
Return of the Calamity-Class Death Knight - Chapter 212

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[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]


Chapter 212: Helian Tournament (1)


As the day of the tournament arrived, all the citizens of the capital gathered at the Colosseum.

The tens of thousands of seats were filled in an instant. Vendors selling food and drinks were hawking their wares everywhere.

“Surely the strongest contender is Archbold, right?”

The spectators engaged in heated discussions, anticipating the upcoming tournament.

The hottest topic was who would win the Master Class event.

“Archbold made it to the finals last tournament. He lost, but it was a close call.”

The winner cannot participate in the same event again.

So he had a high chance of winning this time since he came in second in the last tournament.

“I don’t know about that. Bradley Heath wasn’t there that time.”

The man sitting next to him raised an objection.

The Helian tournament was held every four years. In the last tournament, Bradley Heath was still in the High Class, so he couldn’t participate in the Master Class event.

After the tournament, Bradley Heath was promoted to Master Class. It was much earlier than Archbold.

There was no doubt that Bradley Heath’s talent was superior to Archbold’s. So the man thought Bradley Heath was the more likely winner.

“Well, Bradley Heath is a genius, but Archbold has much more experience as a Master Class.”

“Have you only watched the tournament once or twice? How many times has a talented knight surpassed their seniors?”

The two men continued to argue heatedly. Then, the man sitting in front of them turned around and said to them.

“It seems you two are behind on the news.”

“Who are you?”

“Does it matter who I am? You were talking about Archbold and Bradley as winners. I think differently. There’s a knight who’s been absolutely amazing lately.”

The two men listened intently to the man’s words.

“Another person?”

“This knight is said to have reached Master Class at the age of just over 20.”

“What? Early 20s?”

The two men looked incredulous.

Bradley Heath, whom the two men had just been discussing, had reached Master Class in his late 20s.

And yet, Bradley Heath was being hailed as a prodigy who had appeared in the empire after decades.

So there was someone who had reached Master Class at an even younger age than Bradley Heath?

“I heard it’s a knight named Damien Haksen from the Apple Kingdom.”

However, the two men’s expressions turned grim at the mention of the Apple Kingdom.

“The Apple Kingdom? He’s not an imperial knight.”

“A knight from another kingdom as a contender for the tournament? That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard!”

In the Helian Tournament, regardless of the event, most of the winners were imperial knights.

This was because imperial knights were simply better than knights from other kingdoms.

This was also a source of pride for the imperial citizens. It meant that the imperial knights were the strongest on the continent.

“Anyway, Archbold is going to win!”

“What are you talking about! It’s Bradley Heath!”

The two men started arguing again, raising their voices. The man clicked his tongue and turned his attention back to the front.

“Hey, you there! Bet on the winner and test your judgment and luck!”

Then, a boy was seen walking around with a makeshift stand around his neck.

“Hey, come here?”

“Yes! Are you taking bets?”


The man took out a gold coin and placed it on the stand.

“Five gold coins on Damien Haksen.”

It was a considerable amount of money, but there was no hesitation on the man’s face.

[PR/N- Sword saint?]


Inside the Colosseum’s waiting room.

Michael looked around at the other knights and said.

“They sure are different from the knights of the kingdom.”

“Even if they’re wearing the same armor, I think you can tell the difference. The knights of the empire have a lot more presence.”

The waiting room was filled with knights who were participating in the tournament.

Of course, not all of the knights were there. Some of the knights from the empire, tJose from powerful families, were given private rooms.

“There are a lot of old families in the empire.” Damien said nonchalantly.

It wasn’t really surprising that the knights of the empire were better.

The old families had access to more advanced mana cultivation techniques and swordsmanship.

Moreover, since the empire had gathered all the wealth and riches from the continent, it was very easy to obtain highly effective elixirs.

“And don’t act like you’re weak. Don’t you think I can’t tell, everyone is looking down on you?”

At Damien’s words, Michael scratched the back of his head.

Michael was originally a very arrogant knight. He was so confident that he believed there was no genius under the heavens who could surpass him.

Although he had changed since meeting Damien, his character couldn’t completely disappear.

“To be honest, if it weren’t for Lady Rachel, I think I could win against anyone.”

During his stay at the estate, Michael often sparred with Rachel.

The result was Michael’s defeat. He didn’t even get to fight properly and lost.

Considering Rachel’s skills, it was only natural. In his past life, Michael had never beaten Rachel even once.

“So, are you going to give up easily?”

“There’s no way I would. I’ll definitely get my revenge.”

Michael’s eyes turned sharp.

Damien smiled wryly. According to his expectations, Michael would likely lose again this time.

However, one never knew what would happen in life. Moreover, Michael’s abilities couldn’t be underestimated.

“But how is the tournament going to proceed?”

“It will be held six times a day, divided by category.”

With many participants, the number of matches held per day was also high.

“I’m not worried about the Middle-Class group. There’s no one who seems stronger than her.”

Michael said, looking at Veronica.

In the empire, and among the knights of other kingdoms, there was no one who seemed stronger than Veronica.

However, it wasn’t a situation where one could let their guard down completely.

“Ha… I’m bored.”

Veronica mumbled, leaning against the window.

“I want to cut off his ears and nose and make them round… I want to insert a blade under his skin and peel it off slowly…”

A few days without killing someone had brought Veronica’s mental state to a dangerous level.

The idea that she needed to kill someone to be in a stable mental state was a testament to her twisted nature.

“If you sent her to the tournament, but what if she killed someone and caused trouble?”

Most of the knights participating in the tournament were from empires or kingdoms. There were some wandering knights, but they were a very small minority.

“Don’t worry, I have everything planned out.”

“As expected of my brother.”

“Veronica, come here for a moment.”

Hearing the call, Veronica walked over to Damien with heavy steps.


“Don’t kill anyone in this tournament. Don’t even wound them with your sword.”

“Well, I’ll try.”

Her attitude was extremely nonchalant. It seemed that she had no intention of taking Damien’s advice seriously.

Michael put on an expectant expression, hoping that Damien would stir up some more trouble.

“Didn’t I promise you that I would grant you a wish if you reach High-Class faster than him last time?”

“Yes, you did. But I failed.”

“If I win the tournament without breaking the rules I mentioned,
I will let you stab me wherever you want.”

But her eyes lit up at the words that followed.


“Yes, really.”

“Are you serious? I’ll get mad if you break your promise?”

“No, No, I will break the promise.”

Veronica’s eyes began to burn with determination.

Then Michael whispered with a worried expression.

“……Brother, are you really going to grant her wish?”

“Well, I said I would let her stab me, not that I would be doing nothing.”


“I didn’t say I wouldn’t dodge, did I?”

Michael’s expression became blank for a moment at Damien’s words.

“The Middle-Class event is about to begin! Lady Veronica Sanchez, please enter the arena!”

The imperial official shouted loudly. Veronica ran out cheerfully.

And as soon as it started, she claimed victory.

She dodged the opponent’s attack and held a sword to their throat.

“Wow, wow! What was that just now? How did you do that?”

“Wait, where did that woman come from?”

“I heard it was the Apple Kingdom.”

The spectators applauded with shocked faces at her neat trick.

However, Veronica was not very interested in the attention of the spectators.

“Damien Haksen! You have to keep your promise!”

That was all she shouted towards the waiting room.


Several more middle-class matches followed. Cheers erupted from the stands every time the match ended.

“Brother, it’s my turn next.”

“Alright, do your best.”

Damien offered no advice, as he was well aware of Michael’s abilities.

Just as Damien had expected, Michael returned after easily defeating his opponent.

He had broken his opponent’s weapon with a broadsword, crushing their fighting spirit.

“Wow, can weapons be broken so easily?”

“No way. That must be an incredibly strong sword.”

“I heard that knight is also from the Apple Kingdom.”

“The Apple Kingdom? Didn’t they never make a mark in the tournament before?”

The spectators cheered while also gossiping about Michael.

– The next event will begin in 30 minutes!

Soldiers standing around the Colosseum shouted to the spectators.

– The next event is the Master Class!

– The match between Bradley Heath and Ulysses Hoplite will be held!

Finally, the match that everyone had been waiting for was about to begin.


Bradley climbed up to the arena.

“Bradley Heath!”

“The glory of the Empire!”

“Win for sure!”

The cheers of the spectators poured down, but Bradley was indifferent.

This was because all his attention was focused elsewhere.

Bradley looked at the waiting room. To be precise, he glared at Damien, who was standing by the window of the waiting room.

– You can’t beat this guy.

Since that day, Bradley had intensified his training. He pushed himself to the limit every day.

To defeat Damien?

No way. Bradley Heath thought he was stronger than Damien.

Even so, the reason Bradley Heath was so devoted to training was because of the Sword Saint.

No matter how much the Sword Saint was called the hero of the Empire, he couldn’t bear to hear such words.

He planned to show the Sword Saint by winning the tournament with overwhelming power.

You’re wrong.

I’m this strong, you see.

“Nice to meet you.”

A voice came from across the way. His opponent, Ulysses Hoplite, was staring at him intently.

Ulysses was holding an axe in each hand. The two axes were Ulysses’s main weapons.

“It’s strange that a young man who asked me for pointers just a while ago is now a Master Class and fighting me.”

When he was in High Class, Bradley had asked Ulysses for training. It was to gain enlightenment to reach Master Class.

“I would like to teach you again this time, but… I’m in a hurry too.”

Ulysses was 40 years old this year. If he was eliminated from this tournament, there would be no more chances.

“I understand. I just hope you do your best.”

“Thank you for saying that.”

Ulysses chuckled.

“Then let’s begin.”

“Please do your best.”

As soon as the words were over, the two knights charged at each other.

The double-edged axe and the fist collided several times in the air. With each collision, a faint aura burst out.

Surprisingly, Bradley was blocking all the axes with his bare fists. This was thanks to the aurablade wrapped around his fist and forearm.

“Amazing! You’ve trained the aurablade to this level in such a short time!”

The aurablade becomes stronger with training.

Bradley’s aurablade was as strong as Ulysses’s.

“It seems like it won’t be easy to end it quickly.”

The Helian tournament was long, so stamina management was also very important.

Ulysses had no intention of dragging out this duel.

“Bradley. Let me show you something interesting.”

Suddenly, Ulysses’s arms began to stretch.

They increased in number from two to four, eight, and sixteen.

Unlike his rough appearance, Ulysses was a user of illusionary swords.

His main technique was to exploit openings by using illusions to deceive his opponent’s eyes and senses.

“Last time, I had to teach you, so I didn’t use this technique. I wonder if you can block this.”

Dozens of arms released aurablades simultaneously.

A huge number of Aurablades rained down on Bradley.


Bradley’s eyes wavered. He seemed to be trying to figure out what was real and what was an illusion.

Ulysses smirked at the sight.

It looked like a mixture of fake and real, but in fact, they were all real.

Master Class knights could infuse illusions with mana. In other words, the illusions could become physical.

Just then, Bradley crouched down. His whole body’s muscles contracted.

Ulysses felt a sense of foreboding at the sight.

Before he could even find the source of the foreboding, Bradley lunged forward.

Bradley threw himself into the barrage of Aurablades. And in an instant, he enveloped his entire body with aurablades.

All of the aurablades Ulysses had emitted were shattered.

“……You blocked it like that?”

Even for a knight, it was incredibly difficult to surround his entire body with aurablades.

That’s why Bradley only jumped between the aurablades for a split second.

It was actually a crazy thing to do. If he made even the slightest mistake, his body would be torn apart.

But somehow, Bradley succeeded. And the reward for his reckless challenge was sweet.

Bradley reached Ulysses in an instant. At the same time, he threw a punch at Ulysses.

Surprised, Ulysses didn’t have time to react. He was unable to dodge and was punched in the chest.


Ulysses spat out blood and was pushed back. Bradley pursued Ulysses.

Bradley’s punches rained down relentlessly. Ulysses tried to defend himself by swinging his axes, but it was no use.

Because he had been punched in the chest just a moment ago, his hands were gradually slowing down. He was struggling to block the punches.

“……I, I lose.”

Ulysses finally declared his surrender. Immediately, the judges declared Bradley’s victory.

– Victory goes to Bradley Heath!

As soon as the outcome was decided, the spectators erupted in cheers.

“I told you! Bradley Heath is the winner!”

“Wow! Bradley Heath! The glory of the Empire!”

The crowd’s reaction was overwhelming. Everyone was cheering his name.

Bradley Heath spread his arms wide and basked in the cheers of the crowd.

“……So they call you the glory of the Empire. Impressive indeed.”

Ulysses watched the scene with a bitter expression and then left the arena.


The cheers of the spectators showed no sign of ending.

– Let’s proceed to the next match.

In the end, the referee had to come out and calm them down. This was because they had to proceed to the next match according to the schedule.

– Please come up to the arena, Mr. Jose Brendan and Mr. Damien Haksen.

At the referee’s words, Damien climbed up to the arena.

Looking around, he saw the densely packed spectators.

He shifted his gaze a little further and saw the special seats.

In the best position in the Colosseum, a table and chairs were luxuriously prepared.

There, a blond man was sitting with a tired face.

‘Howard Adelard.’

Damien muttered the man’s name to himself.

The emperor of the empire, the man blessed with gold.

Damien had only seen the man once in his previous life.

He was the man who was standing next to him when he killed Dourgo.

“You’re much younger than I thought.”

A stranger’s voice came from behind him. He turned his head to see a portly man standing there. It was Jose Brendan, Damien’s opponent.

“You just became a Master Class, huh? … And you have to face this body.”

Jose Brendan shook his head from side to side. It was a strangely irritating gesture.

“My name is Jose Brendan. I’m people called me the Iron Wall.”

Jose Brendan raised his weapon.

He showed a large shield that was big enough to cover his body and a short sword.

“This is my specialty.”

Jose Brendan raised his shield and slammed it down to the ground.

A gray aurablade covered the shield.


Damien had never met a Master Class named Jose Brendan in his previous life.

However, that didn’t mean Jose Brendan’s skills were nothing.

Just by looking at the way he covered such a wide area with the aurablade, he could tell that he was quite skilled.

“Can you break through my shield?”

Jose said in a provocative tone. Damien chuckled.

“It might be hard to pierce, but I think I can break it.”

“Hahaha, you’re an interesting guy.”

Jose laughed out loud. It seemed that he was taking Damien’s words as a joke.

“If you don’t believe me, I’ll have to show you.”

Damien took a deep breath. He spread his mana throughout his body with his breath.

The body strengthened by the Art of Sacrificial Raging Demon Manifestation reacted even more sensitively to mana than before.

Unprecedented power surged through his entire body. Damien slightly bent his knees, and the power that had surged through his body began to boil over.

As he straightened his knees and pushed against the ground, the ground cracked apart due to the enormous power.

Damien’s body glowed with a brilliant light and shot forward. He reached Jose’s nose before he could even blink.


Jose’s face filled with shock and astonishment. Without hesitation, Damien swung his sword.


Jose hastily poured strength into his arm, holding up a shield covered with the aurablade.

Damien’s sword clashed with the shield, producing a deafening sound that seemed like it would shatter one’s eardrums. The shield was smashed to pieces.

The impact sent Jose’s body flying backward. It wasn’t just a stumble, but a full-blown flight.


Jose quickly regained his composure and turned to face forward. When he did, his eyes widened to twice their size.

Damien was right in front of him.

Jose had been sent flying, and Damien had immediately pursued him.

It was a speed that defied common sense.

“…Is this guy crazy?”

Jose was taken aback, and at that moment, Damien swung his sword again.

Jose hastily raised his sword to block the attack.

Two swords, two aurablades, clashed with each other.

Damien’s sword dug into Jose’s sword, and it was broke it in an instant.

Damien’s sword continued to target Jose’s neck. Just before it reached its target, Damien stopped his sword.

Jose’s skin bled when the aurablade touched it.

“Do you admit defeat? Do you?”

Jose nodded his head with a dazed expression. Only then did Damien sheathe his sword.

There was no applause. Only silence fell over the Colosseum.


Even the judges, who were supposed to declare the winner, were stunned.

-D-Damien Haksen wins!

One of the judges finally managed to scream out the result. Only then did the audience erupt in cheers.

The match had started, and in under a minute, Damien’s victory was decided.




[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

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Chapter 37
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 36
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 35
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 34
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 33
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 32
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 31
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 30
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 29
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 28
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 27
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 26
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 25
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 24
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 23
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 22
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 21
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 20
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 19
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 18
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 17
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 16
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 15
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 14
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 13
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 12
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 11
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 10
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 9
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 8
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 7
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 6
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 5
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 4
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 3
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 2
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 1
Aug 2, 2024