
I Became an Evolving Space Monster - Chapter 39

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[Translator – Jjescus]

[Proofreader – Demon God]


Chapter 39

Global Security Team.

T&C, the top security organization within the T&C Special Trade Center, not only oversees the police stations in each district but also the crisis management teams stationed in the administrative district.

While it’s not typically a bustling place, it felt very busy, perhaps because the Council Meeting is just around the corner.

“What happened to the StarUnion terrorists? When will the interrogation reports be released?”

“Who handled Eden’s fleet deployment request? Is this how you submit reports?”

“All Entertainment District Security teams, assemble in conference room 5!”

Documents scattered everywhere, and security personnel in uniforms hurriedly moved around.
In the midst of the chaotic atmosphere, the only quiet place was conference room 4.

The detective team under the Port District Security Team had been planning to apprehend the criminals they had been tracking for a while, leading up to the Council Meeting. This was because Chief Administrator Laila Chemblin had made it clear to the Global Security Team that all potential threats must be eliminated.

“What happened to Broker S?”

“After the Council Meeting’s announcement, smuggling had halted, but suddenly, this month, the numbers have surged. We’ve confirmed six smuggling operations in the past week. In fact, it can be considered almost daily smuggling.”

“Sudden increase in smuggling? That’s strange.”

Detective team leader William raised an eyebrow at his team’s briefing.

Broker S had been their target for the past six months. The evidence had already been secured, but they had failed to apprehend him due to the interference from individuals who owed him a considerable amount of credits. After the failure, they had been monitoring him closely, and now, with the Council Meeting approaching, they had a chance to arrest him officially. Even corrupt officials, as Noble Capital and rulers of the space city, couldn’t defy the direct orders from above.

“Has there been any change in the smuggling methods?”

“That part is also peculiar. He mainly handled interplanetary smuggling, but the recent six incidents all targeted individuals within the city.”

“Could it be due to stricter surveillance at this time?”

“No, city transactions aren’t very profitable. Broker S is a cautious individual. Would someone who maximizes profits from minimal transactions do something like this?”

They had a chance to make an arrest, but the fact that their target was coming out so sloppily made William uneasy.

“Will we be able to identify the trading partner? Who is it?”

“It’s someone we haven’t dealt with before, a newcomer named New Face.”

“New Face?”

“We discovered him three days ago. He’s a man who walks around in his pajamas, quite a ghostly character. Surprisingly, he never gets caught on camera.”

“We’re not sure if he’s from the Space Dogs, but he seems like someone with professional training. We’ve tried to tail him several times, but he slipped away every time.”

Dealing with Broker S alone was already a headache, but with the appearance of this formidable new criminal, William sighed.
Considering the deals Broker S had been involved in, it wasn’t entirely unusual for the Space Dogs to take an interest in him. With S’s skills, he could practically turn money into a miracle.
However, William wasn’t so sure.

“Why now, of all times? This doesn’t seem like S.”

There was undoubtedly a reason behind the usually cautious Broker S acting so recklessly. After organizing his thoughts, William gave instructions to his team.

“The ones who followed the pajama guy, compile a report and request the surveillance team for analysis. Get in touch with the Port District to find out when he arrived. Keep an eye on Broker S as well. Just in case, he might try to contact the Space Dogs separately.”

“Got it!”

“Meeting adjourned.”

After the meeting ended, the team members left, but William remained seated, deep in thought. With one arm on the table, he picked up his communication device.

‘Using a friend might raise suspicions, but…’

The friend he was considering had been a former colleague in the same unit and had retired to work as a bodyguard. William knew exactly whom he was protecting.

‘He’s guarding Broker S.’

William left a message for his friend.


’10:55. He should be arriving soon.’

I’m waiting with Number 26 for Sanders.

Our location is near the boundary between the Commercial Zone and the Port District. Unlike the Entertainment Zone, there are hardly any people out here after 9 PM since all the stores close.

‘It’s also close to the secret passage.’

While there are cameras here, it’s much easier to move around compared to the heavily monitored loading area.

‘That’s not the only reason I moved here.’

The reason for the change in location was due to the surveillance.

Three days ago, I met Sanders near the cranes at the docks, disguised as the guy from the adjacent house. That day ended without any issues, but I sensed that the surveillance was watching us from a distance.

Sanders is under my control, making resistance impossible. The identity of the watchers was the police who had been chasing Sanders all along. Getting caught by them would cause problems for me as well, so I changed the location and time.

We’re to meet near the boundary of the commercial and harbor districts at 11 PM.

Sanders expressed his displeasure about me changing the location, but it was futile. The only thing he can do is obey me.

‘There he is.’

The black refrigerated truck Sanders mentioned was heading towards our meeting spot.
The truck stopped, and Sanders got out, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

It had been a week since he handed over the confiscated animals.

His face had changed beyond recognition. He had lost almost two-thirds of his body weight, looking so emaciated that it was hard to believe.

The cause of Sanders’s transformation was the parasite attached to his brain.

When implanting parasites in other organisms, you can specify the level of constraint, i.e., how much the host will be restricted. Level 1 is the weakest constraint, and Level 5 is the highest.

The parasite inside Sanders is at level 4. This level signifies that the parasite will immediately restrain him if the host shows even a hint of resistance.

Because of this command, he will be tormented by the parasite while eating, while going to sleep, and even while working.

Obey me. Do not resist my will.

‘Even in the game, if you get infected by a parasite, a message pops up.’

I had learned this by watching videos uploaded by players who had fallen victim to parasites. When infected, a message appears every time you perform a certain action. It’s not a big deal on its own, but each message causes a certain amount of health loss. Therefore, if players couldn’t get rid of the parasite using other equipment or abilities, they often ended up committing suicide. Suicide removes the parasite’s effect as well.

‘Here, in reality, suicide is not possible.’

There’s no way out except enduring the pain.

I emerged from an alley near the meeting place, revealing myself to Sanders. Although I had seen him several times, he still appeared uncomfortable and swallowed hard when he looked at me. However, he soon knelt before me, bowing his head.

“…I brought the item you mentioned, so please…”

I might be frightening, but the parasite inside his head is probably even scarier. In 24 hours, he’ll lose his mind along with the parasite.

‘There’s still some time left.’

I placed my hand close to his head and activated the parasitic colony.


Then Sanders’s eyes rolled back, and his mouth opened wide. Subsequently, the parasite emerged from his nostrils. The parasite that came out wriggled once and died on the spot.

‘Good job.’

In place of the deceased parasite, a new one emerged from my palm. It entered Sanders’s body in the same manner as its predecessor.

“Cough, cough!”

After a while, Sanders, who had regained his composure, coughed forcefully. He seemed to shudder as he looked at the parasite spread out on his knee.

I stared at the trembling Sanders for a moment, and then he cleared his throat and handed me a document.

“…Ahem, it’s a list of organisms.”

To examine the list more closely, I received the document that Sanders, with his combat arm, provided.


Sanders shivered as my unseen arm took the document.

[ZZZZ ZZZZ ZZZZ ZZZZ (Am I that scary?)]

「The big baby is cute.」

[ZZZZ ZZZZ (Thanks)]


I patted Number 26 on my shoulder, expressing my gratitude, and handed over the document.

‘Today, it’s Plentrezad and Fairy Wing, right?’

Plentrezad resembles a Stegosaurus in appearance but is classified as a plant-based organism rather than an actual dinosaur. It also possesses the unique trait of robust vitality, which is my second acquired trait.

‘Five Plentrezads. It’s not a lot.’

Plentrezads are large creatures, so it’s not easy to transport many of them by truck. The truck’s capacity is probably limited to about eight of them.

‘Next is a Fairy Wing.’

Fairy Wings are typically carnivorous birds about the size of a human palm. They lack eyes and resemble blue crows with hooked beaks. They are also known as ‘flying piranhas.’

‘Huh? A mutant?’

A mutant Fairy Wing. It’s a creature I’ve never encountered in the game. It piqued my interest, but unfortunately, there was only one of them. If there were more, I might consider targeting their genetic material, but with just one, it’s challenging.

After reviewing all the documents, I pointed to the truck with my fingertips, and he quickly took out a handheld device.

“Here, I’ll open it for you.”

When he operated the wireless terminal connected to the truck, the cargo compartment opened with a mechanical sound.

「It’s chilly in here.」

[ZZZ ZZ ZZZ ZZ ZZZ ZZZZ Z(Do you want to stay here?)]

「No, I’m good. I was just thinking about my hometown.」

Since Sea Demons inhabit the deep sea, this level of cold might not bother them at all. Sanders shivered, possibly from the cold within the cargo compartment or from fear, and stepped back.

“Th-then, I’ll wait here.”

I left him behind and entered the truck’s cargo compartment. Inside, made of alloy, five Plentrezads lay anesthetized. I lightly bent the steel bars and placed my foot inside the cargo compartment.

“Oh, I guess I don’t need to open it.”

Sanders began to speak to me belatedly but stopped when he saw my imposing presence.

‘Should I kill them first before eating them?’

I proceeded to break the necks of the Plentrezads one by one. During the process, one of them, still not fully anesthetized, attacked me with its sharp, thorn-covered tail, but it couldn’t pierce my exterior. It met its end as my combat arm crushed its head.

Having cut off their lifelines, I tasted the flesh of these large plant-like creatures.

‘It tastes like getting healthier.’

Although in the settings, Amorph is an omnivore, it seems to lean more towards carnivorous eating habits. The Plentrezads’ meat had a somewhat grassy taste, which wasn’t to my liking.

「Is it tasty?」

[ZZ (No)]

「Big baby needs to grow bigger, so eat it all.」

Number 26 is right. I have to evolve further, so I should eat everything like this. I forced myself to eat everything, but it didn’t trigger the predation effect in these creatures.

‘Well, it’s a pity, but I’ll have to wait for the next one.’

When I looked at the list left by the cyborg Ras last time, there were a total of 30 Plentrezads. There are 25 left, so I hope to find something among them.

‘I’ll have a mutant Fairy Wing as a snack.’

Since it’s a bird, I expect it might taste like chicken. With that in mind, I opened the freezer. However, I was taken aback when I checked the freezer’s contents.

「Why? What’s wrong?」

Number 26 asked from the side, but I couldn’t respond.

With blue skin and a body resembling reptiles, small wings on its back, and horns on its head, not a mouth but long clusters of tentacles.

‘It’s a Gallagon, isn’t it?’

What was in the freezer was not a Fairy Wing; It was the hatchling of the Gallagon, known as the space dragon, the Blue Gallagon.



[Translator – Jjescus]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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