
I Became an Evolving Space Monster - Chapter 54

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[Translator – Jjescus]

[Proofreader – Demon God]


Chapter 54


The sniper, who had fallen from the container, spurted blood. His heart was pierced, and he crashed onto the ground, but the expression on his face wasn’t one of pain; it was confusion.

He couldn’t comprehend why he ended up like this. He had no idea where the attack came from or who shot him.

The troublesome sniper, who had annoyed me, died without solving the mystery.

[What happened?]

[Dwayne’s link got severed.]

Confirming the sniper’s demise, I approached Jade. Currently, Jade found it challenging to move his eyes due to my neurotoxin. Consequently, he had to watch his teammate die without any filter.

How would he process the fact that a teammate died because of him? Would it be more agonizing than having limbs broken? Would he ignite with a vengeful desire against his teammates, or would he resign, anticipating his own demise?

‘To die, there’s still a long way to go.’

His suffering wasn’t over. I planned to hunt down all his teammates he brought here before killing him.

I grabbed Jade’s body, turned his gaze in a different direction, and went towards the sniper’s corpse.

The advanced reinforced suit that the sniper wore reverted to its original state. Although it might seem that there’s not much difference between advanced and intermediate reinforced suits based on their names, in reality, there’s a significant gap.

For example, while the intermediate suit looks like regular clothing, the advanced suit is closer to a kind of powered exoskeleton. The equipment the sniper wore was a high-tech armor.

‘It seems he sacrificed defense for multiple options.’

I wanted to examine it further, but it was a battlefield. I lost interest in the reinforced suit and focused on the corpse.

‘Let’s go with the right hand.’

With my combat arm, I grabbed the right hand of the corpse and pulled it straight. Perhaps due to Amorph’s transcendent strength, not only the hand but also the wrist tore apart.

Holding the bleeding wrist with one hand, I picked up a sniper coil gun lying next to the corpse with the other hand.

‘Fingerprint recognition device… ah, here it is.’

The sniper coil gun didn’t have a separate trigger. Instead, it had a fingerprint recognition device on the right side, allowing only registered users to operate it.

‘They designed it this way for security.’

I pressed the sniper’s finger against the sensor on the coil gun. After a moment, an electronic sound echoed, and the coil gun lit up.

‘Let’s check the bullets first.’

Touching the terminal attached to the coil gun with my finger, a list of ammunition appeared on the screen. Among the list, only the AP rounds were shining in yellow.


AP rounds are special ammunition created by MegaCorp and StarUnion for psychic warfare. These rounds contain a special substance that blocks the flow of psychic power, rendering the target unable to use psychic abilities for a certain period. Even if the bullets miss, the destruction of the rounds releases the special substance into the surrounding area, making it difficult to use psychic power within that range.

‘Number 26 and Adhai must have had a hard time.’

With the coil gun in hand, I focused on the sensation on my back. As the armor split on my back, giant wings resembling insect wings extended outward. The wings flapped vigorously, propelling my body rapidly upward.

‘The second target is Cultist.’

From the sky, I aimed the coil gun at the distant location where the enemies were.

A Cultist, wearing a tiara, appeared behind the enemies.

Pressing the sensor on the coil gun with the sniper’s finger, perhaps due to the power of psychic abilities, Cultist sensed an ominous feeling and turned her head towards my flying position.

As she opened her mouth to shout something upon discovering me, the coil gun was fired.


Recently, she often recalled past memories. In reality, these were not the memories she wanted to recall. It wasn’t because they were pleasant memories; on the contrary, they were unpleasant. Whenever she reminisced about her childhood, the deaths of her family also came to mind. In that foul-smelling place, she had to watch her beloved family die.

The memory of her family’s demise became a dagger that stabbed her, made from their final moments. The pain seemed eternal, but at some point, she started feeling it less. Though she still occasionally had nightmares, they had improved compared to before.

She knew what healed her wounds— a new family. The family she failed to protect in the past now comforted her pain.

Of course, she was aware that the current kid by her side and those who had passed away were different beings. However, recently, for some unknown reason, she began to feel a growing desire.

A desire to become stronger to protect her family. Terms like ‘desire’ or ‘longing’ were higher-level thought processes that were unfamiliar to her. While she had always been conscious of the need to protect her group, that feeling was more like an instinct, akin to eating when hungry or sleeping when tired.

Appetites are satisfied when fulfilled, but desires are insatiable. What remains unfilled often leads to something better.

She could feel that something unknown was causing her to change. It was more than just change; it was a transformation.

Her recent obsession, anxiety, affection, and longing to somehow protect the newly formed family transcended the limits of her species. She embraced this remarkable change with both fear and active acceptance.

She instinctively felt that emotions were making her stronger.

“Freaking Mountain Crawler is all taken care of!”

“Hurry up and finish this; let’s go save Jade!”


A young beast howled before her. She eyed those attacking the poor creature.

While their appearances were entirely different, they all emitted a common scent. The same smell that mercilessly killed her kin. The smell made her more uncomfortable.

Painful memories pushed her, and anger stimulated her power.

“Alright! I’ll deliver the finishing blow… Huh?!”


As the battle began, for the second time, she successfully grabbed the smelly thing. Throughout the fight, her power hadn’t been working correctly. The frequency she used to communicate with the kid she cherished interfered with her power.

The fact that those bastards were using the means that provided her with pleasant memories upset her. With six tentacles, she targeted the smelly thing. The six violet tendrils grabbed its appendage and forcefully pulled.


“Damn! Jeanette, what the hell are you doing?! You look like a damn tin can!”

[Son of a b*tch! Just wait!]

Holding onto the smelly thing, she called the little one. While the little one was much less potent than the big one, it was a good-natured child, striving to grow.

「Adult!! Support」

The little one didn’t disappoint her expectations. The child released a violet power similar to hers from its mouth. The violet power aimed at the smelly thing sliced off one of its appendages.


The entity, with a severed appendage, sprayed a vile-smelling liquid. Though the smell resembled the meat she had eaten several times, it was different. She absolutely did not want to eat such a repulsive-smelling food.



“You f*cking Mountain crawler! Jeanette!”

The smelly thing was attacked by the remaining young beast, using the last of their strength to tear at it.

[…We’re all going to die like this. Hope, survival is more important than the plan.]


[Whether Gallagon lives or dies, let’s deal with these bastards first.]

“Wait! Since we’re heading to the captain, stay calm…”

“Dwayne, I just got my arm cut off! I need you to stay calm and do something!”

The bad guys were muttering something. It had been happening since earlier, but such muttering wasn’t a good sign.

“Oh, for f*ck’s sake, I don’t know.”

[After checking up on the captain, provide support immediately.]

They pulled out something like a blunt stick with little hair on it. It was the first time she had seen it, but instinctively, she could tell that the object was dangerous.

She tried to respond, but the guys were one step ahead. The sparsely-haired, blunt stick was inserted into a thick cylinder and used to attack her. The stick protruding from the end of the cylinder rushed towards her at a great speed.

She spread the violet tendrils like a net to defend herself, but it was ineffective against the object the guy shot. The violet tendrils disappeared like smoke, and the stick tore through her tentacles and passed through.


She almost fainted from the intense pain, but she managed to hold onto consciousness when she heard the little kid’s cry.

She tried to emit the violet tendrils again to defend herself, but maybe due to the pain, she couldn’t concentrate. The mysterious power she possessed didn’t obey her owner’s command.

She recalled.

What happened when the violet power didn’t help her in a life-or-death situation.

She couldn’t afford to lose her family again.

The nightmare she wanted to forget came to life. The fact pressed down on her, creating a sense of urgency.

[Wait? It’s trying to do something!]

Driven by the emotion of ‘desperation,’ she was once again ascending. Desperation spread throughout her body, and subtle changes occurred in her tendrils and outer skin.

But the bad guy didn’t leave her alone to transform.


“A monster subject to the theme!”

The smelly thing that had taken down the baby animal rushed towards her, swiping away her appendage with an attachment. Dizzying pain struck her, and the transformation happening in her body came to a halt.

“You damn monster, strip its skin while it’s alive.”

“I’ll skin you alive, you fucking monster.”

“Hope! Now! Capture Gallagon!”

“Got it!”

The smelly thing roared and pulled out a pointed stick. As it approached her, the hairless one targeted the little kid.

She urgently sent a wavelength to the little one, urging it to escape. However, the little one seemed reluctant to run away alone and didn’t move at all.

「Run away!」

「I」 「won’t」 「run.」 「Rejected」


With all her strength, she shouted out a wavelength, and finally, the little one moved. Unlike her, the little one could fly above the ground, so it shouldn’t be too difficult for it to escape.

However, the bad guys trampled her expectations.

“Where do you think you’re going!”

The less hairy one shot a net-like thing, capturing the little one. The little one tried to emit violet power, but it was futile. The strange wavelength from the net suppressed the little one’s power.

“Cut off those damn tentacles first.”

She thought she had failed again.

She failed again. She and the little one would probably die here. The only difference from before was that the big baby had escaped safely from this place.

If it were the big baby, he would surely survive even if she died.

Thinking like that, she felt an inexplicable sense of regret.

She wished she could be by the side of the big baby, who was growing so magnificently.

Unfortunately, that wouldn’t happen.

The smelly thing approached, raising the pointed stick.

“Die… Huh? What’s this?”

[Dwayne? Dwayne’s link got cut off!]

At the moment of impending death, a miracle happened.


[Could it be… huh? Ack!]


“Damn it! The link has been disconnected!”

While the bad guys were muttering to each other, the atmosphere was different from before. It felt urgent, as if something was wrong.

“Check on Jeanette… Tin Can! Evade!”


And then, ‘It’ fell from the sky.

After ‘It’ had neutralized the smelly thing, it stood up.

The monster with eight appendages and a long tail was a familiar presence to her.

The fantastic baby who had grown so quickly from a little baby, just like her.

The big baby she cherished the most in the world.

[ZZZZ ZZZZZZ ZZ (Am I too late?)]

It, whom she called the big baby, spoke to her.

The wavelength emitted by the big baby seemed somewhat embarrassed and shy.

If only she had known what emotions were, she might have recognized the nature of the feeling rising within her right now.

It was a sense of ‘satisfaction.’



[Translator – Jjescus]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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