
I Became an Evolving Space Monster - Chapter 151

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[Translator – Jjescus]

[Proofreader – Demon God’s Disciple]


Chapter 151

Officially, MegaCorp and StarUnion are in a state of war. The conflict began when StarUnion instigated a rebellion in MegaCorp colonies, leading to a strained relationship between the two factions. While recent years have seen a decrease in the intensity of armed conflicts to localized skirmishes, the two powers were engaged in fierce battles until then.

MegaCorp employed a strategy involving massive deployment of human soldiers and Hulk mutants, utilizing overwhelming force to target StarUnion. In contrast, StarUnion predominantly employed terror tactics, such as self-destructing nanomachine bombs attached to androids like Gremlin torpedoes.

Despite the apparent irony of humans fighting against machines, there was a reason for this. The backbone of StarUnion consisted primarily of cyborgs, and to create them, initially healthy humans were required. While other races could serve as cyborg material, there were complications. Cults couldn’t endure cyborg procedures due to weak bodies, humanoid races like Wolfen were scarce in numbers and lacked genetic enhancement research, resulting in lower cyborg success rates.

One might suggest creating clone humans, but this technology had serious flaws. Clones tended to be mentally unstable, making them unsuitable as cyborg material. Consequently, there was no race as suitable as a healthy “human” to be efficiently and cost-effectively turned into a cyborg. Therefore, StarUnion adopted a strategy involving a small number of cyborg commanders and a large number of drones.

In the early stages of the war, this strategy proved effective until MegaCorp deployed EMP weapons in space. While EMP weapons were equally devastating to either side in space, the majority of StarUnion’s forces being mechanical meant they suffered more. MegaCorp, on the other hand, could use space-survivable Hulk mutants to mitigate the damage.

The introduction of EMP weapons seemed to indicate the end of the war, but surprisingly, that was not the case. Unbeknownst to the general public, there was a secret agreement between the leadership of MegaCorp and StarUnion. They realized that if they could coordinate the war, there would be substantial profits to gain.

StarUnion needed to capture numerous sentient beings to increase its population, while MegaCorp recognized the lucrative potential of human trafficking. The leaders knew each other’s needs well, so they turned the inter-factional war into a business.

Since they couldn’t openly conduct such affairs, they employed intermediaries. Space scavengers thriving on plunder and crime, and cults operating slave trades, acted as middlemen. The “business” involving the great powers has continued for centuries, and today, cargo ships carrying “human resources” swiftly move back and forth.

In the JP-99 system, situated on the outskirts of the Cult Empire, a cyborg freighter, having completed its trade with cult merchants, was heading towards its home.

“Have you completed the cargo check?”

“V has checked up to container 50. Everything is in order.”

“Phew, just 50 containers.”

StarUnion’s cyborg, Conzay, disconnected the link cable attached to her head. With over 80% of her body modified by machines, she could interface with the ship’s computer. While piloting the spaceship was beyond her due to insufficient brain-assist module performance, managing the cargo on board was well within her capabilities.

Inside the frozen containers of the cargo ship were individuals who had voluntarily agreed to become cyborgs. Although they belonged to diverse races, they would soon become one under the name of StarUnion.

“It seems we may not meet the quota this time. That’s troublesome.”

Conzay scratched her temple while looking at the data graphs displayed in her eyes. Originally, they planned to fill up to container 70, but the cult traders brought fewer slaves than expected.

“They claim that it is because of internal issues. Nonsense. When did they ever care about such things?”

If things continued like this, they would fail to meet the allocation set by the Population Management Department, resulting in severe penalties. That was something they had to avoid at all costs.

Conzay reconnected the link cable to her head.

“MacF, are there any cartels trafficking people nearby?”

“It’s a cult area. Who the hell would dare to do business here?”

“Well, I guess you’re right.”

“There might be Space Dogs in the nearby system. Try going there and negotiating.”

“Fine, I’ll do that. Since there might be a deal, make sure the drones are heavily armed.”


After ending the communication, Conzay displayed data on the possible Space Dogs cartel in the surrounding systems for verification. While carefully examining the data, the fleet computer V sent her a notification message.

“Biometric signals?”

The area around here is an uncommon route for spacecraft. Star Union always emphasizes that citizens become cyborgs by ‘voluntary choice.’ It is strictly forbidden for ships carrying candidates for cyborg conversion to roam around conspicuously.

However, to ensure compliance, this ship was equipped with a high-performance detection system specially supported by the Mechanical Committee. It meant acquiring information ahead of the opponent and avoiding it automatically.

“Can we identify their identity?”

[Externally, it is presumed to be the escort ship JASBIL-02SAN JAMA-class. The level of armament is unknown.]

“Could it be an Outsplacer?”

[According to the Starlink database comparison, no match.]

“Phew, that’s a relief. Is it a ship coated with special alloys? Just in case, upload the external appearance and biometric signals.”


While V uploaded data about the mysterious ship to the Star Union database, Conzay examined the virtually reconstructed image of the opponent’s ship.

“At what level are the biometric signals being leaked?”

[Estimated to have over 700 occupants.]

“700?! What did they cram in there?”

Hearing that, Conzay suddenly had a different thought.

‘It really looks like a slave ship over there.’

Although Conzay’s cargo ship is about 1.5 times larger than the opponent, the number of occupants is surprisingly low. It consists of 500 cargo, 30 cyborgs, and 70 combat drones.


Conzay contacted MacF again.

[Why do you keep interrupting the communication? I’m working.]

“Hey, prepare all the drones.”

[What? Why?]

“If things go well, we might salvage something.”

If the opponent’s armament is at a high level, she plans to retreat without attacking. If not…

“V, activate the jamming and stealth systems.”

[Systems activated.]

With 700 occupants, it should be more than enough to fill her quota.

Consecutive warp navigation wasn’t as easy as one might think. Although she had previously used warp navigation to control MegaCorp spacecraft, she had never done it continuously for such an extended period.

Maintaining concentration for several weeks during warp navigation was challenging.

‘Energy is not the issue, but…’

‘Even though I have ample time due to various reasons, maintaining focus during this boring journey is not easy.’

Imagine driving a car without rest for over a month on a road where you don’t know when a wild animal might jump out. Even with heightened senses and the support of auxiliary devices like the Amorph, it is a difficult task.

She had no choice but to stop warp navigation and take breaks at intervals.

I’m taking a break after a month.

‘But I’m halfway there.’

In about another month, I’ll arrive at the planet with the Galaagon’s Nest.

I used the corrosive tentacles to consume the stored meat like rice cakes.

The thick and tough tentacles covered with a robust carapace instantly digested the prey, supplying the necessary energy to my body. As energy surged through my body, fatigue dissipated, and I felt slightly better.

‘Nevertheless, I probably need more meat.'”

All systems of this ship are under my complete control. Therefore, I am currently paying attention to prevent the stored food from spoiling.

‘Preventing it from rotting is difficult.’

There isn’t much left. Despite boasting an enormous meal capacity, even 26, which is close to maturity, is consuming much more food than before. Adhai, who sucks blood and body fluids, is not suitable for eating meat stored for a long time.

‘Mother of the sky also eats a lot.’

It seems that there is a need to replenish the feed in the middle.

Here, in the JP-99 galaxy, it is known that spaceships do not frequently travel. Although it is the cult’s territory, I have not seen any other ships while coming this far.

‘If we go to the next galaxy, there will be many ships… Hmm?’

While planning the feed supply, something caught my senses.

I pretended not to notice the fact that there was an opponent and moved.

The mysterious ship approached without knowing that it had a spider web in front of it. The opponent, who was narrowing the distance, suddenly stopped moving.

They are probably trying to scan my ship. I, too, concentrated all my senses to detect the passengers on the other ship.


Hundreds of life forms showing faint movements, 30 humanoid organisms emitting a strong metallic smell, and 70 machines sending strong electrical signals are felt.

‘Ah, I see.’

It’s a Star Union supply line.

Star Union, a community of cyborgs, humanoids, androids, drones, and other machines. Due to the difficulty of leaving offspring, the Star Union emphasizes that citizens become cyborgs voluntarily. As a result, Star Union acquires slaves from other factions to increase its population.

‘Most are targets for cyborgization, and a few are for human experimentation.’

The Star Union argues that since their physical bodies are weak, they must be replaced by machines. It’s ironic that such a group secretly brings in humans to maintain the community.

Therefore, such supply lines are operated in strict secrecy. Transactions are also carried out clandestinely with third parties such as cults or space pirates.

‘In this respect, MegaCorp and StarUnion are similar.’

In space survival, the StarUnion is classified as a neutral faction, but that doesn’t mean there is no darkness. It’s a place where a different form of devaluation of life and black humor prevails compared to MegaCorp.

At that moment, they began to send fighter jets.

Except for the fact that the outer wall of the ship is a dark purple color matching my exterior, and the weapons are not visible and hidden, the appearance of this escort ship is completely identical to the conventional model.

The fact that no plasma turrets or psychic power cannons were visible was confirmed through a scan a while ago. It was clear that they considered me an easy opponent.

‘Are they targeting me?’

The reason for this is somewhat guessed. Perhaps they didn’t meet the assigned quota, or they are preparing for the possibility of not meeting the quota later.

‘But what should I do about this? This ship is not a cult-operated one.’

Like their show of force over there, I, too, have no intention of just letting the prey come to me.

‘How should I handle this time?’

I could switch to a new ship using the Horizon of Nightmare as before, but it would be a waste of the escort ship I currently control. Modified based on the advice of the members of the Inmyeon, it is much faster than a regular ship and has a lower energy consumption rate for warp travel.

‘Let’s not just think about plundering but try to apply it.’

So far, I have only used the Horizon of Nightmare in a one-dimensional way. Aimed at when enemy crew members invade the ship or fought metallic gremlins by adding weapons to the ship, and so on.

‘There was no other choice before.’

In the state of controlling a spaceship with the Horizon of Nightmare, I couldn’t use any physical characteristics.

But now, I’m at Transcendence Level 2.

[‘Devouring Tentacles’: Transform the spaceship into a composite organism controlled by the user’s consciousness. You can use ‘some physical characteristics’ while connected to the spaceship. When the energy stored by the user is depleted, the characteristic effect is automatically canceled. Devouring Tentacles can be used once every 7 days and only once per spaceship.]

[*Available physical characteristics: Regeneration, Morphing Organs, Spiked Tail Projectile, Reinforced Large Tail, Jaws of Essence Extraction, Pincers]

‘Now I can use physical characteristics even while controlling the spaceship.’

With the release of the restriction from Transcendence Level 1, there have been changes in the effect of the Horizon of Nightmare.

Originally, the use of physical characteristics was not allowed, but that sentence disappeared. Instead, a category called available physical characteristics has been added.

In other words, it means that I can attach body organs like pincers or a mouth to this ship.

‘I used to envy the Outspacers who could swallow a whole spaceship.’

Now I can swallow the beings inside the spaceship in one bite.

‘But before that, should I prepare to welcome the guests?’

The fighter jets circling around are trying to board the ship.

They’re willing prey who volunteer to be eaten.

I should welcome them with joy.



[Translator – Jjescus]

[Proofreader – Demon God’s Disciple]

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