
Return of the Calamity-Class Death Knight - Chapter 246

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[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]


Chapter 246: The Succubus (2)


Within the confines of the academy, numerous antiquated structures lay abandoned and unused.

Among these weathered structures, Sla had established her dungeon.


Sensing Damien’s killing intent, Sla exhaled a heated sigh. A faint blush tinted her cheeks.

“Such killing intent… You are truly magnificent.”

Sla said and she spread her arms wide and baring her chest to Damien.

“Damien, why don’t you join me? I’ll do anything for you. I can offer you pleasures beyond your wildest dreams…”

In that instant, Damien’s figure vanished.

He materialized directly in front of Sla. Sla’s eyes widened in surprise.


Without hesitation, Damien swung Dawn, and Dawn sliced through Sla’s face.

However, Sla’s head remained intact. The moment the sword made contact, it adhered to her skin.

Her regeneration speed was far superior to that of Valentino or Aktur.

“You deranged creature. You’ve completely abandoned your humanity.”

“On the contrary, this body is a result of my extensive research on humans.”


Damien continued to wield Dawn and continued to sever Sla’s limbs cleaving through her torso.

Yet, the outcome remained unchanged. The wounds healed as quickly as they were inflicted, leaving no trace of scars.

“It’s futile.”

Then, Damien extended his other hand. Dawn pierced Sla’s chest.

“Oh? That’s much faster than before.”

Ignoring Sla’s comment, Damien infused mana in the Dawn.

A surge of immense mana coursed through Sla’s body, causing her muscles to contort and writhe.


Sla’s expression hardened in response to this spectacle. She abruptly spun her head around.

With a sickening crack, her muscles returned to their normal state.

‘She’s controlling her body to suppress the Cotton-Lined Forbidden Needle.’

Sla was a master of dark magic, having reached the pinnacle of the Berserk Sect. Her mastery over her body was unparalleled.

Damien withdrew his arm from Sla’s chest and stepped back.

“Damien, how could you do such a thing to a woman’s body? Even for you, such an act is inexcusable. Never again should you employ such heinous techniques. Do you understand?”

Sla reprimanded Damien in a tone reminiscent of a scolding parent. Her words betrayed a lack of fear towards Damien.

Damien’s lips twisted involuntarily. He wanted to wipe that complacent smile off her face immediately.

“Strange, isn’t it? I’ve been releasing my scent all this time, yet you’re perfectly fine.”

Sla’s most terrifying weapon was her ability to emit pheromones. Anyone exposed to her pheromones became her slave in essence.

But this didn’t apply to Damien. A knight who had reached a certain level could use their mana to protect themselves from external influences—like expelling poison or resisting illusions.

Damien had once been a knight at a far higher level than he was now. Although he hadn’t regained his full power, he was not susceptible to Sla’s scent.

“This means I’ll have to use a slightly rougher method.”

Sla took off her outer garment, revealing her body. She wasn’t naked, but she was only covered in white cloth over her vital areas, leaving little to the imagination.

She struck a pose that emphasized her chest. Damien frowned as if witnessing something grotesque.

“You treat me like I’m some street girl. It’s quite insulting to my pride.”

Sla dropped her pose, clenched her tiny fist, and pointed it at Damien.

“This will hurt a bit.”

Sla kicked off the ground. In that instant, the floor shattered.

Simultaneously, Sla’s body disappeared. Damien’s eyes widened. He had completely lost track of her movement.

The next moment, a fist drove into Damien’s abdomen.

His body flew backward and slammed into the wall, which crumbled, bringing the ceiling down as well.

“Oh dear, was that too strong?”

Sla stuck her tongue out playfully.

“It’s alright. As long as you’re breathing, I can keep you alive.”


Damien walked out from under the rubble, clearing the debris from his path.

He had protected his body with an aura armor just before the punch landed, but he couldn’t fully absorb the impact.


Damien spat out the blood that had pooled in his mouth.

[PR/N- This is the first time Damien coughs up the blood in a fight.]

“Oh my? I thought your insides would be completely pulverized. You look far too intact.”

Sla remarked with fascination.

“What kind of training did you undergo to toughen your body so much? Did you learn some special technique?”

“Shut up.”

“You’re not going to tell me? Then I’ll have to subdue you and find out later.”

Sla clenched her fist again.

“This time, I can hit a bit harder, right?”

Sla’s stance was incredibly sloppy, like someone who had never fought before.

But Damien knew better than to underestimate her.

The speed and destructive power displayed by Sla far surpassed anything Damien had ever encountered. Even those initial strikes seemed effortless.

“Indeed, you are no ordinary opponent.”

The Giant Evil of Pandemonium, the sworn enemy of the Empire was standing before him.

Within the ranks of the giant evils, Sla held a position of immense power, second only to the King himself.

In all his time since his regression, Damien had never faced an adversary of such formidable caliber. It was time for him to unleash his full potential.

“Hemaera, protect me.”

Damien muttered under his breath.

As if in response to his command, metal plates materialized from thin air and began to encase Damien’s body.

“Demonic Armor? And at such level? Where did you acquire such armor?”

Sla inquired with her voice laced with curiosity.

Damien remained silent, instead lowering his stance and murmuring.

“Third Ring.”

The three rings embedded within his body began to rotate, generating a deafening resonance that threatened to shatter eardrums.


A sly grin spread across Sla’s lips.

“This is going to be interesting.”

The moment Sla’s words left her mouth, Damien lunged forward. He mimicked her movement.

They clashed, each unleashing a flurry of attacks. Damien wielded his blade, while Sla relied on her formidable fists.

Damien’s sword sliced through Sla’s body with relentless precision, the speed of his strikes resembling that of multiple swordsmen moving in unison.

Sla made no attempt to block or evade Damien’s attacks, her focus solely on delivering her own blows. Her incredible regenerative abilities allowed her to disregard any damage inflicted.

“Aha! This is exhilarating!”

Sla exclaimed as she ripped away a portion of Damien’s Hemaera armor.

‘A truly monstrous body.’

Damien thought to himself.

Even with all three rings activated, he struggled to match Sla’s blistering speed.

Despite this disparity, Damien’s technical prowess kept him in the fight. He meticulously analyzed Sla’s movements, anticipating her every move.

As Damien refused to yield, Sla expressed a hint of disappointment.

“This is quite entertaining, but I’m afraid I must cut our duel short. The arrival of reinforcements would prove troublesome.”

Steam began to emanate from Sla’s body, her slender limbs bulging with newfound power.

Damien immediately recognized the transformation. She was activating her special powers to further enhance her physical abilities.

“I despise using this technique due to its after-effects, but I need to use it.”

She surged forward, unleashing a barrage of punches.

The predictability of her movements was evident, yet their speed rendered them almost impossible to dodge.

Damien raised Dawn to deflect her blows, but the sheer force behind her fists proved overwhelming.


Damien’s body was sent hurtling backward, once again slamming into the wall.

“I won’t wait for you to recover this time!”

Sla said as she relentlessly pursued Damien and her fists were raining down upon him.

A barrage of punches rained down upon the spot where Damien had been struck, pulverizing the wall and ground with a deafening roar.

The shattered debris crumbled into dust and vanished into thin air.

“Aha! Damien Haksen! Why are you just standing there? Show me something again!”

Sla bellowed, her face flushed with exhilaration.

“You’re not someone who would die like this! You have more to offer, don’t you? Show me! Show me what you’re hiding! What are you concealing!”

Suddenly, Sla ceased her relentless assault. The area where Damien had stood lay in complete ruins, shrouded in a thick cloud of dust.

“Oh, I got a little too carried away. I could have turned you into a meatpaste.”

Sla remarked with a sheepish grin.

“Don’t worry about it! I’ll fix you up! I’ll make you even more magnificent than before…!”

As the dust gradually settled, Damien’s figure emerged from the debris.


A look of bewilderment spread across Sla’s face. Damien, who should have been pulverized, stood before her unscathed.

“Oh, dear? This is impossible…?”

“Just because you’re immortal doesn’t mean you’re all-powerful.” Damien retorted as he rose to his feet.

“You lack pain receptors, which dulls your senses. That’s why you was unaware of the attacks I’ve inflicted upon you.”

With both hands, Damien deflected all of Sla’s blows, sending them harmlessly into the surrounding earth.


Sla burst into laughter, her initial embarrassment replaced by a surge of delight.

“You’re truly remarkable. I’ve never met anyone so captivating in my entire life.”

“Spare me the flattery. And don’t assume I’m attracted to you just because you’re a woman.”

“I can’t wait any longer! I must claim you as mine, now!”

Sla lunged towards Damien, her incredible speed generating a powerful gust of wind and a deafening sonic boom.

She extended one hand, reaching out to seize Damien.

With a swift twist of his body, Damien evaded Sla’s grasp and simultaneously swung Dawn and severed her arm.

Sla was sent hurtling past Damien, slamming into the wall with a resounding thud. As she bounced off the wall, she exclaimed,

“How long do you intend to keep this up? You must realize by now that no matter how many times you cut me, it’s futile…”


Sla’s arm fell limply to her side, her forearm dangling lifelessly.


Sla stared at her severed arm in disbelief. She couldn’t muster any strength in it, and the wound showed no signs of healing.

“How is this possible…?”

“I wasn’t wasting my time. While I was slicing through your flesh, I was also studying the flow of your mana, searching for a way to disrupt it.”

To maintain her regenerative form, Sla required a constant supply of dark mana. In other words, once the flow of dark mana was severed, her regenerative abilities became useless.

Against an ordinary regenerative being, disrupting the flow of dark mana would have been a simple task.

However, Sla was no ordinary being. The intricate web of dark mana coursing through her body was proving to be a formidable challenge.

“It took me thousands of slashes to finally find it. You hid it well.”

Damien remarked, his tone devoid of any sense of triumph.

Sla’s expression hardened, her carefree demeanor replaced by a palpable urgency.

“…I will kill you.”

Her voice was laced with chilling resolve.

The steam billowing from Sla’s body intensified, her muscles bulging even further beneath her skin.

“You’ve forced me into this transformation. The price you pay for this will be far from light.”

“Before we talk about that, you have a debt to settle with me first.”

Damien surged with mana, his entire body enveloped in a radiant glow.

“Art of Sacrificial Raging Demon Manifestation”

His body temperature skyrocketed, his senses heightened to an almost unbearable degree.

“Fourth Ring.”

The fourth ring was activated. It unleashed a deafening resonance that reverberated through the air.

“Didn’t I promise to tear your body to shreds?”

Damien’s voice boomed with an overwhelming power that effortlessly eclipsed Sla’s own.

“I’ll fulfill that promise now.”




[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

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