
I'm an Ordinary Returning Student at the Academy - Chapter 24

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[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]


Chapter 24

The two Kanfra men being escorted by the Imperial Special Forces. Two of them? Anyway.

Their identity, of course, turned out to be the terrorists I rescued and handed over a few days ago.

More than anything, I’m amazed at how well they were taken care of and escorted from the scene.

Thinking back, they were groaning as if they were about to breathe their last at any moment.

“Although their condition wasn’t great, it seems they were somehow revived.”

“Ultimately, yes. Of course, pouring healing magic until they reached a stage where they could be interrogated almost caused three wizards to pass out.”

The Special Forces agent smiles, saying it was quite thrilling to think back to that time.

Hmm. Don’t say anything to me. At that time, I was overflowing with adrenaline.

Honestly, keeping them alive was quite an achievement. I was hit with PTSD the moment I saw them.

“But Eloise Loengrand.”


“You brought student Karl as a witness, but why haven’t you asked him anything?”

“Huh? Uh, well, um.”

If you have something to ask, ask it. Actually, the two of us were there together.

Still, we couldn’t afford to be too obvious in front of the Special Forces agents.

Facing Eloise, I faithfully recounted the situation at the time as a ‘witness.’

“So… you went to persuade a certain group of four at the rookie training camp, but when the explosion occurred on the train, you immediately knew what was happening and subdued all the resisting ones.”

“That’s correct, Eloise.”

“During the process, they resisted so fiercely that we had no choice but to eliminate them.”

They did resist fiercely, but the level was seriously low. It was clear they hadn’t received proper training.

That’s understandable, though. Those kinds of personnel should have been sent to the war long ago.

Meanwhile, the core command of Luzernes, who fled claiming they would survive, continued to plot terrorism, intending to reignite the war and start a holy war.

Eloise summed up her impression with just one line.

“As expected, worthy of being called Kanfra.”

Oh my. I never expected to hear such words from an elf’s mouth. Luzernes, where on earth have you fallen to? Even your own kind calls you Kanfra!

“I thought there might be something special, but it’s the same as what was delivered by the Ministry of War.”

“Is there anything missing or incorrect in my testimony?”

“There shouldn’t be. Thank you for your cooperation, Karl Adelheit. Oh, should I call you Student Karl?”

Everyone seems to forget sometimes, but I’m not a sergeant, I’m a returning student!!

“Um. Then, what about those two Kanfra men? Could you please guide them to where they need to go?”

“Follow me. Oh, Student Karl, you can go now that your task is done.”

“Can I go too? I’m a bit curious about what those guys are chatting about.”

Since I’ve already missed class and come all the way here, it feels a bit awkward to leave already.

Besides, I’m slightly curious about what kind of words might come out of their mouths.

Will it be ‘Damn bastards!’ or perhaps ‘Ah, spare us! We’ll tell you everything!.’

If they were in their right minds, the latter should be the norm.

I held a greatsword against all of them when they were about to shoot.

However, considering their Kanfra tendencies, it might not be the case.

And. As we entered the interrogation room, my expectations were confirmed.

“Yes, you scum! The enemies of our comrades!”

“You bastards! I won’t forgive you! Aaaargh!”

Oh. They’re still quite spirited despite everything.

They were undoubtedly the ones who were about to cross the Han River from my hands.

So I thought they would beg for mercy as soon as they saw my face.

Yet, they actively express their enmity and shower curses.

Whether it’s admirable or a bit headstrong.

Or maybe they’ve suffered some head injuries.

Or perhaps the one who sent them has brainwashed them very well.

Whatever it is, I didn’t expect the interrogation to go so smoothly.

“You’re still alive? You’ve never been interrogated?”

Eloise also seems to find it odd how lively they are. The Special Forces agent responds with a shrug.

“They just woke up yesterday after receiving healing magic. It seems they think they miraculously survived, but they’ll find out soon why the Empire saved them.”

Suddenly, a chill runs down my spine.

The Special Forces. Quite literally, the department responsible for all the special tasks of the Empire.

Among them, naturally, exists the task of extracting information. How they extract it… well, I guess we’ll see from now on.

‘They wouldn’t skin them alive like Kanfras, would they.’

As the agents entered the interrogation room, we stepped outside and sat down. There’s even a semi-transparent mirror here. What a fascinating world.

“Let’s start properly. I’m ‘D’ from the Imperial Special Forces. Nice to meet you.”

“Scum of the Empire!”

“The dogs of the Empire!”

While the agents were politely greeting first, it’s quite a sight to see them like this.

Glancing to the side, I see Eloise giggling to herself. When I ask why, she says, ‘They’re begging for death.’

“Each of your names. Ages. And affiliations.”

“We have no names to tell the dogs of the Empire!”

“Who was behind this operation?”

“The forest commanded it! To forever burn you all!”

“How did you infiltrate the Empire?”

“All our comrades who hate the Empire helped us!”

The Kanfras growl menacingly while the agent questions them without a change in expression.

It won’t take long now. Soon, a method will emerge to get the right answers.

Kanfras. The Imperial Special Forces are not a place known for preserving human rights…!

“Why specifically a train? Were there other places you considered for the bomb attack?”

“Hahaha! The entire Empire is our target! Anywhere humans live!”

“It seems you’re blatantly disregarding the treaties you made with the Empire.”

“Those traitors to our kin shamefully made them! They’re nothing but traitors who sold out the forest!”

I suddenly wonder if these guys even understand the concept of War.

Those who have truly experienced war do everything in their power to prevent it from happening again.

Because they know firsthand how terrible and disgusting it was.

All this talk about ‘holy wars,’ but war is never sacred. It’s never glorious.

That’s just bullshit, delusions from those who haven’t experienced war.

Act of determining who’s right? Don’t bullshit me. War is just about who survives. That’s all.

“If you continue to be uncooperative like this, only you will suffer. The Empire is willing to accept you as long as you provide useful information for the Empire. Surrender. Then you can live.”

“We’d rather die than surrender! Kill us!”

Goddamn. That’s a lot of patience on the agent’s part.

It seems words won’t work. The agent sighs.

“If that’s really your intention, then we’ll have to resort to a more ‘serious’ approach.”

“Ha! Too bad! If it weren’t for that damn bastard, everything would have gone according to plan!”

“Not even death will be enough! That human! His name is Karl, right?! Even in death, I will curse him! Disgusting dogs of the Empire! Enemies who slaughtered our kin! Rot in hell!”

Sigh. Greenhorns. Already endured hell twice through enlistments…


Endured… Uh, uh. Wait a minute, Rika? Why did she just barge into the interrogation room? She was sitting right next to me just a moment ago! Where did she disappear to?!

* * *

The agent ‘D’ was in a state of great confusion.

An outsider abruptly entered the interrogation room. They mentioned being Karl’s sister, right?

But why did the securely locked door open, and what were the other agents outside doing?

As he was about to sternly tell her to leave…

“Get out.”

Those words were coming from the outsider unrelated to the Special Forces.

“W-What’s going on! We’re in the middle of an interrogation! Outsiders are…”

“I said get out.”

For a moment, the agent involuntarily flinched and trembled.

‘W-What is this?’

Special forces agents learn to control themselves even in the face of fear, to make the best decisions and actions in any situation.

But why, in the world, is my body stiffening and cold sweat running down in front of that woman?


The ringing of the call bell on the table interrupts.

When I glanced over, I saw a superior gesturing from outside the door. It seems like they want me to come out. I’m not sure if this is appropriate.

Eventually, the special forces agent steps out of the interrogation room. The elves watching the scene laugh, saying what a ridiculous sight it is and how the Empire’s standards are worth seeing.

Of course, Rika, who entered the room, seemed completely indifferent.


She opened her mouth with an emotionless voice.

“It’s our first meeting. So, I’ll ask three times out of courtesy. Who hired you?”

“Ha! That’s not even worth answering, it’s the forest―”

The Kanfras, who were about to answer, suddenly felt a searing pain in their shoulder.

“Ah, aaahh!”

It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, what the hell!

They looked at the source of the pain and soon found daggers embedded in their shoulders.

“I’ll ask again. Who hired you?”

“Ah, aaahhh! W-What is this― Aaahhh!!”


This time, another dagger was embedded in the opposite shoulder. They saw nothing. I have no idea what’s happening.


Then, they soon realized the reason for all this. It was because they saw the two daggers clenched in Rika’s hands.

“This is the last time. Next time, it’ll be here.”

Tap, tap―

Pointing at their throat, the formidable woman still spoke with a chilling voice. It was impossible not to answer in front of her again.

“W-Wait! I’ll talk! I’ll tell you everything!”

“Save me! Save me! T-The one who hired us was!!”

* * *


My sister. I think I understand why she was called the Blade Queen.

I barely caught a glimpse of it. That moment when she thrust the daggers into them.

It wasn’t asking three times and then thrusting, but rather thrusting each time she asked, and killing on the third…



[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]

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