
I Became an Evolving Space Monster - Chapter 130

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Chapter 130

‘Then, where should we start?’

The methods of hunting survivors at the research base are endless. You can break the outer walls of the base, disrupting the internal pressure and causing them to die. Alternatively, you can destroy the underwater elevator, slowly causing them to die off. The first method isn’t bad, but there’s a problem. If we accidentally cause the base to collapse, it could harm Number 26.

‘Since we have to eat anyway, let’s go with the traditional method.’

Tracking and tormenting the remaining survivors until they die. That’s been the method so far.

‘But before that, should we block the escape routes?’

I, who decided how to cook the researchers, moved with Number 26. Our area doesn’t have a passage connected to the elevator; to reach the central area with the underwater elevator and submarine, we have to go through other zones.

/We should destroy the underwater elevator and submarine before the survivors arrive./

If we only destroy them, this base won’t be a place to save humans but rather a prison that confines them.

‘Fishrians might not know, but humans haven’t undergone any modifications.’

For humans without an escape route, there are only two choices left: die at my hands or end their own lives. Even if they manage to escape with another submarine, there’s no future for them.

‘The Fishrian village, in collaboration with the base’s humans, is under attack by the The Mother of Sky and Adhai. A Griffin at the level of high sanctification can easily handle a village of this size.’

‘Fishrians probably won’t mind, but humans haven’t undergone any modifications.’

For humans without an escape route, there are only two choices left: die at my hands or end their own lives. Even if they manage to escape with another submarine, there’s no future for them.

‘The Fishrian village, in collaboration with the base’s humans, is under attack by The Mother of Sky and Adhai. A Griffin at the level of high sanctification can easily handle a village of this size.’

‘Moreover, she is a Ranker. Whether facing many or few Fishrians, she probably has experience in battle.’

‘When fighting sea monsters, it gets boring after a while. Boss-level marine creatures like Sea Demons and Pale Masks offer excellent rewards, so top players often hunt them. Even The Mother of Sky, who is a clan leader, must have experience dealing with Fishrians.’

‘I’ve put a lot of effort into preparing for this raid alone.’

‘Ocean bosses have many useful traits, so if you’re an Aymoph, you must catch them. Therefore, when other players have already caught almost all of them, I often used the method of catching up and dealing with both.’

‘I’ve suffered a lot preparing for the raid alone.’

‘Anyways, one of the gruesome raid bosses that preys on disgusting merfolk is right next to me. It continues to chatter incessantly with waves of sound.’

「Big guy, big guy, have you met the little one?」

[ZZZ ZZ ZZZ ZZ ZZ ZZZ ZZ (Of course. It was thanks to her that I was able to come this far.)]

「I remember that she was hurt. Is she okay now?」

[ZZZ ZZZ ZZ ZZZ ZZ ZZ (She is fine now. I treated her. Don’t worry.)]

「Treated? What’s treating?」

[ZZ ZZZ ZZ ZZZ ZZ (It means making the sick better.)]

「Wow, that’s amazing! Big guy, you’re cool!」

Number 26 has been chattering non-stop since it met me. I, too, didn’t find the conversation burdensome or unpleasant, so I continue to indulge it.

「The humans who beg for mercy because of the little ones are bad.」

[ZZ (Yes.)]

「Many of our kind died because of ugly humans.」

[ZZ (Huh?)]

「I tried to help before my strong friend died, but humans caught me. So I couldn’t help.」

What Number 26 said next was totally unexpected.

Number 26 calls me “big guy.” There’s only one being it could refer to as family or kin.

‘It can be a Bubble Amoeba.’

However, a Bubble Amoeba wouldn’t be strong, so the one it was referring to must undoubtedly be a Sea Demon.

‘A Sea Demon died?’

Considering only this planet, there aren’t many beings that can hunt a Sea Demon.

‘Could it be Muriel?’

I briefly entertained that thought, but it’s unlikely. From Number 26’s words, it seems the Sea Demon died after we arrived on this planet.

‘Strange. I don’t see any powerful weapons capable of killing a Sea Demon.’

Even if there were weapons I couldn’t detect, the likelihood of them attacking the Sea Demon is low. If that were the case, the Fishrians wouldn’t cooperate.

‘Wait a moment.’

Let’s reconsider.

Before Adhai came looking for me, the entities that inflicted significant wounds on him were a coalition of humans and Fishrians. Until now, I thought Fishrians worshiped Sea Demons. Humans are demanding cooperation from them, using Number 26 as a hostage. I thought Number 26, who was lured into this Black Silver base, would have been rendered powerless.

“I started off on the wrong foot.”

Fishrians, who venerate marine predators, wouldn’t just stand quietly while Number 26 was getting imprisoned in the cell, weakened. It wouldn’t make sense for them to simply ignore a weakened Number 26. Therefore it means the Fishrian village in this island doesn’t worship Sea Demons.

‘Have humans and Fishrians formed a cooperative relationship against a common enemy?’

But there are still unanswered questions. Fishrians are an extremely hostile race, usually the first to consider sacrificing other creatures.

‘How did they manage to enlist such hostile beings on their side?’

The possibility of enticing them with weapons or equipment is low. Even if they provided information about Sea Demon weaknesses, it’s doubtful the primitive fish-like creatures would accept that alone.

‘Information is too scarce. Let’s stay cautious for now.’

The only clear fact is that there exists a marine monster worshipped by Fishrians, apart from Sea Demons.

‘If not Sea Demons, Pale Masks are the most likely.’

While there are Dread Hydras at the level of Sea Demons, they don’t venture out of their territory. Their body structure makes it difficult for them to move in water. Dread Hydras reside in the deepest parts of the abyss and rarely come into contact with Fishrians.

On the other hand, Pale Masks are different. They actively hunt prey not only in the abyss but also in a wide range of areas. Sometimes they hunt near the sea surface, bringing them into occasional contact with Fishrians.

‘If it’s Pale Masks, it’s actually fortunate.’

Pale Masks are one level below Sea Demons in terms of deep-sea predators. Even if I lack traits related to underwater combat, facing them is possible.

‘And I have Number 26 with me.’

While The Mother of Sky is likely stronger, Number 26 has a lot of experience fighting alongside me. With its assistance, we can have a significant advantage even against Pale Masks.

[ZZZ ZZZ ZZ ZZZ ZZ ZZ ZZZ ZZ (Let’s see after punishing the one who begged for mercy for the family)]

「Yeah, sure.」

When dealing with humans, it’s wise to leave one alive.

With my thoughts sorted out, I and Number 26 submerged into the dark waters.


“How much damage do you predict happened to the base?”

“Seeing water entering Zone A, it is expected that additional damage has occurred in Zone H.”

“After checking the elevator area, it’s currently functioning normally.”

“Phew, that’s a relief.”

In the corridor within Zone B. Twenty researchers were moving through the flooded corridor. After a massive impact, water constantly poured into the first situation room, making it impossible to stay. They had no choice but to abandon the situation room, put on emergency reinforced suits, and plan their escape.

The reinforced suits worn by the researchers had a similar appearance to space suits, designed only for the user’s safety and survival functions, allowing them to withstand the cold water.

But it was too early to feel relieved. The most dangerous factor where they were right now wasn’t the temperature.

“However, with the influx of a large amount of water, the internal pressure has become unstable. The central area where the elevator is located is still fine, but we don’t know how much longer it can hold.”

Zones A and B, overseeing the entire base, were already submerged. Commanding the central computer to drain the water was no longer possible.

“…Damn it!”

The mutant Sea Demon’s status was unknown, and this valuable research base was flooded. Runan, the chief researcher and “captain,” knew well how expensive and versatile this research base was. Regardless of his impressive achievements, causing such a mess alone could be considered a serious offense.

“Which area hasn’t been flooded yet?”

“C and D zones.”

“Since this is Zone B, it seems we need to head over there and use the elevator in the central area.”

“Not a bad idea.”

While Runan was vigorously calculating profits in his head, the team concluded their discussion on the next steps.

“What should we do?”


“Team leader?”

After being asked for their opinion, Runan, who had been silent, finally spoke.

“…First, let’s move to Zone C. Finish oxygen replenishment there and head straight to the elevator in the central area.”


“And, while going, manually close all the unclosed bulkhead doors. That way, we might buy some more time.”

Calculating profits is only possible if one survives. Inside the facility, a massive amount of water is pouring in real-time. Moreover, what’s chasing them is not just seawater.

“Closure complete.”

“Good. Let’s move again.”

While moving through the corridors of Zone B, they had delays at every open bulkhead door, but it was inevitable. The creature that caused this situation was following them.

Thump, thump, thump.

“Darn, that sound again.”

“…It seems closer than before.”

“Damn it, don’t say ominous things.”

As evidence, the loud noise has been constant since the initial collision with the facility. It was a periodic sound that began after that event.

Everyone in the research team knew what that sound was.

It was the sound of closed bulkhead doors colliding with something.

One of the team members, as if muttering to himself, realized that the sound was getting closer each time.



Every time that sound echoed, the researchers felt their hearts being squeezed. It must feel similar to what a death row inmate feels climbing the steps to the gallows.

And on top of that, there was an additional factor increasing their anxiety.



“A corpse…”

One team member encountered a drowned body floating in the flooded corridor and fell backward.

A colleague who had shared meals and attended meetings together until yesterday was now a pale corpse floating in the water.

“You scoundrel! What about the body? Don’t just stand there and get it out!”

Frustrated by the subordinate’s foolish action, Runan almost shot him with the gauss rifle he held in his hand. Suppressing his irritation, he scolded the team members.

“Team leader, there are traces of something on the body…”

One team member noticed something strange about the corpse. Although they couldn’t tell if it was from underwater creatures entering or not, there were signs of small organisms nibbling on the body.

“Shut up! We don’t have time to spare! We need to move quickly!”

“Yes, yes!”

However, Runan, who was already at his mental limit, ignored the opinions of the team members.

“Why do I have to go through such misfortune!”

Runan continued to curse silently. According to the cult’s teachings, those who do not follow the doctrine and commit sins go to hell. There is a type of hell where sinners are tortured with ice water, and the current situation felt exactly like that.

Was it because they continuously moved without rest in this rapidly deteriorating atmosphere?

The end they longed for was approaching. One team member shouted loudly.

“Team leader! We are only 20 meters away from Zone C! We’re almost there!”

“Oh, thank goodness!”

“Whew, we can finally take a break.”

Thinking that the high ground was not far away, everyone pushed themselves harder and moved with all their strength, thanks to the enhanced suits allowing them to withstand the high pressure even in these conditions.

As they pushed through the water, one team member at the back felt an itching sensation around his waist.


He had been feeling an itch on his legs since he fell earlier, but now it was more intense.

It felt like something was moving along his back. He initially thought it was just an itch, but that thought didn’t last long.

“Uh, uh? Uh-uh-uh-ugh!”

“Hey? What’s wrong?”

When the colleague following him suddenly screamed, the nineteen researchers who were moving all turned around simultaneously.

“Oh, something got into my suit!”


“Take it out, take it out, uh-uh-uh-ugh! I…It’s devouring me!”

The researcher, writhing and screaming, was trying to brush something off his body.

Although it would have seemed highly comical to an onlooker unfamiliar with the situation, no one here found it amusing.

“Damn it! Wait a moment!”

“What’s this?”

Two other team members checked the communicator attached to his wrist. Discovering the intruder inside the reinforced suit, they were horrified.

Several palm-sized creatures were tightly attached to the researcher’s waist area, constantly crawling upwards, devouring the researcher wearing the reinforced suit.



A moment later, the researcher vomited blood inside his helmet. The inside of the helmet turned a sickly shade of red, and the team member’s body slumped.

“Wait a minute? Hey? Is this for real?”

“I…I’ll check his condition!”

“You fools! Don’t open it!”

Although Runan shouted belatedly, another researcher had already slightly opened the fallen colleague’s helmet. Inside, half a dozen insect-like creatures squirmed in a mess of blood.



While the researchers were appalled, those creatures suddenly jumped out of the helmet and disappeared to the other side of the water.

As unfortunate as it was for the survivors in this place, this was just the beginning. After the bugs vanished into the darkness, an immense noise was heard.

The previously passed bulkhead had been breached.

“Everyone run!”

Runan yelled. Hearing that sound, the team members, now awakened and running like mad, started sprinting.

“Huff, huff, huff, huff!”

“Heck, heck!”

While only the panting sounds were heard from the communication device connected to the helmet, “it” was rapidly approaching.



The surprised groans of the two people who had their backs bitten were briefly heard through the communicator. And that was their last testimony.

“Crack, thud”

With the sound of bones breaking, the communication was cut off. Everyone who left their communicators on heard that sound.

Silently, they ran and arrived at the bulkhead of C-zone.

“Open it quickly!”

“T…time is running out!”

“Damn it! Hey, you, you, and you three! Go now and stop that thing!”

“What? Are you crazy?”

“How do we stop that thing?”

Seeing the protesting team members, Runan aimed his Gauss rifle at them.

“A sacrifice for our comrades, I won’t forget it. Go and stop that thing.”

“N…No you bastard!”

“If you shoot that thing with that weapon…”

“I say it for the last time. Go and stop it quickly.”

As Runan sent the researchers as bait, another team member succeeded in opening the bulkhead door. As they entered the isolation space, similar to the aerolock found in the middle of the area, the sixteen individuals quickly filled the confined space, wearing exosuits resembling spacesuits.

“I knew it would come to this, that’s why I sent three of them,”

Runan briefly praised, even in urgent situations demonstrating seasoned judgment. The other team members also sighed in relief.

However, their misfortune was far from over.

“Team leader!”

“What’s wrong?”

“That… that thing…”

A team member called Runan, pointing towards the door. Upon seeing where his finger pointed, Runan swallowed hard.

Behind the small reinforced glass in the aerolock, “it” had eyes.

The creature’s white eyes moved slowly, scrutinizing the interior of the aerolock. It seemed determined to remember every person inside, one by one.

In shock at the persistence of the creature, Runan, as if screaming in agony, shouted, “Quick, drain the water! Drain it!”


A team member hurriedly operated the terminal in the aerolock. Only after the water flooded within the isolation space was expelled could they enter C-section.

“What’s this? It’s an underwater area too!”

“Team leader, what’s the plan?”


“Darn it! It’s following us!”

“Everyone run!”

Without wasting a moment, they sprinted through the partially submerged corridor of Zone-C, not bothering to take off their exosuits.

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