
Damn Necromancer - Chapter 3

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[Translator – Prøks]

[Proofreader – Prøks]


Chapter 3: Awakening

Sword Saint Seo Jinchul.

He knew Kim Minwoo well, having heard about him from his granddaughter several times.

“That cowardly little punk! The way he looks at people is so perverted. I almost gouged his eyes out! If it weren’t for the Ilsung Group, I would have crippled at least one of his legs!”

The public’s assessment was no different. He was born lazy and his words and actions were vulgar.

The only reason he didn’t cause any major accidents was not because of his deep patience, but because he was extremely cowardly.

That’s what most people in the world would have said.

‘This is that guy?’

The Sword Saint tilted his head.

His aura was not something that an ordinary person could handle.

An ordinary person would have burst into tears or even soiled themselves, no doubt.

Yet, Kim Minwoo showed no sign of flinching.

As if he were a seasoned veteran.

The Sword Saint scanned Kim Minwoo’s body.

A body with no visible mana. He was definitely an ordinary person.

‘A cowardly little punk.’

Empty threats don’t matter.

What mattered most was the reality before his eyes.

The Sword Saint acknowledged it.

That Kim Minwoo was a seed worth cultivating.

“You have good eyes.”

“My sword is even better.”

A smile formed on the Sword Saint’s lips.

He found it quite interesting.

“A 100 billion is a lot of money.”

“That’s why you have to use it at a time like this.”

“Have you ever wielded a sword?”

“A few times.”

“Go to the training hall.”

The Sword Saint led the way.

Kim Minwoo followed him.

The place where the first-line disciples were located.

As soon as the Sword Saint appeared, the disciples’ eyes lit up.

Moving to the center of the training hall, the Sword Saint raised his wooden sword.

At that moment, the ferocious aura he had been emitting disappeared without a trace.

So much so that if an outsider saw him, they would think he was an ordinary person.

“A duel has to be fair to be meaningful. I have adjusted my physical capabilities to your level. Pick up a sword.”

“I will learn one move.”

Kim Minwoo picked up a wooden sword.

He could see the Sword Saint’s expressionless eyes staring at him.

He knew a lot about the Sword Saint.

Because he was one of the characters he inevitably interacted with while playing the game.

Sword Saint Seo Jinchul, the creator of the Wind Sword Technique and the strongest Awakened in Korea, was currently in a state of stagnation in his swordsmanship.

At his level, simply taking some elixirs wouldn’t be enough to raise his realm. He needed a pure realization.

‘He’ll probably be in this state for another 5 years.’

Then, he would create a new sword technique that complemented his existing weaknesses and advanced to the next realm.

The Wind-Lightning Sword Technique.

A sword technique that combines the gentle softness of the wind with the speed and power of lightning.

‘I learned that directly from him.’

Of course, he didn’t learn it as the morally bankrupt Kim Minwoo.

Seo Yerim.

A four-star difficulty character and the granddaughter of Sword Saint Seo Jinchul.

He used that connection to receive the Wind-Lightning Sword Technique from her.

He truly deserved to be called a Sword Saint.

After all, he had never won against him even once.

‘But now, it’s different.’

That was a long time ago.

Sword Saint was not yet the complete Sword Saint he was now.

‘I’ll target the weaknesses of the Wind Sword Technique.’

The few gaps that had not yet been complemented before he created the Wind-Lightning Sword Technique.

What if he attacked those gaps with the Wind-Lightning Sword Technique, a much higher level sword technique?

He could definitely create an advantage.

‘It’s worth a try, even if it’s just for a short burst.’

An ordinary person would have difficulty even sparring for 3 minutes.

The same was true for Kim Minwoo’s body. Even though his spirit had changed, his physical body had its limits, so it would be difficult for him to sustain a battle for long.

‘7 minutes.’

No matter how good his spirituality was, it would be difficult for him to continue fighting for more than 7 minutes.

He had to get meaningful results during that time.

‘I won’t be greedy. Just three strikes.’

He would only land three wooden sword strikes on Sword Saint’s body.

‘As expected, there are no gaps.’

Even without using mana.

Even though his physical body was similar to an ordinary person’s.

Sword Saint was Sword Saint.

There was not a single unnecessary movement in his stance as he raised his wooden sword.

A stance that perfectly defended everything from his face to his abdomen.

Seeing that, a fighting spirit rose in Kim Minwoo’s eyes.

The same was true for Sword Saint.

‘Is that really all he is, a beginner who has only swung a sword a few times?’

He was currently in shock.

Kim Minwoo.

The stance of the guy he had simply thought of as a thunderclap was too sophisticated.

Even every step they took as they circled each other had meaning. He would either expose a gap for a moment, or put strength in his toes as if he was about to charge at any moment.

It was simply unbelievable.

But there was no reason not to believe it.

After all, Kim Minwoo’s body didn’t look like he had ever trained with a sword.

His hands were free of calluses.

And his overall muscle mass was lacking.

Looking at his body, he was definitely a complete beginner who had never even started learning the sword.

Yet, incredibly, this beginner was now fighting him on equal terms.

Truly, he had seen it all now.

The tension was rising without a single clash.

And then it happened.

Kim Minwoo took a deep breath.

This was a duel between masters.

The first to move would be quickly analyzed.

But he couldn’t just keep dodging forever.

‘I have to give up one move.’

He would strike first.

“Where do you think you’re going!”

Realizing his intentions, Sword Saint charged forward like lightning, filled with anger.

He was Sword Saint.

He wasn’t so washed up that he would need to yield to a snot-nosed kid!

His sword flowed smoothly, searching for an opening.


The two wooden swords clashed forcefully.

Sword Saint’s sword gently pierced Kim Minwoo.

As soft as a gentle breeze.

And sometimes as fierce as a storm.

The Wind Sword Technique.

A terrifying swordsmanship that relentlessly pursued its opponent with endless coordination, without a single opening.

Kim Minwoo barely managed to block and dodge, teetering on the edge of danger like a tightrope walker.

Sword Saint’s attack continued without pause.

In an instant, Kim Minwoo was on the defensive.

But his eyes shone brighter than ever.

‘Head, shoulder, waist, neck, shoulder, arm… .’

Recalling the path of the Wind Sword Technique, he suddenly swung his wooden sword.


Sword Saint quickly twisted his shoulder to avoid it.

But Kim Minwoo’s attack wasn’t over yet.

His sword followed like a snake, piercing Sword Saint’s armpit.


For a brief moment.

It wasn’t just Kim Minwoo’s sword that had attacked. As expected of a master, Sword Saint’s wooden sword had also fiercely struck his shoulder.

At that moment…….

[Awakening begins!]

[Achievement is blooming!]

The achievement began to bloom.

The two men took two steps back at the same time.

Sword Saint’s face hardened.

Kim Minwoo’s sudden thrust a moment ago.

It had accurately pierced through the gap in the Wind Sword Technique.

A gap that even he himself had not been aware of.

“……How did you find out?”

“Hoo. It just felt like the right time to thrust.”

Kim Minwoo said, panting and smiling.

“……Have you ever learned the sword before?”


Kim Minwoo, 23 years old.

He had never learned the sword.

It was an undeniable truth.

Sword Saint nodded, seeing his unwavering eyes.

“I apologize.”

“What for?”

“I should have asked for this duel first.”

“In that case, please do your best in this duel. Until one of us falls.”



[Translator – Prøks]

[Proofreader – Prøks]

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“I understand.”

Sword Saint admitted it cleanly.

In terms of pure swordsmanship, this young boy was an opponent worthy of being called his equal.

No, considering that he had found a gap that even he had not been able to find for years…

It could even be said that this boy was more dangerous.

Sword Saint’s eyes became even more serious.

* * *


At the faint cheers, Seo Yerim, who had been sitting cross-legged with her eyes closed, opened her eyes.

The inside of the swordsmanship hall was unusually noisy today.

‘What’s going on today? There shouldn’t be any special events… .’

The only thing she could remember was that Gaemangu was supposed to visit the swordsmanship hall.

Feeling curious, she came out of the training room.

She saw several instructors moving busily.

“Excuse me, what’s going on?”

“Sword Saint is in the middle of a duel.”

“My grandfather? With whom?”

Seo Yerim’s eyes sparkled.

Sword Saint Seo Jinchul.

The greatest and most brilliant swordsman in the world.

Naturally, his duel was worth watching.

She was very curious about who her grandfather, whom she respected so much, was dueling against.

Of course, the opponent must also be a great person.

Several figures flashed through Seo Yerim’s mind.

Shin Chang, Kwon Wang, Dokma…

All of them are superhumans ranked in the top 10 of the Korean Awakened.

At that level, it would be worth my grandfather’s time to move personally.

And then…

The instructor who was scratching his head said.

“Uh, that’s… that’s Kim Minwoo.”


Kim Minwoo? Are you talking about that Kim Minwoo?

No way…

“It’s the Kim Minwoo who was supposed to visit here today.”

However, the instructor’s next words shattered her thoughts.

Seo Yerim was shocked.

She hated Kim Minwoo.

The way he openly ogled her body was still vivid in her mind.

A pathetic and disgusting human being.

That guy is dueling with her grandfather?

Even she, his granddaughter, couldn’t do that?

“No, why is my grandfather dueling with that pervert? He doesn’t know something, does he?”

“Well… I heard he bet a 100 billion won on the duel.”

“A 100 billion won?”

“Yes. He said he would donate all of it to the swordsmanship hall, whether he wins or loses…”

“Is he crazy? A 100 billion won…”

Only then did Seo Yerim realize why Sword Saint had moved personally.

A 100 billion won is not an amount that even Sword Saint can easily ignore.

With that money, he could upgrade the training facilities of the swordsmanship hall to the latest models. It was a considerable amount of money to give a makeover to a rundown place.

So that’s it.

Why would my grandfather move personally to deal with that good-for-nothing?

He’s nothing but a deadbeat with money.

It was money, after all.

“I should go watch it. Would you like to join me, instructor?”

She said with a bright smile, her mood having improved dramatically.

She could watch the good-for-nothing getting beaten up, and at the same time, she could change the old and worn-out interior facilities.

It was truly killing two birds with one stone.

And so, she moved to where the duel was taking place with the instructor.

“This is ridiculous…”

Yerim was shocked.

Did someone hypnotize him?

If not, she didn’t think she could understand the sight before her eyes.

It was definitely Kim Minwoo.

But Kim Minwoo was fiercely exchanging swords with Sword Saint.

It was impressive enough that he was able to block the storm-like sword attacks but.


“He got hit again?”

“Twice. Sword Saint has already been pierced twice… .”

“How can he… .”

Between Sword Saint’s attacks, Kim Minwoo could be seen counterattacking with his sword in a breathtaking display.

‘What is this?’

Seo Yerim felt a sense of awe as she watched Kim Minwoo’s sword.

A duel that was fought with the pure skill of the body, without a single ounce of mana.

It was an art form.

Only then did Yerim realize why the cheers were constantly erupting.

It was already amazing that he could withstand the Wind Sword Technique without allowing any effective hits, but on top of that, he was also counterattacking.

And he was doing it using a swordsmanship that didn’t look ordinary at a glance.

“You’re doing pretty well!”

“Ha! You too, old man!”

“Hehehe, you little brat!”

The two swordsmen were having a blast in the small world of the training hall.

It was the first time she had seen her grandfather enjoying himself so much.


Yerim bit her lip.

She had devoted her life to the sword in order to be recognized by her respected grandfather. She had even earned a reputation at the age of twenty-two.

Sword Phoenix Seo Yerim

She was proud of herself.

Even if it wasn’t now.

She had thought that she would definitely be the first swordsman to be recognized by her grandfather.

But at this rate, it seemed like she was going to… lose that.

To that good-for-nothing, who she hated even more than she disliked.

A cold sweat ran down her forehead.

* * *

2 minutes.

4 minutes.

5 minutes.

As the duel continued, Kim Minwoo was gradually pushed onto the defensive.

‘My stamina is running out.’

No matter how much Sword Saint had restrained his physical abilities, he was still an S-class Awakened.

His natural recovery ability was bound to be different.

Sword Saint’s speed did not decrease.

He didn’t get tired either.

But Minwoo was different.

He was a good-for-nothing who had played around for 23 years.

How good could his stamina be?

Swordsmanship is also something that can only be used when you have the strength to move your body.

An ordinary person would be exhausted after only 3 minutes of sparring.

This was not even an ordinary sparring session, but a duel against Sword Saint.

A tremendous sword fight.

In just 6 minutes, he felt like his brain was going to burn out and he was getting dizzy.

His whole body was trembling.

He was holding on with superhuman mental strength, but even that had its limits.

That’s when it happened.

Sword Saint’s spirit, which had been wielding the sword in a state of no-self, suddenly flared up.

‘This is bad.’

Sword Saint felt a sense of defeat.

The wall that had been blocking him.

It seemed like he was about to see that wall now!

He had been dueling for too long.

On the contrary, it was strange that Kim Minwoo had lasted this long.

‘What an amazing mental strength.’

His surprise was short-lived.

Sword Saint’s heart warmed as he looked at Kim Minwoo, as if he was looking at his grandson.

“I was only thinking about myself, I’m sorry.”

“…Huff. You haven’t forgotten the promise we made earlier, have you?”

He still needed to do more to raise his achievement.

He needed to be hit more.

If it ended here, it would be all for nothing!

Please hit me more!

Kim Minwoo said it nobly.

“…Yes, it was until one of us falls.”

Sword Saint nodded and replied.

The victory and defeat seemed clear.

However, even in a position where he seemed like he could fall at any moment, Kim Minwoo never flinched.

His eyes were still full of determination.

Iron-like tenacity.

Indomitable will.

Even the desire for victory!

This young man was already a complete swordsman.

“Yes. Long or short.”

“You have to try to know.”


A smile appeared on the corners of their lips.

“Take this, too.”

Sword Saint rushed forward and thrust his wooden sword.

Head, shoulder, body.

Three precisely linked sword strikes.

‘I can’t block it.’

It seemed like he would be completely knocked down if he took this.

Instead of giving up defending, Kim Minwoo attacked as if to die together.

His wooden sword passed through the three-pronged sword strike and struck Sword Saint’s chest.


Smack! Crack! Bam!

Cleanly, three hits in total.

He had achieved his initial goal against Sword Saint.

And then, when their wooden swords each struck their bodies.

Kim Minwoo fell to the ground with a thud.

And then,

A bright blue light burst out of his body.

It was definitely an Awakening.

And it was an Awakening that was close to the highest level!


“It’s an Awakening!”

“What kind of achievement is it that it’s shining like that…!”



[Translator – Prøks]

[Proofreader – Prøks]

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