
I'm an Ordinary Returning Student at the Academy - Chapter 178

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[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]


Chapter 178

Why would the Crown Prince suddenly take this humble person with him?

To understand this question, we need to go back in time a bit.

* * *

“Niece! My little niece~!”

I hummed a tune as I walked.

Today was the day I’d see my niece.

I had only seen her once on the day she was born, and not since then.

The reason being that both the mother and child needed time to recover.

After that, I was busy with various things and couldn’t see my niece for over a month.

But finally, I had some free time and was on my way to meet our little princess.


On the way to the Imperial Palace, I stared blankly at my hands.

Even though some time had passed, I couldn’t forget the warmth I felt when I held her.

The scent unique to babies and her tiny figure seemed to be permanently etched in my eyes.

Maybe this is why babies are called healthy drugs.

Even though I only saw her briefly, I couldn’t wait to see her again. I was so excited.

‘Be a good uncle. Be a good subject.’

I don’t know how many times I repeated this to myself.

At the same time, I thought it would be nice to have my own child.

They say the first time is the hardest, and seeing my niece for the first time made me so happy and excited.

I took a carriage sent from the Imperial Palace and headed straight there.

Passing by the imperial knights, whom I’ve seen so often that we now exchange pleasantries, I arrived at my destination.

“Crown Princess.”

“You’re here.”

Normally, she would narrow her eyes if I didn’t call her ‘sister.’

But right now, there were maids and guards present. It wasn’t a private setting yet, so both of us maintained a formal demeanor.

“I’d like to have a word with my brother. Could you excuse us for a moment?”

The head maid attending to her in the Imperial Palace was someone who had served her since their time at the family estate.

She was originally supposed to manage the household staff at the estate with the butler, but thanks to Rika, she was now the head maid of the Imperial Palace, and would eventually become the head maid of the entire imperial household.

Naturally, she knew me. So, after agreeing to Rika’s request, she exchanged a knowing glance with me.

The other maids and guards followed suit, leaving just me and Rika alone.


Ah, no. To be precise, there were three of us. Me, Rika, and my niece in her arms.

“Would you like to hold her, Karl?”

“Is it okay? She seems to be sleeping soundly. What if she wakes up…?”

“Lily is a bit sensitive, but she’s fine when she’s asleep. Here.”

I took my niece from Rika’s arms.

The small baby wrapped in a blanket had a strange scent that I couldn’t quite describe.

It was like the smell of milk, or something else. I wasn’t sure.

“She’s so beautiful, my little niece.”

“Heehee. Is she that pretty?”

“Yes. She’s even prettier because she looks like you.”

This was definitely not flattery. Just so you know, my sister is truly beautiful.

If my brother-in-law weren’t the Crown Prince, I would have proudly exclaimed, ‘Wow, my brother-in-law hit the jackpot!’

“I’m glad you said that. Our Lily will be so happy to hear it.”

Oh, her hand moved. Seeing her tiny hand wriggling, I couldn’t help but want to hold it.

She’s truly a bundle of joy.

It made me realize the truth behind the saying that even those without children can develop maternal instincts around babies.

If I, her uncle, felt this way, Rika must feel it even more strongly.

And so, with Lily in my arms, I was catching up with Rika.

“Your Highness, the Crown Prince is coming.”

Huh? My brother-in-law is here already? That’s strange. It’s not even the end of the workday yet.

As I tilted my head in confusion, Rika smiled and explained the reason.

“Lately, he’s been completely smitten with his first child, his first daughter. He’s been working so hard to finish his duties in the afternoon, and if that’s not possible, he cuts his mealtime short to come see her.”

He’s truly devoted. He’s already achieved two out of the eight doting parent achievements. A Wife and a child.

It’s not a bad thing, but it’s a bit concerning for the Crown Prince to leave work early.

“Vee. Ah, my brother-in-law is here too.”

“Greetings, Your Highness.”

Normally, I should have handed my niece back to Rika and given a proper greeting.

But the Crown Prince entered so quickly that I couldn’t.

So, I bowed slightly while holding my niece…



My niece woke up! Ah, brother-in-law! Why did you have to come at this moment?!

My niece, who had been sleeping soundly in my arms, suddenly burst into tears.

I was so flustered by the suddenness that Rika came over and took her.

She then soothed the crying baby, and despite being a first-time mother, she seemed quite skilled.

“I didn’t enter noisily. Perhaps the princess has sensitive ears.”

Was he embarrassed that the baby woke up as soon as he entered?

Flustered, the Crown Prince approached and coughed awkwardly before muttering.

“It seems she was startled by the touch of a stranger.”

If I were to say, ‘Yes, it’s because of you, brother-in-law,’ I’d be labeled a disloyal subject.

So, I shifted the blame to myself, and the Crown Prince gratefully patted my shoulder.

“Don’t worry too much. When Vee holds her like that, she’ll calm down soon—”

Waaah! Waaah!

“…She calms down quickly. Both at night and during the day. So don’t worry—”

Waaah!! Waaaah!!!

Was it just my imagination, or were the exclamation marks in her cries increasing?

I glanced at my niece, and even though Rika tried to hide it, she looked quite flustered.

The Crown Prince had just said that she calms down quickly in her mother’s arms.

But she was crying so pitifully in her mother’s arms, so it was understandable that the new parents were flustered.

And I, as a new uncle, couldn’t do anything about it either.

“Vee, let me hold her for a moment.”

The Crown Prince took my niece from Rika and tried to soothe her.

But the crying wouldn’t stop. It was getting louder.

Even the head maid standing behind them was giving them a look, as if to say, ‘Shall I take her?’


“Yes, sister. Ah, I mean, yes Your Highness.”

“You hold her for a moment.”

Me? Not the head maid, not Rika, but me? Why?

The Crown Prince was just as confused as I was, staring blankly at Rika.

As if he couldn’t understand why she was handing their daughter over to me.

But as my niece’s cries grew louder, the Crown Prince finally relented.

And as I hesitantly held my niece again, I started to worry about how to soothe her, a difficult and challenging problem…


…But I didn’t have to.

As soon as she was back in my arms, her crying suddenly subsided.


The Crown Prince, who had been gesturing to the head maid, looked at me in surprise.

Meanwhile, my niece had completely stopped crying.

Not only that, but she was looking directly at me.

Seeing her sparkling eyes, I couldn’t help but smile.

“Hello, my little niece. Are you done crying now?”

She was still a baby, only a few months old. There was no way she could understand my words.

But our little princess, as if she understood me, continued to stare at me.





And the first babble, which no one expected, was an added bonus.

* * *

Since that day, I’ve been summoned to the Imperial Palace whenever I had free time.

It seems my little niece, who usually sleeps, cries, or just rolls her eyes around, has started to become more active whenever I’m around.

I feel like I’ve somehow taken over the maids’ job.

I feel a bit sorry, but what can I do? My niece keeps asking for me.

She even stops crying as soon as I hold her!

‘Could she already recognize people…?’

It’s been two months since my niece was born.

Unfortunately, I lack knowledge about babies. I’m not even sure if they can make sounds at this age, let alone recognize people.

Meanwhile, my little niece, whether she truly recognizes me or not, stops crying whenever I hold her or look at her.

The Crown Prince and Rika, as well as the maids, were quite surprised by that strange sight.

Thanks to that, I’ve become my niece’s designated soother whenever I have time.

‘Like today.’

Waaah! Waaah!!

As soon as I entered the Imperial Palace, I heard my niece’s ear splitting cries.

When I went to see her, I saw Rika and the head maid trying to calm her down.

“Your Highness.”

“Karl, you’re here.”

This was the first time I’d seen Rika welcome me for a different reason.

As I chuckled at the strange situation, the crying grew louder.

It was as if she was throwing a tantrum, saying, ‘Pay attention only to me!’

“Yes, yes, I’m coming. My little niece. Oh dear, your uncle is here. So please stop crying!”

I took my niece from Rika and soothed her, and as usual, her cries subsided.

Watching this, Rika and the head maid had expressions of deep gratitude.

And the Crown Prince, my brother-in-law…

‘Hey, don’t give me that look of disappointment!’

You’re the one who always seems to set her off!



[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]

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