
Return of the Calamity-Class Death Knight - Chapter 39

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[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]


Chapter:39 Cleanup(2)


Damien returned to the duchy with the knights. Upon arrival, Damien and Sebastian Vincenzo met face-to-face with the Duke.

The two explained in detail to the Duke about what they had experienced.

“How dare a dark mage …… do such a thing?”

The Duke’s face turned a deep shade of red and blue.

“Sebastian, thank you for protecting the knights at the risk of your life. I am truly grateful.”

The Duke held Sebastian’s hand tightly as he spoke. Sebastian was overwhelmed with gratitude.

“No, it was just the right thing to do.”

“How many people can’t do that ‘right thing’?”

The Duke praised Sebastian continuously, It was as if he had made up for all the wrongs he had done in his duel with the Marquis.

“I cannot express my gratitude enough to Sir Damien either. Thanks to him, you have saved my reputation.”

Had the Duke not only faced assaults from dark mages but also suffered the loss of his knights, his reputation would have taken a nosedive.

Fortunately, due to Damien’s intervention, not only were the knights rescued, but the black mages were also eradicated.

It was a tremendous stroke of luck for the Duke.

“Sir Damien, would you be willing to extend your stay in the duchy? I’m contemplating a thorough investigation into this matter with the help of the Church.”

The Duke said apologetically.

Navigating matters with the Church required finesse, even for the Duke. The duchy was already closely tied to dark magic, primarily due to Chelsea Goldpixie.

Despite being a victim, Damien wasn’t sure if the whole duchy might face an inquisition if things went awry.

“You are the only one who directly confronted the dark mages. Please assist us, even if it’s bothersome.”

“Well, let’s do that then.”

In truth, Damien wanted to return home immediately. However, owing another favor to the Duke now was worth the time spent.

“Thank you. I am truly grateful!”

And so, Damien became once again a guest of the Duke.

The Church didn’t approach him directly. Instead, they dispatched investigators to meticulously scrutinize the battleground before arranging a meeting with Damien.

It was two days later that Damien saw the Inquisitor’s face directly.


As soon as he saw the Inquisitor’s face, he was greatly surprised.

It was a face he knew well.

“Damien Haksen, long time no see.”


The paladin who had been one of Cheogyeum’s top disciples and whose image had been tarnished by the Black Serpent incident was in front of him.

“Agnes, what brings you here? Didn’t you say you were going to the Church headquarters?”

“After hearing Damien’s and the Duke’s stories, I came here to offer my assistance,” Agnes stated. Her expression retained its usual sternness, but her eyes revealed a warmth.

“Let’s take a seat and discuss this for now.”

Agnes offered Damien a chair and even poured him some tea. Despite the notorious reputation of the Inquisition Officer, the atmosphere was surprisingly warm.

“It seems, Sir Damien, that you have a deep connection with dark mages,” Agnes remarked, prompting a subtle smile from Damien.

It was indeed a relentless connection, as irritatingly true as she said.

“Did you manage to find out the affiliation of the dark mages before killing them?”

“I didn’t get that far, and seeing as how they weren’t very good, I’m guessing they were unaffiliated.” Damien concealed the fact that the dark mages he killed were part of the Yulan.

He couldn’t risk revealing too much information, especially if it led to the discovery of Yulan’s leader and vice-leader.

He couldn’t defeat them with the skills he was known for.

“Ah, I see…”

Regret flickered across Agnes’s face briefly.

“Seems like you’re disappointed.”

“Oh, did it reveal?” Agnes sighed and spoke.

“In truth, I’m pursuing Yulan. More precisely, I’m chasing a dark mage affiliated with Yulan.”

“May I ask who it is?”

Agnes nodded in response to Damien’s question.

“A dark mage known as Corpseplay.”

Damien’s eyes slightly widened. Agnes smirked at his reaction.

“You seem to know. Well, it’s no surprise. It’s a horrifying murderer who has slaughtered thousands of innocents.”


The exact identity remained unknown. The peculiar moniker became known through a certain incident. One day, a noble’s estate transformed into an undead lair overnight.

As knights cleared the undead in the village, they stumbled upon a shocking scene at the village center. The word ‘Corpseplay’ was written prominently using the corpses and entrails of the villagers.

It was a gruesome act of killing everyone in the territory to simply announce one’s name.

However, what startled Damien wasn’t the past of Corpseplay but the future.

Copseplay Delrunt.

A figure who would later rise to the position of Legion Commander with the blessing of Dorugo.

Delrunt would grow into a formidable dark mage, commanding a legion of undead that exceeded tens of thousands.

He ruthlessly slaughtered more than ten times the number of humans than he did in a recent undead incident.

“If you happen to learn anything about Corpseplay… please inform me.”

Agnes’s eyes, as she said this, burned with intense hatred.


The investigation didn’t take long. After completing the inquiry, Agnes dismissed Damien.

After Damien left, a single paladin entered the interrogation room.

“Ms. Agnes, do you really believe that man’s words?”

The paladin gave Agnes a frustrated look.

“You’re asking a strange question,” Agnes responded, her expression showing irritation.

“There are several suspicious points in merely trusting that man’s words without any doubt.”

The paladin vividly recalled the shock he felt when he first went to the scene. The forest was completely destroyed.

The use of high-level dark magic was evident, something lower-level mages could only dream of.

The lower-class knight defeating a dark mage wielding powers akin to those of high-level dark mages and emerging unscathed was simply incomprehensible.

“Aren’t you forgetting that dark mages, especially those tied to demons, use dark magic beyond their own capabilities through grotesque means?”.

“Still, there should be limits. There hasn’t been a case where a lower-level dark mage exhibited power as strong as this one.”

“Like we advance, so will they, which is why the Church is so wary of dark mages.”

The paladin, feeling a rising frustration, retorted to Agnes’s words as she persisted in taking Damien’s side.

“I know that Damien killed a high-ranking member of Yulan in the past. But Ms.Agnes, have you forgotten the motto of the Inquisition Officer?”

Doubt Endlessly, Continue Persistently, Always Verify.

Deception sprouts suddenly; like weeds; be ready to nip it in the bud.

“I haven’t forgotten.”

“But then why are you readily accepting that man’s words? I’ll pose the question back to you – did you sense dark magic in the forest?”

When a powerful dark mage dies, dark mana accumulates in the area. This dark mana could cause various problems and needed purification.

However, there was no trace of dark mana in the forest where the dark mages supposedly died, just as Damien claimed.

“As Damien Haksen said, it’s evidence that the black mages he faced were not that powerful.”


“There’s a reason why I believe Damien’s word above all else. It’s because he’s strong.”

The paladin, standing before her, had recently reached the level of a low-class knight.

That’s why he couldn’t recognize how much Damien had grown.

Agnes was different. Upon seeing Damien, she could immediately grasp how much stronger he had become.

Pure and potent mana could be felt even when he was close to her.

A well-refined flow of mana circulates throughout his entire body.

In just about a month, Damien had become so strong that he was barely recognizable.

“I vouch for Damien Haksen’s innocence.”

Upon Agnes’s declaration, the paladin couldn’t argue any longer.


With Agnes taking care of the investigation, Damien prepared to return home again.

This time, the Duke himself stepped forward to assist Damien.

“Are you sure about this?” the Duke asked Damien with a face that betrayed his skepticism.

At the outer gate, there were five carriages lined up in a row. The carriages were loaded with various items, all gifts Damien had prepared for his family.

“This should be sufficient.”

Not only did the Duke purchase the gifts, but he also generously paid the duel reward. Damien lacked nothing now; he simply wanted to go back and see his family’s faces as soon as possible.

“If that’s the case, there’s nothing more to be done.”

The Duke nodded reluctantly.

“Now it’s a true farewell. It’s been a pleasure all this time.”

“I feel the same way.”

“Thank you for saying that.”

The Duke pulled something out of his pocket and presented it to Damien. It was a ring with the crest of the Duke’s family.

“If you show this ring at any business run by the name of Goldpixie, you can purchase goods for free.”

Damien’s mouth was slightly agape at the revelation. With a bit of exaggeration, in the Apple Kingdom, there was hardly a place untouched by the influence of Duke Goldpixie’s enterprises.

“Compared to what you’ve done, this is a modest gift. If you ever need my help, feel free to come and ask anytime.”

The Duke emphasized this multiple times.


“Sister, are you outside again?”

Haksen Family’s youngest, Abel Haksen, spoke with a voice full of displeasure.

Louise, who was standing at the entrance of the mansion, gazing into the distance, turned her head at Abel’s voice.

“Oh, Abel. What’s the matter?”

“What’s the matter? You suddenly disappeared, so I came to look for you.”

Abel said with a displeased look.

“Do you think this will make brother come? Just go inside and wait.”

“Just a little longer, I’ll go in soon.”

To Louise’s response, Abel let out a deep sigh.

He was well aware that Louise Haksen’s stubbornness was extraordinary.

“Are you so worried about your brother?”

“Yeah, I wonder if such a tender soul can adapt well to the palace. I’m worried.”

For a moment, Abel almost heard sarcasm.

‘What? Tender? The one who single-handedly infiltrated the city and eradicated an entire organization is tender?’

“The palace has a lot of knights. They’ll probably bully him a lot. How scary would it be for knights to bully him…”

Abel recalled Damien’s demeanor, casually defeating the knights of the Marquis Ryanbloom.

No matter how you thought about it, he wasn’t someone who would be bullied by knights.

“I hope he comes back safely…”

At that moment, Louise’s eyes widened. She shouted while looking into the distance.


At her words, Abel also looked towards the road. Damien was walking towards them, riding a horse.

Recognizing the two, Damien waved his hand.

“I’m glad you’re safe.”

Louise breathed a sigh of relief. However, strange things began to appear behind Damien.

Armored knights and soldiers began to emerge.

Seeing this, Louise and Abel’s faces stiffened.

“Oh, Abel, what’s that?”

“I, I don’t know.”

Following that, carts piled up like a heap and began to reveal themselves one after another.

Louise and Abel unconsciously opened their mouths wide.

“Sister, I’m back. Abel, how have you been?”

Damien smiled broadly as he spoke. The two asked with bewildered faces.

“W-what are all these for?”

“Oh, I can’t come back empty-handed from a trip, can I? I brought some gifts.”

Abel’s mouth remained wide open. The quantity of the gifts was too much.

“Go and bring our parents. I’ll show them the gifts.”

At Damien’s words, Abel hurriedly went into the mansion.




Outside, Viscount and Viscountess Haksen were left speechless by the sight of Damien’s gifts.

“Is it true that all of this was bought by Duke…?

“Yes, that’s what happened.”

“You didn’t steal them, did you, it’s all genuinely purchased?”

“Oh, it’s real, indeed.”

Viscount Haksen pinched his cheek with his fingers. He blinked his eyes continuously.

“Quit pinching your cheeks, Father, and come take a look. I visited the Duke’s bookstore and bought all the books. There are even the latest novels that are popular in the capital.”

“Wait, what?”

Viscount Haksen rushed to the carts. He quickly browsed through the piled-up books inside the cart and shouted in excitement.

“This… This is Madame Delphinelle’s latest poetry collection! This is a new novel by Viscount Darak! Oh my God!”

Viscount Haksen found himself lost in a daze as he began scrutinizing the books.

Damien, recognizing his father’s absorption in the matter, decided to leave him to it and turned to converse with his mother.

“Mother, your gift is here. You were dissatisfied with the old furniture at home, right? Not sure about your preferences, so I went ahead and got the most luxurious pieces I could find.”

As she approached the cart, Viscountess’s face lit up.

“Oh, my goodness,” she exclaimed, “this is furniture made of sandalwood. And look at a rosewood table. Oh my, what’s going on?”

Viscountess looked through the furniture, pleased and overwhelmed.

“Sister, yours is over here.”

“Did you bring my gift too?”

“Of course.”

In her past life, the person who took care of Damien until the end was Louise.

Therefore, special attention was paid to Louise’s gift.

“This is a grand piano handcrafted by the master craftsman Berkeley. His Excellency the Duke gave it to me from his personal collection.”

Louise covered her mouth with both hands.

Her love for music was evident in her frequent attendance at concerts, and she was well aware of the renowned craftsman Berkeley. His reservations for instrument making were so in demand that they were booked for the next ten years.

“Ah! my little brother!”

Louise hugged Damien, jumping around the room.

“The moving will be assisted by the soldiers here.”

Soldiers were deliberately brought in abundantly for this purpose.

The soldiers started to move the items into the mansion in an uproar.

Damien watched the scene with a satisfied smile.

Then suddenly, he felt someone’s gaze. His youngest sibling, Abel Haksen, was looking at Damien.

“Why are you like that?”

“It’s nothing.”

Abel said with a chubby face.

It was definitely not a face that said ‘It’s nothing.’

“Get in there and help me move stuff.”

“I wasn’t going to.”

Abel spoke with a blunt tone, and Damien burst into laughter at Abel’s behavior.

“Hey, did you think I’d forget your gift?”

Damien opened a spatial ring and extended his hand into it. Startled by what he saw, Abel spoke.

“B-Brother, what is that…?”

“It’s a spatial ring. Here, take this.”

Damien pulled out a bow and tossed it to Abel, who looked puzzled.

“Doesn’t Olivia Copperhead like bows? That’s why I especially got this for you.”

The bow Damien handed over was no ordinary item. It was crafted using the horn of a minotaur, obtained with the help of Marquis Ryan Bloom.

“B-Brother, is this really…?”

“Of course, it is.”

Damien comforted Abel, patting his shoulder.

“I heard you want to get married, little brother. I’m just helping you out.”

“Wh-who said I want to get married!”

Abel shouted with a flushed face. Damien widened his eyes in surprise.

“What, don’t tell me you were planning to enjoy yourself with Olivia Copperhead and then call it quits?”

“N-no, it’s not like that!”

Abel hit his own forehead.

“More importantly, how can I give gifts like this? Olivia Copperhead doesn’t even know me!”

“Don’t worry about that. I’ve got everything planned, thanks to Duke.”


Abel asked, and Damien explained.

“When I was at the Duke’s residence, I heard that the Earl of Copperhead is hosting a Jousting tournament in honor of Lady Olivia’s birthday soon.”

[PR Note- It’s a competition where armored knights on horses engage in combat with lances, each attempting to unhorse the other.]

A Jousting tournament is a perfect place where knights could showcase their skills. It was a significant event that attracted nobles not only from the local region but also from other areas.

“We’re heading to the tournament; you can present Olivia Copperhead with the bow as a gift and, moreover, win her heart.”

“What? But…”

“Surely, you won’t refuse, right? After I’ve gone through all this trouble to prepare such a precious gift for my little brother?”

Not exactly a threat, but more of a non-negotiable persuasion, Abel was left speechless.

“Damien, is that true?”

Having overheard their conversation, Viscount approached them and asked.

“A Jousting tournament, indeed. The Earl of Copperhead has quite the resources.”

Jousting tournaments required significant expenses, and the Earl of Copperhead, while not as wealthy as Duke Goldpixie, was still a high-ranking noble capable of handling such events.

“Ah, Father!”

Abel sent a pleading look to his father.

‘Please, stop Damien.’

“That’s excellent news!”

However, Viscount was overwhelmingly positive about Damien’s opinion. Abel’s shoulders slumped.

“Do you plan to participate too?”

“Yes, I’ll participate and, furthermore, win.”

In truth, Damien had little interest in reputation. The tournament held in the western region seemed too small in scale for him.

However, he had two reasons for deciding to participate.

‘In my past life, the winner of the tournament became the son-in-law of the Earl of Copperhead.’

He needed to prevent that future for Abel’s sake.

‘Moreover, that son-in-law became quite a powerful knight, thanks to the prize he received.’

The son-in-law of the Earl of Copperhead eventually reached the level of high-class knight. Rumors suggested that the prize for winning the tournament played a significant role.

Damien intended to confirm the truth behind those rumors on this occasion.


However, Viscount seemed concerned about something.

“If it’s hosted by the Earl of Copperhead, Sofia might also come… Is that okay?”

Damien smirked in response to Viscount’s question.

“Who is Sofia?”

“Your former fiancée.”

Damien’s eyes widened.



[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

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Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 27
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 26
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 25
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 24
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 23
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 22
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 21
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 20
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 19
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 18
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 17
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 16
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 15
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 14
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 13
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 12
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 11
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 10
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 9
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 8
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 7
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 6
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 5
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 4
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 3
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 2
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 1
Aug 2, 2024