
I Became an Evolving Space Monster - Chapter 97

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[Translator – Jjescus]

[Proofreader – Demon God’s Disciple]


Chapter 97

‘Let’s use the transcendence system.’

Securing a new unique trait was the decision I made at the end of the adventure.

However, before using the transcendence system, there’s something to do.

‘We need to prepare for the new risks that may arise.’

While activating the superluminal navigation device, I brought up a semi-transparent text box in my mind.

[Race: Unidentified Aggressive Space Morph]
Status: Pre-Saint (Transcendence Level 1)
Objective: Survive (2nd evolution successful)
Possessed traits- (Physical-Related: 14 / Psychic-related: 7 / Infection-related: 3 / Special Defense-related: 2)
① Physical-related traits (Type in use): Wings (Unavailable), Acidic Blood, Bite Force, Metal Absorption, Perfect Organism (Unique), Endurance, Pheromone Enhancement, Enhanced Reflexes.
-Physical-related Fusion Attributes: Regeneration, Neurotoxin Gland (Unavailable),
Bloodsucking Tentacle, Spine Projectile Organ, High Hijacking.
②Psychic-related traits (Type in use): Human Nature, Psychic Resistance, Insight.]
-Psychic-related Fusion Attributes: Predator Sense, Monster’s Tentacle, Ghostly Claws, Observer of fear.
③Infection-related traits: Space Bacteria
-Infection-related Fusion Attributes: Parasitic Colony, Decaying Mold Organ.
④Defense-related-related traits: Pain Reduction, Resistance.
Possessed Types (2) – Physical Enhancement Type, Psychic Enhancement Type
Incomplete Attributes (7)
-Spaceflight, Energy Absorption, Robust Vitality, Giant Creature, Miniaturization, Gills, Fins
The composition of the text box has changed as the number of attributes has increased. With the increase in fusion attributes, there were new subcategories for each category.]

‘Among these, the trait which will affect me alot if it gets restricted is…’

At this point, without a doubt, it’s the ‘Monster’s Tentacle’.

The Monster’s Tentacle is a fusion attribute created using the supernatural ability organ obtained from the previous meteor research ship. If I lose the ability to use this attribute, I won’t be able to communicate with Number 26 and Adhai.

‘Of course, it could become ambiguous like the Neurotoxin Gland.’

The Neurotoxin Gland is a trait that uses pheromones to disrupt the nerves of people around, making them mistake me for a human. Additionally, the mimicking effect of imitating voices from the material of the Neurotoxin Gland has been inherited.

Although the use of this trait was restricted due to being a complete organism, the ability to imitate voices, albeit limited, was still possible. When the pores organ that released pheromones got blocked during the application of the complete organism, the organ for producing voices remained intact.

‘Even if the unique attribute is applied, if the tentacles on my head remain, communication should still be possible.’

The bunches of tentacles near the back of my head are organs that allow me to communicate with beings through energy waves. Thanks to this, I could communicate with Number 26 and Adhai beyond the racial limitations of Amorph.

‘Of course, even if the tentacles remain, I might not be able to use Psychic Breath.’

There is no guarantee that the Monster’s Tentacle will be the one that gets restricted.

However, preparations must be made for that possibility.

I kept thinking about how to cope if each attribute were restricted until the kids woke up.

After a few hours, Number 26 and Adhai gradually woke up.

I briefly stopped the spaceship and explained the situation to them.

In the future, I won’t be able to communicate with the kids. Instead, I have prepared another means of communication.

I planned to send signals with the small hands on my chest. Since both of them cannot understand human language, it was an unavoidable choice.

‘Characters and numbers are, of course, unknown.’

I considered sending signals through sound, but since we were in battle, it was nearly impossible, so I ruled it out.

However, once I started teaching, it didn’t seem very effective.

「Raise the small tentacle upward and then strike?」

[ZZZ ZZZZ ZZZZ ZZ (No that’s first finger of the right hand.)]


[ZZZ ZZZZZ (Small tentacle)]


Number 26, who lacks the concept of fingers, considered the arms, hands, and fingers as a unified entity, making it difficult for it to understand my explanation.

[ZZZ ZZZZ ZZZ (Second finger of the left hand)]


[ZZZZ ZZZ ZZZZ (Retreat is the third)]

「?」 「Cannot understand.」

[ZZZZ ZZZ (This part)]

「I」 「Itchy!」

When I poked Adhai’s third toe on the left front paw, the creature shivered, apparently finding it ticklish.

Adhai, with both feet and toes, seemed to understand what I was trying to do. However, due to his body structure, closer to the front paws than hands, there was a limit to how well I could make him understand.

‘This could be a problem.

From the beginning, I am a human in an Amorph’s body. I have intelligence that fundamentally makes me different from these creatures that are closer to animals.

「Don’t worry, big baby!」

「I」 「Effort.」

The creatures consoled me, perhaps thinking I was disappointed.

‘Yeah. There’s nothing to be disappointed about yet.’

Both Number 26 and Adhai are smart. Especially Number 26, it has several times read my intentions and acted on its own without me saying anything.

‘So, I just need to teach the essential parts.’

After that, for an hour, I repeatedly taught them the signals I had created. Despite it being boring, the children listened attentively and followed my instructions.

‘That should be enough.’

It was still impractical to make them understand all the signals I had in mind. However, the creatures understood all the basic parts.

「Then, is the big baby growing again?」

[ZZZ (Yes)]

「Adult」 「Growth」 「I」 「Congratulate」

Since they had entered the pod before due to the transcendence system, the creatures showed no signs of surprise.

Receiving their peculiar farewell, I summoned a semi-transparent text box.

[‘Transcendence’ Material List (New!): Wings, Endurance, Spaceflight, Giant Creature, High Hijacking.]

[Do you want to use the transcendence system?]


Having accepted, I awaited the mucous that would soon flow from my body. However, even after waiting, there was no reaction on the surface.


Different from before, a sudden sound came from my back. With a cracking sound like breaking ice, my back split open.

And from the split back, something halfway liquid emerged. It looked like the root of aged wood, or perhaps the web a spider had carefully woven over a long period.

I didn’t know what it was, but the tendrils that came out of my body began corroding the surroundings.

[ZZZZ ZZ ZZZ (Everyone, retreat!)]

Judging it as suspicious, I took advantage of the moment when the Monster’s Tentacle was still alive and shouted at the creatures.

While the creatures retreated, the tendrils emerging from my body covered me, swallowing the spectators.

「Big Baby!」

[ZZZ ZZZZ ZZZZ ZZ (Don’t worry, just wait for me as usual)]

Seeing no signs of pain, the procedure for applying the new unique trait was undoubtedly correct.

The tendrils covered about a third of the passenger compartment before stopping their expansion. After that, like other times, they solidified into a giant pod.

‘Why go to such lengths to show something?’

My guess is that it might be related to changes in my body size. It’s likely to grow much larger or undergo a sudden transformation.

‘Sigh. I should warn the children to be careful next time.’

Even though I reassured the children before the pod appeared, they might still be worried.

‘If I take over a new ship, I should bring a gift or something for both of them.’

With that thought, I closed my eyes.


「Adult」 「Strange」


She looked at the pod with the little one.

Covered in glossy black slime, it was leisurely pulsating. She hesitated for a moment, then pulled out a thin tentacle from her body.

It wasn’t the tentacle she uses to catch prey with four appendages attached.

No one among her kind had taught her about this fact, but she somehow knew it naturally.

This thin and slender tentacle is used only when it performs a very special ritual.

「I」 「Curious」


Having silenced the annoying little one, she gently touched the thin tentacle to the pod.

The initial sensation was dampness and warmth. However, this was only superficial. It delved deeper.

The thin tentacle glowed faintly. Then, sensations that were difficult for her to understand flowed into her from the pod.

It was extremely complex. Some sensations were something she had never felt in her lifetime.

But even in the unfamiliar whirlpool of chaos, there was something familiar. It was the same sensation she felt when she slept with her kind back in her homeland.


「The big baby is now feeling comfort.」

If the big baby were suffering again, she had intended to help, but this time, it wasn’t necessary.

She felt fortunate, but at the same time, a bit disappointed.

Why would she be disappointed when she’s not even hungry?

Unlike before, having grown several times, she now knew where this sensation similar to hunger originated.

The last time the big baby suffered, She used this thin tentacle to soothe him.

This tentacle had the effect of reading the sensations of another being and transmitting its thoughts.

Of course, the transmission of sensations was just one of the many abilities this tentacle had.

It is used for dense communication.

She still doesn’t know what dense communication means.

Her intellectual level has not reached the point where she can clearly explain it.

However, every time she used this tentacle, she felt strangely excited and ticklish inside.

It felt like the excitement of anticipating prey, but also a bit different.

She wanted to continue feeling this addictive sensation somehow, but she forced herself to give it up.

This pod is important to the big baby.

Touching it could potentially have a negative impact on the growth of the big baby.

As she retracted her tentacles, the little one behind her sent ripples.

「Adult」 「Growth」 「More」 「Cool?」

「Yeah. When the big baby grows, he will become cooler.」

「I」 「Satisfied」 「Satisfied」

The little one, pleased with her response, wagged its tail.

「I」 「Little adult」 「Curious」

「What is it?」

「Adult」 「Growth」 「Complete」 「Possible?」

「…Little one can’t yet.」

「Incomprehensible」 「I」 「Growth」 「Complete」

Despite her saying it wasn’t possible, the little one disagreed. In frustration, the disgruntled little one tapped the ground with its hind leg.

「I」 「Adult」 「Know」 「Possible」 「Know」 「Possible!」


Ignoring the disobedient little one, she pulled out a thick tentacle and struck the ground. The cold floor immediately silenced the little one.



To the now silent little one, she gently sent a ripple.

「…When I grow bigger.」

「I」 「Promise」 「Remember」

Speaking to the little one, she waited, until the big baby woke up looking more magnificent.



After almost two hours, I began to feel sensation returning to my body.
From the head and torso to arms, legs, hands, feet, tail, and finally fingers and toes.
With all senses restored, I stood up. The semi-dried pod easily peeled off as I moved.


I guessed that due to the pod’s size, my body would grow, and I was partially correct.
Since healing, I had been walking with digitigrade legs. The waist was in a pinned state like a human, and balance was maintained with the tail.

Thus, the size I stood now was roughly 3m. Adding the representation of prey, it would increase to a height of 5m.

However, my current body state was in between the hexapodal form I used with eight legs and the bipedal form after healing, using only two legs.

Walking with two feet was still the same, but the waist was partially bent, allowing the lower combat arms to touch the ground.

The body had changed significantly due to the difference in the exoskeleton covering my body and back.

Firstly, the exoskeleton covering my head and the horns had become much larger than before.

The eye-shaped pattern engraved on my head was much darker, making it appear as if there were multiple real eyes on my head now.

On the exoskeleton of the back, eight large holes appeared, covered with a cortex of swirling patterns.

The covering that used to wrap around the back had also changed into a wider shape, resembling an overturned turtle shell.

As the back exoskeleton became larger, the appearance of the exoskeleton on the back of the head changed from protruding spines to flowing down the shoulders.

The arms and legs also became thicker and longer in accordance with the enlargement of the exoskeleton, and the tail’s appearance changed.

With armor-like scales, it seemed suitable for use as a long-range striking weapon.

In short, my changed appearance could be summarized as a heavily armored tank.

Previously, I was closer to a nimble bipedal carnivore, but now, it would be appropriate to say that I’ve become bulkier and larger compared to that.

‘My body has become so heavy that it’s difficult to compare with before.’

Although I’ll need to experiment later to be precise, at first glance, it seemed that maneuverability had slightly decreased.

‘On the other hand, I’ve become larger and tougher than before.’

Thanks to the exoskeleton, my body has grown overall, and even in a semi-bent posture, the height is almost reaching 5m. In terms of length, it might be around 10m to 12m.

If I use the representation of prey here, it will certainly be much larger.

‘Now, let’s see what the newly acquired traits are.’

After completing the examination of my body, I opened a translucent text box containing the details of the new characteristics.

[Horizon of Nightmare: Your hunting ground is not limited to a single planet. It enhances the effects of the unique characteristics you possess. You can use ‘Erosion Tentacle’ to corrode and control spaceships.]

[*Target of influence: Representation of Prey (duration extended to 20 minutes)]

[*’Erosion Tentacle’: Corrodes a spaceship, turning it into a composite organism dominated by the user’s consciousness. While in a connected state with the spaceship, the user cannot use physical traits. If the energy stored by the user is depleted, the characteristic effect is automatically canceled. ‘Erosion Tentacle’ can be used once every 7 days, limited to one spaceship.]

[*Caution: Erosion cannot be canceled until the spaceship’s erosion is complete. The cooldown of the Representation of Prey changes to once every 7 days. Erosion Tentacle and cooldown are shared.]

[*Note: ‘Nightmare’ is just a word. In reality, it’s much more terrifying.]

The unique trait ‘Horizon of Nightmare’ was an entirely new type of trait that I had never seen before.



[Translator – Jjescus]

[Proofreader – Demon God’s Disciple]

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