
I Became an Evolving Space Monster - Chapter 90

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[Translator – Jjescus]

[Proofreader – Demon God’s Disciple]


Chapter 90

The scout ships pursuing Adhai amount to a total of three. Among them, the compact scout ship model, Aegis, resembling a 40-meter long rectangular box, is utilized in MegaCorp.

Even though it’s considered small, it’s equipped with a staggering four plasma cannons, making any reckless moves unwise.

‘What should I do?’

The surroundings offer nothing but ruins destroyed by Black’s psychic breath and heat rays, rendering hiding impractical.

‘If we’re going to flee, the kids might need to use the underground passage to get here.’

However, escaping underground in this situation isn’t necessarily a good choice. Adhai is currently in pursuit. Getting hit by a plasma bullet due to hastily hiding would be disastrous.

‘Moreover, Adhai is injured.’

There’s a scent mingled with human blood on the kid’s body. If not planning to abandon the kids here, I can’t afford more burden than this.

‘To buy some time, is there any means… ah.’

Come to think of it, when I lost consciousness, Number 26 tossed Black and Cult corpses to feed me.

‘After consuming Code Black, a text box definitely appeared.’

Being out of my senses, I knew something flickered in front of my eyes but didn’t specifically examine it. I hurriedly checked the text box.

[Predation effect activated! Successfully obtained ‘Majesty of the Dragon’ genetic essence.]

[Extracted ‘Majesty of the Dragon’ from biological characteristics of ‘Code Black’.]

[Would you like to apply ‘Majesty of the Dragon’?]

[Predation effect activated! Successfully obtained ‘Pain Spear’ genetic essence.]

[Extracted ‘Pain Spear’ from biological Charecteristics of ‘Code Black’.]

[Would you like to apply ‘Pain Spear’?]

[Predation effect activated! Successfully obtained ‘Resistance’ genetic essence.]

[Extracted ‘Resistance’ from biological characteristics of ‘Code Black’.]

[Would you like to apply ‘Resistance’?]

All of them are potent traits. Moreover, one of them is immediately necessary for me.

Accepting all, a new translucent text box emerged, and mutations began within my body.

[Majesty of the Dragon trait applied.]

[Can be fused with existing ‘Clairvoyance.’]

[‘Majesty of the Dragon’ and ‘Clairvoyance’ traits fused. Evolved into ‘Watcher of Dread’ trait!]

[Watcher of Dread: Instills indescribable terror in a specific sentient being. There’s a chance the target may go insane.]

[*P.S.: I suppose I don’t need to mention which emotion humans have harbored the longest.]

[‘Pain Spear’ trait applied.]

[Can be fused with existing ‘Breath of Fire.’]

[‘Pain Spear’ and ‘Breath of Fire’ traits fused. Evolved into ‘Decay Fungus Organ’ trait!]

[Decay Fungus Organ: Releases fungal spores that deteriorate and contaminate the enemy’s natural healing abilities.]

[*P.S.: Decay is just another form of circulation.]

This mutation primarily occurred around my head and its vicinity. The itchiness started around my eyes and spread across my entire head. Changes in the surface of my skin resulted in indentations and protrusions, and horns twisted forward on the front of my head. Swirling patterns appeared on the surface as well.

Previously, when I acquired the psychic enhancement type, geometric patterns were engraved on the exoskeleton covering my head. Upon that, new patterns resembling pupils were added.

True to its name ‘Watcher of Dread’, numerous eyes inside my head made it feel as though they were monitoring the external surroundings.

The transformation didn’t just occur above my head. The incendiary organ within my throat vanished, replaced by a new organ that produces and launches microbes. Due to this new organ, my entire neck became much thicker than before.

The ‘Resistance’ trait manifested changes within my body, not visibly apparent on the outside.


Having completed the evolution through the new traits, I called for Number 26.

[ZZZ ZZZZZ ZZZZ (We have to catch the people chasing Adhai.)]

「A person? Referring to the bait with four appendages?」

[ZZZ (Yes)]

As it wasn’t exactly a wrong expression, I didn’t point it out.

[ZZZZ ZZZ ZZZ (A person is riding inside that metal box.)]

「Yes, I sense it.」

[ZZZZ ZZZ ZZZ (I alone can’t capture them all.)]

「Yes, I’ll help!」

It’s fortunate that it catches on quickly. Dealing with not just one but three scout ships alone isn’t easy. In this situation, I need Number 26’s assistance.

[ZZZZ ZZZ ZZ (You have power.)]


[ZZZZ ZZZ ZZZZ (The power that drives people insane.)]

‘If I can effectively use the ‘Abyssal Terror’ trait, I can incapacitate the crew aboard the scout ships.’

In the game, Sea Demons often focused the ‘Abyssal Terror’ on tanks or supports.

The debuff effect of Abyssal Terror is incredibly potent, and even with significant resistance, it’s hard to prevent it.

「This might be reality here, but…」

Moreover, the considerable distance between this place and the scout ships might prevent Number 26’s Abyssal Terror from reaching the ships.

‘No, endless negativity won’t help.’

Number 26 is still young but is a Sea Demon after all.

‘If it’s Number 26 we are talking about then, it can do it.’

Moreover, it’s a clever one. Once it grasps the trick, it’ll surely manage.

“[ZZZ ZZZZ ZZZZ (Focus your power.)]”

“Yes. Ugh!”

While Number 26 concentrated, trembling, I observed Adhai. She was circling the vicinity with the scout ship. She consistently evaded the ship’s bombardment with nimble flight, but her speed was gradually decreasing.

‘She won’t last much longer.’

[ZZZZ ZZZ ZZZZZ ZZZ ZZZZ (Think about clearly identifying the target and wanting to capture it.)]


[ZZZZ ZZZZ ZZ (Yes. I won’t let it go.)]

「I’ll give it a try.」

Truthfully, I don’t know if what I said is correct. I briefly explained the sensation of focusing on auxiliary organs when aiming at someone.

However, it seemed to have helped Number 26 quite a bit. The swirling, colorful energy dancing around it converged into a giant eye shape.

「Got it!」

Number 26 emitted a wave filled with joy. At that moment, the auxiliary organs stiffened and warned me of a highly dangerous presence ahead.

The muscles in my combat arms and legs tensed, and the acidic blood flow within me accelerated. It felt just like when I first encountered Sihyeon Eugene or Black.


Number 26’s Abyssal Terror effect impacted me as expected. The fear that gripped my heart vanished quickly once I realized I was affected by the Abyssal Terror and managed to nullify it.

“[ZZZZ ZZZZ (Well done)]”

「Am I amazing? Am I?」

“[ZZ (Yes)]”

I patted the delighted Number 26. If I could feel fear to this extent, ordinary crew members wouldn’t stand a chance.

“[ZZZ ZZZZ ZZZZ (Throw me like earlier)]”


Its thick tentacle wrapped around my waist.

「Here we go!」

The tentacle holding me shook vigorously, pushing my body up into the air. When I transformed into the hunting form, except for the tail, I used to be around 5 meters in size and quite heavy, so Number 26 couldn’t throw me high.

But now, my size and weight had significantly reduced, allowing me to fly swiftly toward the location of the scout ship.

In mid-air, I extended my combat arm and launched the bloodsucking tentacle towards the scout ship. As the red tentacle made contact with the ship, the small saw blades on its surface dug into the ship’s hull.

With my body fixed, I retracted the bloodsucking tentacle, attaching myself to the scout ship. Whether the crew onboard noticed my presence or not, two turrets on the left side of the scout ship aimed at me.

I quickly dodged the first shot by lying flat and crawled closer to the adjacent turret. When I approached the turret, I activated the Phantom Claws and reached into the interior.

By deactivating just the tips of the claws, I disrupted the electrical circuitry inside.

‘At least one down.’

The turret targeting me malfunctioned and soon stopped.

Although the remaining turret attempted to fire at me, I had already prepared for it.

Two rows of panels on my back collided, emitting waves that disrupted the machinery. Sparks flew from the junction of the plasma turret that was hit by the waves, rendering it useless.

Now that I successfully hijacked the ship, control of that turret was in my hands.

As for the two turrets on the opposite side, they couldn’t target me since my position against the outer wall was angular and obstructed.

‘This should put an end to external threats.’

Words from the crew inside the inner wall were detected through the auxiliary organs. The enemies were in a state of confusion due to an unexpected new threat.

‘But it’s not enough.’

If they contact other scout ships to fire at me from here, I’m finished. I need to shake things up more to prevent that.

My auxiliary organs began to squirm, trying to find someone among the crew emitting a strong metallic scent.

While the auxiliary organs were working, I hijacked the turrets and aimed at other ships. Inside, the screams and curses intensified when the turret expelled a bright green energy mass. The energy sphere flew straight into the rear of another scout ship. Although the hit scout ship shook violently, there seemed to be no major issue with its flight.

‘It’s definitely challenging to control it directly.’

Meanwhile, the auxiliary organs found the target I was seeking. I activated the Abyssal Terror on him and crawled towards the side of the scout ship. Destroying the terminal inside in front of the door where crew members boarded and disembarked, I ripped the half-open door open and entered the scout ship.

“Damn it! Left gun deck incapacitated!”

“Left turret number 2 is also unresponsive! Find a way to fix it!”

“We have to turn off the firing assist AI system and reactivate it!”

The interior of the Defense Fleet’s 1408th scout ship was in complete chaos. They were pursuing the green flying object a while ago when an unknown adversary suddenly attacked them.

“Where did that thing go? Can’t see it on the left camera!”

“Spotted on the upper camera! What is it doing?”

“Whatever it is, we need to take it down!”

Even as the crew in the situation room deliberated on how to deal with the monster, the Defense Force personnel aboard the ship did not slack on their vigilance about their surroundings. Soldier 13, like his comrades, remained on edge, prepared for any impending emergency.

Suddenly, all lights inside the scout ship went out, and the noise in the previously bustling ship vanished in an instant.


Startled, Soldier 13 raised his Gauss rifle and scanned the front.

“W-what’s going on?”

Shortly after the emergency lights came on, the inside of the ship turned red. The revealed sight left him horrified.

The crew members lay torn apart, their bodies sprawled on the cold metal floor, and grotesque creatures were devouring the corpses.

“Ugh, aahh!”

“Hey, what’s wrong?”

As he screamed, someone placed a hand on his shoulder.

Thinking it was a comrade, Soldier 13 turned around and froze in shock.

A being resembling the monsters tearing the bodies apart was smiling at him. With black blood running down its eyes and a mouth resembling the torn monsters, it lunged at him with its teeth.

“No, no, no!”

Soldier 13 fired his Gauss rifle at the creature, causing it to collapse with a hole the size of a ping-pong ball in its abdomen.

But then, the other monsters devouring the corpses shrieked and rushed towards him.

“Aahh! Die! Die! Die!”

With each shot fired from his rifle, a monster fell. Perhaps realizing that a comrade had died, hordes of monsters poured in from another room.

As Soldier 13 tried to aim at them, a metallic projectile pierced his head from somewhere.
Only after his head was pierced did he realize who the creature he had killed was.

“Damn it! This crazy bastard!”

“Hey! Snap out of it! Hold on a little longer!”


“Headquarters! This is 1408! Soldier 13 has gone insane and fired at friendly forces!”

Before he could even regret his actions, Soldier 13’s consciousness plunged into darkness.


Due to the soldiers affected by the Abyssal Terror, seven out of twenty people aboard the ship died.

‘It’s a downgraded version of the Abyssal Terror, but quite effective.’

The Abyssal Terror can be described as an underwater horror that targets individuals. Unlike the true Abyssal Terror, its effect of driving the target insane only activates probabilistically, yet it’s still a potent trait.

‘Especially effective in causing disruption amongst enemies like now.’

While the adversaries were unsure how to react, I sprinted through the passageways within the scout ship. Due to the soldier gone berserk because of the Abyssal Terror, firing wildly in the situation room, the Defense Force members were all gathered in that direction.

Unnoticed by them, I sprinted through the corridors, reducing the encounters with crew members.

“P-please, spare me! Don’t—ack!”

Kneeling, I tore off the head of a pleading crew member, took a single bite, and swallowed it whole.

Rushing toward the situation room, feasting on corpses, a volley of bullets flew from that direction.

‘Tungsten rounds. Impossible.’

Regular rounds couldn’t pierce my outer shell. Positioning my head towards the soldiers hiding in the situation room, I opened my mouth wide.

Activating the microbe generator inside my throat, I vomited out a mass filled with mold.

“Ugh! Damn it!”

The projectile of mold soared like a projectile, passing over the heads of the soldiers, landing inside the situation room.

There were sounds resembling the throwing of garbage bags on the floor before the mass exploded.

“What’s this…? Ugh!”

“Cough, ack! Cough…!”

The screams of the soldiers hit by the shrapnel of the mass were audible. The decaying mold generator, a fusion of Pain Spheres and Flames Breath, had effects completely different from the materials used.

“It’s fundamentally related to infection.”

The decay mold generator was a characteristic mold that caused necrosis and decay, creating fungal spores.

When the spores burst, the fungi inside infected other organisms. To prevent infection, antifungals or remedies to eliminate the mold needed to be used.

“If they could just focus properly, it would be easy to resolve, but during combat, it’s challenging.”

In the game, when players are hit by the mold of the decay mold generator, they immediately enter a panic state. This was due to the ongoing agony of the body decaying in real-time after being hit by the mold.

Without anyone to assist nearby, performing emergency treatment alone was impossible.

“Ugh, aagh….”


The soldiers, who had been screaming in severe pain, were barely breathing. Their faces were covered in pustules, their clothes soaked with sweat, blood, and pus. Some were already oozing black blood from their noses and mouths, perhaps having decayed internally.

After confirming that the crew on the ship had been completely neutralized, I entered the situation room.

‘I wish I could pilot it myself, but controlling a military vessel alone is impossible.’

Even if it were a small reconnaissance vessel, the models belonging to the military ship, including the scout ship, were beyond my capabilities to pilot. At best, I could enable autonomous navigation using AI.

‘It’s regrettable, but I’ll have to make do with this.’

I set the direction towards the friendly scout ship indicated on the radar and commanded the AI to engage full speed ahead.

The engines of the scout ship roared, and the situation room where I stood shook violently. As the scout ship surged fiercely towards its target, I retraced my steps.

Crawling out to the outer hull of the scout ship, I saw one of the remaining two ships already plummeting towards the ground.

There was no doubt that number 26 was disrupting the crew with the Abyssal Terror from the surface.

Meanwhile, the scout ship I boarded was rapidly approaching the enemy. They belatedly realized the intentions of the ship and hastily altered their course.

As the ship narrowly passed by, I extended the bloodsucking tentacle and switched to another scout ship.

The infected scout ship, carrying soldiers contaminated with mold, flew towards the city encased in a dome, pilotless.


Adhai appeared in the distance and sent a signal my way.

[ZZZ ZZZZ (Later for greetings.)]

All that remained now was this one ship I had boarded. One last small scout ship and twenty crew members inside. They were the final adversaries.

If the enemies had ignored the consequences and fired at the scout ship I was in, things wouldn’t have turned out this way.

They made the wrong choice, and now they have only one option left.

Simply to face annihilation.



[Translator – Jjescus]

[Proofreader – Demon God’s Disciple]

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