
I'm an Ordinary Returning Student at the Academy - Chapter 51

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[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]


Chapter 51

Crown Prince, Rufreicht Ragnar, received orders and was heading to the Emperor’s bedchamber.


“Your Highness, the Crown Prince.”

Standing before me was the Minister of the Imperial Palace, who seemed to have just finished receiving reports.

“How is His Majesty?”

“He says it’s just a mild cold, and he continues to attend to his duties.”


Upon the minister’s words, I couldn’t help but utter a groan.

What kind of person falls ill to nothing more than a mild cold and lies in bed instead of sitting in a chair?

Due to the relentless military campaigns and inevitable fatigue, that’s what happened.

At a time like this, one should rest comfortably to recover. One could quickly tidy up and get up from the seat.

However, it seemed that the Emperor, who existed solely for ruling the empire from the moment of his birth until now, had no intention of doing so.

‘I must do the same as well.’

I sighed lightly, straightened my clothes, and entered.

“Your Majesty. Your son has come as summoned.”

“Come, Son. Sit here.”

The Emperor, who had removed his glasses, pointed to the chair beside the bed.

Approaching and sitting down, I inadvertently brushed against the emperor’s head. For a moment, I found myself staring blankly at my father’s freshly whitened hair.

“I’ve heard the news. The Hyzens have proposed a meeting.”

“That’s correct, Your Majesty. It seems… discussions regarding the hardliners.”

Those who had waged bloody battles against the empire for a long time to maintain their dominance in the south.

Even though some of their kin had turned back to favoring the empire, they continued to wield bows and arrows until the end, ultimately self-destructing after consuming countless lives.

“But the timing seems a bit off, Your Majesty.”

“Too early?”

“Yes. I had expected it to take at least two more months, but a meeting proposal already.”

The cheerful and lively demeanor that was apparent when I conversed with him earlier was now nowhere to be found.

The Crown Prince, as the future Emperor, appeared mature and experienced, considering various strategies and predictions.

“I am glad that the Prince was thinking so far ahead.”

“Your Majesty?”

The Emperor chuckled silently and handed something to me.

“This… Just a while ago, a highly classified report came in. It’s quite surprising, but I find it credible enough.”

“May I ask who submitted this report?”

I wondered, so I cautiously asked. The Emperor nodded as if to confirm my suspicion.

“Son. That person you allowed to return. Oh no, I shouldn’t call her that. The leader of the Special Operations Executive Team, Rika Adelheit. She was known as the Blade Queen.”

No one else but the Emperor himself mentioned the name and alias. That alone meant one thing, she was an agent so overwhelming and outstanding.

“After you allowed her temporary return, she led the Special Operations Executive Team to the south.”

“Yes, Your Majesty. We planned to judge the Luzernes, who dared to attack the empire twice with the assistance of the Hyzens, against innocent people.”

I still remembered the moment when Rika had knelt before me, pleading fervently.

“Your Majesty! I humbly request your forgiveness and permission! Just a moment. Just a moment to use my return to devote all my power to daringly judge those who have harmed the empire and completely destroy their origins upon my return!”

Some said it was childish to call her the Blade Queen. But soon her overwhelming prowess and the fact of whom she called her mother made them quiet and simply applaud.

If it weren’t for the duty to inherit the family and title, she would have stayed until the end.

And when the time came, she might have been entrusted with even more important tasks.

Such Rika had returned temporarily. And as soon as she returned, she began to move in earnest.

– Arrival at the Southern Great Forest. Cooperation promised by the Hyzens. –

– Encounter with the Hyzens’ Extermination Unit. Mutual cooperation begins. –

– Operation ‘Wrath of God’ commences. –

Perhaps the last report should be called the Wrath of Sister rather than the Wrath of God.

Recalling the parts I had thought about while examining the report at the time, I spoke.

“After the last report, I thought some time had passed before anything happened. But it seems that wasn’t the case. It was because there was a top-secret matter that only Your Majesty should know.”

“Something like that. Let’s see, Son.”

At the Emperor’s urging, I unfolded the tightly folded report and checked the contents. What was written inside was, as usual, very simple and straightforward.

But the content was by no means simple or straightforward.

“Your Majesty, can you… see correctly at the moment?”

“Why do you ask? Do you want to borrow my glasses?”

“No, that’s not it…”

I’m so embarrassed, I don’t know what to make of this.

I laughed out loud and checked the content again.

– Leader of the Luzernes, Darnang Navar. Preparing for a large-scale counterattack. –

– Based on the interrogation results of the situation at the time, the deployment status of nearby Imperial Army units, and the proximity of Darnang’s escort factors, it appears that it was the Imperial Army that killed him. –

– The most likely person is the one who was rescuing our allies at the time, Sergeant Karl Adelheit. –

“Your Majesty.”

“If you want to, visit the Academy tomorrow. Go and ask the hero.”

Really, just in case, this is true? With all the circumstantial evidence already in place, what if it comes down to Karl saying, ‘Um. I did shoot a gun at the visible Luzernes elf at the time.’?

‘This… Can I make up for it with the Medal of Honor?’

I was constantly laughing inside, the Emperor spoke.

“More importantly, it’s about time to tell Count Friedrich too, don’t you think?”

“That… ”

“I hadn’t mentioned my marital issues despite having a woman in mind that I hold dear in my heart. Despite various opinions expressing genuine concerns about the lack of an heir, I refrained from speaking. However, it cannot continue like this any longer. Now that the external disturbances have ceased, it is time to solidify the internal matters. It is indeed a duty for those who lead the palace to have a member of the palace as their own.”

Upon hearing those words, I nodded. In truth, I planned to officially announce our relationship once Rika returned.

It had been a little over three years since I harbored feelings for Rika.

However, I had only confessed my feelings just over two months ago.

Originally, I had intended to reveal my feelings earlier, but I held back because her brother, Karl, had not yet returned from the battlefield.

In front of her, who cherished her brother dearly, I refrained from acting rashly, fearing that even as the Crown Prince, I would break into a cold sweat.

‘If this happens, what will happen to my title?’

It could be one of two things. Either Rika ascends to become the Empress of the Empire and concurrently assumes the title of Countess Friedrich.

In that case, if we were to have several children later, those territories could be divided among them.

Alternatively, she could pass the title to the next successor in the family’s line of succession.

‘I believe Rika is more likely to choose the latter.’

Thinking so, I became preoccupied with scheduling tomorrow’s agenda. I needed to find Karl and address a crucial matter that needed confirmation.

* * *

“Anyway, while searching for my squad members, I recklessly ventured into the woods. Worried about being discovered? Well, it’s not something to boast about, but I’m quite good at stealth. Like a shadow knight… Oh, please, scratch that. Ah, stop. Don’t write it down.”

Anyway, you reporters, you’re always looking for the weird stuff, so cross it out!

“Anyway, as I went on like that, I happened to encounter a Kanfra unit head-on. I had to pass them, but it seemed like I might get caught. So, I deliberately fired a shot roughly and immediately left the spot. Then those guys started bustling around, thinking some ambush was coming. In that gap, I managed to pass through and finally meet up with the squad.”

Alright. The interview ends here. If I go further, other journalists will complain, ‘Why did you give them over 5 minutes and only give me 5 minutes! Give me the same amount of time!’ Time commitments must be strictly adhered to. For my sake, and for others.


I don’t know what the hell this is all about.

At first, I thought of myself as just a student who returned to school after completing military service.

I thought I would be remembered as a senior so distant that memories of me would be faint, to the point of being blurred.

Frankly, isn’t that the fate of a returning student? Especially one who also enlisted in the military. That’s what I thought…

“Senior! Senior Karl! My father, who served in the army, invites you to dinner!”

“I respect you, senior! It’s an honor to be in the same academy as you! ”

“Um, can I ask if you could come and give a lecture in the military science department this time?”

Wow. Quite popular, huh? Huh? Me, an individual, being popular. Haha.

…It’s sad. Yes, I’ll be honest. When I returned to school, I wanted to hear the word ‘bro’.

People are like that, aren’t they? Rather than calling someone “auntie,” it’s better to call them “sis” or “sister,” or calling someone “uncle,” it’s better to call them “bro” or “brother.”

Of course, that’s better. And as a returning student, you want to be called big brother or big sister.

‘Why? Because it’s obvious.’

During the time I was on hiatus due to personal reasons, I imagined a peaceful academy where I could belong, not a hellish battlefield!

“Well… It may be a no-brainer.”

Whom should I blame? I think I’ve magnified the scale of the situation too much.

Starting from rescuing hundreds of allies to preventing a train terrorist attack, and even preemptively quelling diplomatic disputes. If someone were to say, ‘Ah, you’re just a regular returning student,’ that would be truly absurd.

If it really happened, wouldn’t my sister come chasing after me, saying, ‘How dare you ignore my Karl’s achievements like this?! Ha! This won’t do! You’ve made me a monster! Come, Karl. Now!’



[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]

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