggled animals inside that ship should provide enough energy to dominate the ship for an extended period.

After that, when the opportunity arises to complete the corrosion, the ship will be mine.

‘Rather than that, should I deal with those who boarded this ship first?’

Exploration teams or some group started crossing over to this side through the docking port. I weakened the door connected to the port, making it easier for them to enter the ship.

“What? Why is it so weak?”

“Because it saves time, isn’t it?”

“Stop the nonsense and let’s get in.”

The voices of the pirates entering the ship were transmitted into my mind.

As this ship is my nest and an extension of my body, I can know everything about their words, actions, and even physical conditions.

‘They’re wearing spacesuits.’

The pirates were aware in advance that this ship was a dead ship and wore spacesuits. Also, each of them carried various types of weapons to respond to potential crisis situations.

Even bombs were brought in case they deemed this spacecraft problematic.

‘Well, it’s meaningless anyway.’

The weapons they were carrying might be useful when dealing with dangerous wild animals, but the entity awaiting them now is not a mere creature.

Who could have imagined that the ship they’re disembarking from would target them?

[Let’s split up and search.]


[Oh, Justin. Go to the engine room and check the status. Engines are expensive, you know.]


The incoming group of pirates began to split up to quickly search the inside of the ship.


Before their arrival, I radically changed the internal structure of the ship. It’s almost like a maze.

‘Moreover, there are many traps.’

I closed my eyes again. One of the labyrinth passages inside the ship connected to the engine room where I was located.


“Damn, it’s so eerie.”

In an instant, the one referred to as Justin, walked unknowingly toward the engine room through the newly altered passage.

“Oh? This should definitely be the engine room.”

Working as an engineer for the Loose Rock Cartel, Justin was knowledgeable about the structure of ships, be it of Megacorp or of Star Union. The current passenger ship they entered had a three-story structure, with the engine room located on the bottom floor. Normally, he should be seeing stairs leading down by now, but in front of him was an endlessly long corridor.

“What’s this?”

This ship is not as massive as the Loose Rock Cartel’s ship, the Kelvinho. By now, he should have reached the opposite side since he walked continuously without stopping.

“Something’s strange.”

In the ominous atmosphere, Justin activated the communicator inside his spacesuit.

“Vice-captain Starks, sir?”

[Bzzt…what…bzzt…is this…bzzt]



The communication device emitted only unintelligible words and an unpleasant noise.

“…Well it’s nothing serious, right?”

The Colossal raider is waiting outside. If something had happened on this ship, they would have taken action sooner. So, he forced himself to ease his anxiety and continued forward.

‘Now what should I do? motion sensor! If I activate that…!’

He hurriedly pulled out a small device from his tool pack attached to his waist. It was a motion sensor that detects the movement of living organisms, displaying signals on the machine’s radar when there is movement nearby. As he activated the motion sensor, a green light emanated from the machine.

“Alright… huh?”

Looking at the results on the radar, he doubted his own eyes. Signals were being displayed from the entire surrounding area.

“Wh-what is this?”

A signal was displayed right in front of him. Astonished, he lifted his head and faced “them.”

Eyes were appearing all over the corridor where he stood, glaring at him.

Eyes shining in purple on the black walls.

Facing the eyes, Justin found himself screaming in terror.

Avoiding those frightening gazes as if mad, he ran frantically.

In front of him as he fled, there was a door.

A door leading to the engine room, which had been completely invisible until now, was waiting for him.

“Come… this… way…”

Was it an auditory hallucination caused by extreme fear? Or was it the ship’s heart calling him?

Justin couldn’t determine who the caller was.

To him, desperately longing for someone’s guidance, the identity of the caller didn’t matter.

In response to the call, Justin opened the door to the engine room.



[Translator – Jjescus]

[Proofreader – Demon God’s Disciple]

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