
Level 4 Human in a Ruined World - Chapter 147

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[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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Chapter 147: Origin (4)

Perhaps Kubu would know.

It’s about the universe law ranking of Joseon’s Strongest Sword, Jeong Yeongwoo 07.

Doesn’t it seem unreasonable not to know at what level the counterpart one is dealing with is?

And whatever the answer, Yeongwoo was fine.

Having been shocked by the existing destiny record, that Jeong Yeongwoo was no longer there.

‘It doesn’t seem like the ranking would be that high… It could even be the lowest ranking. As long as it’s not said that they don’t know.’


The question Yeongwoo threw was purely out of curiosity.

After hearing one by one the universal rankings of cosmic beings, why wouldn’t Yeongwoo be curious about his own ranking?

“Madam, are you curious too? From a cosmic perspective, what grade is the Strongest Sword of Earth?”

When Yeongwoo asked Jongseon, she hesitated for a moment.

Since he kept calling her “Madam” from earlier, it was probably because their ages were quite similar for her to hear such a term from the other person.

Anyway, Jongseon reluctantly nodded her head.

“Oh, yes… I suppose I am curious.”

Then she glanced at Kubu as she added a word.

“But wouldn’t it be a bit awkward from that person’s perspective…?”

However, before Jongseon could finish her sentence, Yeongwoo was already pressing the pitiful intermediary for answers.

“Mr. Kubu knows, right? My ranking. If he says he doesn’t know, it’s obviously a lie.”

–…Yes, that’s correct.

Eventually, Kubu admits it.

Indeed, he knew what grade his trading partner existed at cosmically.

“Then what grade am I?”

Yeongwoo asked with a voice full of anticipation.

Internally classified as a 4th class extra within Earth.

A being that didn’t even have an identification number like 07 until the reset happened.

In other words, not only among numerous humans on Earth but also among individuals like ‘Jeong Yeongwoo’, he was not specifically identified.

So, the probability of being below 11th class according to the cosmic standard, like the Dorgon of Pegua, which didn’t have a name due to its humble origin, was quite high.

‘Well, it’s only natural.’

Yeongwoo awaited Kubu’s response with humility.

And then.

–The current universal grade of Jeong Yeongwoo07, the strongest in Gyeongbuk and Gangnam on Earth, and in the northern part of the Korean Peninsula, is…

Finally, Kubu gave an answer.

–Initial grade, 12th class.


At Kubu’s first words, Yeongwoo tilted his head.

The word ‘initial’ grade implies that it’s different now, doesn’t it?

“So what about now? Did the grade change by any chance?”

As Yeongwoo prompted for the next line, Kubu blinked his large eyes once again.

–Yes. According to the universe law, the current grade of Jeong Yeongwoo07 is 7th class.

“7th class?”

This time, Jongseon expressed her surprise.

Hadn’t she heard Kubu say 9th class?

But even if he was called the Strongest Sword of Joseon, isn’t it strange that he’s only 7th class, essentially just an Earthling?

Didn’t he even start from the 12th class?

“Are you sure? We only met a few days ago at most, and during that time, did my status change from 12th to 7th?”

Yeongwoo also questioned in a tone of disbelief.

“No, if it’s a universe law grade, what kind of promotion system is this…?”

As Yeongwoo was about to continue his words, something crossed his mind, and he shut his mouth.

Then, as if knowing exactly what he was thinking, Kubu provided additional explanation.

–The current classification of Jeong Yeongwoo07 is an advertising agent, a skyrocketing stock.


That makes sense.

Yeongwoo’s mouth gaped.

‘My grade shot up while doing Dogo’s brand advertisement.’

Then what would be a skyrocketing stock alongside the trait of ‘advertising agent’?

Yeongwoo was about to ask about the skyrocketing stock, but Kubu cut in.

–As all transactions are completed, I will return!

He hurriedly closed his eyelids.


Erasing even the horizontal dashed line that was dividing the air, he completely concealed his presence.

And then.


The nameless one, the Dorgon of Pegua, also quickly raised its head and disappeared beyond the sky along with the black light column.


Two beings from another realm, clearly fleeing as if hiding.

Thanks to them disappearing, Yeongwoo and Jongseon, who were left in their place, could only look at each other with bewildered faces.

“…What’s all this about?”

In response to Jongseon’s question, Yeongwoo shrugged.

“Merchant… Thank you for letting us meet.”

“… ”

Jongseon’s expression showed disbelief.

Then, on the other side, the Yangju citizens who had gathered to watch this bizarre event began to disperse one by one.

It seemed that since the two Strongest swords weren’t going to fight each other, and all the merchants had left, they deemed the “show” to be over.

But the major event involving Yeongwoo…

‘Ah, finally.’

It was starting now.

Swish, swa-aht!

Perhaps the tattoos he purchased from the potter had finally arrived, as he could feel alternating warmth and coldness throughout his body.

Next, in front of Yeongwoo, tooltips appeared one by one along with the shape of each tattoo.

Pop, pop!

「Mark of Endurance」 – Artifact Tattoo

【All resistances increase by 1%.】

「Protection of the Night」 – Moon

【Acquire 15% damage reduction at night.】

「Whitespace」 – Epic Tattoo

【Allocate advertising space to the body.】

The Mark of Endurance was in the form of a circular pattern placed within a slightly smaller circle than the palm of a hand.

It was probably going to be tattooed on his body exactly as it appeared in size and shape.

‘Oh… Are they showing the design before tattooing it? It’s quite considerate, perhaps because I purchased it directly.’

The only tattoo currently on Yeongwoo’s body was the “Covert Mark,” received as a reward for unlocking the Golden Ratio achievement.

「Covert Mark」- Artifact Tattoo

【Can conceal titles.】

This tattoo, shaped like a spiral flame, was embedded on the left side of Yeongwoo’s chest and couldn’t be moved arbitrarily.

‘But what I bought seems a bit different.’

Yeongwoo shifted his gaze to the next tattoo, “Protection of the Night.”

This one was slightly larger than the Mark of Endurance.

It was a sizeable cloud-like shape that could probably fill one side of his chest.

‘Not easy. At this rate, I’ll end up looking like a walking canvas.’

Next was the last tattoo, “Whitespace,” but there was nothing there.



[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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More accurately, he could feel that Whitespace had been allocated, but there was nothing visible to the naked eye.

Just as its name suggested, Whitespace.

It was a tattoo meant to be filled in through post-processing.

‘The contents of the tattoo are probably determined by the advertiser. I expected this.’

Intuitively, the size of the “Whitespace” tattoo seemed to be about the size of the front of his abdomen.

‘I’ll have to decide on the location carefully.’

Yeongwoo considered his options between the back, abdomen, or shoulders.

If he could choose the location himself.

After Yeongwoo confirmed the designs of the three tattoos, a new system message appeared.

「Please designate the location where the tattoo will be inked from now on.」

[Warning] After this procedure, the tattoo’s location cannot be arbitrarily moved. Please consider carefully.

‘Of course. I’ll consider it carefully.’

As Yeongwoo read the system message twice, the next guidance appeared.

「Drag the displayed designs with your hand directly onto your body or place them on the human body model on the left.」

‘Wow, why is this so systematic?’

Yeongwoo exclaimed in admiration as he saw a holographic model of himself with the same physique as him appear to the left of the tattoo designs he had been looking at.

‘With this level of detail, there must be a tattoo encyclopedia.’


Following the guidance, Yeongwoo dragged the design of the “Mark of Endurance” onto the humanoid model, and the size of the design adjusted to match the proportions of the model.

‘Since it’s a functional tattoo.’

As discreet as possible.

Yeongwoo decided on the inner side of his thigh or perhaps inside his leg, in the groin area, for the Mark of Endurance.

‘After all, the groin is not easy to see even when wielding a weapon, but it’s not so for the abdomen.’

And in terms of difficulty of movement and maintaining dignity, the armpit side was much better than the groin.

‘In the future, I’ll place functional tattoos mainly on the lower body and advertising tattoos on the upper body.’

After Yeongwoo established his own placement principle, he moved on to the second tattoo, “Protection of the Night,” and placed it opposite the Mark of Endurance.


Then, the area near his groin became somewhat noisy.

‘Now, all that’s left is…’

The most important tattoo, Whitespace.

「Whitespace」 – Epic Tattoo

【Allocate advertising space to the body.】

This one also allowed him to drag the intangible design with his hand anywhere on his body.

‘Since it’s ad space… It should be in a visible location.’

But he didn’t want it on the front of his abdomen or back.

It was still too early to sell those spaces as advertising, as he didn’t know much about the cosmic advertising ecosystem yet.

Was this the only way to allocate ad space on the body?

Especially since he had just been referred to as a skyrocketing stock.

‘I’m not exactly sure what it means, but one thing’s for sure.’

The fact that the stock here was high, and there was potential for something to keep rising, be it body value or grade.


‘I should leave the prime advertising space intact.’

But since this was his first “body advertisement,” it needed to be in a position with sufficient meaning and promotional effect.

So, after much deliberation, Yeongwoo chose the right upper arm.

In other words, from the right shoulder to the elbow.

‘Since I’m right-handed and mainly use this arm, it also has a significant exposure effect.’

Of course, since the advertising space would wrap around the upper arm and shoulder, there was only a limited visible area, such as the back or abdomen.

‘But whether standing in front or behind, it will always be exposed, especially during combat, making it one of the most noticeable areas. It’s sufficiently marketable.’

For these reasons, Yeongwoo allocated the right upper arm as the first advertising space on his body.


Then, the tattoo interface finally asked whether the placement was confirmed.

「The tattoo design placement has been completed. Do you want to proceed like this?」

‘Yes. It will be like this.’
As he confirmed the placement, a sensation akin to burning spread over his groin and right upper arm.



With the confirmation of the placement, the tattoos were inked onto his body.

“Are you… okay?”

Choi Jongseon, who had been watching the orphan gesturing at thin air, asked with a mixture of concern and apprehension.

Upon hearing this, Yeongwoo looked at her as if momentarily forgetting her presence, then threw the black cloth covering his shoulders onto the ground before replying.

“Madam, if it’s alright with you, could you take off your clothes for a moment…”

“No, I’m fine. Are you out of your mind?”

* * *

Joseon’s Strongest Sword Jeong Yeongwoo.

To Jongseon, who had explored this world to the fullest, the orphan seemed different somehow.

‘It’s like their style doesn’t match this world.’

Right now, she was watching the orphan, while tightly hugging her baby, about to leave for Uijeongbu to find his father, while taking off his clothes.

Considering the 3.4 million karma he spent on the advertisement tattoo, he had to check.


Even though Jongseon had seen this absurd tattoo during her dealings with merchants, she eventually accepted it.

The reason the orphan needed to check his body after taking off his clothes.

‘Well, it’s not like it’s 3.4 million won.’

But she couldn’t stand seeing him constantly stare at his groin.

“Um… Could you stop looking down there? You didn’t get a tattoo there, did you?”

“Well, yes, but still, I apologize. It’s not easy to see, so I keep checking.”

“…I suppose.”

Jongseon sighed as she looked down at the ground.

It wasn’t bad because I was able to have an innocent conversation for the first time in a while, but I was slowly starting to wish that orphan Strongest Sword would leave.

Because if she left that person alone, she felt like another incident would happen soon.

It was a gut feeling she had developed surviving in this harsh world.

“Um, are you done now? Since the merchants have all left, can we stop…”

Finally making up her mind, Jongseon lifted her head while holding the baby.


She noticed the half-naked Joseon’s Strongest Sword muttering something strange while looking up at the sky.

“Looking for someone to advertise in the whitespace!”
[TL/N: MAD !!]



[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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