
I'm an Ordinary Returning Student at the Academy - Chapter 174

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[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]


Chapter 174

“…So, how did it go?”

“Unfortunately, I didn’t get to meet her father. So I left a message through the communication device. I’ll try to greet him that way later, even though that’ll be a year from now.”

Lav nodded at my words and fell silent.





“Sergeant Lavrenti!”

“Sergeant Lavrenti!!”

Wow. It’s been ages since she was discharged, and she’s still like this. You’re really something, Lav.

“You called?!”

“No. I called you a few times, but you didn’t answer. So I tried a drastic measure.”

“I-I apologize. I was lost in thought.”

“I think I can guess what you were thinking about.”

Exactly one week after visiting Eloise’s family, it was time to visit Lav’s.

Compared to entering Hyzens, this trip was a piece of cake.

There was no need to consult the Ministry of Foreign Affairs about an imperial noble traveling within the Empire.

However, this was only from my perspective. From Lav’s point of view, it was clearly a very stressful event.

“What did your parents say?”

“My parents said they’d welcome me anytime! They even said they’d prepare a feast, even though it might be a humble meal!”

“Please tell me you didn’t just say ‘okay’ and leave it at that.”

It’s not just anyone, it’s their daughter’s future husband. It’s only natural that her parents would prepare a warm welcome.

Even though I’m a noble and they’re commoners, and even though the son-in-law is technically a guest…

Lav’s family has also received military honors for her service, a fact the Ministry of War acknowledges.

The Silver Star Medal isn’t something you get just for shooting a few rounds. Absolutely not.

The Silver Star Medal is the second-highest military honor. Receiving it is enough to earn a non-hereditary noble title.

That’s how difficult it is to be awarded, and that’s why it proves that you’ve accomplished something extraordinary.

So, even with the difference in social status, Lav’s parents don’t necessarily have to bow to you.

If they do, they might end up being labeled as ‘nobles who look down on the family of a decorated soldier,’ which could lead to social backlash against the nobles.

“I tried to dissuade them… But they were so determined… And the fact that you helped me earn this medal made them even more…”

“What about your siblings?”

I heard Lav has many siblings. She even sends her salary home regularly.

“They were excited at first, but when they heard that a two-time recipient of the Medal of Honor was coming, they became a little intimidated…”

“So I need to prove I’m not a monster first, huh?”

My first Medal of Honor was for rescuing allies from behind enemy lines.

The second was for preventing a Kanfra train terrorist attack. The second one was the problem.

‘Sure, it’s all good, but if you keep increasing the number of Kanfrass I supposedly killed, I’ll become a monster!’

I took down a few Kanfras at most. But somehow, the story got twisted into me taking down dozens.

There were even rumors that I took down hundreds.

Wait a minute. If that were true, wouldn’t that mean everyone on the train, which had a little over a hundred passengers, were Kanfras?

That would mean the people I saved were all Kanfrass too! How does that make any sense?!

It feels like I’m being turned into a Kanfra-slaughtering machine, and it’s frustrating! It wasn’t that extreme!

“I guess the first thing I need to do is clear that up when I get there.”

When we arrived at Lav’s house, it was surprisingly nice.

I had heard they were struggling financially.

Lav has been sending money home, but could it have made this much of a difference?

“Ah, this is thanks to the Young Lord of Marquis of Nafplion.”

“My brother-in-law? Oh, right. Come to think of it, they were doing something similar in the Nafplion Estate.”

It was my brother-in-law who provided Lav with financial and academic support to enter the academy.

He’s Selena’s older brother and the future Marquis of Nafplion, the one I rescued.

At first, Selena apparently resented her brother quite a bit. It was understandable, as his actions inadvertently created a potential rival for Karl’s affections.

But in the end, his actions were a stroke of genius. Thanks to him, Lav acknowledged Selena’s superiority and is now engaged in a battle of souls with Eloise instead.

“Father! Mother! I’m home!”

As the door opened, a wave of heat washed over my face. Following close behind was a delicious aroma.

“You’re here? Ah! Welcome! Young Lord! We’ve been waiting for you!”

Lav’s mother, who greeted us personally, tried to bow her head. I barely managed to stop her.

I explained that we were meeting as a future son-in-law and future mother-in-law, not as a noble and a commoner.

I even had to jokingly warn her that I’d bow even lower if she kept insisting.

As we went further in, I saw Lav’s father hurriedly coming out.

He was wiping his hands, so he must have been preparing to welcome me.

“Welcome, Young Lord. We’ve been waiting for you.”

I heard from Lav that her father also had experienced war.

She added that he didn’t fight on the front lines or in intense battles, but does one have to constantly fight enemies to be considered a veteran?

I was rather relieved that he didn’t have much experience.

“Father, Mother. I apologize for visiting so late.”

“Oh my! Not at all, Young Lord. Please don’t say that. It’s already overwhelming that a noble like you is taking a commoner as a partner, and if you act like this, it puts us in a difficult position.”

“…I’m sorry.”

Unfortunately, I can’t do anything about the class system. It’s a societal issue.

The only thing I could do was to not act arrogantly just because I’m a noble.

The rest of the schedule, as expected, was a typical family meal.

Lav’s father and mother urged me to eat more, and Lav herself joined in.

“Wow… What’s with the dinner tonight…?”

And then there were Lav’s siblings, who were unintentionally treated to a feast because of me.

Now’s my chance.

These kids could help lighten up this slightly stiff atmosphere!

“Hello, kids. Do you know who I am?”

“Yes! Of course we do!”

“Who am I?”

“The Kanfra Slayer!!”
[TL/N: 😭]


“Cough, cough!”

The youngest-looking child shouted confidently.

Thanks to that outburst, Lav’s parents, who had barely taken a bite, choked on their food.

More importantly, the Kanfra Slayer? Just how far has that nickname spread?

I didn’t slaughter any Kanfras! It was a justified force in battle!

“I-I apologize! I apologize!”

Lav’s parents and Lav herself apologized in the middle of their meal.

But hey, he’s just a kid. I can laugh off a child’s prank.

“You’re a Medal of Honor recipient, sir. Sorry about that.”

“You’re a hero of the Church!”

The other siblings quickly covered the youngest’s mouth and corrected him.

Hmm. It’s definitely bustling with so many children, unlike other families.

“Well, it’s not entirely wrong. But still, there’s a certain atmosphere in the Empire now, so you should be careful about mentioning Kanfras. Understand, brother-in-law?”

“What’s a brother-in-law?”

“It means your sister’s husband.”

“Aha! You’re my sister’s husband!”

“Yes. So, do you understand?”

“Yes, sir!!”

That kid’s got a loud voice. He’ll make an excellent soldier as long as conscription exists!

* * *

To give them some time to clean up after dinner, I stepped outside.


I turned around to see Lav approaching hesitantly.

“Lav? Shouldn’t you be helping inside?”

“Well, my parents told me to come out.”

“Why? Were they worried I’d leave early?”

“No, it’s not that. It’s just…”

I could guess what she was about to say.

She was probably worried that I, a noble, might be uncomfortable in a commoner’s home.

They must have told her to check on me and send me back if things weren’t going well.

But perhaps thanks to my memories of my past life, this atmosphere doesn’t feel bad at all.

Of course, it’s a bit scary that I don’t have any aversion to the class system due to the stronger influence of my current life.

But I’m perfectly comfortable here, so it seems they were worried for nothing.

“Don’t worry, I’m really okay. If I couldn’t adapt to this, how could I have served as a soldier, and on the battlefield for over two years?”


“If your parents are worried, tell them this. My master lived with other commoner soldiers in those harsh conditions! He can’t possibly be uncomfortable with this!”

Right. I can’t be uncomfortable. If I were, my comrades would come running and beat me up.

They’d say I’ve gotten too full of myself and started acting like a noble.

…But then again, am I not a noble?

“Actually, I’m enjoying this. It brings back old memories.”

“Are you talking about your time in the military, Master?”

“Ah… uh… yes.”

Actually, I was talking about my past life, but well, it’s the same thing.

Come to think of it, I’m curious.

I remember most of my past life, but why can’t I remember the end?

‘Should I ask the Goddess when I pray again?’

An omnipotent being.

Goddess of Light.

Such a being would know about my past life, wouldn’t they?

If they could convey their will to me through light, then simple communication should be possible.

So, let’s ask if they know anything about my past life!

‘But first, I need to figure out how to handle the visit to Lasker.’

Up until now, it’s been easy. No issues whatsoever.

But Lasker… Well, that’s a whole different thing.



[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]

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