
I Became an Evolving Space Monster - Chapter 147

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Chapter 147

The cult priests and prophets launched orbital bombardment on the ‘sacred ground’ prescribed by the cults.

It’s not an impossible feat, but it’s not something that typically happens. No, to put it bluntly, it’s a very rare occurrence. This rarity stems from the fact that the sacred ground is a planet designated by the prophets after interpreting verses mentioned in the cults’ revered ‘doctrine’ over an extended period.

The doctrine encompasses the past, present, and future of the cult, serving as a scripture and norm. Therefore, one cannot casually interfere with the sacred grounds mentioned in the doctrine, even if it poses a threat to the empire.

‘Originally, it’s like that.’

No matter how devout a believer is, there are moments when compromises between faith and reality are inevitable. Cults are no exception.

There are exceptional cases where special measures are taken regarding the sacred grounds, one of which involves the entire planet corroding due to contamination.

Jason capitalized on this point, pressuring the Cult Council and Elders to enforce a purification mission. Cynthia, a member of the Prophecy Assembly, also supported this by claiming errors in the existing interpretation of the doctrine.

With the three major institutions of the Cult Empire – the Council, Elders, and the Assembly – in motion, a purification order contrary to the doctrine could be carried out. If the purification mission had succeeded, the current issues wouldn’t have arisen. Removing the most dangerous contaminant in the Cult Empire would have deprived Jason’s opposition of a basis for criticism.

However, the purification mission failed, and both the Empire’s battleship and fleet were annihilated. Due to the immense losses suffered by the Empire, Jason and Cynthia’s position became difficult, pushing them to pursue the purification mission at the risk of violating the doctrine.

Even if the pressure on Jason diminishes as things resolve, regaining the same level of power as before is almost impossible. Long-lived cults, due to their inherent conservatism, remember past mistakes, especially those of leaders like Jason.

‘Moreover, there’s a really big problem.’

Cynthia mentioned that Jason went into hiding to avoid the Council’s attendance order, but Cloe easily guessed what he might be up to.

“Hiding is nonsense. He must be preparing to escape.”

Anyone experienced in space survival knows that sending an empire fleet to the sacred ground is an action more fitting for players than cults.

The notorious 5th ranked, Amorph, is likely to know who attacked him or will find out soon. In other words, the next target he’s aiming for is Jason.

“If it’s him, he’ll chase us to the end of the universe.”

Cloe, having experienced it herself, understands well. Not realizing that he was Rank 5, she had once interfered with his evolution, nearly quitting the game because of his retaliation.

Jason has had a similar experience. He was on the verge of posting an apology on the community board and likely suffered even more than her.

“…Should I run away too?”

While Cloe is lost in thought, one of the previously silent monuments emanates light. It’s the monument of Jubaka.

“What happened to the records if the battleship was destroyed?”

“What do you mean by ‘records’?”

“Just because it’s called total annihilation doesn’t necessarily mean that everything perished.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“The military concept of total annihilation is used when the combat capabilities are so compromised that the mission cannot be continued. Even if the entire fleet is lost, it’s too early to say that there are absolutely no survivors.”

Among those present, Jubaka is the only one directly involved in military affairs. He is the Grand Master of Star Union and the overall commander of the Mech Fleet. Therefore, he accurately understood what Cynthia’s words meant. Cynthia replied to Jubaka’s statement.

“Among the ships that returned from the fleet, only one out of fifty is operable. Even that one is severely damaged, with 80% of the crew dying, and it returned through automatic navigation. The captain of the Imperial battleship ‘Judicator of Damocles 08.’ perished, and only 20 survivors boarded the escape pod.”

“What caused the severe damage?”

“According to the investigation, cosmic bolt’s dark matter reversed and exploded due to an unidentified energy projectile. ”

“What about the surviving crew?”


To Clo’s question, Cynthia suddenly fell silent. Cynthia, who had answered fluently until now, hesitated for the first time.

“What did they say?”

“…They said that it was a demon with three heads that spouted lightning from its mouth.”

“What… seriously?”


A demon with three heads. Cloe knows well what that nickname means.

“Has he already evolved into the Saint stage?”

“If it’s the Saint stage, it’s understandable that the entire fleet was annihilated.”

As a perennial species, Amorph becomes significantly more powerful as it evolves. The adult form (TL/N- saint) of Amorph can contend with elite armies and fleets. Moreover, considering that he annihilated the Imperial battleship and fleet, he might have secured numerous unique traits.

“If the Amorph has reached the Saint stage, we’re in danger too. You know that, right?”

“Tsk, I’ll contact Inspire.”

“And Cynthia, can you display the footage of him that you captured?”

“The image quality isn’t great.”

“It doesn’t seem like a situation to complain about image quality right now.”

“Understood. Just wait a moment… Huh?”

“Why, what’s wrong… huh?”

During their conversation, one of the monuments lying on the ground suddenly floated into the air.

Soon, the monument shone, and the voice of an elderly man echoed in the dim space.

“It’s been a while.”

Like the proverbial tiger responding when spoken to, the new participant was the person Cloe usually refers to as Inspire.

“Long time no see. Are you well, Akira Yujin?”

It was Akira Yujin, the CEO of MegaCorp and the long-standing king of Earth.


‘Now I can finally live.’

It’s the second day since I repelled the Imperial battleship’s assault. I’ve recovered enough to move, barely like before.

On the first day, I didn’t move at all and just slept. If I woke up in between, I ate the food brought by Number 26 and Adhai, and then went back to sleep to appease my hunger.

It was like recovering from a cold or flu, and thanks to the restless rest, I could finally get up.

Number 26 and Adhai, who dedicatedly nursed me all day, collapsed as soon as they confirmed my return to normal. Number 26 was exhausted, and Adhai was genuinely in critical condition. Despite being attacked by the Horned Gigrants last time, Adhai continued to hunt for food for me.

I quickly attached symbiotic spores to them and moved them to an underground nest. Due to the confrontation with the Imperial battleship, more than 80% of the nest collapsed, but there was still enough space for Number 26 and Adhai to lie down.

With food placed to satisfy hunger upon waking up, I am currently moving with the Mother of the Sky.

“Among the crashed ships, this one seems to be the closest.”

「It seems so.」

As she said, the smell of burnt alloy plates emanates faintly from beyond the forest. We are currently searching for crashed cult ships after being hit by my psychokinesis breath.

Most of the crashed ships fell into the sea or other continents, but a few ships crashed on our continent, Utopia-02.

‘There’s something I want to experiment with.’

It’s about whether heavily damaged ships that have crashed can be dominated. If it’s possible to dominate them, it might be worth considering them as targets for corrosion.

‘I originally planned to leave on the research base in the abyss.’

The research base is made of black silver and is also very large. If the black silver effect still remains after my corrosion, it could be a significant force when fighting cults I might encounter in space. With its enormous size, it would be much easier to plunder the boarders who boarded it.

‘Of course, there are downsides.’

Being large means that the hit area increases. During fleet battles, an increase in the hit area is more of a disadvantage than an advantage.

Of course, I can reinforce the ship’s durability, but that doesn’t mean I won’t get hit at all.

Moreover, the material called black silver is a double-edged sword. I don’t know how it will affect the limitations when I use my psychic breath.

‘On the other hand, cult ships are more suitable for combat.’

I’ve already experienced this when I captured the Space pirate’s ship last time.

I actively used the weapons on the ship to defend against the attack of the Metallic Gremlin.

Besides, that ship was not for combat but a trading ship. If I corrode the cult’s battleships and dominate them, they will be much stronger.

‘Well, I don’t know how damaged this one is, or if corrosion is possible.’

The Mother of the Sky has better eyesight than me. She might already see the appearance of the crashed ship.

“Can you confirm the appearance of the ship?”

「The wind during the crash makes it hard to see. From the parts above the ground, it doesn’t seem to be too damaged.」

“Thank goodness.”

I glanced briefly at the Mother of the Sky running besides me.

The golden fur is reminiscent of ripe barley fields. Now, it’s a clean and beautiful sight with a shining luster, but I remember her appearance covered in burns all over her body when she nursed me.

Like Number 26 and Adhai, she also did her best for my survival.

‘Someday, I should repay her.’

I know her actions were due to the contract I made with her. However, that doesn’t negate the fact that the Mother of the Sky took care of me.

Later, when the opportunity arises, I plan to give her an appropriate reward.

‘Come to think of it, I haven’t apologized yet.’

I tried to devour her, thinking she was responsible for Adhai’s death. It was a misunderstanding. Adhai, feeling left behind by Number 26 and the Mother of the Sky, made an unexpected move. She was not at fault.

I wanted to apologize, but due to the consecutive events, I haven’t been able to speak yet.

「There’s a ship ahead. You probably know, but it seems there are some survivors.」

“Wait. I have something to say before that.”

「Something to say?」

I quickly stopped my legs, which were moving fast, and stood in place. She also stopped running when I suddenly stopped. She, with an elegant eagle-like head, tilted her head. Looking into her pumpkin-colored eyes, I spoke.

“About what happened with Adhai last time.”


“I misunderstood. So, I want to apologize.”

「Huh? Huh?」

Having heard my apology, she blinked her eyes. As if she didn’t understand what she heard, she asked again.

「What did you say just now? Say it again.」

“I’m sorry for not trusting you.”

After apologizing again, the Mother of the Sky widened her mouth.

“I judged hastily. I’ll make sure this doesn’t happen again.”

「Honestly, it’s hard to believe you now, but say it once more.」

“…I’m sorry. I’ll be more careful in the future.”

Whether she understood that I was sincere or not, she didn’t tease me anymore. She looked into my eyes seriously.

「Got it. I don’t know if I’m in a position to accept an apology, but it was true that I couldn’t protect Adhai, I’ll apologize too.」


「Then, that’s the end of it.」


As I nodded, she sighed.

「Wow. To hear an apology from the famous Amorph, which I’ve never heard in the game. It’s Unbelievable.」

She shook her head, seemingly impressed at herself.

‘Why did it sound like she was mocking me though.’

I considered pointing out that there had never been an incident in the game where I needed to apologize to her, but I refrained.

‘Well, I was in the wrong.’

While thinking such thoughts, I detected movement from the auxiliary organs. Regularly repeating footsteps, tense heartbeats revealing anxiety, a unique smell of sweat and iron mixed together.

Combining all this, it wasn’t difficult to figure out who the enemy was.

[ZZZ ZZ (Enemy)]


The Mother of the Sky, who realized later than me, turned her gaze through the trees.

「Cult survivors. The number is…」

[ZZZ (Six)]

「Their weapons are rudimentary, except for the Purple Spray Gun.」

[ZZZZ ZZ ZZZ (Shouldn’t be difficult)]

It’s a suitable opponent to loosen up my body, which rested for a day.

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