
I'm an Ordinary Returning Student at the Academy - Chapter 223 - Side Story 23

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[Translator - Angel Dust]

[Proofreader - Prototype]


Side Stories 23

Upon entering the Imperial Palace, the Emperor greets me warmly.

We talk about the baby, then about the second marriage, and suddenly... a slap on the back?


That hurt, Your Majesty! What kind of emperor assaults his subjects?!

Oh dear, he's a tyrant! Someone's going to die!

"You're newly married, aren't you? And you have a child who's just starting to crawl."

"Th-that's right, Your Majesty."

"Then why are you here? Do you really want to work that badly?"

"That's not it, Your Majesty. I just..."

"If you love work that much, I'll give you my position. How about it? Want to enter public service?"

He's not listening to me at all. Should I teach my niece the phrase ‘I hate Daddy’? Or should I run to my sister and tell her that her husband is bullying me?

"Brother-in-law, you seem to be having strange thoughts."

"Absolutely not, Your Majesty. How could I?"

"The mere thought is treasonous. Anyway..."

The Emperor glanced at the report I submitted before coming here and said, ‘I'll say this in advance.’

"I'm not trying to get rid of you because you're no longer useful."


"As I've said before, this Empire has reached its current state thanks to the patriotic martyrs who sacrificed themselves from the past to the present."

"I remember. You told me you wouldn't forget their sacrifices."

"That's right. But, brother-in-law, even so, maintaining the military, let alone expanding it during peacetime, means facing inevitable backlash."

The Emperor flips through the report about the proposed elven foreign legion, which the elves have requested and I personally support, and rubs his forehead with a weary sigh.

"Why do they have to be elves? Why maintain them as a foreign legion, giving them that title, when we have loyal citizens of the Empire? I want to hear your opinion, brother-in-law."

The south is completely settled now.

Thanks to that, half of the standing army that was always on standby for a war with the elves can return to their original positions.

And for Lasker and Avileshti, maintaining the existing numbers is sufficient.

There's no reason to increase it further.

It's time to use the money we've been spending on defense for domestic affairs. This was the sentiment of many of the Empire's leaders, including the Emperor.

"That's precisely the reason, Your Majesty."

"What do you mean?"

"The Empire has maintained conscription because it was surrounded by enemies. But with the changing circumstances, there's no longer a need to conscript all men."

The rights of those who serve in the military are guaranteed, and there's high social recognition for their service. But that's just one side of the coin.

In reality, not having to join the military is the best outcome for ordinary citizens.

In a world where manpower is still crucial, young men spending over two years in the military is a significant loss. If those young people focused on their own work, productivity would increase.

"I've been discussing the possibility of a volunteer military system with the Minister of War. We concluded it's premature for now, though."

"I agree. It's a policy that needs to be implemented gradually. Switching from conscription to a volunteer system overnight could lead to chaos."

"And this is related to the elven foreign legion?"

"Consider it a test run for the volunteer system. It would be a good opportunity to learn what kind of system to implement—how to manage and maintain it."

These elves have expressed a strong desire to join the Imperial Army.

Many of them are former exchange students, so their pro-Empire stance is clear. They might be elves in name, but they're practically an Imperial guard unit.

"There are many benefits to be gained from an external perspective as well."

"...To be honest, that's why I'm a bit tempted. It's the elves, of all people, who want to volunteer for our Imperial Army. It's a testament to our overwhelming superiority."

While the Hyzens fought alongside the Empire, they did so as a distinct nation. Even now, they have autonomy as an independent province.

However, a foreign legion is different.

They receive salaries from the Empire and follow only the Empire's orders.

They may look like elves, but they're essentially Imperial citizens.

Combining the elves' combat prowess with Imperial training methods and weaponry would undoubtedly result in a powerful elite unit.

This would be quite a headache for Lasker and Avileshti.

The Imperial Army is already a formidable opponent, and now the elves, who gave the Empire a hard time, are joining them? Whether it's swords or magic, it's equally intimidating.

"The Ministry of Internal Affairs was also intrigued. They suggested it could be a way to further integrate the elves into the Empire, as those who oppose us are no longer representative of their people."

The Emperor stroked his chin and concluded that he needed to discuss this matter more seriously with the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the Ministry of Finance. That alone meant the Emperor was also quite positive about the idea, so I didn't need to worry.

"Ah, speaking of which, I heard Cardinal Nicolaos visited your family a few days ago."

"Yes, he graciously gave my daughter his blessing."

I must have grinned at the mention of Luen because the Emperor suddenly laughed and said—

"Yes, that's the face of a father with a daughter! Now do you understand why I cherish the Crown Princess so much?!"

It seems both of us now share the common ground of being fathers to daughters. Since the Emperor is my senior in this regard, I might ask him for advice about raising daughters sometime.

"What are your plans for your daughter's first birthday?"

"We were planning to have a modest celebration within the family, but we received an invitation from the Holy See."

"Oh? Could it be that the Pope himself will give his blessing?"

"It seems likely."

"Well, it would be strange if he didn't, considering she's the child of someone who was considered for sainthood while alive."

The Crown Princess will also need to visit the Holy See in the future. It's a sort of tradition for the heirs to the Empire to visit at least once.

Besides, if she hears that her uncle went, she'll want to go too.

As we continued talking, a hint of something previously hidden began to surface.

"Your Majesty, forgive my boldness, but you seem a bit tired today."

"Hmm? Ahahaha! Do I look that way to you too?"

"Your work is important, but I'm concerned for your health."

"Ah, it's not that. Even if it were due to work, it wouldn't be right. This position requires one to fully dedicate oneself to the Empire."

The Emperor gives a somewhat troubled smile and clears his throat.

"Actually, ever since the Crown Princess saw your daughter, she's been asking for a sibling."


"She says siblings are so cute. But since Luen is at her uncle's house, she can't see her every day. So she's been whining for a sibling, and the Empress agreed."

My niece wants a sibling, and my sister agreed to it. It's obvious what's going to happen next.

"...I'll ask the elves to send us more of that ‘thing’ from before."

"Hmm. I'd appreciate that, brother-in-law."

* * *

"Auntie! Auntie!"

"Oh my, she's not even a year old yet, but she speaks so well."

"Right? She's Karl's daughter, after all. it's only natural."

Luen, nestled in her arms, smiles brightly and calls for her aunt. Lavrenti tightly embraces the doll-like baby.

Warm, soft, and above all, a charm that captures one's heart. Once you fall for this, you might never escape for the rest of your life.

"But Lav, are you really sure about this?"

"About what?"

"Well, weddings are usually held when the weather is warmer."

Selena had her wedding in May, Eloise in July of the following year. Lefia said she was thinking about late spring or early summer. But Lavrenti alone wanted a winter wedding. She insisted on it.

"I think a wedding in the snow would be beautiful. Since it's indoors, the weather shouldn't be an issue."

"I see. Hmm, now that you mention it, that does sound nice. But does that mean I have to pray for a blizzard on your wedding day, Lav? That's a bit ominous!"

"Not at all, Selena. I'd be delighted if it snowed."

Carefully handing Luen back to Selena, Lavrenti looked out the window.

Winter is coming. Once again, the year is coming to an end.

Soon, a new year will begin, and shortly after, she too will become a married woman.

"By the way, Lav, what do you want—a son or a daughter?"

"Are you talking about my first child?"

"Yes. I heard Eloise wants a son."

"Then I'd say both. Twins would be nice."

"Whoa, that sounds really tough."

I'm already used to hardship, so it might be okay.

As Lavrenti said that, she noticed Luen looking at her and quickly made a funny face.

The two women smiled together at the sound of the baby's laughter.



[Translator - Angel Dust]

[Proofreader - Prototype]

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