
I'm an Ordinary Returning Student at the Academy - Chapter 26

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[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]


Chapter 26

“…So, during this period, a more sophisticated system of the empire was established… hmm.”

The professor, who had been deeply engrossed in the lecture, suddenly stops speaking.

Then, crossing his arms, he begins to stare intently at where the students are seated.



Even the students who were taking notes while listening to the lecture realize that something was amiss.

Soon, they too turn their gaze in the direction the professor was looking.


With his head propped up, a student sleeping in a rather uncomfortable position is spotted.

“There he goes again, sleeping.”

“Hey, wake him up.”

At the urging of the students, another student sitting nearby wakes the dozing student.


Startled, the awakened student quickly sits up and tries to act nonchalant.

However, by now, the attention of everyone in the classroom is focused on him.

“Is it because of lack of sleep due to studying? Or is it something else?”

“I-I’m sorry!”

“If you feel sleepy, don’t just sit there, stand at the back and listen to the lecture. That’s the minimum courtesy for a professor here.”

“I’m sorry!”

The professor, clearing his throat, refocuses on the lecture.

“Again. During the early days of the empire, there were numerous wars, large and small, unlike anything we see today. Emperor Konstantine II, for instance, left his mark for eternity through territorial expansion. And the system he personally created back then was the system of honors.”

The highest honor bestowed upon those who showed heroic deeds on the fiercely contested battlefield.

As it was a system created directly by the emperor, it had been strictly adhered to since then. Though not as fervently as in the past, even now, being awarded an honor is a mark of a remarkable individual!



Suddenly, as the professor passionately lectures, the students again turn their heads, this time collectively, to somewhere else in the room.

One by one, then ten by ten, in an instant, the attention of the entire classroom shifts.

Their gaze is fixed on a male student who was murmuring while taking notes.

“Why… again.”

He’s undoubtedly a senior student who returned to school less than a month ago, also a classmate from the same year.

In less than a month, he has made an enormous presence known, aptly named the storming returnee.

“Student Karl.”

“Yes, Professor?”

“If you’ve finished taking notes, can you erase what’s written here?”

“Sure, thank you.”

The returning student was now busy adjusting to life at the academy.

* * *

This is driving me crazy. Seriously, it’s driving me insane. Was note-taking always this difficult?

I guess I spent too long in the military. That’s why my head and hands have stiffened.
Otherwise, it shouldn’t be this hard to write down the lecture on the board!

Ah, Professor! Please don’t erase there! I haven’t finished writing it all yet!!

‘Darn it… seriously, this military aftermath is too severe.’

Even the best of us are said to become ordinary after two years in the military.

In that regard, I, who was originally just an ordinary person, have become below average…!

“Excuse me, Riley.”

“Yes, senior. You called?”

“Um… can I see the notes you took a while ago?”

“The notes? Of course! Anytime!”

Thank you, my junior! I really appreciate it!

Thank goodness. In my past life memories, there were those jerks who even restricted this.

Those cowardly trash who would push away competitors just to get better scores!

“Thanks, Riley. I really appreciate it.”

“Ah, it’s nothing. There can’t be any crazy guy who wouldn’t listen when a recipient of the Medal of Honor asks, right?”


There’s something about the way you say it that gives off a ‘If you don’t help me, I won’t let you off.’

Can’t you phrase it more gently? No, don’t even mention the Medal of Honor!

Just say you want to help the returning student!

When I came back to the academy, I thought I could be anything but an idiot who enlisted after getting dumped.

The unpopular returning student, the senior I didn’t particularly want to get close to. I thought that was safe enough.

But the reality is…

“Um, but senior. Did you really use a greatsword on the train because you thought bullets were a waste? There’s this knight who keeps saying you weren’t good at marksmanship, but it doesn’t make sense for a Medal of Honor recipient to be unable to shoot. Especially someone who showed tremendous valor in war!”

“Yeah, it doesn’t make sense.”

‘Bearing a Medal of Honor on the chest, wielding a greatsword in one hand, and an elf’s head in the other, with a pistol tucked in the waistband—a crazy combatant.’ That’s what the returning student has become.

And if you add elf slayer or terrorist murderer to the mix… Oh boy. Anyone would think he’s a villain. Huh? Maybe even a mass murderer!

“A war hero wielding a greatsword instead of a gun because hostages were at risk. Wow… that sounds really cool.”

“Yeah, thanks.”

If you’ve experienced military life even a bit, you wouldn’t say such things.

Now, I really don’t know. Is it better to be the unpopular returning student, the senior I didn’t want to get close to.

Or the returning student with a story, even if it means getting tired and involved everywhere?

People say if you receive too much attention, you get addicted without even realizing it.

While people naturally seek attention, it doesn’t mean I’m an attention-seeker.

I just wanted to spend my time at the academy like everyone else, but what’s with all this chaos?

What’s even sadder is that this might just be the beginning, not the end.

I’ve tried to reassure myself, saying ‘It won’t happen. It won’t happen.’ But I know it will. Probably.

There’s a really sad song lyric that goes, ‘Why hasn’t a sad premonition ever been wrong.’

“Hey, you two. Save your chit chat for later. Focus on the lecture.”

“Yes! Sorry!”

Meanwhile, my damn body reflexively answered like I was still in the military.

It’s been over two months since my discharge, and I thought I had shed my military aura.

I mean, maybe I still smell like army rations a bit, but shouldn’t I give off some civilian vibes?

Yet here I am, still Sergeant Karl Adelheit of the Imperial Army…!

“…After that, the empire experienced rapid growth, leading to intense conflicts with neighboring kingdoms. Among these conflicts, the biggest was, of course, with the elves. They were in a border dispute with the empire over the Great Forest.”

Unlike in my past life, here, borders aren’t barricaded from start to finish, with barbed wire fences and all strategies operating around the clock.

So, borders are natural obstacles. Basic examples include rivers, lakes, and mountains dividing territories.

Among these natural obstacles was the massive forest called the Great Forest, located in the southern part of the empire.

The problem arose when the borders drawn around this forest were perceived differently by the empire and the elves.

The empire wanted to use the southern part of the Great Forest as the border, while the elves wanted the northern part.

In other words, both sides wanted to claim the Great Forest as their territory.

This led to accusations of border crossings from both sides, causing chaos.

And with the forest as the border, there was no way to draw a clear line and say, ‘Cross it and you die.’

As time passed, instead of easing, the conflict intensified.

“Eventually, the first Battle of the Great Forest marked the beginning of a long-standing conflict between the empire and the elves. Subsequently, as the empire achieved victory after victory, the elves experienced internal divisions between hardliners and moderates. Those advocating for a decisive battle with the empire were led by Luzernes, while those calling for peace with the empire were led by Hyzens.”

The next part of the repertoire is always the same. Luzernes provokes, the empire reacts.

Then Hyzens try to stop them, only to be outmaneuvered by Luzernes.

Oh. Just so you know, it’s been less than 30 years since Hyzens took control.

Before that, they were constantly being outmaneuvered, both verbally and physically, by hardliners.

It wasn’t until after the Eighth Great Forest War, in which I participated, that the tide turned.

Even though elves inherently look down on humans, and because of that, Hyzens initially struggled to gain support and faced numerous crises.

But conflicts between groups tend to erupt when one side becomes tired and can no longer fight.

And the Luzerne elves were completely overwhelmed by our empire in two aspects.

“The Luzernes elves were too reliant on their own magic and archery. even when Hyzens actively introduced guns and gunpowder invented by our empire, they ignored it and regarded it as a joke. But what was the result? In the Seventh Great Forest War, one division of our empire defeated over ten thousand Luzerne warriors.”

Highly trained knights are undoubtedly a formidable force.

A spellcaster with unimpeded casting is a disaster in itself.

Guns don’t make one invincible. Because the guns of this era are not automatic rifles.

But there were definitely more advantages than disadvantages. It was enough to turn the tide of battle.

That’s the outcome. The empire and the Hyzens soared. Conversely, the Luzernes plummeted.

‘And then, the best they could come up with was to carry out terrorist acts to sow discord between the empire and the Hyzens. Anyway, damn tricky bastards. They need to be dealt with.’

“As it became increasingly difficult for Luzernes to achieve victory against the empire, they recently changed their tactics. They sought to divert public opinion among the empire’s citizens against the elves through terrorist acts targeting the empire. I remember there was an incident where they almost succeeded in doing just that.”

…Here we go again. Huh? Here we go again.

As soon as they start talking about terrorist acts, my juniors all look at me again.

Especially Riley, who was sitting right next to me, who was singing ‘Shabang Shabang’ with his eyes.
[PR/N: ‘Shabang Shabang’ (사방 사방) literally means ‘Twinkle Twinkle’ is a song by Korean Trot Prince, Park Hyun Bin.]

“Let’s take a moment to applaud the hero of the empire who prevented such incidents.”

At the professor’s words, the juniors applauded enthusiastically. The classroom is about to collapse.

Um, but professor. If you’re already offering applause, couldn’t you also offer extra credit?

And if that’s not possible, could you at least write on the board a bit slower… I’m struggling to keep up with you…

* * *


As the lecture ends, Selena comes running up to me.

Seeing her receiving greetings from my juniors and acting all hesitant, something seems to be up.

“Karl, I’m really sorry, but are you free tomorrow?”

“Tomorrow? When?”

“Late afternoon, or maybe evening.”

“I suppose I could make time then. But why?”

“My brother really wants to see you.”

Ah. Is she talking about the person I rescued on impulse?

“Should I meet him?”

“That’s your decision, Karl, but I’d appreciate it if you could. My brother really feels like he owes you a lot. Please.”

At Selena’s words, I instinctively scratch the back of my head.

Others may praise me for doing something great, but I just feel embarrassed.

All I did was some crazy stunt to save my squadmates, and this is what happened.

Every time they mention medals or heroes, it just makes me even more uncomfortable.

“…Sure. I’ll meet him.”

“Oh! Thank you! Thank you, Karl! I really appreciate it!!”

The reason I couldn’t refuse, despite everything, is because I understand that feeling.

Wanting to express gratitude but not having anyone to express it to, feeling sorry for not being able to.

‘Damn bastards. Why were they in such a rush to go first? They didn’t even let me thank them for saving me.’

William, Thomas, Martin, Frederick, and the other squadmates.

Fucking bastards. They were fucking awesome.



[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]

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