
I'm an Ordinary Returning Student at the Academy - Chapter 115

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[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]


Chapter 115


Today, like any other day, Lefia’s routine was similar.

As she finished preparing for her lecture and left the room, she felt a pair, or rather, two pairs of eyes on her back.

Enduring their gaze, she sighed inwardly and said, ‘Let’s go.’

Some days it was Eloise, other days it was Lavrenti, or sometimes both of them would appear.

This was something she could tell because they were openly watching her.

Given their abilities, if they wanted to, they could easily follow her without her noticing. And she would never know.

But the fact that she could sense them meant they wanted her to know.

They were saying, ‘We’re always watching you, so don’t try anything funny!’

“Um, how long are you going to keep doing this…?”


“Really, I’m just an ordinary foreign exchange student now.”

She had already talked to her home country and mostly wrapped things up.

Even if she couldn’t change her bloodline, her status as a princess could be revoked by the head of the royal family.

And the current King of Lasker, the Head of the Arkebel Royal Family, was Lefia’s half-sister, the Second Princess, who had ascended to the throne a month ago.

Now she should be called the Queen.

– I can’t change my bloodline. But I would like you to revoke my status as a princess. –

Even though there was a new King in Lasker, the stronger the royal authority, the better.

In that sense, it would be best if the competitor disappeared altogether.

It would be even better if there were no obstacles in the line of succession.

Therefore, Lefia thought her sister, her queen, wouldn’t dismiss this request.

Her royal bloodline wouldn’t disappear, so there wouldn’t be a big problem with her status.

It was just removing her princess title and the legal right to inherit the throne.

“Huh? So what?”

The problem was that neither Eloise nor Lavrenti was wary of her because she was a foreign princess.

They were thoroughly scrutinizing her for a ‘different reason.’

“Karl said that? That you’re like him, Junior Lefia?”

“Eloise and I eat the tail of the Bungeoppang first. But you, like Master, eat the head first.”

“That’s just a difference in preference…”

If that’s the case, you could just start eating the head first too, Lefia wanted to say.

But she noticed their faces weren’t looking too good and quietly closed her mouth.

She was quite disappointed that they didn’t show the same behavior as Karl at first.

‘What are these people… Oh, I shouldn’t call one of them a person, should I? Anyway, they’re really strange.’

She wondered why they were so attached to Karl, but then again, considering what he had shown them, it seemed understandable.

To be honest, Lefia herself was so drawn to him that she secretly glanced at him whenever he went to class.

From the beginning, he was intense enough to make her heart flutter.

He flew in and embraced her in that brief moment, and he was always there whenever she was in trouble.

And he defeated two knights from the delegation from her home country in less than a minute. Even if it was a friendly match, the skill gap was too wide.

It would be strange if she wasn’t attracted to him.

It was natural to want to talk to him again, or even just see him one more time, even if she couldn’t.

‘Come to think of it… It’s about time for the Empire to send a delegation for the Lasker Queen’s coronation.’

A new king had ascended to the throne in the neighboring kingdom.

Until recently, the Empire and the Kingdom had been subtly uncomfortable with each other. To improve that relationship, they would definitely send an delegation.

If there was one concern, it was that her home country might try to hold a similar official event, using the recent sparring match as an excuse.

Two knights had lost to Karl.

No matter even if it was friendly, they would see it as a disgrace.

So this time, they would deploy multiple top-tier knights.

And just like the Empire had, this time Lasker would probably request a friendly match to recover some of their lost pride. The Empire would understand that well.

‘Would they let us win, but just barely, to save face?’

The defeat against Karl must have been a significant blow.

They considered themselves to be quite capable knights, but to be defeated so quickly by a young man… Lasker would definitely want to regain their pride.

If the Empire handles this well, they could win Lasker’s favor.

“Thinking about Karl again?”


“You’re thinking about Master.”

“N-no, I’m not?!”

“Yes, you are. You have that look on your face when you’re thinking about a guy.”

Eloise, who had somehow gotten right next to her, muttered with a pout.

Lefia, unable to bear the embarrassment, let out an involuntary shriek.

“Why are you doing this?!”

“Because I like Karl. And it’s tiring to have a rival, you know?”


What’s with that boldness? She’s being so open about it! Shouldn’t you hide your feelings for someone?

“I feel the same way. I like Master. But it’s too much with you here.”


These women were truly strange.

In Lasker, unless you were practically engaged, it was common to hide your feelings for the opposite sex.

She couldn’t get used to them openly saying, ‘Yeah, I like him.’

“You two are very straightforward.”

“Saying I like him? I say it because I like him.”

“Does… Senior Karl know?”

“Yeah, I told him to his face. That I like him.”

Maybe it’s just elves who are like this?

She heard he already had a woman he was practically engaged to. Was it okay to be so open about it even knowing that?

With that thought, Lefia quietly turned her head towards Lavrenti.

“Ahem. Ahem. I haven’t been as direct as that elf, but… I’m making it somewhat obvious.”

“Aren’t you embarrassed? Or don’t you think it’s disrespectful to the other person?”

“I do feel sorry for Selena. But that doesn’t mean I can give up my feelings. I’ve never been taught that way. All I know is that you have to fight for what you want to protect.”


“And besides, it was my Master who said that if you wait patiently, your time will surely come.”

If Karl had heard this, he might have shouted, ‘That was only about shooting!’ But the only ones present were Eloise and Lefia.

“Never give up… Your time will surely come…”

Lefia muttered those words in a daze.

These women were still strange in her eyes. Yes, strange, but also enviable.

She envied their ability to be so straightforward and expressive.

If only she had the courage to be like that too, Lefia thought.

“Hey, Lav. I heard yesterday that Selena got a piggyback ride from Karl a few days ago.”

“…That’s… quite the news.”

“So let’s go ask Karl for a piggyback ride too.”

“That might be too much for Master.”

“Really? Fine, suit yourself. I’ll just ask him for myself.”

“What a pity. If I had brought my rifle, I would have shot her.”

…They’re really scary women.

* * *

“Welcome, brother-in-law.”

Now officially a married man, officially my brother-in-law.

The Crown Prince was grinning from ear to ear.

Seeing him like this, I suddenly wanted to tease him.

Even though I knew the man sitting in front of me was the second in command of the Empire, and would one day become Emperor.

Even though it would be wise to bow my head if I wasn’t crazy.

“Are you that happy?”

Ah, damn it. I did it. Your Highness, I didn’t mean it in a bad way!

If you could forgive me this once for my loose tongue…

“Of course. Of course. My dear Karl, love is truly amazing. These days, I feel like I can overcome any hardship.”


I’m relieved. The Crown Prince has become a true marriage evangelist. Is he that happy about marrying my sister?

And Your Highness, please don’t ever change your words. If you suddenly say, ‘I’m having a hard time because of the Empress’ later on, I might feel like rebelling.

“How is the Crown Princess?”

“She’s talking to the palace’s staff right now. From now on, the entire Imperial Palace is under her jurisdiction. She needs to get to know her subordinates better to lead them properly.”

I believe she’ll do well.

My sister isn’t some ordinary young lady who doesn’t know the ways of the world. She’s a formidable woman who used to manage formidable people in a formidable organization.

My future nieces and nephews, you better listen to your mother. She’s really scary when she’s angry!


The Crown Prince cleared his throat, signaling a change in tone.

The brief personal conversation was over. It was time to return to their roles as a member of the imperial family and a loyal noble.

“I’d love to chat casually with my brother-in-law, but we all have our respective positions, so that’s not possible. I’m sure you understand.”

“Of course, Your Highness. I am a noble of the Empire and a subject of the imperial family, so I will simply do my best to fulfill my duties.”

“It’s reassuring to hear you say that, Heir of Friedrich.”

I wonder what kind of order he’s about to give me that he called me all the way to the Imperial Palace.

“Actually, we’re planning to send an delegation to congratulate the new Queen of Lasker on her ascension to the throne, and Karl, I need you to accompany them.”

“…Your Highness?”

But isn’t this a bit much?

Aside from the fact that I’m a student, there are a few bigger problems.

First of all, I’m the son of the infamous ‘Baba Yaga.’

From Lasker’s perspective, I’m the Young Lord of the Friedrich County, someone they definitely want to avoid.

Not so long ago, a lunatic(Karl Adelheit) even unexpectedly suggested a friendly spar with the delegation, only to completely destroy two of their knights in under a minute.
[PR/N: 😂]

But you want to include me in the delegation? It seems like Lasker would be freaking out, wondering what we’re up to?!

“Ah ah. Don’t misunderstand, Karl. This is actually a request from the Lasker’s side. To be precise, it’s a request from the new Queen of Lasker.”




[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]

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