
I'm an Ordinary Returning Student at the Academy - Chapter 204 - Side Story 4

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[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]


Side Stories 4

There have been hundreds, thousands of wars throughout history.

Some were initiated by other nations, while others were started by the Empire.

Over time, however, the Empire’s tendency to sound the trumpet of war has dwindled.

While wars still persisted, they were mostly initiated by other nations.

Does this mean the Empire has shifted its stance towards maintaining peace?

No. If that were the case, they would have tried to resolve even incoming conflicts through diplomatic means.

Rather, they simply wanted to prevent more enemies from forming stronger alliances.

It was a way to show the continent that it wasn’t the Empire who started it, but their adversaries.

They intentionally endured attacks to avoid internal dissent.

While there were certainly drawbacks, the advantages for the Empire were greater.

By not initiating military action, they forced their enemies to make the first move.

Then, they would crush them with overwhelming military might and claim victory.

This could be described as the preferred war strategy of the Empire’s leadership.

“We will no longer stand idly by.”

However, this time, there was no reason to do so.

“Those who have broken the peace we established, rejected the hand we extended, and chosen the poisoned chalice over our offered mercy… We will no longer offer them peace, extend a hand, or show mercy.”

The Empire, which usually exerted significant influence on continental affairs but avoided excessive use of force, was different today.

This time, they would not be attacked, they would strike first.

They would not care what the world said about their actions today.

This wasn’t just confidence stemming from their overwhelming power.

It was made possible by a perfect alignment of factors: the justification, the war fatigue, and the diplomatic relations they had been mindful of until now.

“This is a holy war!”

It didn’t start with the Empire, but with the branches of the church in each region.

“We have endured and endured! We turned the other cheek even when slapped! But if they do not cease their wicked and treacherous acts, it is our duty to set things right!”

The Church had already harbored a great deal of resentment towards the elves.

The emergence of the pro-Empire faction, Hyzens, had only slightly eased the tension.

They had endured, believing that those elves would repent and atone for their past mistakes.

But if those destructive rebels were to show their faces again…

If the perpetrators who had plundered the southern branch and stolen sacred relics were to reappear…

The Church would be the first to demand their punishment.

“It has been revealed that they launched an attack on our nation without a declaration of war. We will no longer stand by and watch this horrific and appalling situation unfold.”

The Ministry of War also disclosed the previously concealed attack on the Imperial military base in the South.

In conjunction with this, various departments of the Empire simultaneously stirred up resentment against Luzernes.

[ Luzernes Rises Again ]

[ Attempting to Drive Out the Peace-Loving Hyzens ]

[ Ministry of Internal Affairs Warns of Luzernes’ Threat of Domestic Terrorism ]

The word ‘elf’ was not used. Nowhere was the word ‘elf’ mentioned.

They were divided into only two groups: Luzernes and Hyzens.

This framed the former as evil and the latter as good.

Imperial officials avoided inciting resentment against ‘elves.’

Thoroughly, in all official documents, the names of the two factions were used instead of ‘elves.’

As a result, the citizens of the Empire expressed their condemnation not towards elves, but towards Luzernes.

“Luzernes has ultimately rejected the hand we extended!”

“How long must we wait for mercy that never returns, for peace that cannot be relied upon!”

This news spread rapidly throughout the Empire, stirring the hearts of the people.

“Is it war again?”

“No! This isn’t war. It can’t even be called a war!”

“He’s right. They attacked our innocent soldiers without a declaration of war, and they don’t even have a country. What kind of war is that?”

This is not a war as we traditionally understand it. This is not the war we know. It’s a cleansing to eradicate terrorism.

It’s the holy war the Church speaks of.

If war breaks out, it’s the ordinary people who ultimately suffer and die.

Conscripted young men, who could be someone’s son, husband, or father.

That’s why the Empire has always been cautious about declaring war.

However, this time, there was no such concern.

“I request permission to form a reserve force.”

“S-State your name and rank, please!”

“Karl Adleheit. Honorably discharged Sergeant of the Imperial Army.”

The Empire was in an uproar when the man who had even removed his medals of honor showed up at the training camp.

Some were surprised because he was a noble, others because he was a veteran.

Some reacted because he was a Medal of Honor recipient, and others because he was a reverend figure of the Church.

He wanted to join the Imperial army under the disguise of the reserve force, even though he had no obligation to do so.

He said that he would rather go himself than let his juniors fight the war he couldn’t finish.

He claimed that he could take down more Luzernes than them.

In response, veterans in the South put on their uniforms and reappeared.

Even those who had discarded their uniforms stepped forward, with a single conviction in their hearts.

“Those bastards! They ran away with their tails between their legs when they fought us!”

“They came back because we’re not there! So we have to go back and crush them!”

“This time, we’ll grind their bones to dust!”

These weren’t the ones who bragged about their past achievements and medals.

They were the ones who lived quietly, trying their best to forget the past.

But they still came back, ready to fulfill a duty that was already over.

Some people wondered why they made such a decision.

Was it anger?



To these questions, those gathered gave similar answers.

“Honestly, I didn’t want to come! But it was obvious those bastards would show up again!”

“I’d be too ashamed to face them later if I didn’t come.”

“It’s only natural, isn’t it? Those idiots are going, so of course I’m coming too!”

It wasn’t anger towards the enemies, nor a desire for glory.

Guilt towards those who had passed away? Not entirely wrong, but not the main reason either.

They came because they knew their brothers would be there.

Even though they weren’t related by blood, they shared meals, hardships, and shed blood together.

They don’t want to be ashamed in front of their comrades who have come this far together in the name of brotherhood!

“Therefore, in accordance with your wishes, I hereby authorize the formation of the Imperial Reserve Force.”

“We are eternally grateful, Your Majesty!”

The reserve force would be formed for emergencies, with recruitment and conscription based on the situation.

There is no obligation for you, but if your resolve remains, the door is always open.

Of course, there is no sacrifice without reward. We always honor that sacrifice.

Soon after, the Southern Reserve Force, established by imperial decree, swiftly broke through the Great Forest.

This happened before the resurgent Luzernes could even establish defensive lines and trenches.

At the same time, the Empire announced a fact it had been hiding.

[ The Reason Luzernes Was Defeated in the Previous Southern Great Forest War ]

[ Luzernes’ planned counterattack was thwarted by the death of their leader, Darnang Navar. ]

[ And the one who killed him is currently advancing south through the Great Forest with the reserve force. ]

They didn’t specifically mention who it was but everyone knew..

The hero who received Goddess’ love, saved hundreds of his comrades, prevented a terrorist attack, and became a hero.

Now, everyone would believe that he single-handedly killed the Luzernes leader.

Meanwhile, those who knew this damned forest better than any other soldier in the world,

“Push forward! Keep pushing!”

“Don’t give them an inch!”

“Damn elf bastards!”

They struck at the exposed flank of Luzernes, who were still embroiled in conflict with the Hyzens.

“Wh-What is this! How could the Imperial army already be here?!”

“They’re too fast! This is impossible! How did the humans—?!”

“Even if they got a map of the Great Forest from Hyzens and have a rough idea of the terrain… how is this possible?!”

From the very beginning, Luzernes sensed that everything was going wrong.

They had to cripple Hyzens before the Imperial army arrived.

They had declared a holy war, and yet the Great Forest was breached in less than five days.

Even if there was a traitor guiding them, this speed should have been impossible.

The Great Forest is not just any forest. It’s an unfamiliar environment for humans.

So how could they advance south so quickly and strike their flank?!

* * *

The turmoil wasn’t confined to the southern part of the Empire and the vicinity of the Great Forest.

The opposite side was also becoming quite noisy.

“Urgent report from the front lines! The Imperial army is on the move!”

“The estimated number so far is three army units being formed!”

“Two Imperial legions have begun their march! The vanguard will arrive within four days at the latest!”

Lasker and Avileshti, sharing borders, were in complete disarray.

Hundreds of thousands of Imperial troops, not just tens of thousands.

No matter how skilled the knights were, no matter how powerful the magic is, their brilliance would fade before the overwhelming force of numbers.

The two terrified nations hastily sent diplomatic envoys to inquire about the Empire’s intentions.

Why were they doing this? Did they have any demands that prompted such action?

The answer they received was enough to send chills down their spines.

[ Stand with the Empire. ]

[ Or become the Empire’s enemy. ]



[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]

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