
Return of the Calamity-Class Death Knight - Chapter 17

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[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Demon God’s male Disciple]

[Quality Checker – Kawaii]


Chapter 17: Warning (3)

“Are you Damien Haksen?”

Gerrick asked, his tone calm but his eyes ominously gleaming at Damien.

Damien didn’t respond to Gerrick’s question. He didn’t show any interest towards him at all.

“Hey, Victor.”

Victor, who was lying on the floor, lifted his head slightly. He seemed on the verge of passing out at any moment.

“Are you okay?”

To Damien’s inquiry, Victor simply raised his thumb without saying a word.

That action made Damien smirk. He was quite an amusing fellow, after all.

“Do you three often hear that you’re lucky?”

At the sudden question, the knights looked puzzled, indicating they didn’t understand.

“If Victor’s body weren’t sturdier than others’, he wouldn’t have survived your attacks. If anything would have happened to him, I would have beaten the three of you to death. But…”

Damien stared directly at the knights as he spoke.

“Fortunately, Victor is alive, so I won’t kill you three.”

At his words, Lavender and Alpheus burst into laughter.

Gerrick didn’t make a sound but wore a displeased expression.

“I expected the one who tarnished the reputation of our lord to be a brave man, but it seems like it was just a lunatic.”

Gerrick ordered Lavender and Alpheus, as if there was no need to hear more.

“Break his legs and bring him to me. Maybe that’ll clear his head.”


“He might have used some cheap tricks, but don’t underestimate the one who brought down the second young master.”

Despite Gerrick’s advice, the two knights showed no sign of caution toward Damien.

Seeing them, Damien twisted his lips.

‘Well, this is perfect timing.’

He had been wanting to properly wield the power he’d amassed through after learning the techniques given to him by Agnes.

And facing opponents who were clearly underestimating him, he couldn’t help but feel pleased.

“What did that guy just mutter?”

“He must have lost his mind due to fear.”

While the two knights conversed, Damien gathered his mana.

Objectively speaking, Damien hadn’t gathered a significant amount of mana.

To understand it better, if the two knights had a mana accumulation of 100, then Damien had an accumulation of 3.

Even when absorbing mana through the Supreme Absorption Technique there wasn’t a large difference in the accumulation. However, using it increases the potency and utility of the accumulated mana.

“Look at his eyes? Seems like he’s really considering taking us on, huh?”

“We have to show him his place.”

Damien Haksen thought of Cheongyeom Brigandine.

Brigandine had risen to the position of one of the five great elders of the Church with just a single fist. As such, she excelled in martial arts more than anyone else.

Damien had achieved victory in a battle against Brigandine, acquiring both her techniques and mastery. However, at present, there was no need to use Brigandine’s mastery. Just manipulating the techniques was enough.



Damien moved. He pushed the ground with his feet while simultaneously releasing his mana.

In an instant, the distance of about 3 meters closed rapidly.

The two individuals couldn’t even react to Damien’s speed.

It wasn’t until Damien was right in front of them that they felt that something felt off.

“T-This guy!”

Due to the sudden attack, Lavender attacked with his fist instead of a sword.

Damien lightly blocked the punch with the back of his hand. Simultaneously, he punched Lavender’s breastplate.

At that moment, mana surged throughout his body, creating a powerful explosive force that channelled around his fist.

The punch accelerated, embedding itself in the center of the breastplate causing the breastplate to shatter, crushing Lavender’s ribs.

Blood gushed like a fountain from Lavender’s mouth.


Desperately, Alpheus swung his sword.

But before that, Damien grabbed Alpheus’s wrist.

“This bastard!”

As Alpheus attempted to shake off the grip on his wrist, Damien swiftly twisted it, simultaneously sweeping out his ankle.

Alpheus’s body floated in the air, disconnected.

Alpheus experienced a phenomenon where the sky and ground seemed to swap.


In a moment of confusion due to not understanding the situation, Alpheus found himself slammed headfirst into the ground.

His brain rattled, and the pain of his neck cracking made Alpheus scream out.

“Kuh… Kek!”

Damien forcefully kicked on Alpheus’s face.

The kick, empowered by mana, effortlessly crushed Alpheus’ jawbone.


Gerrick looked at the scene with a dazed expression.

As the person in charge of this mission, Gerrick had the responsibility to protect Lavender and Alpheus. However, he couldn’t intervene. More precisely, there was no opportunity to intervene, as both individuals had been taken down in a single strike.

“This is… unbelievable…”

Just becoming a junior knight is already acknowledged as a force capable enough to make a significant impact in a war. To think that not just one, but two junior knights were taken down this quickly?

“It seems Sir Erwin wasn’t defeated by some cowardly tactics…!”

Upon hearing about Erwin Ryanbloom’s defeat, Gerrick was filled with immense anger.

Naturally, he had suspected that Damien might have used some dirty tactics to win.

But seeing the situation before him changed his perspective. Erwin Ryanbloom hadn’t been defeated by some underhand tactics.

It was purely because Damien was stronger that he suffered defeat.

“But no matter how much I think, I can’t comprehend it! How can a rascal like you possess such skill?”

“What’s the big deal about being stronger than those little kids?”

Gerrick acknowledged that Erwin Ryanbloom had talent.

However, the world was vast, and such talents were more common than one might think.


Suddenly, Gerrick’s expression changed.

With a face that showed realization, he spoke,

“You… You’re not Damien Haksen.”

This time it was Damien’s turn to be bewildered.

“What nonsense are you speaking?”

“Don’t play dumb! Who wouldn’t know that all of this is a trap laid by a pack of mongrels fearing Lord Ryanbloom’s prosperity!”

Gerrick yelled while pointing fingers.

“You’re not the ‘real’ Damien Haksen! You were clearly brought here to defeat Sir Erwin and tarnish Ryanbloom’s reputation!”

Anger began to surface on Gerrick’s face.

“You despicable lot dares to target marquis Ryanbloom? Do you think I’ll just stand by and watch that?”

They say if someone is too bewildered, they’re left speechless. Damien was exactly in that state.

“Think whatever you like.”

Yet, he had no intention to clarify any misunderstandings.

Whether misunderstanding or not, the fact remained that Gerrick needed to be stopped no matter what.

“You! As long as I, Gerrick Howard is here, I won’t allow you to do anything to the marquis! I’ll thwart your vile schemes right here!”

Gerrick grasped the large sword strapped behind him, Zweihänder, famous for its size which was comparable to that of an adult male. Even with Gerrick’s already imposing stature, the sight of him brandishing the Zweihänder exuded tremendous intimidation.

“I’ll kill you right here and make it known to the whole world! I’ll show how strong the Ryanbloom marquisette truly is!”

“If that’s your wish.”

“After I kill you, I’ll also kill the entire Haksen family and burn down your entire territory!”

At his words, Damien’s body tensed. The expression of annoyance vanished, replaced by sinister eyes glaring at Gerrick.

“Family… what?”

To Damien, his family was his soft spot. For him they were a lifetime of penance and a treasure to protect.

“You’re doomed.”

Damien gripped the hilt of his blade.

It was Gerrick who charged first.

It wasn’t a calculated move to gain the upper hand by seizing the initiative.

“For the honor of marquis Ryanbloom!”

It was a kick fueled by the desire to quickly avenge the disrespect shown to the marquis.

Gerrick’s momentum was fearsome.

It felt like the pressure of dozens of bulls charging at once.

“Indeed, you are a true knight.”

Damien observed Gerrick. To become a true knight, one had to wield Aura freely. It wasn’t just about mastering Aura; it required an understanding that unlocked the extreme potential of one’s techniques.

‘Unlocking the extreme potential changes everything. It’s incomparable to a mere junior knight.’

A true knight surpassed junior knights not only in physical prowess but also in understanding Aura.

Gerrick and Damien were locked in a head-to-head clash, yet Damien didn’t take a single step back.
“After a few blows, I get a sense of your level.”
Even in this situation, Damien went as far as to engage in conversation.
“For a low-class knight like you, you’re fairly decent, but not enough for me to warrant caution.”
Upon hearing this, Gerrick’s expression contorted instantly.
Receiving contempt from someone he considered inferior fueled an unbearable anger within him.
“How dare you… belittle me, a knight of the Ryanbloom marquisette?”
Gerrick drew upon his Aura, supplying more energy to his muscles.
“If your intention was to provoke me, you did an excellent job!”
Gerrick’s attacks grew swifter.
Now, even the motion of his sword became difficult to discern.
The strikes were so rapid that they resembled a storm.
In the midst of this, Damien threw a remark.
“It’s not a pleasant feeling to be treated like sewage by someone like you, a low-class knight.”
Damien’s hand moved swiftly. The next moment, something brushed past Gerrick’s cheek.
A tingling sensation spread across his face.
Something trickled down and touched his lips.
A metallic taste spread through his mouth.
‘What’s this?’
Startled, Gerrick stepped back.
He distanced himself while pressing his own cheek.
The clean edge of a blade had grazed him. Blood continued to flow from the wound.
Gerrick looked at Damien in astonishment.
He couldn’t comprehend what had just happened.
“Now, do you feel the difference in our levels?”
Damien placed the longsword on his shoulder.
Gerrick examined Damien’s longsword; it was stained with blood.
“Correct your posture now, or you’ll be dead.”
Suddenly, Damien’s body vanished.
In Gerrick’s moment of confusion, Damien appeared right in front of him.
“I told you to correct your posture.”

Damien swung his longsword.

Gerrick reflexively raised his Zweihänder to block the blade.

At that moment, a heavy impact transmitted through the greatsword.

He nearly lost grip of his sword.


There was no time for Gerrick to be astonished as the second strike followed suit.

Gerrick hastily wielded the greatsword and the two clashed in mid-air.

With a sharp sound, the greatsword was deflected, and Gerrick’s body was pushed backward.

“This is unbelievable!”

From the weapon used to their physical powers, Gerrick was overwhelmingly superior. Yet, he was being pushed back. It was an incomprehensible situation.

“What trickery have you pulled off?”

To Gerrick’s outburst, Damien replied calmly,

“The difference in skill.”

The efficiency of using mana increases with precise control. Judging by the mana’s quantity, Gerrick far surpassed Damien. However, it wasn’t the case with control.

Damien’s mastery of manipulating mana had already reached a divine level. In other words, the reason Gerrick was being overpowered was purely due to the gap in skill.

“Stop spouting nonsense!”

Gerrick shouted as he brought down his Zweihander.

He put all his strength into the strike, prepared to end Damien in one blow.

Damien effortlessly parried the attack. Not only that, but he also sliced through Gerrick’s breastplate.

The breastplate Gerrick wore split like water, cutting through the flesh and muscle beneath it.


Struck by the sharp pain, Gerrick staggered backward.

But Damien allowed no respite.

Damien’s assault continued relentlessly. Swift and powerful strikes poured forth without pause.

With each movement of the sword, wounds carved into Gerrick’s body, spraying blood.


Gerrick desperately swung his greatsword. But it was futile.

He couldn’t block Damien’s attacks, let alone read their trajectory.


Gerrick, unable to hold on any longer, attempted to retreat backward. But even that was beyond his control.

Damien stuck close to Gerrick as he withdrew, the injuries on Gerrick’s body continuing to accumulate.

“Heh… cough!”

Eventually, Gerrick had no choice but to kneel on the ground. Momentarily, he felt lightheaded from the substantial loss of blood.

With trembling eyes, Gerrick gazed at Damien.

Damien remained unchanged from the start. Not a drop of sweat, let alone an additional wound.

“You, you are… You are…”

When people witness something incomprehensible, they experience acute fear.

At that moment, Gerrick felt precisely that.

At his level, he couldn’t fathom how formidable Damien was, what kind of monster he was facing. It felt like being lost in the middle of an endless ocean, unable to gauge its vastness or depth, just like the immeasurable with a mere glance.

“You, you… letting you live… is not… not an option…!”

That realization ignited a spark in Gerrick’s eyes.

Ignorance bred courage. Unknowingness fueled resistance.

“Someday… you will definitely bring great calamity to the marquis!”

Gerrick’s demeanor shifted. Though his momentum had lessened from moments ago, an indescribable ominousness emanated from him.

Damien immediately sensed Gerrick’s change.

“Are you going to use Vision?”

Vision referred to techniques specifically designed to ensure the certain death of an opponent. While ordinary Vision was threatening, Vision employed with Aura or mana, was even more menacing.

Depending on the weapon technique, Vision could split mountains or even evaporate lakes.

“The Vision of the Lion’s Sword is a rare sight.”

The knights of Ryanblum were proficient in a sword technique called ‘The Lion’s Swordsmanship technique.’ While the Lion’s Roar Swordsmanship, learned by direct descendants, was a superb technique, Lion’s Swordsmanship specialized in powerful strikes.

The pinnacle of Lion’s Swordsmanship was the “One-Strike, One-Kill” technique.

Gerrick wasn’t just gathering aura to showcase his magical prowess. He was preparing an attack meant to ensure Damien’s demise.

“For the future of marquis Ryanbloom, I’ll stop you!”

Gerrick charged forward. As his foot struck the ground, the condensed aura manifested itself, propelling his entire body at an incredible speed. With that momentum, he swung his greatsword.

It wasn’t a simple thrust; it was an attack infused with all of Gerrick’s mana. It was so strong that the air in its path tore apart, creating a gust of wind.

An intangible pressure overwhelmed Damien.

“Noisy, aren’t you?”

Before the greatsword could reach him, Damien’s sword moved. He aimed a similar strike toward Gerrick, the tips of their swords meeting each other.

In that sight, Gerrick was certain of victory. Unlike Damien’s ordinary thrust, Gerrick had concentrated all his mana.

The outcome seemed clear when they clashed.

“For Ryanbloom!”

Gerrick shouted loudly, as their sword tips clashed. Then, the aura Gerrick had gathered scattered in all directions.


But that wasn’t all. The blade of Gerrick’s greatsword shattered into pieces, fragments scattering around.

With a disheartened expression, Gerrick looked at his broken hilt.

“I warned you.”

Gerrick lifted his gaze at Damien’s voice.

Damien was raising his sword high.

“If you don’t get your stance right, you’ll die.”

Damien swung the longsword.

Gerrick’s shoulder was severed.



[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Demon God’s male Disciple]

[Quality Checker – Kawaii]


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