
I'm an Ordinary Returning Student at the Academy - Chapter 60

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[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]


Chapter 60

The meeting progressed much faster than the imperial officials had anticipated.

Although outwardly proclaiming an equal relationship, anyone with common sense knows who the superior and who the subordinate is.

Originally, if Hyzens hadn’t joined hands with the empire, they would have been almost pushed aside by the Luzernes.

Despite the different factions, in any case, the same ‘elves’ committed terrorist acts against the empire. In such a situation, talk of an equal relationship is nonsense. It’s clear that the empire side is the superior, and Hyzens is in the subordinate position.

On the Hyzens side, they had to give in while ensuring they received certain promises. Because if they made a mistake, they could end up not at the level of a subordinate but rather become part of the empire itself. What they wanted was merely recognition of the empire’s superiority, not giving up their own status.

Therefore, it was natural for opinions to differ on the matters each side presented.

However, even considering that aspect, the pace of the meeting was excessively fast. To the point where the Foreign Minister might have smirked, ‘Isn’t there room for different conditions in this part?’ The aides were also thinking, ‘What’s up with the elves?’

So why exactly were the Hyzens officials pushing for the meeting to be concluded so quickly?

‘This is serious. The empire side must be really angry.’

The leader of the Hyzens delegation, Manon, recalled what sparkled in Karl Adelheit’s arms.

‘Could it be that a Medal of Honor recipient is carrying a greatsword to the negotiation table? Does it mean they could just wipe out everything using domestic anti-elf sentiments?’

Some might say they’re overreacting to just one greatsword. But if they said that, how would the imperial troops stationed around here explain it? However, it’s none other than Karl Adelheit. The empire’s war hero.

He said he stopped a train bombing with just one greatsword. At first, I thought it was an exaggeration on the empire’s side, but it wasn’t. Eloise, who was there at the time, reported it to the Hyzens side. There really was a single human wielding a greatsword, ready to strike down an elf!

And before that, he rescued allies on the battlefield. There must have been no fighting there, right? He surely moved forward, killing everything in his path, with overwhelming force! How much elf blood must have stained that greatsword!

‘And finally, he assassinated the leader of Luzernes with a single blow.’

Such a figure came carrying a greatsword. And then he offers a handshake. There isn’t a single elf here who can be nonchalant about it, Manon thought.

…Ah. There might be one. Like Eloise. Or maybe Eloise.

‘They’re indirectly saying how uncomfortable it is with their homeland’s sentiment. Indeed, the empire is a frightening place.’

If the Foreign Ministry side hears this prediction, it would be quite unjust.

As for the arms? There were plenty of armed individuals around here for security. What’s the problem with a Medal of Honor recipient carrying a greatsword?

And another thing. It was none other than Hyzens who requested Karl to bring the sword. So now, to suddenly say, ‘The Medal of Honor recipient is scary! Wah!’ would make the Foreign Minister start shooting his gun.

Of course, there are parts where Hyzens couldn’t help but call for Karl to bring the sword. He had prevented terrorist acts by their own kind twice, so at the very least, they needed to express gratitude to the actor while strongly condemning the act to align themselves with the empire.

Anyway, this is how the meeting was almost coming to an end.

* * *

Although I was designated as one of the participants in the meeting, I have nothing to do with diplomacy. I’m just an outsider.

For that reason, I’m just sitting in a corner of the meeting room, but the head of the delegation, Manon, keeps glancing in my direction.

‘Why is he like that.’

Thinking he might have something to say, I meet his gaze, but suddenly, I panic and avert my eyes.

What is it? Then, when I correct my posture again, I feel that gaze again. So, I quickly turn my head as if startled.


It suddenly feels poignant that not just a woman, but even a man, especially an elf, is behaving like that. The greatsword in my arms cries out. Should I go and ask why? Rather than polite words, it’s probably more effective to use polite words along with guns and swords…

“Sergeant Karl Adelheit.”

“Just call me Student here. I think that’s better.”

“Oh. Will you allow me to?”

“Yes. And feel free to speak comfortably as well.”

The minister receives treatment akin to a marquis. So, the current situation is akin to a mere nobleman showing deference to a marquis.

Even the Minister of War, who is a Medal of Honor recipient like myself, spoke with respect but lowered his speech.

In the noble world, such nuances are strictly observed, so I requested it, but judging by the Foreign Minister’s reaction, it seems this time it wasn’t appropriate.

“No. Sergeant Karl Adelheit. I prefer it this way.”

No. It’s because I feel uncomfortable. Excuse me, Minister, but you are older than my father… It feels strange to show deference to someone like that. And if the Minister does it, then surely all the other ministers will do the same!

“Thanks to Sergeant Karl Adelheit, we were able to handle various diplomatic matters smoothly. Just look at today. Hyzens conceded more than expected.”

“Ah… That’s something to celebrate.”

“And it’s something we discussed earlier, but Hyzens wants to award a separate medal to Sergeant Karl Adelheit.”

Again? They want to give it to me again? Automatically, I glanced at my chest.

First, two Medals of Honor. Originally, they’re not worn like this, they’re worn around the neck.

But I received two instead of one. Naturally, wearing two around my neck seemed awkward, so I changed it to wear them like badges.

Additionally, although I’m not wearing it now, there’s also the medal I received during my soldier days and the medal for martial prowess.

And now, if Hyzens wants to give me another medal separately…

‘Are they making bulletproof plates out of medals?’

I’m about to make a scene that would only be seen in a very cold polar bear country upstairs in my former life.

“Of course, refusing courtesy would be out of the question.”

“Hahaha. I hope you bear with it. It’s a recognition for preventing terrorism. Hyzens might want to reduce any potential backlash from the empire, considering that it was an elf who attempted terrorism against the empire, and the empire’s anger could turn against all elves.”

“If I, who received two medals in that situation, refuse the Hyzens Medal for Merit, it could be seen as vicious, don’t you think?”

To my question, the Minister of Foreign Affairs nodded. Even if superiors see it as a matter of courtesy, to ordinary people below, it might seem more vicious.

“Getting another medal isn’t actually difficult, but…”

The problem is that the medal is from the elf side. None other than the elves!

I know they are not Kanfras, but comrades who fought alongside us. Yet, it didn’t feel quite right for them to give me something.

‘Damn it. Maybe in my dreams the damn things are going to make fun of me for getting a medal for the Kanfras.”

In the end, I decided to accept the medal. The minister expressed gratitude and went to conclude the meeting. And a little while later, with laughter, officials from the empire and Hyzens shook hands.

As it seems my turn is approaching, I stand up and adjust my attire.

Shortly after, an aide of the minister approaches and offers to escort me to the table.

“Oh. Here you come. Sergeant Karl Adelheit. This way, please.”

Seeing the smile of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, it seems the meeting ended very favorably for the empire side.

Well, in the current situation, the Empire is unconditionally superior, so it is impossible to go in the direction of dissatisfaction.

“Seeing your faces, it seems the meeting ended well.”

“Hahaha. Yes, it did.”

“We were able to conclude quickly thanks to several concessions from the empire.”

The empire made concessions? That’s unlikely. Oh, I see. It’s just a courteous thing to say.

“Actually, today’s meeting ended so pleasantly thanks to you, Karl Adelheit. If it weren’t for you, we elves would have been in a truly awkward situation.”

“When you say that, I feel even luckier. I simply acted, but it’s fortunate that it had a positive impact on both the empire and the elf side.”

Yeah. I was lucky. To have gone into that hell like a madman and rescued imperial soldiers. To have put a bullet in the heart of Luzernes’ leader. And to have prevented the train bombing, even capturing those Academy bastards.

“Lucky you say.”

But Manon, the head of the Hyzens delegation, nodded at my words.

“It wasn’t just luck.”


“It means that God loves you, Karl Adelheit. What you humans simply call ‘luck’ is, in fact, the moment when God momentarily stays by your side.”

As Manon finished speaking, an elf standing beside him raised a graceful necklace.

“Thanks to you, we Hyzens have also benefited greatly. If it weren’t for you, we would have been truly at a loss. Perhaps, even more blood would have been shed.”

Inside the necklace was a medal that looked as splendid as the empire’s Medal of Honor.

“Karl Adelheit of the Baharoth Empire, we, the people of our forest tribe, wish to express our gratitude to you with this medal. It’s the most honorable mark for our forest tribe, the Medal of Honor Legion.”

The Medal of Honor Legion. I think I know what that is. My goodness. Now I’m receiving that too. It’s really insane.

I almost burst into ironic laughter. Did I ever expect to be the one receiving it? Me of all people!

“Blessed be your future, in the grand scheme of things.”

Manon, the head of the Hyzens delegation, pins the medal to my chest. Thunderous applause erupts around me. It wasn’t as grand as when the First Princess or the Crown Prince awarded the Medal of Honor, but it was certainly significant.


Now, I’m the guy who receives medals from elves, too. So, how does that make me feel now?

…I’m not sure. Should I say I’ve added another armor plate to my chest?



[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]

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