
I Became an Evolving Space Monster - Chapter 67

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[Translator – Jjescus]

[Proofreader – Demon God’s Disciple]


Chapter 67

I woke up feeling the undulating waves around my body.

‘How long did I sleep for?’

When I saw the faint light coming through the manhole, it seemed like daytime. Focusing on my auxiliary organ, I heard the sounds of people walking above ground.

‘At least Amorph doesn’t have a nose.’

In fact, among all the creatures present here, there was no one who had a nose. Gallagons had tentacles instead of nose and mouth, and number 26 had no face to begin with.

I, too, had an auxiliary organ below my chin instead of a sensory organ like the nose. The olfactory information processed by the auxiliary organ felt like individually analyzing the components of odors. For example, the ratio of ammonia and nitrate in the flowing sewer water.

‘…Let’s stop thinking about these things.’

I got up shaking off the unnecessary thoughts. I could see number 26 and Adhai sleeping nearby. Adhai had its head resting on number 26, emitting a faint light while sleeping.

‘Since Sea Demons live in water.’

To me, it seemed like ordinary sewer water, but for it, it must feel like home.

Without waking them up, I walked through the passage.

‘The diameter of the sewer is probably around 6 meters.’

Seeing that there is plenty of space above my head even when I stand up, it should be about that size. Even if I use the ‘Symbol of Hunt’, it seems like my head won’t touch it narrowly.

‘I was so tired that I couldn’t check it properly and just let it go. I activated the text box.’

I was so tired yesterday that I couldn’t check the traits properly, so I activated the text box.

[Species: Unidentified Aggressive Space Morph
Status: Pre-Saint (1st stage of transcendence)
Objective: Survive (2nd Evolution Successful)
Possessed Traits –

1)Physical-Related (Applied Type): Wings, Chitinous Exoskeleton, Regeneration (Fusion), Neurotoxin Glands (Fusion), Reinforced Exoskeleton, Acidic Blood, Enhanced Reflexes, Mimicry, Serrated Tentacles, Contamination Organ, Spine Projectile Organ, Predator’s Claw. Metal Absorption, Perfect Organism (Unique), Fire Breath, Endurance, Pheromone Enhancement, Bloodsucking Tentacle (fusion).
2)Psychic-Related(Applied Type): Predator Sense (fusion), Human Nature, Monster’s Tentacles, and Clairvoyance, Psychic Resistance, Insight.
3)Infection-Related: Parasitic Colony (Fusion), Cosmic Bacteria.

Type: Physical Enhancement Type, Psychic Enhancement Type]

[Unread new messages have arrived. Would you like to read them?]


While checking the text box, I noticed a new trait.

‘Bloodsucking Tentacle? Was the trait I acquired a bloodsucking feature?’

In a semi-conscious state, I had only confirmed that it wasn’t a trait with negative effects, but it turned out to be a not-so-bad result.

”Bloodsucking’ traits aren’t rare in games. As in reality, there are many creatures that suck the bodily fluids of other animals.’

‘The effectiveness of the bloodsucking trait depends on size.’

For example Gallagons had this trait naturally, so despite Adhai being about 50 cm in size, he could suck all the blood from an adult man in less than 10 minutes.

The small suction cups on tentacles helped sucking blood at a very fast speed. Larger creatures with more significant and bigger suction organs could likely suck blood at an even faster rate.

I pulled out the bloodsucking tentacle from my arm. The tentacle, which previously had neatly arranged saw blades across its surface, now had suction pads like that in an octopus’s leg.

Looking at the suction pads, which had sharp tooth-like structures protruding inside, resembling jaws of a lamprey.

[PR/N- Lamprey are parasitic eel like fishes that suck blood of other organisms]

‘Since there’s a suction pad, I can use it when sticking to walls.’

When playing the game, I often used the bloodsucking tentacle for purposes other than bloodsucking. I mainly used it to suck all the blood from corpses to erase traces or to move around buildings using the suction-pad in the tentacle.

‘Anyway, the bloodsucking tentacle is a highly versatile trait that has many uses, so that’s good.’

‘And… Unexpectedly, there’s a new message again.’

I checked the message.

[‘Transcendence’ Material List: Mimic Organ, Pheromone Enhancement, Clairvoyance, Hallucination (not acquired)]

The newly arrived message contained information about new transcendence traits.

‘It seems like a new unique trait will be created If I combined these four traits.’

Just like the Complete Organism which is a unique trait created by merging three physical-related traits through the transcendence system. This time, it appears to be a trait created by combining two physical-related traits and two psychic-related traits.

‘Hallucination can’t be obtained here.’

The hallucination trait can only be obtained from the genetic essence of the Red Mist. Since Red Mist creatures inhabit only the ancient ruins and the jungle planets,finding them here would be impossible.

‘Even if it were available, I can’t make it right away.’

Until I acquire two psychic-related traits, I can’t combine hallucination with transcendence. Otherwise, the psychic type might be lost.

‘Let’s keep this information aside for now.’

‘Should I explore the surroundings a bit?’

I need to check if there’s a safer place than where we currently are, and whether there are any dangers nearby.

While navigating through the current, I sensed something through my auxiliary organ. Something was moving in the murky water. I swung the bloodsucking tentacle, grabbed the object, and pulled it out. A creature with a slender, white body dangled from my tentacle.


Corpse-eaters are cleaners that consume various waste flowing into the sewer. MegaCorp’s sewer doesn’t just receive sewage; from facilities fulfilling the citizens’ obscene desires, remnants of ‘Hired ones’ or waste from factories are secretly dumped into the sewers.

Since this waste has a large volume, it can’t be processed by the sewage treatment plant. Therefore,many use these grotesque creatures to reduce their size.

‘It’s the one that occasionally appears as a horror post on the community.’

It looks disgustingly creepy to ordinary people. Of course, that doesn’t mean I’d discard this perfectly good genetic essence.I ate the corpse eater after tearing through it.

Honestly, the taste was mediocre. The texture was chewy, and the leaked juices had a strange sweet-and-sour taste. Well, if a creature living in the sewer and eating corpses tastes good, it would be more strange.

‘I should focus on the nutritional supply.’

Thinking that I’d have to eat this kind of thing for a while, it was a bit unpleasant, but it is better than nothing. Besides, I might acquire a new genetic essence by eating it again.

‘Corpse-eaters have infection-related traits, so I should aim for that.’

I put the corpse-eater in my mouth and moved on.


“Nothing found in the subway?”

“Well, um, yes, sir!”

“Deputy Chief, is what he said true?”

“According to the members, they only found secret passages presumed to have been used by the monster.”


Two days had passed since the tragedy at the hospital, and with only a day left until the council meeting, there had been no progress at all in the subjugation of the monster. Laila, who had just received a report from the head of the security department, stood up to greet a new guest.

Thanks to this, the Head of Security department could avoid the embarrassment of being dragged out by the security guards during the briefing. Despite significant issues like smuggling, missing criminals, and police deaths occurring in the past few days, the Head of Security department didn’t report anything. She thought Laila wouldn’t let it slide if she found out about these incidents before the council meeting.

If Denver hadn’t brought back relevant information, these incidents would have been buried forever in the security department’s cabinet.

Laila, the city’s administrator, was extremely angry at the fact that she learned of flaws from an outsider, not an insider.

She declared that when she returns, she would replace all the bureaucrats affiliated with the security department and left the meeting room. Denver, who had just entered the meeting room looked at the Head of Security department, who was wiping the sweat off his forehead with a handkerchief.

“Head of the Security Department.”


“If you want to keep your position, perhaps focusing a bit more on work would be advisable. Although your master is a compassionate person, she is not someone who will tolerate this kind of behavior”


“If you want to volunteer in the Entertainment District, I won’t stop you.”

“N-no, thank you!”

Having warned the Head of Security, Denver stroked his chin.

“The monster is intelligent, so it knew we were trying to search for it.”

It’s not just an ordinary beast if it’s using secret passages to avoid people. One shouldn’t think of it as a typical animal.

“Well, let’s think about it. If the creature is a beast with a human head, how do you think it would behave?”

“Are you talking about Hulk mutants?”

“No, those guys are stupid. It’s smarter than that. Crisis Management Team Leader, any ideas that come to mind?”

Denver asked the Crisis Management Team Leader, a stern-looking yellow-skinned man participating in the meeting. After a brief contemplation, he responded to Denver’s question.

“Even if it escaped from the station, it couldn’t have gone far. Based on the information submitted by the Silver Lion Knights, it’s not likely to have a small stature.”


“So why not compare the map with its movements and see if there are any hiding spots around the station?”

“Not a bad idea. Let’s check the map then. Security Chief, please.”

“Yes, sir!”

The Head of Security Department hastily operated the terminal pad, projecting the city’s map image onto the wall of the meeting room.

Denver scrutinized the map, then tilted his head curiously.

“Look at this.”


“What are those lines next to the railway?”

“Oh, those are markings indicating sewer passages. You don’t need to pay much attention to them.”


Denver called the Crisis Management Team Leader again.

“I heard you personally went out with your subordinates to map the area. Was there a sewer close to the station?”

“It’s difficult for me to see since the sewer facilities are underground… Ah.”

“Why is that?”

“Come to think of it, some manhole covers near certain stations had a different appearance.”


“That, I can answer.”


“The manholes connected to the sewer have a square shape. What the Crisis Management Team Leader saw might not be a manhole connected to the sewer.”

“The Security Chief’s words are correct.”


Denver’s eyes sparkled at the words of the two leaders.

“Deputy Chief, ask the members. Were there square manholes around the station where the fire occurred?”

“Understood, sir.”

“Do you think it’s possible that the creature went into the sewer?”

“If it’s close to the station, there’s a possibility.”

“But the sewer structure is much more complex than the subway tracks. There’s a high chance of another incident occurring before we find the creature.”

“I…I also think so!”

The Crisis Management Team Leader calmly stated his opinion, while the Head of Security department added in a hurried manner.

“What should we do?”

Denver had little concern for the citizens of this city, whether they lived or died. Even if hundreds or thousands of citizens died, capturing that monster alive would be beneficial to him.

However, stating that outright would tarnish the positive image he had built up until now.

“How about trying it like this?”

“What do you mean?”

“Instead of personally searching, why not use a method to lure the creature out?”

“Are you talking about a bait operation? But how do you plan to lure it out?”

“It’s almost certain that the creature preys on humans. So, if we provide prey from this side, wouldn’t that work?”

“Are you suggesting we use resources from the Entertainment District?”

“That’s right. After preparing traps in the sewer, we lure and eliminate it.”

It was clear that the creature was an intelligent being. However, it was not human.

Being intelligent and having detailed information about the city were separate matters. Unless the creature residing in this city was human, it would not find it strange for prey to enter the sewer.

Initially, it might seem strange, but if prey continued to enter, the creature would likely dismiss any suspicions.

The Crisis Management Team Leader seemed to find Denver’s suggestion a viable strategy and nodded in agreement.

“We need to consult with the Human Resources Manager, but I think we can easily gather around 200 people.”

“It would be better if we could get more.”

“I…I’ll take care of that!”

“Good. Keep up the momentum, Security Chief.”

Although the plan involved sacrificing 200 innocent lives as food for the carnivorous monster, no one in the room found it strange.

Those employed by MegaCorp were not ‘human.’

They were classified as administrative resources. They could be slaughtered or euthanized as common resources when needed.

If capturing the monster meant business for Denver and eliminating a potential threat to the city’s security for the two leaders, then everyone in the room would benefit.

“Very well. If the Deputy Chief’s confirmation is complete, we’ll proceed with the operation immediately.”


“Security Chief, if this operation is successful, I’ll request clemency for you from the Administrator.”

“Really? I’ll do my best!”

“Your Majesty, while it may not be a proper military operation, it would be good to have a codename. If you could decide.”

“Can I decide?”

“No one among the soldiers disrespects, Your Majesty. If you decide, it would be an honor for us.”

Denver pondered for a moment. Then he recalled what Laila had said to him before.

What is that unseen, ghost-like entity?

Recalling that memory, Denver spoke.

“How about this? Operation Ghost Hunt.”

“Operation Ghost Hunt. Excellent. We will exterminate that invisible ghost. Hoorah!”

“Very enthusiastic! Hahaha.”

Everything was going according to his plan. Denver burst into genuine laughter, brimming with joy.

‘The creature is mine!’

The long-standing wish of the family was nearing fulfillment. While laughing, Denver secretly clenched his fist.

He would not let go of the captured monster under any circumstances.



[Translator – Jjescus]

[Proofreader – Demon God’s Disciple]

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