
Return of the Calamity-Class Death Knight - Chapter 33

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[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]


Chapter 33: Leaf Plains(3)

“Pavel Vermound.”

The Duke was well aware of the names and skills of the knights participating in the duel. So when he heard the name Pavel Vermound, he immediately recalled who he was.

“I heard he’s quite exceptional among the duel candidates.”

“You’ve probably heard correctly.”

“If you’re good enough to be recommended by Sir Damien, you must be good enough…….”

The Duke fell silent.

As demonstrated in Fabian Vincenzo’s duel, the Marquis’s knights surpassed the skill of those in the Duke’s ranks. Even with Pavel Vermound, victory was not assured, and the Duke, wavering in his noble stature, hesitated.

“Your Excellency, while the Marquis’s knights may be strong, they are still of the same low class. There’s no reason to worry.”

Damien started to reassure the Duke.

“Pavel Vermound has prepared extensively for this duel. He will not be defeated by any opponent.”

If the knight sent out this time loses, it would confirm their defeat. However, Damien seemed unconcerned, as if he didn’t care about being blamed for the potential loss.

His attitude strangely instilled confidence in the Duke.

“I will trust your words. Let Pavel Vermound come forward.”

Following the Duke’s command, Pavel Vermound stepped forward. His face was pale from nervous tension.

“Pavel Vermound, Sir Damien recommends you. Do you have the confidence to live up to this expectation?”

Pavel Vermound couldn’t answer immediately. After a moment of contemplation, he opened his mouth.

“…Yes, I will bring victory even if I have to sacrifice my life.”

Satisfied with this response, the Duke smiled.

“Good. Go and fight, then return victorious.”

With his sword in hand, Pavel Vermound walked out onto the plain.

The cheers from the Marquis’s camp persisted until Pavel Vermound made his entrance.

As Pavel Vermound stepped onto the duel arena at the center of the plain, Marquis raised his fist into the air.

A sudden hush fell over the soldiers, a striking demonstration of the Marquis’s ability to command attention.

Shortly after, a knight from the Marquis’s side walked out.

He was a strikingly handsome, fair-skinned knight.

A greatsword hung on his back, and confidence filled his face.

‘…He’s stronger than me.’

The moment Pavel saw the knight, he instinctively realized that this knight was stronger than him.

“I’m Huey Bara. And you?”

The Marquis’s knight asked Pavel. After taking a deep breath, Pavel replied, “I’m Pavel Vermound.”

Upon hearing the name, Huey Bara sighed heavily.

“What’s this? Never heard of that name. I was hoping to face someone more famous. Beating someone like you won’t earn me any recognition.”

Huey Bara shook his head casually, unlike the first knight who came out.

“What about Damien Haksen? Can’t you send him? He seems quite famous, and it would make the fight more interesting.”

Damien Haksen.

When that name was mentioned, Pavel Vermound couldn’t help but smirk.

Upon seeing Pavel’s reaction, Huey Bara raised an eyebrow and asked, “What are you chuckling about?”

“When a stray dog brings up a tiger, it’s bound to be entertaining.”

Huey Bara is strong, but not as much as Damien.

Damien’s strength surpassed common understanding. There couldn’t be another monster like him.

“It seems people get arrogant even when they’re not famous.”

Huey Bara lifted the greatsword hanging on his back.

The lengthy and robust blade slid out effortlessly, akin to pulling a twig from a tree.

Concurrently, Huey Bara unleashed his mana. A potent force surged forth, as though being struck by a powerful gust of wind.


Pavel Vermound muttered under his breath.

As he had feared, the man standing before him was undeniably more powerful.

Could he truly emerge victorious in a battle? A profound sense of despair and uncertainty gripped Pavel Vermound’s chest.

“Hey, why are you so stiff? You should be on high alert and on guard, or else… you’ll end up like this in an instant!”

Suddenly, Huey slammed the ground. Rushing forward with astonishing speed, he aimed to drive the hilt of his greatsword into Pavel Vermound’s side.

Just in time, Pavel Vermound blocked the hilt of a greatsword with the blade of his longsword. His body was forced backward.

“Oh… You’ve got some skills, huh?”

Huey Bara exclaimed in admiration, as if praising an inferior.

“Why so silent? Are you too surprised?”

As Huey Bara spoke, Pavel Vermound was indeed too shocked to respond.

However, the reason for his astonishment was not the surprise attack from Huey Bara.

‘…It’s similar.’

The technique displayed by Huey Bara resembled what Damien had used.

Every time Pavel Vermound approached, Damien had casually struck his opponent’s side with the hilt.


Utilizing the hilt instead of the blade is a common technique in various swordsmanship styles. Therefore, Pavel Vermound couldn’t be certain.

“I can enjoy this in my own way!”

Huey Bara charged at Pavel Vermound, rapidly closing the gap and swinging his greatsword.

Huey Bara skillfully wielded the greatsword, bringing it down with a force that tore through the air at an astonishing speed.

Reacting on instinct, Pavel Vermound took a quick step backward. The greatsword narrowly avoided him, leaving only a hair’s breadth between the blade and the body.

As the greatsword met the earth, it upheaved the ground, shrouding both combatants in soil and dust.

“Can you dodge this as well?”

Without delay, the greatsword reappeared from the swirling dust. It swung horizontally, targeting Pavel Vermound’s side.

However, Pavel Vermound had already assumed a defensive stance. He blocked the incoming greatsword with the blade.

“…You can block this too?”

For the first time, a look of confusion appeared on Huey Bara’s face.

‘…This can’t be.’

However, the person more astonished than anyone else was Pavel Vermound.

‘Even this is similar?’

Damien always swung down his greatsword and followed up with a charging horizontal slash.

During their sparring sessions, no dust had risen as the ground was made of stone.

Still, due to the frequency of the technique, Pavel’s body instinctively reacted.

At this point, it was not merely a similarity; it was identical.

‘The Marquis’s knights are said to practice a sword technique called “Lion’s Roar,”… how did Damien master Lion’s Roar?’

Suddenly, a single possibility crossed Pavel Vermound’s mind.

A spy.

Perhaps Damien was not a spy sent by the Marquis?


However, Pavel Vermound immediately dismissed this speculation.

Two days ago, after the sparring had ended, Damien had said to the duel knights:

“Take a break during the remaining two days and carefully review what I’ve taught you.”

Damien’s advice had been invaluable. By repeatedly analyzing Damien’s movements, Pavel Vermound was able to evade Huey Bara’s attacks.

‘A spy who reveals the secrets of an adversarial lineage doesn’t exist.’

If that was the case, there was only one possibility.

‘…He learned by observing.’

There were stories about geniuses who could immediately replicate someone’s actions just by seeing them.

A genius like Damien had more than enough potential for this.

‘No, Damien didn’t just copy it…’

Even though they both practiced Lion’s Roar, Damien’s proficiency was far superior. Huey Bara’s sword seemed like a child’s plaything in comparison.

‘So, not only did he steal the Marquis’s technique, but he also surpassed the Marquis’s knights?’

A chill ran down his spine. At that moment, Pavel Vermound’s body stiffened.


Huey Bara didn’t miss this opportunity. He swung his greatsword toward Pavel Vermound’s forehead.

This, too, was a technique Pavel Vermound had suffered numerous times from Damien.

Pavel Vermound skillfully deflected the greatsword with his blade.

“This bastard…!”

Huey Bara intensified his assault on Pavel Vermound. The greatsword moved relentlessly.

However, no sword could pierce Pavel Vermound’s defenses. He effortlessly dodged the greatsword, The final blow was met with a sword.

There was a sharp sound as the blades met, and the greatsword bounced back.


Confusion and embarrassment flashed across Huey Bara’s face. Pavel Vermound did not miss the opening.

For the first time since the duel began, Pavel Vermound advanced instead of retreating.

Unleashing his swordsmanship, With his sword, he began to push Huey Bara backward.

“Ugh, argh!”

Huey Bara didn’t even bother to resist, instead focusing on blocking Pavel Vermond’s attack.

He was losing to an opponent he had considered beneath him.

In the face of disgrace, Huey Bara’s face turned crimson.

“Can’t you ease up a bit!”

Huey Bara put more force into his greatsword. Pavel Vermound immediately noticed.

The longsword and the greatsword were entangled in a complex exchange. Pavel Vermound applied force to his hand, deflecting the greatsword.

The greatsword slipped from Huey Bara’s hand, flying off into the distance.

Huey Bara stared at his empty hand in a daze. At that moment, a blade touched his throat.

“I win”

Pavel Vermound declared calmly, pointing the blade.



Thunderous cheers erupted, lifting Pavel Vermound.

In the midst of the tremendous applause, Pavel Vermound felt a tingling sensation throughout his body.

Putting away his sword, he turned toward the Duke’s party.

The cheers grew even louder. Pavel Vermound sensed something overwhelming in his chest.

At that moment, Damien caught Pavel Vermound’s gaze.

Unlike the jubilant people of the Duke’s party, Damien wore an extremely composed expression.

As if he had anticipated this outcome.


The excitement was gone.

A sense of foreboding and dread filled the void.

“Who the hell are you……?

Pavel Vermound shuddered as he asked the unanswerable question.


“Pavel Vermound, you’ve achieved victory in such a splendid manner,” Duke Goldpixie remarked, a smile overflowing on his face.

“Sir Damien’s judgment was accurate,” someone added.

“Pavel Vermound, the one he recognized and recommended,” another person chimed in.

The Duke nodded in agreement, his smile indicating his satisfaction.

“Unlike someone who suffered defeat due to a lack of foresight,” the Duke’s pointed words caused Sebastian Vincenzo to lower his head.

“Now, only the representative duel remains. Are you confident?” the Duke asked Damien.

“Well, I’ll do my best,” Damien replied nonchalantly.


“Please, end my life,” Huey Bara pleaded, prostrating himself in front of the Marquis.

“Why do you speak such words? You did your best. It’s just that the knight on the other side was stronger,” the Marquis consoled Huey Bara.

It was unthinkable to punish a knight who had fought for his house.

“And don’t be too disheartened. Victory is still ours,” the Marquis reassured.

With those words, the Marquis shifted his attention, noticing Michael Ryan Bloom standing a short distance away.

“Your words are correct, Your Grace,” Huey Bara said with a respectful expression.

To the knights of the Marquis, Michael Ryan Bloom was a symbol of invincibility.

“Return and take your rest now,” the Marquis ordered, and Huey bowed his head before stepping back.

The Marquis approached Michael.


Despite the call from his father, Michael continued gazing at the plain.

“Michael, isn’t something strange?” the Marquis finally said.

“Father, isn’t it odd?” Michael abruptly spoke.

Even with his father approaching, Michael kept his eyes on the plain.

“Huey was stronger than the Duke’s knight. I can confidently say he was one, or even two, steps above him.”

The Marquis agreed with Michael’s words. Even with his high-class judgment, Huey Bara was indeed stronger.

Physique, mana, skills, experience, and more.

He had grown like a wild plant in the Marquis’s mansion, standing out among the mediocre individuals.

“But he lost. It wasn’t just a defeat; he was completely overwhelmed.”

The Duke’s knights skillfully blocked Huey Bara’s attacks, seized the advantage, and claimed victory.

It was akin to a dog overpowering a wolf.

“The Duke’s knight thoroughly pierced through the Lion’s Roar Sword technique. But it’s strange. He didn’t seem to be that talented.”

Agreeing with his son’s words, the Marquis nodded.

“I share the same thoughts. Perhaps the Lion’s Roar Sword technique may have leaked. When we return, we must thoroughly investigate…”

“No, Father, that’s not it.”

Michael refuted his father.

“The Lion’s Roar Sword technique didn’t leak; that man discovered it. He found it and taught it.”

Only then did the Marquis realize where Michael’s gaze had been fixed.

“Damien Haksen,” Michael continued, his attention solely fixed on that man.

“Isn’t it incredible? The Lion’s Roar Sword technique is by no means a low-level martial art. It’s a technique that our ancestors continuously developed and improved over generations. And not only did he see through it, but he also taught it to other knights.”

Typically, it was an impossible feat achieved only in dreams and beyond the reach of most geniuses.

“Father, do you see? Experiencing a moment like this, where my heart is racing, this is a first time for me.”

Michael placed his hand over his chest, his face slightly lifted.

“I’ve finally found someone who’s my equal.”

The Marquis looked at his son with a complex expression.

Originally, he had planned to sternly warn his son that victory was essential.

However, faced with his son’s brimming excitement, he couldn’t bring himself to pour cold water on his son’s excitement. Moreover, it seemed unnecessary to say such things.

“Michael, go and enjoy yourself to your heart’s content,” the Marquis said, looking at his son.

Michael gripped his sword in response.

“…But kill him.”

The Duke’s words were calm but carried a sense of gravity.

“I understand, Father.”

With determination in his eyes, Michael headed towards the battlefield.


As Michael Ryan Bloom walked towards the arena, he could feel his heart pounding fiercely.

‘Finally, we meet.’

Michael Ryan Bloom’s life could be summarized in just one word.


When he first held a sword, excitement surged within him. Learning swordsmanship from his father seemed thrilling and amusing. Meeting senior knights filled him with curiosity.

But as the days of wielding the sword increased, the initial excitement and interest quickly faded. In short, it was too easy. His father’s taught swordsmanship could be replicated after a single demonstration. Knights who were supposedly stronger than him turned out to be nothing special in combat.

At some point, Michael Ryan Bloom stopped approaching the training grounds. He let go of the sword and began to suffer from boredom and lethargy.

‘Found it.’

He thought adversaries, rivals, or any challenging figures would never appear. However, today, he unexpectedly encountered someone with talent matching his own—a genius who could become his rival, a knight who could be his equal.

Michael Ryan Bloom stood before Damien.

“I’m Michael Ryan Bloom.”

Suppressing his anticipation, Michael offered a greeting. After a yawn, Damien responded.

“I’m Damien Haksen.”

Michael felt laughter bubbling up.

“I’ve been waiting for someone like you for a long time.”

In his heart, he wanted to draw his sword immediately. However, the other person was a valuable opponent he had finally met. He wanted to properly present himself.

“Fight me as an equal, my fellow warrior.”

Michael Ryan Bloom gripped the hilt of his sword, his heart pounding fiercely.

“I earnestly request. Please don’t disappoint me.”

Michael drew his sword, the blade glinting coolly in the sunlight.


Damien uttered a single word.

“Your talent hasn’t fully blossomed, otherwise you wouldn’t be saying that.”

The words from Damien’s mouth were completely unexpected for Michael Ryan Bloom.

“Can’t be helped. I’ll have to come down a bit.”

What is he trying to say?

Michael was about to ask that when suddenly, a chill ran down his spine. It felt like someone was pulling his shirt’s back with rough hands.

Foreboding, a sense of danger, fear.

All those emotions surged explosively.

Unconsciously, Michael drew his sword, pointing the tip at Damien.

No, he tried to point it.

The blade didn’t rise. It stiffened, pointing downward.

Not only could he not aim the sword, but he couldn’t even look directly at Damien.

His whole body trembled. Cold sweat dripped onto the ground.

“Michael Ryan Bloom.”

Damien spoke softly.

It felt like a dagger piercing Michael’s ears.

“Do I still appear as an equal to you?”

The sword fell to the ground.

Before Michael even realized he had let go of the sword, he knelt on the ground.

“I… lost.”

The words came out involuntarily. Michael Ryan Bloom didn’t even think of stopping his own mouth.

“I lose…”

The third duel.

The winner had been decided.



[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader -Kawaii]

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