
Return of the Calamity-Class Death Knight - Chapter 23

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[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Demon God’s male Disciple]

[Quality Checker – Kawaii]


Chapter 23: Proof (1)

The attendants of GoldPixie Duke were engulfed in turmoil and fear.

They had gathered at the Duke’s residence to discuss the biannual tournament that was going to take place between the Duchy and the Marquisette of Ryan Bloom.

During a meeting concerning business matters with the Duke, news had spread of an attack on the Duke’s castle.

While the news of an attack on the outer castle would have been shocking enough, it was not the outer but the inner castle that had been assaulted.

This alone was a grave matter, yet unexpectedly, the Duke had left his post vacant to meet the intruder.

Leaving behind his escort, Knight Karl Heimlich, he went alone.

“An attack on the Duchy… Who could have committed such an act?”

“And that also in broad daylight… Not even at midnight…”

The attendants murmured in anxiety.

The somewhat fortunate aspect was the presence of Karl Heimlich in the conference room.

Karl Heimlich was one of only three high-class knights in the Apple Kingdom.

Whoever the attackers might be, if Karl Heimlich was present, he would surely subdue them.

It was when they were thinking, suddenly,

“Apologies for making everyone wait!”

The door to the conference room creaked open, and the Duke entered.

Unlike when he had left the room alone, there were now two additional individuals with him.

One was a knight well-known to the attendants, Ernest Horowitz.

However, the other was a completely unfamiliar face.

“Who’s that young man?”

“I’m not sure either.”

“He’s quite handsome, however his demeanor is quite rough, though.”

The attendants whispered among themselves regarding the young man.

“It was unexpected, but there’s someone I’d like to introduce.”

The Duke presented the young man to the attending individuals.

“This fellow here is the intruder who assaulted the residence just a while ago.”

The murmuring voices quickly subsided.

The attendants stared at the Duke and Damien Haksen with incredulous expressions.

“Hello, I’m Damien Haksen.”

Damien greeted them with a nod. His attitude was incredibly arrogant and impolite.

However, the attendants focused more on his name than Damien’s attitude.

“Damien Haksen? Could it be that scoundrel?”

“Isn’t he the one who defeated the heir of the Marquis Ryan Bloom, and dismantled the enormous Black Serpent gang in Landwalk City?”

Rumors about Damien Haksen were so widespread that even the Duchy had heard of them.

However, there wasn’t a single person who believed those rumors. They seemed too fantastical to be considered true.

“That scoundrel attacked the Duchy?”

“I thought all those rumors were fake… are they actually true?”

“This is unbelievable. How could a scoundrel like him…?”

The attendants were greatly disturbed. Some could even be found denying reality.

“He told me that he came to the castle because he had borrowed money from a loan firm under me but had no money to give back the amount and interest.”

Whether he knew the sentiments of these attendants or not, the Duke became visibly agitated.

“So, instead of repaying the debt, he came here intending to participate in a duel. When the soldiers refused to let him in, he barged in recklessly.”

The attendants looked at Damien with disbelief.

They had been agonizing over what could be the reason behind the intrusion, but they never imagined that it would be such a naive one.

“Do you know what he said to me? That he’d defeat Michael Ryan Bloom and dedicate the victory to the Duchy.”

A suppressed chuckle erupted among the attendants.

Who was Michael Ryan Bloom?

A prodigious genius evaluated to soon ascend to the level of a master in the near future.

He was such a formidable opponent that even with all of GoldPixie Duke’s connections and resources, they couldn’t find a rival that could fight against him.

To defeat someone like Michael Ryan Bloom? Dedicate the victory?

However, as time passed, the derision that crossed the faces of the attendants began to diminish.

“That man against Michael Ryan Bloom…?”

“It’s not an entirely impossible claim. He did breach the Duke’s defenses.”

“And he took down the Duke’s knights, too.”

“Have we seen such a skilled young knight before?”

Considering Damien’s demonstrated abilities, he was not lacking when compared to Michael Ryan Bloom.

“I might just do as Damien Haksen desires. I chose Damien as the representative knight who will rival Michael Ryan Bloom in the duel.”

The Duke continued addressing the attendants.

“Does anyone have a differing opinion?”

Everyone remained silent, which indicated consent. The Duke nodded as if he understood.

“It seems there are no opposing views. Then, Damien Haksen will be elected as the representative…”

“Your Grace! Please reconsider that decision!”

At that moment, someone exclaimed loudly, capturing everyone’s attention.

Ernest Horowitz stood there with an enraged expression.

“Damien Haksen attacked the Duke and the knights! To appoint him as a representative, when the immediate punishment is due, is an absurdity!”

Several attendants nodded in agreement with Ernest Horowitz’s words.

Although the Duke seemed resolute and didn’t say anything, it was clear he wasn’t pleased with the situation.

Appointing someone who attacked the Duke as a representative was inconceivable.

“Damien Haksen might have tarnished the Duke’s name a bit, but finding someone of this caliber isn’t easy.”

“Before discussing skill, he lacks the qualifications! Appointing someone who assaulted a noble family as a representative? How much mockery will this bring upon us when it’s revealed!”

More attendants began to agree with Ernest Horowitz’s words.

“Without Damien Haksen, there wouldn’t be a knight to stand against Michael Ryan Bloom.”

“True for now! But hasn’t the Duchess of Chelsea yet to return?”

At the mention of the Duchess of Chelsea, the Duke briefly furrowed his brow.

“It has been a month since the Duchess left, claiming to have found a knight to face Michael Ryan Bloom. She will come back soon!”

“The Duchess didn’t inform me of who this knight is. It’s uncertain whom she’ll bring. Should I just reject Damien because of a knight whose abilities I haven’t even seen?”

“Has the Duchess ever disappointed Your Grace? Being astute and capable, she will surely meet your expectations this time too!”

The attendants began to murmur in agreement.

“That’s right. The Duchess of Chelsea has always excelled in Your Grace’s tests.”

“She’s someone we can trust.”

The opinions of the attendants gradually leaned towards the Duchess of Chelsea.

Observing this, the Duke too became lost in thought, arms crossed.

“The claims of knight Ernest Horowitz do have a point .”

The Duke turned towards Damien Haksen.

“Damien, my apologies. It seems I’ll have to delay appointing you as the representative.”

Ernest Horowitz’s face visibly brightened at these words.

Conversely, Damien felt irritated.

‘The bone that the orc chewed on is suddenly being snatched away in the end.’

Damien hadn’t come here simply to repay a debt.

The Marquis would significantly strengthen his position following the duel with the Duke.

Damien Haksen had come here to prevent that future from happening.

‘Whoever the Duchess of Chelsea brings, they won’t be able to defeat Michael Ryan Bloom.’

For the Duchy to win in the duel, Damien Haksen had to face Michael Ryan Bloom.

Thus, after much deliberation, Damien spoke out.

“I cannot comply with that decision.”

All eyes, including the Duke’s, were fixed on Damien Haksen.

“I came not just to repay my debt but also to fight against Michael Ryan Bloom. Hence, I won’t concede my position as the representative.”

An outsider outright refused the Duke’s decision. Naturally, the attendants’ reactions were far from favorable.

“Wha…what… There’s nothing impressive about you despite boasting about your skills!”

“Daring to have dissatisfaction with His Grace’s decision!”

“He should be apprehended and punished immediately!”

Especially, Ernest Horowitz’s anger was palpable among the attendants.

“…What are you muttering now?”

Ernest Horowitz ground his teeth as he reprimanded Damien.

An intense hostility poured out from Damien, so much so that it felt bone-chilling.

“Your Grace, please give the order. I’ll seize this rascal and make him kneel!”

However, the Duke did not comply with Ernest Horowitz’s plea.

The Duke gazed at Damien with a mix of anger and interest.

“Damien, I do feel sorry for you. But with the opinion of the attendants as such, what can I do?”

The Duke shrugged.

His demeanor was exaggerated, and his eyes were filled with anticipation.

From there, Damien could roughly discern the Duke’s intentions.

‘He’s expecting how I’ll handle this situation.’

Come to think of it, there was a story heard from a previous life.

The Gold Pixie Duke was known to be a relentless meritocrat who enjoyed testing the attendants continually.

He favored only those who passed his tests and dismissed those who didn’t.

‘A troublesome type to be idolized as a superior.’

To pass the Duke’s test, one had to convince the attendants.

However, Damien had no intention whatsoever of bothering to persuade the attendants.

He aimed to show through actions who he was and why they shouldn’t detain him.

“You all are under a tremendous misconception.”

After determining his course, Damien Haksen spoke up.

“If one aims to win the duel, they must undoubtedly sit in the representative’s seat. Whoever the Duchess of Chelsea brings, they won’t even compare to me.”

“Such arrogance! Are you spouting that nonsense, not knowing whom the Duches might bring?”

Ernest Horowitz scoffed and said.

Damien Haksen pointed at Ernest Horowitz and spoke.

“Let me demonstrate my abilities by blocking Ernest’s attack.”

What did that guy just say?

The attendants began to doubt their own ears. It was an unavoidable situation.

Ernest Horowitz is a mid-class.

Not only has he been in the mid-class for quite a long time, but he also has accumulated enough experience and achievements.

To block an attack from such a figure?

“Oh,and I said ‘attack,’ which means he can use any technique he wants too. You can also use deception or employ tactics without any hesitation.”

As Damien Haksen continued speaking, the attendants couldn’t contain their astonishment.

Usually, when a superior knight fights against an inferior one, there are several penalties imposed on the superior knight.

However, Damien Haksen was suggesting not to impose any penalties but to unleash everything.

“Perhaps using tactics would be better. Blocking them would further confirm my abilities.”

Damien Haksen stopped talking.

It was due to the dreadful aura emanating from Ernest Horowitz.

“Come at me. I’ll make holes in your face.”

Ernest Horowitz growled at Damien Haksen.

Damien and Ernest Horowitz immediately headed to the training grounds.

The Duke and the attendants followed suit. They surrounded the training grounds and stood guard, observing the two.

“Even now, if you lick my shoes, I’ll forgive you.”

Ernest Horowitz twirled his spear as he spoke.

Instead of responding, Damien let out a long yawn.

“I’m sleepy. Let’s finish this quickly.”

“…Asking for death so blatantly.”

Ernest Horowitz gripped his spear with both hands.

Damien Haksen didn’t take any particular stance.

“What are you doing? Hurry up and get ready.”

“You’re awfully full of yourself. Stop worrying about me and mind your own business.”

Damien plunged his sword into the ground. He placed both his arms on it and leaned his body against them.

Ernest Horowitz’s facial muscles tensed visibly at Damien’s blatant disregard.

“As I mentioned earlier, any attack is fine. You can use deception or employ tactics without any constraints.”

Before long, Damien was taunting Ernest Horowitz.

Repeated taunts filled Ernest Horowitz’s eyes with bloodshot fury.

“This… a brat like you won’t be satisfied until I torn you to pieces….”

Ernest Horowitz surged his mana.


Exceptional individual capable of doing miracles.

The highly dense mana, befitting his status, began to swirl around Ernest Horowitz.

“Anything goes as long as it’s called an attack…Huh?”

A flicker emerged at the tip of the spear held by Ernest Horowitz.

It was so vivid it looked more like flames than a mere spark.

“Then let me pierce through that unlucky face.”

Ernest Horowitz raised his foot and forcefully struck the ground.

The floor of the training ground shattered. Simultaneously, Ernest Horowitz’s body shot forward like an arrow.

At an incredible speed, the air burst successively. Ernest Horowitz pierced through the air barrier and arrived inches from Damien Haksen.

Ernest Horowitz thrust his spear.

A storm surged forth. Hidden within it, a flash pierced through Damien Haksen.

Even before Ernest Horowitz thrust his spear, Damien had already deciphered the trajectory.

“The chest.”

Ernest Horowitz’s posture and gaze said it all.

Despite the words about piercing through the face, Ernest Horowitz aimed for the heart.

“A straightforward thrust.”

No deception, no tactics. It was a pure thrust.

However, due to exerting full power, its speed and destructiveness were fearsome.

“Did I provoke him too much? It’s becoming dull.”

Damien’s provocation seemed to have pricked at the knight’s pride.

Trying to kill Damien with such an honest attack showed this.

“If it’s so easily readable, dealing with it should be simple.”

Ernest Horowitz thrust his spear. Damien immediately raised his longsword to block the spear.

Immediately after, a strike as blinding as a flash hit the blade.

Every bone in his body creaked. The fibers in his limbs felt like they were bursting vividly.

“As expected from a Mid-class.”

Though Damien was far ahead in experience and skills, Ernest Horowitz surpassed him several times over in physical abilities and mana.

In reality, forcibly blocking such a powerful attack wasn’t Damien Haksen’s preference. However, at this moment, Damien had to act as a Low-class.

For a Low-class to avoid or deflect an attack from a Mid-class, it was definitely surprising.

‘So, I have no choice but to block his attack.’

Unable to withstand the assault, he was pushed backward. The ground cracked, creating two cavities.

He could have stopped right there, but Damien allowed himself to be pushed further back.

Eventually, his back slammed into a wall. The wall shattered with a thunderous noise.

The intense impact concentrated on his internal organs.

With Damien’s level of skill, he could have used mana to shield his internal organs. However, he deliberately allowed himself to suffer internal injuries for a more realistic portrayal.


Damien Haksen coughed out blood from his mouth. He deliberately staggered as he walked out.

As he glanced away, he caught sight of Ernest Horowitz’s shocked face.

Not only Ernest Horowitz but the Duke and the attendants wore similar expressions.

Suddenly, Damien realized his hand felt light.

When he looked down, he saw the shattered longsword.

It wasn’t a particularly high-quality item received from his father, nor was it sentimental to him.

“Your Highness, as promised, I have withstood Ernest Horowitz’s attack.”

Discarding the longsword’s handle onto the ground, Damien spoke.

“Now, the position of the representative belongs to me.”

There was no reply. Only a prolonged silence ensued.


The Duke broke the silence.


The Duke burst into laughter loudly, clapping his thighs with his palm.

“You’ve endured! You’ve truly withstood the blow of a Mid-class!”

The Duke rushed towards Damien, patting his back vigorously.


Due to that sudden motion, Damien couldn’t help but cough up blood once again.

Despite it being staged, his injuries were real.

“Hahahah! Sorry! I’m sorry!”

Even seeing that, the Duke didn’t stop laughing.

“Attendees, listen up! Damien Haksen has splendidly demonstrated his abilities! As promised, I’ll employ Damien Haksen as the representative!”

At that moment, Ernest Horowitz, who had been standing dumbfounded, snapped back to reality.

“Y…Your Highness!”


The Duke spoke in a chilling tone, completely different from when addressing Damien Haksen.

“Right now, I am in a good mood. Don’t ruin it.”

At the Duke’s words, Ernest Horowitz, sweating coldly, bowed his head.

‘He looks disappointed.’

The Duke was an extreme meritocrat.

That’s why Damien Haksen, who lived up to his expectations, received his favor, while Ernest Horowitz, who didn’t, was treated poorly.

The Duke’s favor didn’t end there.

“You seem to be injured. I can’t just let you leave like this.”

Suddenly, the Duke adjusted the ring on his right hand. Then, a black hole appeared in the air.

‘A spatial magic tool?’

It was a top-grade magical tool that twisted space to use as a storage.

From within, the Duke pulled out a box.

“This is a gift for you.”

Damien Haksen accepted the box offered by the Duke and opened it.

As soon as he lifted the lid, a refreshing scent spread everywhere. Inside were five pills.

“It’s called the ‘Balance Pill.’ Ever heard of it?”

Damien felt his ears perk up.

How could he not? It’s a potion that boosts physical abilities just by ingesting it.

There was a tale passed down about the Empire’s weak prince, who, after consuming twenty Balance Pills, defeated a bull bare-handed.

“It was obtained at a high price from the Alchemist Association.”

Moreover, these Balance Pills were products of the Alchemist Association.

The Alchemist association specializes in alchemy for concocting potions that aid in growth.

The potions produced here had far superior performance compared to those made by other sects.

“It’s said that by consuming the Balance Pill, the body develops, and mana surges. Originally, it’s something knights take during training, but it also has excellent effects on injuries.”

The Duke patted Damien Haksen’s shoulder and spoke.

“I’ll be counting on you in the future.”



[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Demon God’s male Disciple]

[Quality Checker – Kawaii]

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Chapter 14
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 13
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 12
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 11
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 10
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 9
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 8
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 7
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 6
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 5
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 4
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 3
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 2
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 1
Aug 2, 2024