
Level 4 Human in a Ruined World - Chapter 214

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[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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Chapter 214: In the Name of Darkness (2)

“What, 8%? Why can’t these lunatics just kill people properly and be done with it?”

With an arrest rate of 84% and an accident rate of 8% if he opens his chest to replace his heart.

Yeongwoo shook his head as if exasperated.


With that, he marched straight towards the bedroom.

“Where are you going?”

“I need to summon the expert. Even if the accident rate is only 1%, they must have hesitated, but at 8%…”

It’s a probability that’s hard to ignore.

Especially in a situation where there’s quite a lot to lose.

Damn it!

As Yeongwoo entered the bedroom to use the phone, the Kim Taejoon family, who had been watching the returnee’s room through the television, all turned their heads at once.

“Oh, don’t mind me. Just have something to do…”

As Yeongwoo was about to say that they could continue watching the television, he turned his head towards the screen following the children’s gaze, and his mouth fell open.

“Oh, no.”

Because his own image was already appearing on the television in the returnee’s room.

“Oh, right. Am I appearing on that screen over there?”

In other words, the upcoming scene of the heart surgery will also be broadcasted directly through that television without any filtering.

“I’ll be performing heart surgery in the living room soon, so it would be better for the children to rest in another room for a while.”

As Yeongwoo said this, Seok and even the ‘friends’ on the screen were taken aback.

“What, what are you talking about?”

—-What kind of crazy thing is that all of a sudden?


However, Yeongwoo didn’t have time to explain in detail.

Since he didn’t know how long the surgery would take, he needed to open the chest as soon as possible if possible.

‘I have to pay taxes and take an hour off as soon as it’s 10 o’clock. There’s no time to delay any longer.’

With this thought in mind, Yeongwoo was already picking up the phone next to the bed.


Then he immediately entered the call number written in the surgery warning message.

※ Call number: 024 0909#

‘Is this correct? Why do I have to pay for a new doctor when I’m the one who found and will be wearing the heart myself?’

*Beep, beep, beep.*

As Yeongwoo entered all the calling numbers, a kind of dial tone came from the phone soon after.

– Chiiiiing.

At first, it sounded like just electronic noise, but Yeongwoo remembered hearing a similar sound through the television in the room, so he waited patiently.



After a while, the sound of someone answering the phone came from the other end of the line, with a very husky voice.

– This is Heartful Dispatch. How may I assist you?


After hearing the other person’s comment, Yeongwoo experienced a momentary brain freeze.

For some reason, it felt similar to when he contacted Osaek Credit.

This place was definitely not a government agency or a certified government agency, a keen intuition.

“Do you… have a name?”

When Yeongwoo asked this, the voice on the other end of the receiver suddenly spoke in a much friendlier tone than before.

– Ah, you’re looking for a name.

Then they threw an unexpected question.

– Who is the caller? If you know the planet name, full name, and identification number, please tell us, and we will send you a home doctor.

‘You don’t even know who called?’

Yeongwoo felt something was off.

From the fact that the company name is ‘Heartfelt Dispatch’… in terms of tone, isn’t it more like a human resources office on Earth?

“Excuse me, but is this a medical company? I’m looking for a doctor to perform a heart transplant surgery right now.”

Then the other person answered briefly with a low chuckle.

– If you received this number as guidance, it should be that we are the right medical company for you.


It was a response with a lot implied in it.

Since Yeongwoo wasn’t completely clueless, he vaguely realized what was going on.

First, Heartful Dispatch was not strictly speaking a medical company.

However, they did have doctors available for dispatch.

Second, if the Heartful Dispatch’s calling number was received through the system, it meant that this was the only option.

But surely there must be proper medical companies in this universe, so why could a doctor only be hired through Heartful Dispatch?


It was chilling.

A shiver ran down his spine.

“…Is it because my evil score is too high?”

Yeongwoo finally asked the meaningful question, and the other person responded as if caught off guard.

– In a way, it’s actually a good thing, isn’t it? Generally, our doctors are more skilled. It’s a similar situation, so they will be more dedicated to the surgery.

‘A similar situation…’

This meant that the ‘name’ being sent over for the heart surgery was also someone with an immensely high evil score.

What kind of actions must a doctor take to accumulate such a high evil score?

‘I should have known. When the evil score is high, even the surrounding infrastructure changes.’

Even now, he has only glimpsed at the disparity in medical services.

It’s a wonder if it’s the same in other fields, although he may not know.

‘This is essentially the back alley of the universe.’

As Yeongwoo looked perplexed, the Heartful Dispatch reached out again.

– How about I send you some candidates? You can also see the list of candidates currently on standby if you wish.

“Candidates on standby? What kind of candidates are available?”

Yeongwoo absentmindedly touched his forehead.

Would he entrust his heart surgery to a doctor shrouded in the darkness of evil scores, or would he open his chest in front of the public doctor assigned by the surgical system?

For reference, the medical accident rate for the latter is 8%.

“Well, can I take a look at that list first? Are the prices also listed?”

– Of course, please provide the planet name, name, and identification number if available.

Now there was no turning back.

After Yeongwoo checked his karma balance once, he recited his personal information into the receiver.

“Earth, Jeong Yeongwoo 07.”

– What are the last digits of the calling number you used to contact us?

“0909#…? Is that it?”

– Yes, it’s been received. I’ll send it right away.

Before the other party finished speaking, a list of “candidates” appeared before Yeongwoo’s eyes.

– Please review them, and if you find a candidate you like, they will be dispatched immediately. Have a safe surgery!

With that, the connection with Heartful Dispatch was severed, leaving only the list sent by the other party.

[Heartful Dispatch Cooperation Candidates]

※ Pseudonyms are used to protect the identities of the candidates.

※ In case of a successful surgery, the requester’s evil score increases by 1% of the attending doctor’s evil score.

「The Massacre Master」 – Evil score: 80 million

| Medical accident rate of 4% or less, surgery fee negotiable.

● 4 million karma.

「The Circular Saw」- Evil score: 140 million

| Medical accident rate of 3% or less, specialized in body modifications. Additional negotiation for cosmetic procedures.

● 6 million karma.


It’s suspicious from the top.



[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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‘Even the basic unit of evil score is in the tens of millions.’

But Yeongwoo was somewhat confident in Heartful Dispatch.

In fact, the medical accident rates of the “candidates” were overwhelmingly lower compared to the public medical staff he had seen before.

For example, even “The Massacre Master” with a medical accident rate of 4% or less had a accident rate twice as low as the public medical staff.

‘I shouldn’t just think of this as a 1% or 2% difference. Medical accidents are disasters the moment they happen, so it’s correct to think of them as multiples.’

The list of candidates continued downwards, becoming more absurd as it went.

「The Flesh Eater」 – Evil score: 210 million

| Medical accident rate of 3% or less, prescription of painkillers available.

● 7 million karma.

「The Mind Piercer」 – Evil score: 280 million

| Medical accident rate of 3% or less, psychiatrist. Healing of physical injuries, peace of mind.

● 10 million karma.

‘A medical accident rate in the 3% range seems like the boundary for high-quality candidates.’

Yeongwoo began to feel uneasy.

Of course, the current financial burden was not too heavy.

But is Dragon’s heart surgery really worth risking his life for?

‘Considering the fusion of the hearts, it seems like it’ll eventually transform into something amazing.’

But if luck turns bad during the surgery and he dies, what good would that be?

‘I might as well just use an amulet.’

Just as Yeongwoo was considering opting for the alternative, the profile of the last candidate caught his eye.

「The Unbeliever」 – Evil score: 450 million

| Medical accident rate of 3% or less, revival within 3 seconds of death during surgery. Additional fees apply from the second revival onwards.

● 14 million karma.

“What…? That’s absurd.”

Revival within 3 seconds of death during surgery.

Yeongwoo couldn’t take his eyes off the statement that claimed the impossible.

Could this be real?

‘Is it a scam? Do they pretend you’re dead, then keep reviving you to charge more fees?’

With a Unbelieveral gaze, Yeongwoo scrutinized the profile of “The Unbeliever.”

Furthermore, the surgical fee was not just the mentioned 14 million karma.

※ In case of a successful surgery, the requester’s evil score increases by 1% of the attending doctor’s evil score.

‘If 1% of 450 million is… 4.5 million.’

From Yeongwoo’s perspective, with a remaining evil score of about 46 million, this meant an increase of a whopping 10% in evil score.

Just trying to reduce the evil score a bit, and end up gaining more notoriety.

‘This is insane, really.’

Amidst this, the time for taxation was steadily approaching.


So in the end, Yeongwoo decided.

‘Let’s… let’s trust the Unbeliever.’


Reaching out, he chose the miraculous doctor who could even reverse death, The Unbeliever.


As Yeongwoo finalized his choice of his attending doctor from the list, all the profiles disappeared.

And all the lights inside the room went out, except for the television connected to the patient’s room.

—What… what’s going on there?

—What’s happening?

—Should… Should we prepare for an attack?

With their television screens suddenly darkened, both the “friends” and Yeongwoo himself tensed up, with Yeongwoo cautiously drawing out a sword with his father.

“Let’s… let’s move to the living room slowly.”

Since the doctor would likely appear in the space where the requester is, Yeongwoo turned his head toward the living room, signaling to leave the bedroom.


「Did you call the doctor? Since the situation might get a bit messy, please come to a place without kids.」

In the dimly lit living room, a doctor who had been sharpening a sickle gestured.



[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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