
I'm an Ordinary Returning Student at the Academy - Chapter 135

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[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]


Chapter 135

“May peace and well-being be upon all those in every place where You dwell!”

Um. Hmm.

It’s not that I’m wrong, but seeing everyone kneeling and shouting like that instead of quietly praying like before makes it feel even more like a cult.

If they start praising a specific person, it’ll really be the birth of a cult.

A strange monster emerging from the shell of the Radiant Church. It’s like shouting ‘Hail Hydra!’ from behind a S.H.I.E.L.D. uniform, you know?

“Noble souls who bravely fulfilled their duties in a place filled with death and fear! You who are truly worthy of the title of heroes!”

“Rest in peace! Ascend to the place where heroes belong! Oh Goddess, keep them by Your side and let their loyalty and sacrifice shine for eternity!”

That part. I like it. It’s always heartwarming to see my comrades being honored.

It’s not just for my unit members, but for everyone who responded to the call of duty and dedicated their time. Hearing that makes me feel a little healed, having gone through the same hardships.

“Brothers and sisters, let us all pray. For the new gift that will come to us next spring.”

“Oh Goddess, please let no one shed tears. May another blessing come when the fresh scent of spring fills the air. Please watch over us and embrace us with Your warm hands.”

What was that? Seriously, I prayed for the well-being of my niece or nephew, our heir, and now they’re doing this.

The Pope himself stepped forward and promised, ‘We will hold weekly prayers. Until the day the heir to the Empire is born, we will do our best to ensure they are born healthy and beautiful.’

They even said they were preparing a blessed baptismal name in advance, but I stopped them.

If the Crown Prince and my sister have already chosen a name, it’s only right to use that first.

“Hahaha. Seriously.”

At first, I was flustered. I wondered if this was all a staged play by the Holy See.

Honestly, it’s weird. Nothing happened when the Pope was praying, but when I started praying, a sudden light came in and caused a commotion?

For those who are skeptical and love conspiracy theories, it would be easy for them to nod and say, ‘Ah, they put on a show for the Empire’s benefit.’

But no matter how I looked at it, I realized it couldn’t be explained away as a mere act.

If it were magic, there’s no way I wouldn’t have noticed it. I’ve experienced the feeling of mana gathering hundreds, thousands of times on the battlefield.

It’s like the sound of a cannon. If you don’t notice it, you’ll end up as mincemeat on the battlefield.

So, that was definitely not an act, nor was it magic. It’s beyond that level.

The Holy See wouldn’t resort to such a fraud, and there’s nothing to gain from it.

“Brother Karl.”

I was staring blankly at the scene, wondering if this was really the Feast of All Saints or the beginning of something else, when I reflexively stood up at the Pope’s voice.

“Your Holiness.”

I’m truly grateful to His Holiness. He prevented a situation that could have turned into something like ‘The Second Coming of Karl! All Hail Karl Adelheit!’

And he promised to hold prayer meetings for my niece or nephew. That alone is enough.

“May I sit for a moment?”

“Yes, Your Holiness. Please, have a seat.”

“Thank you.”

The Pope sat down next to me and quietly gazed ahead.

The Holy See were bathed in the afternoon sunlight, filled with a pure white glow.

“Yesterday was truly amazing.”


“It was the first time in my life. We pray to the Goddess every day. Even if She doesn’t hear us, even if we can’t reach Her, we have faith that someday our devotion will reach Her and make this world a little better, a brighter place.”

“Thanks to Your Holiness, the people of the Holy See, and the members of the Church throughout the continent, the world has already become a better place to live. It has been so until now, it is so today, and it will be so tomorrow.”

The Pope smiled, saying he was grateful for my words.

Your Holiness, I’m not flattering you! The Church and religion have definitely benefited me.

“But yesterday, the Goddess Herself answered. It was a truly glorious moment. I would have no regrets even if I were to return to the light right then and there.”

Please don’t say that, Your Holiness. It would be very inconvenient for me if you suddenly went to the Goddess while I’m here in the Holy See!

“Brother Karl.”

“Yes, Your Holiness.”

“The Goddess loves all people on the continent. Those who believe in Her and those who don’t. Those who do good deeds and even those who commit evil acts. She believes they will repent and atone someday.”

“I’ve heard that Her benevolent heart is as vast as the ocean.”

“Indeed. However, even the Goddess has those She loves more. As I said before, it seems to me that the person sitting next to me, Brother Karl, is one of them.”


Before I could answer, the Pope shook his head and continued.

“What did you say your prayer was about?”

“Like all other brothers and sisters, for my family, friends, and furthermore, for the well-being of all—”

“Not that. There was something else.”

“…If you’re referring to the prayer for the heir to the Empire…”

The Pope stared at me silently, as if that wasn’t it either. If it wasn’t the first or the second, then… there was only one left.

“Perhaps… for my comrades.”

“Yes. That’s it.”

The Pope’s eyes seemed to be looking beyond the Holy See, to a higher place. To a place brighter than anywhere else in the world.

“The light yesterday was the Goddess watching over you, and at the same time, those noble souls were by your side. That’s what this old man thinks.”


“They were heroes of the Empire. And just as they say here in the Empire, and as those who share the same spirit as you, Brother, they were noble men who loved their comrades more than themselves. Could it be that they responded to your earnest prayer?”

I unconsciously turned to the Pope, as if to ask, ‘Do you really think so?’

Sensing my gaze, the Pope, who had been staring straight ahead, met my eyes.

“Your most cherished brothers stayed by your side.”

“…If they really came and went, can you tell me why they did?”

The question suddenly burst out of my mouth. I didn’t know why I asked it. It wasn’t a question the Pope could answer.

But I wanted to ask. If my comrades, my brothers, really did visit, what did they want to say?

“I don’t know.”


Your Holiness, your answer is so straightforward that I almost laughed.

Thank you for trying to lighten the mood, but it’s a bit of a surprising answer.

“Just like the Goddess, those who are by Her side don’t give us clear answers. We have to find them ourselves. We must make every effort so that when we meet them someday, we are worthy of hearing the answers we seek.”


“That’s why we strive to live righteously. That’s why we strive to live uprightly. So that when we stand before them, we can proudly say that we have strived to live righteously and have done our best to not tarnish their honor.”


Having said that, the Pope rose from his seat. When I tried to stand up with him, he stopped me.

“Stay seated a little longer, Brother.”

“Your Holiness?”

“Your mind is still unsettled. Gather your thoughts, and when you feel calmer, then stand up. And take a step. As long as you don’t lose your way, you can go anywhere, Brother.”

With those words, the Pope left with the priests. Now, only I remained.


I still don’t know. I don’t know if the Goddess really stopped by for a moment, or if my comrades were telling me to cut it out.

My mind is still hazy. I’m flustered, and a hollow laugh escapes my lips.

But one thing is for sure. I can smile more easily than before.

I’m glad they know that I really did my best. At least if I dream tonight, it won’t be the nightmares I used to have.

* * *

That evening, Selena and Karl were walking in the garden.

“…His Holiness said that to you?”

“Yes, Selena. That’s what he said.”

“He gave you good advice.”

“The Pope is different, after all.”

Selena carefully watched Karl as he laughed.

She was worried that he might suddenly become gloomy, like before.

Would he be tormented by guilt again, as survivors often are?

“I’m fine, Selena.”

As if sensing her concern, Karl stepped forward and shrugged.

“I was just surprised. Really, I was so surprised.”

“Honestly, so was I, Karl. Suddenly, while you were praying, this incredible light shone above your head—”

“Can we please stop talking about that? I’ve heard it from everyone in the Church since yesterday.”

“Why? It was so cool! You looked like an angel sent from heaven!”

Selena’s compliment was a mix of sincerity and teasing. Every time she said something like that, Karl squirmed.

He wondered if his mischievous comrades had set this up to tease him.

The two continued their walk, chatting about this and that.

The stars in the night sky twinkled endlessly, the cool night breeze flowed pleasantly, and the scent of grass and the sounds of insects stimulated their senses, passing by like a faint melody.

“There were a lot of things going on this time too, weren’t there, Karl?”

“Yes, there were. I don’t know how it always ends up like this.”

They laughed, facing each other, but the laughter faded, and an awkwardness settled between them.

No, it wasn’t awkwardness, but rather… shyness. That might be a more accurate description.

Both Karl and Selena knew. They knew what the atmosphere was urging them to do.

It felt like it was the right thing to do, the perfect timing.



The two hesitated. And as if to urge them on, the moonlight grew increasingly intense…

“Oh, come on.”

Karl had a feeling something was strange. He wondered why this area was getting brighter.

After the midday sun, is the moonlight now shining on us? Please stop, he pleaded silently.

Despite Karl’s grumbling, the moonlight didn’t recede.

It was as if it was shouting, ‘Go ahead! I’ll give you courage, so go for it!’ It reminded him of his mischievous comrades on the battlefield.

Geez, I would have done it without being rushed. Karl clicked his tongue and turned to Selena.

A brief glance.

A brief hesitation.

A brief moment of shyness.

And then, a kiss under the divine blessing, one that would be remembered forever.



[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]

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