
Return of the Calamity-Class Death Knight - Chapter 1

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[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]


Chapter 1: There Was a Talent

I Had a Talent

“You’re truly insane! You were kicked out for causing a ruckus at the tavern? Do you know how much our family’s honor has been tarnished because of you?”

I had a talent for tarnishing our family’s honor.

My father couldn’t sleep a wink dealing with the aftermath of his son’s incident.

“Brother! Why on earth did you draw your sword on Marquis Ryanbloom’s son? Sister had to marry that disgusting bastard to try to fix the situation!”

I had a talent for ruining my family’s future.

To escape Marquis’s wrath, my sister had to enter an unwanted marriage.

“Damien… why did you borrow money using our family’s land as collateral? You borrowed it from the Duke Goldpixie firm. I can’t help you this time, my son.”

I also had a talent for squandering our family’s wealth.

All of the meager fortune of Viscount Haksen had disappeared through my hands.

“Get out.”

As a result, my father finally threw me out, unable to bear it any longer.

Even my mother, who usually protected me, kept her mouth shut this time.

My younger brother was overjoyed, saying that this was long overdue.

“Damien… at least take this money.”

My sister was the only one who cared about me.

Even though she had lost her beloved fiancé and her own life was ruined because of her good-for-nothing younger brother.

“Please be happy.”

That day, for the first time, I learned what guilt and shame were.

I ran away from my family as if fleeing for my life.


After being cast out from my family, I wandered aimlessly.

A fool who had spent his entire life sucking the blood of his family, there was no reason why I should have any special talent.

The money I had quickly disappeared. I had to do anything to avoid starving to death.

Begging was common, and I got into fights more often than not.

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the Viscount’s son. You must think you’re quite the hotshot.”

“Are you dressed up like this because you want to be beaten up? What can I do for you?”

And amazingly, I discovered a new talent.

“My arm… my arm…!

“Wh-who has a potion…? My leg won’t move!”

“P-please, p-please spare my life!”

I had a talent for swordsmanship.

When I cut down over a dozen thugs with a rusty dagger I found in a back alley, I finally realized my talent.

I had never even held a sword before, spending my time in debauchery and idleness when I was in the family.

So I didn’t know I had this talent.

“What? You want to be a mercenary? Are you sure you can handle it with that frail body?”

“…Well, despite your appearance, you have a knack for handling a sword.”

“With that level of skill, you won’t die anywhere. Congratulations on joining our mercenary group.”

Working as a mercenary, I learned something.

The fact that my talent was far greater than I had imagined.

I mastered any swordsmanship I came across. I was also proficient in other weapons besides swords.

“I never thought you could actually defeat a knight!”

“If it weren’t for you, we would all be dead!”

“Brother! I will only trust you from now on!”

I quickly became the ace of the mercenary group.

I was not afraid of any enemy. Even knights were no match for me.

Before long, I discovered that the talent I possessed had no limits.

In a rather unpleasant way, that is.

– Look who’s walking in on their own two feet! Fresh corpses!

On a mission I had taken without a second thought, our mercenary group encountered a Lich.


A dark mage who has turned himself into an undead to escape death.

Only the highest-ranking dark mages could become liches, and their abilities are said to be beyond what they were in life.

The lich we encountered was not even an ordinary lich.

It was an Archlich, known as the pinnacle of liches.

The mercenary group was all rendered powerless by the Archlich’s dark magic.

I was no exception.

– Oh? Is this such a marvelous thing? To possess such immense talent in a human being. Even I cannot fathom its limits!

The Archlich showered me with compliments and admiration.

– But it is truly lamentable that the development of your talent is so slow. With such talent, you should be able to reach the pinnacle of Master Class with just a few swings of your sword.

The Archlich, who was observing me again, clapped his hands.

The sound was hard and hollow, coming from his skeletal body.

– Oh, I see now. The light of your soul is so faint, so weak, that it seems you have wasted your talent due to your inherent laziness!

The Archlich had accurately assessed me, a mere human.

– Alas, how pitiful. But worry not. From now on, I shall make your talent bloom to its fullest potential.

After that, a hellish time began.

The Archlich inflicted unspeakable horrors upon my body.

I was injected with dozens of different drugs.

My organs were replaced with those of other creatures, and all sorts of magical artifacts were implanted into me.

In this way, ten years passed, and I was no longer human.

– At last, it is complete!

Death Knight.

I had become the highest-ranking undead, one that could only be born when a dark mage corrupted the soul of a knight.

The Archlich had poured all of his knowledge and resources into making me a Death Knight.

I was not at all pleased with this situation. But I was in no position to voice my displeasure.

In the process of transforming me into a Death Knight, the Archlich had completely eradicated my will.

This was so that he could make me a loyal slave.

However, somehow, not all of my will was extinguished.

I was still able to think, but I couldn’t control my body. It was as if I was trapped inside my own body.

– Now, let us show the world your power.

As soon as he had completed me, the Archlich began a war with the humans.

Amazingly, I slaughtered over tens of thousands of knights single-handedly in my first battle.

This was the result of the Death Knight’s powerful body, the vast amount of dark mana that had been forcibly infused into me, and finally, my own talent.

– They’re dying like vermin!

The Archlich gleefully sent me into more battles.

I cut and slashed, and cut again.

And the more I fought, the more my talent developed.

At some point, I became able to perfectly understand and imitate any swordsmanship I saw, even if it was only once.

Eventually, I moved beyond imitation and reached the realm of creation.

I combined all of the swordsmanship I had learned and created a new realm of my own.

From that point on, I had no equal.

Countless Masters were slain by me.

Among them were the Mercenary King, the Sword Saint, and even the man known as the Imperial Supreme Sword.

No one could stop me.

Not even myself.

I wondered if I would ever be able to escape Archlich’s clutches and regain my own free will.

Even when I plunged my sword into the heart of my father, whom I met on the battlefield.

“Damien! Why are you with Archlich? What is that thing you’ve become?”

I questioned my own fate as I slaughtered my family.

And when I severed my brother’s throat.

“Brother! Why are you doing this? Stop! Please stop!”

I was trapped in a cycle of violence, forced to commit atrocities against those I loved.

The same when I burned down our family’s estate and killed my mother.

“Damien… I see you weren’t happy.”

I felt a pang of guilt, but it was quickly overshadowed by the darkness within me.

Even when I attacked Marquis Ryanbloom and watched as the skeleton soldiers killing my sister.

– How did it feel to kill your own family with your own hands? I prepared this special treat for you.

Archlich’s words echoed in my ears, a cruel reminder of my descent into darkness.

When I returned after killing my entire family, Archlich spoke to me.

He knew everything and had ordered me to attack Viscount Haksen and Marquis Ryanbloom.

– Ha ha, of course, you didn’t feel anything. But I was truly amused. It was quite entertaining to watch.

I had never hated Archlich as much as I did that moment.

I had never resented my talent as much as I did that moment.

Yet, I was still bound to fight for Archlich.

And eventually, I succeeded in bringing down all the kingdoms, just as he had wished.

– Finally! The whole world kneels before me!

I had become a monster, a tool of Archlich’s destruction.

On the day the long-standing empire finally crumbled, Archlich praised me profusely.

– This is all thanks to you! If it weren’t for you, this day would never have come. No, wait, I’m the one who found you, so I guess it’s my credit after all. Ehehehehe!

He reveled in his victory, oblivious to the darkness that had consumed me.


Archlich was the only one in this world who truly understood my talent.

And so, the world has faced a disaster.

But even Archlich didn’t anticipate what was about to come.

My talent had already surpassed even his calculations.

I was strong enough to reclaim control of the body that Archlich had stolen from me.

On the day of the victory celebration.

I was able to control my body.

I was free.


It was a scene straight out of hell.

The city walls were in ruins. Buildings had been destroyed and were burning to the ground.

A massacre was taking place in the streets.


“Run away! Don’t let them catch you!”

The victims of the massacre were humans.

The blood of the people who had once lived within these walls was being spilled.

The perpetrators of the massacre were not human.

Half-rotten zombies, meat golems made of flesh, and bone-only Bone Ogres were moving among them.

Countless other undead were slaughtering the humans.

“Please, just spare my son!”

“Mommy! Mommyyyy!”

The undead were devoid of reason so they showed no mercy.

The people were being brutally slaughtered.

– Hahahahahaha!

Someone burst into laughter at the sight.

It was a man wearing an expensive fur coat that seemed out of place in this hell.

Or was he a man?

It was impossible to tell his exact gender since he was nothing but bones.

– This is great! Absolutely fantastic! Just as I had hoped!

His skull clacked its jaws in repeated laughter.

It was impossible to tell his expression since he was just a skull.

But anyone could tell that the skull was very pleased.

– As the old saying goes, the longer you wait for revenge, the sweeter it is! Can you imagine the joy I’m feeling now, having finally completed what I vowed to do 500 years ago?

There was no answer.

Archlich Dorguo turned and asked again.

– Why aren’t you answering? I am asking you.

Dorugo looked back to see the skeleton soldiers holding a middle-aged man captive.

With bright yellow hair like a ripe pumpkin and a beard that grew down to his chest, it was none other than Emperor of the Empire Howard Adelard.

Howard Adelard shouted at Dorugo, held captive by the skeleton soldiers.

“You filthy bastard! How dare you kill all my people! You’re a filthy demon who deserves to rot in hell!”

The emperor’s curse meant nothing to Dorugo now.

Rather, it was even sweet.

Dorugo savored the human emperor’s anger and then opened his mouth.

– So, have you finished what you have to say? Then we can proceed with the coronation ceremony.

“What nonsense is this! How can a worm like you have a coronation ceremony!”

– Heh, that’s obviously the coronation of this body. I am the first in history to achieve continental unification. So, it wouldn’t be an understatement to be called emperor, would it?

Dorugo burst out laughing.

The human emperor closed his eyes tightly.

How far does this undead intend to mock humanity?

– Well, then, have the crown brought.

An undead in black armor walked out from among the undead army.

The moment he saw the undead, the human emperor couldn’t help but harden his expression.

Death Knight Damien Haksen.

The Death Knight’s hands filled with the blood of countless soldiers, hundreds of thousands of knight, and even innumerable Masters fell before his might.

It was only thanks to this Death Knight that Dorugo was able to conquer the continent.

– Oh, my most loyal knight.

Dorugo looked at the Death Knight with eyes full of affection.

– It is thanks to you that I am able to stand here. How can I reward this achievement?

The Death Knight simply stood there, holding the crown.

Dorugo laughed at his appearance.

– What a foolish question. You are the slave of mine. Serving me is the greatest joy.

It was then that Dorugo’s laughter grew louder and louder.

Suddenly, the Death Knight threw the crown behind his head.

Dorugo’s laughter stopped abruptly at this unexpected action.

– Huh? What? I never gave such an order…

The Death Knight grabbed the greatsword he was carrying on his back.

He took a step forward and swung his sword at the same time.

Dorugo reflexively cast dark magic.

A black barrier blocked his path.

However, the Death Knight’s slash easily tore through the barrier.

At the same time, it cut Dorugo’s body in half.

– W-what’s going on…

The Death Knight took off his helmet. A young face was revealed.

It was undoubtedly a human face.

However, due to the influence of turning into a Death Knight, his skin was completely gray.

“Finally… you are moving of your own will.”

As the voice came from that face, Dorugo couldn’t help but be even more confused.

– H-how are you talking? I clearly wiped out all your consciousnesses?

“It only looked like my will was wiped out. I didn’t completely disappear. I was trapped inside my body, watching everything.”

Death Knight.

No, Damien picked up the upper half of Dorugo, which was only half left.

His face was expressionless, but his eyes were burning with hatred and anger.

Dorugo, who recognized this, smiled.

– Oh… you seem to be very angry. I understand. I would be too.

Even in this dangerous moment, Dorugo was calm.

A Lich stores its soul in a magic storage called a Life Vessel.

A Lich cannot die unless its Life Vessel is destroyed.

Archlich Dorugo was no different.

– In consideration of your achievements, I will allow you to vent your anger today only. Until I find a way to control you again.

Dorugo had created multiple spare bodies.

He planned to transfer his spirit to a spare body as soon as his body was destroyed, and then regain control of Damien.

– Come on, do something. You can smash this body to pieces, or you can shower it with insults… Uwweeeek!

Suddenly, Dorugo spewed dark mana from his mouth.

It wasn’t just his mouth. Dark mana was pouring out from all over his body.

The dark mana and soul that were stored in the Life Vessel were flowing back out.

– N-no way… Uwweeeek!

The Life Vessel was intact.

But even so, Dorugo was dying in real time.

It was something he couldn’t understand at all.

“I’ve been thinking about how to kill you for a long time.”

A Lich cannot die unless its Life Vessel is destroyed.

However, it was impossible to find the Life Vessel while being under Dorugo’s control.

“I created a swordsmanship that would rip out your soul along with your physical body, just to kill you.”

– T-there’s no way such swordsmanship exists…

“Why do you think it doesn’t?”

Damien tightened his grip on Dorugo’s nape and said.

“Have you already forgotten who I am? Didn’t you always boast about me in front of you? You called me your greatest masterpiece!”

Damien Haksen.

His talent, which had grown by devouring countless realms, had reached the realm of the gods, The Divine Realm.

He could do anything with his sword.

The word impossible did not apply to him.

– S-stop him! Stop him right now!

Dorugo hurriedly gave orders to the undead army.

Skeletons and golems rushed towards Damien.

As Damien swung his greatsword, a dark aura turned into a tidal wave and swept over the undead army.

The dark tidal wave crushed and tore apart the army.

The undead were swept away without even putting up a fight.

– A-ah, no…

Dorugo was speechless at the ridiculous sight.

Now as an enemy, it struck him deeply how much of a monstrous being the Death Knight he created truly was.

No more dark mana was leaking from Dorugo’s body.

Dorugo could feel it. The fact that death was approaching.

– P-please save me… P-please…!

Damien curled his lips and said.

“Rot in hell.”

The light in Dorugo’s skull disappeared. His soul had been completely extinguished.

Damien threw Dorugo’s skull to the ground.

And trampled on it until it turned to dust.

– Uwweeeee!

– Kyaaaaaa!

The undead remaining outside the palace began to scream.

They had started to rampage as their master had disappeared.

“Shut up.”

Damien spread his dark mana and regained control of the undead.

The undead army fell silent in an instant.

As the war dragged on, Dorugo had instilled his knowledge of dark magic in Damien .

Because of that, Damien was the second-best dark mage in the army, next to Dorugo.

“All of you, Repent.”

At Damien’s command, the army began to destroy itself.

The undead army of over hundreds of millions disappeared in an instant.

“W-what are you…?”

The human emperor looked at Damien in surprise.

But Damien was not interested in him at all.

“…Finally, it’s over.”

Damien sank to the ground.

Despite being undead, a deep sense of fatigue engulfed his body.

“No, it’s not over yet.”

Damien grabbed the greatsword in reverse.

He put the tip of the sword to his chest.

Under this skin was the power source that made Damien function as a Death Knight.

If he destroyed this, Damien could meet his true death.

“I still… have something to do.”

The faces of his family came to mind. He couldn’t remember any smiling faces.

“I have to apologize. I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

Without hesitation, Damien plunged the sword into his chest.

There was no pain.

Only a thick darkness obscured his vision.

And then…


A voice came from the darkness.

“Damien, why are you sleeping in a place like this? Get up quickly.”

It was the voice of his older sister, whom he had longed to see in his dreams.

Fortunately, he was able to meet his sister before falling into hell.

“Father is looking for you. He’s very angry. What did you do this time?”

It seems that his father was also very angry.

He had to go see his father right away.

So he had to confess all his sins and beg for forgiveness.

Damien opened his eyes was determined.

He saw the bright sunlight and his sister’s face.


His sister’s face was much younger than the last time he saw her.

Damien was so surprised that he spoke to his sister.

“…Sister, why are you so young?”

“Oh, suddenly so formal. Alright, I get it. Are you asking me to take your side when you get scolded by Father?”

His sister laughed heartily.

Damien couldn’t help but stare blankly at the sound of her laughter, which he hadn’t heard in so long.

“Alright, I understand. Just trust your older sister. So, you should get ready and come quickly, right?”

His sister took the first step.

In the direction his sister was walking, he could see the mansion of Viscount Haksen.

“…I’m sure I destroyed that mansion with my own hands?”

Damien looked down at his body.

Unlike when he was a Death Knight, he saw pale skin with blood flowing through it.

“…What happened to me?”

It was only after a while that Damien finally realized.

That he had regressed to the past.




[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

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Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 67
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 66
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 65
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 64
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 63
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 62
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 61
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 60
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 58
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 57
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 56
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 55
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 54
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 53
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 52
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 51
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 50
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 49
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 48
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 47
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 46
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 45
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 44
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 43
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 42
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 41
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 40
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 39
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 38
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 37
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 36
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 35
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 34
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 33
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 32
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 31
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 30
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 29
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 28
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 27
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 26
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 25
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 24
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 23
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 22
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 21
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 20
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 19
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 18
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 17
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 16
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 15
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 14
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 13
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 12
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 11
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 10
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 9
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 8
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 7
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 6
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 5
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 4
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 3
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 2
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 1
Aug 2, 2024