
I'm an Ordinary Returning Student at the Academy - Chapter 52

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[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]


Chapter 52

“…What’s all this?”

As I was leaving the morning lecture, four guys suddenly grabbed me.

Then they dragged me to the lounge and soon handed me some white papers.

“What’s this all about? If it’s some kind of draft for re-enlistment, I’ll tear it all up.”

“What are you saying? Even if we’re crazy, we wouldn’t re-enlist!”

“Yeah, yeah, Karl. That’s crossing the line.”


Well, that’s true. Sorry. Even I think re-enlistment is going too far.

“What is this, then?”

“You read it.”

“It’s definitely not a loss.”

“It’s a gain. Definitely.”

“Karl, wouldn’t you like it too?”

Seriously, what is this about? If you start talking, where does it end, guys?

With a sigh, I began to carefully examine the papers they handed me.



“Hey, you guys.”

“Yes, Karl?”

“Has your family’s allowance been cut off or something?”


“What are you talking about?!”

No. If that’s not the case, then why would you guys go to such lengths?

I shook the papers they handed me forward.

Exactly, they were ‘patent applications.’

“If that’s not it, then why are you doing this?”

The four guys handed me patent applications. And the contents were about Bungeoppang and hotteok.

Starting with the names, shapes, colors, methods of making them, and even the tools and molds used to make them. They seemed to have prepared everything that could be patented and were eager to seize it all.

“Why not, Karl. It’s obvious.”

“And what’s that obvious reason?”

My question prompted Shulifen to confidently declare with his arms crossed.

“Because it’s almost winter!”

“That’s right.”

“We thought about selling them during the festival, but these sell even better in the cold! Why? Because they’re warm! They’re easy to eat while staying warm! Sweet and delicious!”

“That’s true.”

“If we could spread this throughout the empire, this will quickly become the people’s favorite snack! The probability of that is very high!”

Sometimes I wonder if those bastards are in a situation similar to mine. How do they know that Bungeoppang and hotteok sell well in winter and become a national snack? Seeing them so confident makes me unable to erase such doubts.

“So we talked about it among ourselves, Karl.”

Continuing Shulifen’s words, Wilhelm opened his mouth with a somewhat serious tone.

“We’ll patent this, get a fair value, and advertise it throughout the empire. If it goes as well as we expect, we could make a lot of money just by sitting back. There’s no better winter snack.”

“Yeah, that’s true. But why are you discussing this in front of me?”

“It’s a natural question. You’re the one who came up with the idea first, Karl. It doesn’t make sense for us to work on it without acknowledging you.”

In response to Wilhelm’s words, the other three nodded in agreement, looking at me.

So, as a rightful privilege of the originator, include my name in this patent, would you? That’s what it sounds like.

“Alright. Do it among yourselves. I’m good.”


“Do it among yourselves. The patent. I’ll waive my rights.”

I just presented the concept. It’s those guys over there who took it to the highest level at the recent festival.

In other words, it’s the four of them over there who confirmed the possibility of success through the patent.

I know the money that can be obtained through a patent is tremendous. But there’s no reason to risk my life for money. Our family doesn’t even have a small rural estate, and among the counts, we’re at the top.

Moreover, I receive a huge pension from the empire for receiving a medal of honor.

“The one who made it a great success is you guys. I just came up with the idea and helped out later.”

“Hey, Karl. Still!”

“You won’t have anything to do. Just put your name on it. We’ll take care of the rest.”

“We’re not trying to make you feel like an unscrupulous bastard, are we?”

No, it’s not that I really don’t need the money. You guys.

What you seem to be forgetting is that I’m a medal of honor recipient.

Isn’t it strange if a guy like me starts talking about making money, especially by patenting something to eat?

“Look. Who am I?”


“Karl Adelheit.”

“Returning student.”

“Our classmate.”

Ah, damn it. How did you end up being all wrong while chatting? Oh no. Well, I guess it can’t be helped. After all, when you think about it, they’re all right.

“Anyway, those are correct words, but besides that.”

I tap my chest. Or rather, where the medal should be. When I did, Alexander exclaimed, ‘Oh!’ with admiration.

“Medal of Honor recipient?”

“Correct. Alexander. Here, I’ll give you 10 points.”


No, it’s a joke, but it’s weird if you’re so genuinely happy.

“Anyway. I’m a medal of honor recipient. Right?”

“Yeah. But?”

“But, it’s not ‘but.’ Shulifen. People might misunderstand if they see a person like me applying for a patent and making money. They might say, ‘Oh, the medal of honor recipient doesn’t have money!'”

Upon hearing this, Shulifen shook his head.

“What does a patent have to do with not having money? In the first place, a patent is meant to secure rightful rights to concepts, frameworks, or things created by oneself.”


Why does a guy who is so smart turn out to be a fool when he needs to be?

“Shulifen is right, Karl. A patent isn’t a bad thing.”

“Of course, that’s true, Joachim. But you have to consider public perception. As a medal of honor recipient, I believe I should be more cautious than others.”

It seems my persuasion has somewhat worked, as Alexander is the first to nod in agreement. Shulifen and Wilhelm follow suit, murmuring, ‘That could be.’

“Still, it feels too exclusive if we keep it among ourselves.”

However, Joachim still seemed to believe that I should have a stake in it.

Kids. Loyalty and conscience, who’s the real hero here? Yeah, romance approved!

“…I’m sorry if I was too harsh, Joachim. And to the rest of you.”

As I looked at them, suddenly a good idea came to mind. It’s something I’ve been considering for a while, but the scale of it was too daunting to attempt.

“The money earned from patenting. Can a portion of it be used as I suggest?”

“How so, Karl?”

“Just say the word, and I’ll listen.”

“I want you to start a foundation.”

At my words, the four of them asked, ‘A foundation?’ while simultaneously looking at me.

“Yes, a foundation. To be precise, it would be like the Disabled Veterans Pension Foundation.”

* * *

Shulifen looked at Karl, who was enthusiastically explaining the foundation.

“The Empire has a lot of support programs, of course, and it’s not that we don’t have enough of them, but it’s because we have a lot of good things going for us.”

“In addition to the fact that it creates a social perception where the money spent by the empire’s citizens returns to those who fought for the empire, it also gives them a greater sense of recognition for their efforts. And not just for veterans, but for their families as well…”

“We don’t need to make it excessively large. Since various policies for veterans are already in place for war achievements and welfare, we just need to complement them appropriately.”

Sometimes it seems like Karl has a different perspective on the world than the rest of us.

Even though we’re the same age, gender, and nobility, how does he have such a different view?

How can he be so confident? Is military service really that great? Did being a soldier help him so much?

“Hey, Shulifen.”

Wilhelm, who was next to me, poked my side.

“What do you think about that? The Disabled Veterans Pension Foundation.”

“…Expressing an opposing opinion might make me look like a really bad guy, wouldn’t it?”

“Never mind that. Isn’t it a bit too much to only use a portion of the money from the patent for that?”

I look at Wilhelm to see what he’s trying to say.

In response, Wilhelm Fritz, the son of the Marquess of Gramstad, smiles.

“Since we’re doing it anyway, let’s do it properly with the strength of our family.”

“The strength of our family?”

“Yeah. It’s a good thing. It’s something we should do properly as nobles.”

Karl’s intention was simply to use what comes to him.

However, Wilhelm didn’t stop there and seemed to have a broader and larger view.

“Of course, it’s something we should do properly. It’s unreasonable to just use the money that comes back to Karl for that. That would be neglecting our duty as nobles.”

“…Actually, I thought the same way. So, I also considered using some of the money from patenting for the operation of that pension foundation.”

A foundation that takes care of not only veterans but also their families comprehensively.

A voluntary effort to help them beyond what the law mandates in the empire.

“What do you guys think? Alexander. Joachim.”

“It’s common sense. Are we crazy to only use Karl’s share for such a thing? Do we lack conscience?”

“The Prince of Thierdal casts his vote in favor of the pension foundation.”
[PR/N: Title might change in the future]

Taking advantage of Karl’s excitement to talk about the Pension Foundation, the four of them took a moment to listen.

The heirs of Marquess of Adria, Marquess of Gramstad, Brüne Imperial County, and the Prince of Thierdal, have made up their minds to think positively and seriously about the foundation.



[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]

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