
Level 4 Human in a Ruined World - Chapter 206

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[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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Chapter 206: Defense Specialist (2)

‘Defense funds…’

‘So… you really were planning on asking for money.’

‘Here it comes.’

The expressions on the Strongest Swords’ faces were varied.

However, it was a completely different reaction from when Yeongwoo had demanded “protection fees” before.

“If you’re talking about defense funds… how much do you plan to receive?”

“What is the specific definition of defense? Does that mean Yeongwoo will be responsible for all mutants in Seoul?”

This time, the majority of the Strongest Swords asked back on the assumption that they would be “paying defense funds”.

“…The reaction isn’t that bad, is it?”

Jeonggu whispered this with a trembling expression, and Yeongwoo just nodded silently.

After all, everyone here had seen the combat power of the Kim family’s three generations who had descended from the North firsthand.

Thanks to that, they too realized.

The fact that now, if a threatening mutant appears, it is not just the Strongest Swords of a single area that are in danger, but the whole country could be shattered.

And fortunately, they were able to safely withstand this threat this time.

As much as a mutant outside the norm had descended from the North, there was also a Strongest Sword outside the norm prepared in the South.

‘Jeong Yeongwoo… It’s fortunate that a monster like that is on our side.’

‘If we had fought Kim Il-sung ourselves, would we have been able to win even if we combined all our strength?’

‘I wonder if today would have been Seoul’s last day.’

The Strongest Swords each let out a sigh of relief.

And then they looked at Jeong Yeongwoo’s right arm, which was the very proof that he was a “monster”.


The arm that had been ripped off while fighting Kim Il-sung was almost completely recovered.

Unlike the ankle, this loss was not a part of the body melting away, so as soon as the two torn surfaces were joined, they quickly began to adhere.

“Ah, the amount of defense funds I’m proposing is.”

Finally, as Yeongwoo brought up the topic of money, the chattering place fell silent at once.

“The amount is…?”

“Uh, how much is it?”

Seeing everyone making pitiful expressions, Yeongwoo raised his left hand and spread his fingers straight.


“Five. Five million karma every day.”



“Are you serious?”

This time, the room was in an uproar for a different reason than before.

It was because the amount Yeongwoo called was much lower than everyone’s expectations.

“Is it really five?”

“I thought you would at least call for 10 million or more.”

“Five million? There won’t be any changes later, right?”

In fact, five million was a huge amount that far exceeded the 3 million they would get if they monopolized the mutant compensation.

However, since they had just paid a “protection fee” of 10 million karma, everyone was under the illusion that this defense expenses was cheap.


Anyway, since the Strongest Swords of Seoul were still half-hearted, Yeongwoo turned his head and looked at the place where Kim Il-sung had died.

“Of course, I would like to collect more defense funds. As you saw today, my actual value is much higher than five million karma per region.”

“Well, that’s right…”

At this, the Strongest Swords were unable to make any rebuttal.

Wasn’t that true?


After a while, Gwanak’s Strongest Sword Jo Sangik slowly raised his hand and opened his mouth.

“As you said, even if you had asked for more defense funds, we would have had no other choice.”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Then even though you know that, why did you lower the defense expenses and call it…?”

As Jo Sangik raised the question on behalf of everyone, Yeongwoo looked around the room as if he had been waiting.

“Strictly speaking, the defense funds are for the survival of Seoul. If I receive more money, the self-sufficiency of each region will only decrease, won’t it?”

Yeongwoo said this and then added.

“However, there is one condition for the defense expenses of 5 million karma.”

“What is that?”


The Strongest Swords looked uneasy again.

Because of what Yeongwoo had shown them so far, they didn’t think this monster would easily lower his price.

However, Yeongwoo’s condition was different from everyone’s expectations.

“Golden Rain.”


“At least, from tomorrow, all Strongest Swords belonging to Seoul must distribute golden rain. If Seoul is to continue to survive, we need to improve its constitution.”

“Even for mutants that you personally disposed of?”

As expected, someone among the Strongest Swords asked quietly, and Yeongwoo nodded.

“Yes. Without exception, every single area must distribute golden rain. Otherwise, they won’t be able to pay the defense expenses every day.”

In other words, it meant that defense expensess would be collected even from areas that had cleared mutants by themselves.


Some of the Strongest swords, who had confidence in their own defense, showed perplexed reactions.

And among them, the most representative figure was Yeonhee of Songpa.

“Wouldn’t it be better to just pay you a commission and leave it to you to deal with mutants we can’t handle ourselves, like before? In return, you’d get a fair 10 million karma.”


From the very choice of words, she drew a clear line.

Just like today, she was saying that she could protect her own district on her own.

But Yeongwoo’s thoughts were different.

“That might be possible in normal times, but what if an existence like Kim Il-sung falls into Songpa?”

“Then, of course, 10 million karma…”



“Why do you think I used the term ‘defense expenses’? It means that I will take on the responsibility of dealing with beings that could pose a national threat in exchange for a certain amount of military funding on a regular basis.”

In fact, the price for mobilizing the asymmetrical power of laser bombardment and the Joseon’s Strongest Sword was 5 million every day.

In the absence of alternatives, this was not a very expensive price.

“To be precise, you guys in the Seoul Alliance are going to split the cost of my tens of millions of karma payroll. It’s like a tax, in a way. It’s not just about giving me money, it’s also a sign of your goodwill and trust.”


When Yeongwoo brought up goodwill and trust, Yeonhee had nothing to say.

She knew that the other person was using a strange sophistry, but she couldn’t refute it because of the atmosphere.

After all, most of the people here had already paid Yeongwoo ‘protection money’ once.

The majority actually needed Yeongwoo’s help, and even the person who was going to help them had cut his price in half.

‘If I argue about this any more, I’ll be the only one who looks bad.’

In the end, Yeonhee let out a sigh.

“Alright then, what about the golden rain? Does it mean that all districts will have to choose the 300,000 karma distribution from now on?”

At her question, Yeongwoo’s eyes lit up.

“That’s right. From now on, we will return the cores left by each mutant to each district.”

And Yeongwoo’s advice was to use those returned cores to directly sprinkle golden rain and create commemorative coins, and to use those to gain the support of the local residents.



[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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“There will be differences between districts, but when you sprinkle golden rain, at least 300 million karma will be generated in the district. So, please take 5 million out of that as a defense contribution and distribute the rest in consultation with the local residents.”

Even if only 10,000 residents are alive in the area, at least 300 million karma will be generated.

In fact, the population of each district before the reset was at least 120,000 and as many as 650,000.

This means that if golden rain falls in each district tomorrow, the actual amount of karma generated will be much larger.

“Since we will continue to rotate Seoul as it is now, it will be like the residents get 30,000 karma for free. So, there shouldn’t be any big problem with getting some of it back.”

And then Yeongwoo said this.

“It’s like the local residents are paying you defense expenses.”


At this, the Strongest Swords looked as if they had been hit on the back of the head.

Come to think of it, that’s true.

The only difference was the way the money was exchanged, but in essence it was the same act.

The residents paid ‘protection money’ to the Strongest Swords, the local guardians, and the Strongest Swords paid ‘defense expensess’ to Yeongwoo in preparation for problems they couldn’t handle themselves.

To put it simply, from now on Yeongwoo was going to be the Strongest Sword of the Strongest Swords.

“If all districts are really able to generate golden rain every day, it will be a much more stable system than it is now. At least some karma will be left over.”

Gwanak’s Strongest Sword Jo Sangik came forward and defended Yeongwoo’s proposal.

“We’ll continue to support you with manpower until the fundraising system is in place, just like we did today.”

Oh Yeonhee nodded in agreement after he said this.

“Let’s give it a try for now. If everything goes as well as you say, I don’t think we’re going to lose any money.”

“That’s great. You won’t regret it. And I think it’s essential, especially since the mutants are getting stronger and stronger.”

Yeongwoo thought that simply having the Strongest Swords monopolize 3 million was not enough to sustain the regions.

This was because not only mutants but also monsters were getting stronger as time went on.

‘It has to rain gold all over Seoul every day. Otherwise, Seoul will eventually be in ruins.’

Of course, Yeongwoo wasn’t proposing this plan just for everyone’s survival.

The reason was money.

More precisely, he needed a stable cash flow.

‘The currency generated by the golden rain is proportional to the number of people. Not only in the long term but also in the medium term, it’s beneficial to keep more people alive.’

Currently, there are a total of 12 areas under the Seoul Federation where “collection” is possible.

‘Except for my area, Gangnam, there are 11 areas.’

Therefore, if each area receives a defense expenses of 5 million, Yeongwoo’s fixed income per day will be a whopping 55 million karma.

Once this defense expenses system is well established, there won’t be a situation where taxes go unpaid, at least for a while.

“Now, has the explanation been sufficient? If there are any other questions or complaints, please speak up now.”

As Yeongwoo said this, an unexpected figure raised his hand.


It was none other than Kim Doha of Yongsan’s Strongest sword.

“Yes, Mr. Doha. Please go ahead.”

“Uh… it’s nothing else but… that defense expenses, until when do we have to pay it?”

“The mutation won’t be infinite, will it? Kim Jong-un has already appeared in the north, so it’s obvious that others will follow suit, right?”

Kim Doha’s intention with the question was clear.

At some point soon, all mutants will disappear, so wouldn’t defense spending be meaningless by then?

Even this question had considerable persuasiveness.

As he said, for some reason, in the north, the dictator, who might have been the strongest mutant, had already appeared as the third generation.

So, what about Seoul?

Since a dragon has already appeared here, won’t similar beings soon emerge one after another?

“Yeah, that’s right.”

“It makes sense. No matter how many conglomerates or celebrities there are, there must be limits.”

The atmosphere among the Strongest Swords became one of gradual agreement, and Yeongwoo, too, did not deny it.

“You’re right. If there are no more threats, there would be no reason to increase defense expenses.”

But will such a day really come?

Yeongwoo found it difficult to be certain.

If merely disposing of all mutants was enough to end the reset, there would be no achievements like ‘Ending Maker’.

[Ending Maker]

| Discover the protagonist after the reset.


‘It’s not over yet. Judging by the related achievements, the age of Pangaea will surely come.’

There is something more.

However, until now, it was just a suspicion, so Yeongwoo could only say this much.

“I hope all threats disappear soon, as you said. However, since the reset, our planet has already connected with the universe. So maybe… ”

Yeongwoo’s follow-up about preparing for something beyond mutants was left unfinished.


Suddenly, the sky above Gangnam changed ominously.


“What, what is it?”

“Oh, no way!”

Everyone was startled by the phenomenon reminiscent of when ‘Furnace’ first appeared, but Yeongwoo and Yangju’s Strongest Sword Choi Jongseon were thinking of a completely different entity.

Because that thing…


Suddenly, a deep rumble resounded from the sky, and the space in the area seemed to ripple.

Something with tremendous mass was approaching.

“Oh, it’s coming!”


With the thought that something on the level of the three generations of the North was coming again, the Strongest Swords of Seoul looked at Yeongwoo with wide eyes.

Now he was a defense specialist who would receive a salary regularly from tomorrow.

But Yeongwoo, who should have been ready for combat, instead raised both arms and laughed brightly, emitting a strange sound, no, meaning.


As if in response, a huge anchor was suddenly shot down from the sky.



[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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