
I'm an Ordinary Returning Student at the Academy - Chapter 34

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[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]


Chapter 34

“This mission must succeed at all costs. It’s not difficult. It’s a very easy task. But the outcome will be more glorious than anything else.”

“The foreign students from Lasker and Abilestti. And the traitors from our own people. They are the targets. There’s no need to kill. Inflicting wounds is enough. By doing so, we’ll tarnish the empire’s diplomatic relations.”

“If we do, even the neighboring nations will come to know. They’ll see how we neglect foreigners while protecting our own citizens! It will provide a perfect pretext for the hardliners hiding within!”

I recalled the words of the old man as I fiddled with the dagger hidden in my embrace.

Our Luzernes were a great force with legitimacy and righteousness.

The wicked empire folks who sought to fill the continent only with their own order.

Those foolish compatriots who nodded along with the empire.

Against both of these forces, we were able to fight and hold our own.

Yet, such was our collapse, almost as if it happened in an instant.

Rumors spread that the leader guiding us in the fight against the empire suddenly lost his life.

At first, it was considered enemy propaganda. We couldn’t believe it.

But when the leadership split, and the power suddenly fractured. That’s when we realized it was true.

“This is undoubtedly the work of the empire!”

“They must be trying to divide us!”

As soon as he fell, the leadership seemed to split as if they were waiting for it.

It was absurd. The sight was worse than the empire we despised.

Why should we argue about who’s right and who’s wrong when facing such formidable enemies?

Witnessing the pitiful sight, our comrades were divided in opinions.

Some defected, some hid, and others vowed to eliminate the traitors.

Meanwhile, amidst it all, I crossed the borders with like-minded individuals under the cover of darkness.

‘Only we are right. The Empire is wrong.’

To prove that righteousness, we willingly marched toward the wrong.

With these words, we sneaked into the Empire and prepared.

The Empire is strong. I hate to admit it, but I have to.

Once, they trembled before the magic and archery prowess of our elven kin.

But now, they had caught up with magic, and above all, gunpowder had spread widely.

Guns could easily turn civilians into soldiers.

Through that, the empire built a much larger army than before.

In contrast, we elves had always suffered from a chronic shortage of manpower compared to the empire.

The violence of numbers was terrifying. Our Luzernes was constantly pushed back.

But it was through that adversity that we learned one lesson.

“We can’t do it alone.”

“If we lack numbers, we fill it from elsewhere.”

Yeah. Fighting the empire alone was a foolish act.

If they overwhelmed us with numbers, then we should do the same.

To be precise, it’s about not allowing them the numerical advantage.

If all sorts are aiming guns at us, is there a way to face the empire?

No matter how powerful the empire is, it’s impossible to handle a two-front, or rather a three-front, war.

That’s why this mission was nothing difficult. It was really easy.

Even if we don’t kill, just giving them a good scare would be a great success.

We were also confident of success in this mission.


Until an unexpected weirdo interfered.

“Choose one. Bungeoppang or Hotteok. How shall I kill you?”

* * *

Their first target was, as expected, an foreign student from Lasker’s side.

Lasker. A military powerhouse that could rival the empire in terms of military might.
It was a place renowned for its swords and knights. And that remains true to this day.

However, the discovery and widespread use of gunpowder had slightly dimmed its glory.

Lasker acknowledged and accepted it. They were different from the Kanfras who shouted ‘Bows are the best!’.

They still revered chivalry and cherished swords, but they also actively embraced guns and gunpowder.

Amidst this, the somewhat awkward relationship with the empire also returned to a reasonable level.

‘I can see why they were called the next great power.’

They were different from the Kanfras, who were overly proud and ended up lagging behind in the times.

Even Hyzens eventually accepted gunpowder and firearms at a quite late stage.

Setting aside their pride in swords and knights, they improved their relationship with the empire.

It was a natural consequence since the vast majority of gunpowder was being produced in the empire.

Of course, naturally there are hardliners in Lasker too.

Now that they themselves were armed with guns and gunpowder, and with prominent knights among them, it was worth a try.

Fortunately, Lasker was still firmly in the hands of the Dovish faction…

‘It’s just a matter of time before that regime collapses if they find a reasonable pretext.’

That’s why the Kanfras were targeting foreign students. To check the empire from all sides. And thus reduce the pressure on themselves.

In the distance, there was a female student chatting with a few students.

According to the information provided by the Special Forces, that student was said to be a member of the royal family of Lasker.

They didn’t have much real power or influence. They came solely as a form of improving relations with the empire.

But even as a member of the royal family, they carried considerable weight.

If such a figure were to be attacked in the heart of the Imperial Academy… It’s spine-chilling to even imagine.

There might be a sudden call to the Foreign Ministry first thing tomorrow.

Frankly, I don’t care about that. Whether it’s true or not, it’s up to the transfer student to know.

What I don’t like is why they have to do such things at the academy.

They could have done it on the battlefield. Why bring it to a peaceful place like this?

What crime have these students committed? Even targeting civilians? Are they out of their minds?

Moreover, this is my first time enjoying the festival. You Kanfras, really…


“What… ugh!”

I punched the man’s abdomen who was about to approach the foreign student from Lasker.

He looked ordinary, but I’ve seen enough disguises like this on the battlefield.


As I pulled his face to the side, a tearing sound accompanied the revelation of a pointed ear.
A small scroll has been attached in this manner, enchanted with a distortion spell.

‘… One in the front, two in the back. Three on each side. That’s a lot of people.’

My identity was already known throughout the academy. No, throughout the entire empire.

There’s no way they don’t know who I am. I’m a veteran of the Luzernes war.

And in my hands, was a fainted Kanfra, foaming at the mouth, rendered unconscious.

It’s no wonder they’ve abandoned their targets of terror and clung to me.

Logically, it would be correct to split the numbers in half or carry out the mission.

But Kanfras’ peculiar trait was helpful at times like this.

That is, our people, who can’t give up even if they die.

Ah. More accurately, only those who are ‘opposed to the empire.’ Hyzens knows how to die well enough.

Anyway, you Kanfra bastards. At least acknowledge that much.

I took them away from people as much as possible.

To a place where there are few people. Better yet, none at all.

“They seem to want to surround us from the front and back. But we don’t have the luxury for that. Your comrades might die.”

I grab the Kanfra guy’s wrist and twist it with all my might.


You won’t die, asshole. Even with this level of pain.

You’re stronger than we are, so I’ll twist your other hand as well.

“Hey, stay still. You’ll get hurt.”



Still not coming out? Even like this? Then should I try both knees?

Just as I was pondering that, six Kanfras revealed themselves, three from the front and three from the back.

“…You’re the one.”

“Yeah. I’m the one.”

But who’s ‘the one’?

“Well, it’s better this way. Rather than just hurting a few foreign students, it’s more effective to eliminate the recipient of the Medal of Honor. And since you received that fancy badge for killing our kind, it’s even more fitting!”

What are you talking about? I didn’t receive my medal for killing, but for saving many lives. And what do you mean by ‘fitting’? There’s no fitting here. What a strange worldview.

I shake my head and set the bag down gently beside me.


At the same time, each of them drew their swords or daggers, preparing for combat.

Thankfully, none of them had guns. If they did, they would have been caught by the guards at the front gate.

“Everyone knows it’s a festival today. It’s not good to shed blood on a day like this.”

“Don’t worry, human. The blood we’ll see today will be yours alone.”

“Wow, I’m looking forward to that.”

I still took out a warm Bungeoppang from the bag and placed it beside me.

“…What’s that?”

“It’s a one-way ticket for someone. From now on, this alone will be enough to kill one of you.”

Upon hearing that, the expressions of the Kanfras all turned sour.

I think they realize that this is food.

They probably think I’m insulting them.

But, why would I do such a thing with this precious Bungeoppang?

“This is revenge for our kin who died at the hands of the empire!”

The most impatient Kanfra rushed towards me.

Swiftly, I dodged his sword with the Bungeoppang in one hand.

The others hadn’t rushed in yet. He’s just too reckless.

Thanks, Kanfra. It seems like things might be easier because of you.

I delivered a strong blow to his solar plexus.

Once hit, this area makes it difficult to breathe for most creatures.


When breathing becomes difficult, as with all creatures, the instinct is to open the mouth.

It’s the body’s attempt to take in more oxygen.

I grabbed the Kanfra’s jaw and shove the Bungeoppang I’m holding into his mouth.

“Kuck, kuck, kuck!”

Not through the esophagus, but through the trachea. Blocking the air passage in one go, restricting all movement.

I kick the legs of the Kanfra, who is struggling to survive, causing him to fall over.

While strangling him, I glance at the other Kanfras in front of me.

If they rush towards me, I’ll send them straight to the afterlife.

But they didn’t move. No, they couldn’t move?

“Kirch. Grrrr―”

I watch as the terrorist below slowly dies. And the desperate Kanfra struggling for breath.

The more they struggle to live, the faster the blood flows, and the more oxygen they need.

But there’s none to be found. The thought of dying dominates the body. As a result, the heart beats faster.

Yet, they can’t breathe. It’s like going deeper into the water, refusing to drown.

It’s becoming quieter, which I really like. As expected, a good Kanfra is only a dead Kanfra.

The body of the struggling Kanfra soon goes limp. Not a drop of blood was seen. That’s good.

Though I do feel a little bad that I used one of my precious Bungeoppang for this one.



The remaining Kanfras were already giving me looks of disgust.

This is something you should never do in front of the enemy. Why show that you’re afraid.

With a sigh, I put my hand back into the bag.

And this time, I took out a hotteok and placed it where the Bungeoppang had been.



[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]

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