
I Became an Evolving Space Monster - Chapter 58

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[Translator – Jjescus]

[Proofreader – Demon God’s Disciple]


Chapter 58

‘This feels unusual….’ None of the traits I’m familiar with undergo such long and complex changes.

‘Especially at times like this when it’s reality instead of a game, I need to check it thoroughly.’ I meticulously examined the changes in the text box as if checking a contract.

‘As I expected, the Transcendence System is related to evolution.’ It was written as Transcendence Level 1 in the parentheses* next to the Pre-saint. The details would probably be known after evolving into a Quasi-saint, but it was speculated that the conditions for further evolution were related to Transcendence.

‘The problem is…’

Two of my most important traits got sealed. As I had suspected right after the change, the heaviness felt throughout my body made it difficult for me to use wings. It was regrettable that the first trait I obtained and the trait that played a crucial role in many important battles was sealed.

‘Moreover, not being able to use the Mimicry Organ is painful.’ I activated the Mimicry Organ, but there was no reaction from the small holes in my body. Upon closer inspection, most of the holes were sealed by the thickened outer layer. Some holes remained, but their shapes had changed slightly.

‘Come to think of it, there was an expression in the system message saying that the perfect organism trait instills intimidation in all sentient beings.’

The effect of ‘perfect organism’ includes instilling fear into sentient beings. Perhaps the pheromone that gives off that aura of fear works by covering the pheromone produced by the Mimicry Organ.

[PR/N- a chemical substance (as a scent) that is produced by an animal and serves as a signal to other individuals of the same species to engage in some kind of behavior (as mating)]

In Space Survival, there are various types of traits, equipment, and skills, but among them, there are things that can restrict other abilities. In line with the game’s emphasis on reality, restrictions operate with logic that is realistic and understandable, rather than outright prohibition.

For example, AP bullets contain substances that block the flow of psychic power, preventing the use of the opponent’s psychic power in a certain area for a certain period.

Getting the Perfect organism trait and having some of the existing traits sealed should be seen in a similar context. The reason the wings are unusable is that the weight of the body has increased significantly, and the reason the Mimicry Organ is unusable is that the organ has changed to generate a new pheromone.

‘Then, how about imitating voices?’ Just in case, I tried producing a voice with my mouth.

“Ah, ah, good, …grrr…, I can…grrr.”

A voice came out, but it wasn’t as perfect as before. It sounded strange, like a voice from a broken recorder, and the distinctive growling sound of the Amorph was mixed in.

Trying to deceive others with this kind of trick wouldn’t be forgivable, as if to say that the perfect organism was in a state where it was perfectly applied even inside the body.

‘It seems impossible to deceive others with this kind of voice.’ Unless the goal is to instill fear in the enemy, it doesn’t seem usable for deceptive purposes.

‘Usually, when such restrictions arise, there’s a separate method provided to lift the restrictions.’

Come to think of it, there was a new message notification. I proceeded to read the message.

[‘Transcend’ system information related to level 2 has been unlocked.
Unlocking ‘Unique Trait Synthesis.’ You can fuse ‘Unique’ traits at any time.
Unlocking information on ‘Transcend (Level 2) Breakthrough.’ Do you want to read the information?]

‘Transcend Breakthrough, huh.’ I checked the Transcend (Level 2) Breakthrough.

[‘Transcend (Level 2)’: Combine 5 fused traits to unlock a new type-related trait. The traits used as materials must all be related to different types. Information about the new type will be unlocked.
Available trait list: Regeneration (Fused), Predator Senses (Fused), Parasitic Colony (Fused), ? (Fused), ? (Fused)
Additional reward: The golden restriction from Transcend Stage 1 will be lifted.
*Note: The traits used as materials for the breakthrough can be replaced with other traits. Please keep this in mind.]

[PR/N- Golden restriction is some of his traits getting sealed due to him evolving to transcend level 1.]

‘Hmm.’ The unlocking method was provided, but it wasn’t easy. Making fused traits isn’t difficult, but the problem was that each fused trait had to be related to a different type.

‘Currently, I’ve unlocked the type acquisition conditions for 3 types.’

To proceed, I needed to obtain two more fused traits related to types I hadn’t acquired yet. At this point, the difficulty level was almost comparable to evolution conditions.

The only fortunate thing was that it needs fused traits related to a type, it didn’t matter which one I used as material. If it demanded only ‘specific’ traits like in Level 1, it would take me ages to reach Level 2.

‘Not easy.’

It was regrettable that the traits I frequently used were sealed, but what had happened had happened. When the environment changes, you have to adapt your strategy accordingly.

‘Ambushing one by one while hiding has become difficult now.’ However, confronting this city head-on was still beyond my current strength. I lack traits and have only one type.

‘The key is how strong this newly acquired trait is.’ I approached the wall to test it.

‘Before, I used to weaken the ground with acidic blood and pierce holes in walls in order to break them… but now.’ As it was metal responsible for the city’s foundation, it was naturally sturdy. How much has the physique, which is now reinforced in the same way as it reinforces itself during evolution through the effect of a perfect organism, strengthened?

I applied a bit of force to the combat arm and swung it towards the wall. Following the eerie sound of cutting through the air, the thunderous noise vibrated the entire passage.

‘Indeed.’ The wall, covered in dust but with no significant scratches, showed four wounds.

All were uniformly over 20 cm deep. My enlarged fingernails exactly matched them.

Despite creating cracks in the tough metal wall, my fingernails remained intact.

‘Next is durability.’ I pierced the newly reinforced outer layer with those nails. It didn’t go in at all with a gentle stab. I had to pierce with force before any signs of penetration showed.

‘Strength, speed, outer shell toughness, sharpness of the nails. Everything has become significantly stronger.’

With this level of defense, I can even withstand the firepower of plasma weapons to some extent. In other words, the armed police and androids without plasma weapons cannot kill me.

‘As long as the defense fleet doesn’t bombard me from above, the chances of me dying are low.’

This was certainly a rare piece of good news, but the problem lies with the cult with psychic powers.

While my physical defense is very high, my resistance to psychic powers is significantly lower. Although I possess psychic resistance traits, since I don’t receive the type enhancement effect, I fall outside the scope of application for a complete organism.

‘Evolving to Symbol of the Hunt will grant resistance to all attacks. If I use this, I can also somewhat block psychic powers… Wait?’

I read the Symbol of the Hunt entry again.

‘The Symbol of the Hunt. Usable once a day with a 10-minute limit, but increases predation probability.’

The conditions are quite tight, but in return, the effects gained are highly favorable.

‘If I use the Symbol of the Hunt and kill the cult members, I can easily obtain traits related to psychic abilities.’

‘The remaining number of traits until I get the psychic enhancement type is 1. Once I acquire that, my defense against psychic abilities will greatly increase since it becomes applicable to ‘perfect organism’.’

Moreover, as long as I can quickly secure numerous traits, it won’t take long for me to lift the golden restrictions caused by evolving to transcendence level 1.

The key element to breakthrough Transcend Level 2 is quantity rather than quality of traits. It is to quickly secure multiple traits, fuse them, and use them as materials for the breakthrough.

‘In any case, the core of the strategy now is the Commercial District.’

The timing of the board meeting is approaching soon.

When the board meeting takes place, various extraterrestrial races will come for tourism. Since they’ll come for tourism, they will only concentrate in the center of consumption and entertainment.

‘I need to seize the opportunity when new visitors come and the place is crowded.’

It’s a situation where new genetic essences gather in one place. If I target them at the right time, it won’t be difficult to secure genetic essences.

Moreover, when there are many spectators, all sorts of criminals will also follow suit. The surveillance will become strict accordingly, but let’s think of it the other way around. Since there will be many targets to monitor, they won’t be able to focus all their manpower on me alone.

If I go around killing people, I’ll certainly be pursued, but concentrating all resources on me is not an easy task. Eventually, they will perceive my existence as a significant threat, but by then, I would have gathered enough traits to transcend.

‘I should finish the nest construction that I’ve been postponing until the board meeting.’

Places in the Entertainment District and Commercial District. Let’s build a new nest there.

I’m planning how to proceed in the future, but Number 26 wakes up and sends out waves.

「What was that noise just now?」

[ZZ ZZZ ZZZZ ZZZ (It’s nothing important.)]


As I convinced it that I’m okay, it tries to go back to sleep but wakes up abruptly after seeing me.

It seemed puzzled that the image it saw before going to sleep and my current appearance were different. Light flickered from its body.

「I’ve shrunk again.」

Currently, my size, when standing on two legs, was over 3 meters. Compared to before, when it didn’t even reach 2 meters, it can be considered to have grown by about 1.5 to 2 times. The tail is slightly shorter compared to the height, but it still exceeds 4 meters.

Since I grew like this while sleeping, it’s not unreasonable for number 26 to be mistaken.

[ZZ ZZ ZZZ ZZZZZ (You’ve not shrunken. I’ve grown.)]

「Already? You didn’t eat much, did you?」

The now smarter number 26 asked. I gave it a brief answer.

[ZZZ ZZZZ ZZZZ ZZZZZ (Not a baby anymore, that’s why.)]

「Big kids grow up quickly. It’s fascinating.」

Seemingly satisfied, number 26 didn’t ask any more questions. Meanwhile, Adhai also woke up.

Seeing me, it jumped up from its place as if surprised.

「Surprise!」 「Surprise!」

[ZZZ ZZZZZZ (What happened?)]

「Adult!」 「 Cool!」

[ZZZZZ (Thanks.)]

Adhai seemed to really like my changed appearance. It behaved like a puppy that wanted to play, looking at me, then turning in place and looking at me again. At the same time, the wings on its back swayed gently, showing a strange movement.

「Adult!」 「 Know!」 「Unnecessary?」


「I!」 「Adult!」 「Know!」 「Needed!」 「Know!」 「Know!」 「Know!」

It seems Adhai really likes me.

While I was silent, number 26, who was beside me, extended its tentacles and hit Adhai’s head.


「Big kids can’t lay eggs.」

「I!」 「Grow!」 「Egg!」 「Possible!」

「Even small ones can’t lay eggs.」


With those words, number 26 hit Adhai once more. After being hit twice, it finally came to its senses and stopped turning around, becoming quiet.

‘… There is no information available about Gallagon’s mating.’

The movement Adhai just showed seems like gestures related to courtship. If Gallagon’s fans were present, wouldn’t they have fainted?

Honestly, I’m quite interested in how Gallagons reproduce. To evolve, I need to kill a lot of Gallagons. Understanding how they reproduce and grow would be a great help in evolving.

‘Well, that’s something to think about later.’

Dealing with Gallagons is a story for much later. Right now, building the nest is the priority.

[ZZZ ZZZZ (Going out for a bit.)]

「Building the nest?」

[ZZZ (Yes.)]

「I’ll come with you.」

[ZZZZ ZZZZZ ZZ (It might be boring.)]

「I’m okay.」

「I」 「come」 「too」

It seems both Number 26 and Adhai want to come along.

‘I don’t really need to leave them behind, do I?’

I took them with me to work on building the nest.

When I had just completed building two new nests in two places in the Entertainment District, I sensed a familiar wavelength.

The parasite I implanted in William sent a signal.

“What’s this?”

There are still a few hours until I can change the parasite. He shouldn’t be dead by now.

As I suspected, the signal from the parasite wasn’t about William’s death.

‘Suicide attempt?’

To be precise, he wasn’t dead yet. According to the parasite’s signal, he was currently moving rapidly towards a location in the Commercial District while in a state of unconsciousness.

‘Hospital? Could it be?’

Only then I understood what William was up to.

He is trying to reveal the presence of the parasite through a thorough examination at the hospital.

The fact that the parasite came out of Sander’s body is known to a considerable number of police officers in the detective team. I instructed William to interfere and prevent the police from connecting the parasite and Sander’s death.

Thanks to that, the police were no longer interested in the parasite and were just keeping it in storage.

But what if the same parasite is found in William’s body at this point?

“They definitely won’t stay quiet.”

“There’s tracking technology among the psychic powers of the cult.”

The parasites have an organ that generates signals for communication with me. If they understand that organ, they might use the cult’s tracking technology in the Administrative District to trace me.

William Couldn’t have known all this. However, it was clear that he did something to resist me.

“I should go check out the hospital.”

It seems that I might need to advance my plan to conquer the Commercial District.



[Translator – Jjescus]

[Proofreader – Demon God’s Disciple]

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